Orcus was a demon lord and master of the undead, born a mortal, raised by a Death Cult, and trained as a necromancer. He was a wicked evil monster of a man, and after his death, his soul, like the souls of all chaotic evil mortals, went to the Abyss and began his afterlife as a lowly larva. Orcus proceeded to climb through the demonic ranks over the next several thousand years, going from larva to mane, from mane to dretch, from dretch to rutterkin, from rutterkin to vrock, from vrock to glabrezu, from glabrezu to nalfeshnee, and eventually a balor. From there, he ascended to the rank of demon lord, becoming the Prince of the Undead and ruling the layer of Thanatos, the Belly of Death. Even though there are other demon lords aspiring to the title of "Prince of the Undead", Orcus' claim to the title went unchallenged for the most part. Ever hungry for more power, Orcus wanted to be recognized as "Prince of Demons", a title held by Demogorgon and coveted also by Graz'zt. As a result, he became the arch-enemy of both demon lords. In time, Orcus also achieved true godhood. Orcus cared for nothing save himself—not even his devotees and undead servants—and focused only on spreading misery and evil. One of his most identifiable symbols was the artifact known as the Wand of Orcus, a skull-topped wand with the power to slay any living being. Orcus also wielded a powerful artifact known as the Orcusword.

Orcus went unchallenged for the better part when the Drow Goddess Kiaransalee conspired with Demongorgon and Graz'zt to eliminate Orcus for some unknown slight. Orcus had become the patron of the Witch King Arekal Mordnakon of Vron, aiding him in his quest to become a lich. Priests of Orcus supported Mordnakon, when Mordnakon created the Castle City of Grimvorne, giving the lich to create and control many undead creatures. Mordnakon in alliance with the Archwizards of Myraletch attacked The Elves of Kael with his army, but lost his power when King Endar Arcelduin of Kael, with the secret help of agents of Demongorgon and Graz'zt, killed the lich and banished Orcus's power from the realm by stealing his wand. Mordnakon's undead army disintegrated and Vron cursed. Simultaneously, Orcus was slain by the drow demi-goddess Kiaransalee, who took over rulership of Orcus' layer of the Abyss and locked his wand away in the last layer of Pandemonium. Kiaransalee decreed that Orcus' name be erased from all existence. The conspiracy worked and Orcus was slain. Orcus, however, being ever paranoid and prepared had taken steps for his return. Orcus had tied his life force to his wand and as the wand was indestructible Orcus's life force could not be extinguished, and his soul was also hidden away with the wand. And over the next 2000 years he slowly regenerated and took a new form and name. That of Thaid.

Thaid sought out a distant worlds and perverted small death cults. He then sought out various gods of death and formed alliances and even gave himself in service to the death god Harken. Thaid helped Harken transform that world from one of the living worlds to a dead world.

He then moved on to a new world to continue his service to Harken. He looked about the world and discovered that necromancy was almost unknown to the people. He walked the world spreading his knowledge of dark magic. His works drew the attention of the Dark gods Set and Anubis, and soon along with his patron god Harken, bowed before their power and pledged himself to their purposes. All the while plotting his revenge on Kiaransalee and his eventual rebirth as "Prince of Demons". His identity as Orcus is a secret unknown to any and he has even courted Kiaransalee and become her lover all the while scheming and planning her ultimate destruction.


Unlike deities of other worlds, Thaid receives power from his sentient undead worshipers as well as his living ones so he encourages his faithful to seek undeath. He is worshipped by those dying, by undead, and by necromancers. As Lord of the undead, Thaid symbolizes vampirism, depravity, rebirth and the nocturnal predator. He exudes an air of cold authority, as he seems to have some invisible aura that makes mortals feel strangely uncomfortable. His commandments are:

There are many small cults and several small temples to Thaid. Typically the temples are hidden from view or reinforced for protection from good beings, like paladins and deathmaidens. All sentient undead are provided sanctuary within the walls of a temple or cult of Thaid, unless the creature fails to pay proper respect or would bring unwanted attention to the faithful. The clerics of Thaid say their prayers at midnight and always perform a simple ritual to create an undead creature. Adventuring clerics will often turn small mammals, reptiles, birds, or insects into skeletons or zombies so as to perform the necessary ritual ceremony, but not cause suspicion.

Symbols and Regalia

Priests and particularly influential followers of Thaid are called Skulls, while high priests are called Skull Lords. Often, a single Skull Lord gains so much power and influence among the followers of Thaid that he adopts the mantle of Skull King or Skull Queen. It is common for followers of Orcus to carry black, skull-topped scepters around, not in order to fool anyone into thinking that they wield the actual Wand of Orcus, but to represent and remind others of their lord's dread might. They also often wear skull masks and black robes with hoods or silver robes.


Special rites and rituals are held on the nights of the new moon and the last day of the year for his worshipers. Services feature weird humming and droning chants in near darkness lit only by vile green necromantic light and the faithful are expected to either create undead or bring a corpse to a cleric so that they may create the undead.

Treatment of Worshipers, Priests and Organizations

Thaid isn’t one for orderly training or organization, so neither are his priests. Thus, training consists of little more than a grisly oath, the introduction to the mythology of Thaid, and a hearty strike with a skull headed rod to complete the process. Clerics of Thaid are very open. They enjoy torturing others and spreading disease and blight. They travel to lands to discover new diseases or to spread them. Some being undead themselves can talk to Thaid and ask him for guidance. The most common refrain in a prayer to Thaid is a confirmatory phrase at the end of a declaration, something like “. . . or let Thaid strike me dead and steal my eternal soul.”


Name: Thaid (Orcus)

Alignment: Diabolic

Size: 12 feet (4 meters) tall.

Horror/Awe Factor: 17

Occupational Classes: Necromancer, Priest, Diabolist, Wizard and Mind Mage.
Natural Abilities: Astral travel, superior vision like that of a hawk, nightvision 4000 feet (1200 m), see the invisible, see the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums, smell blood two miles away (3.2 km), recognize the scent of human blood 90%, Reads, writes and speaks all languages, regeneration of 4D6 points of damage once every melee round, charm, love charm, mesmerism (all three identical to the wizard spells, saving throw of 14 or higher needed), see the invisible, summon 100-600 bats, summon 10-60 dogs or wolves, turn into mist, and Metamorphosis self.

Deific Powers: Thaid has the full range of power over his followers, and can perform all prototypical deific powers, as well as the following special powers:

Priest/Healing Powers: Exorcism 60%, turn dead 80%, remove curse 31%, remove deific curse 21%, resurrection 33%, curse 41%, and healing touch (2D6).

Magic Powers: All wizard and Necromancer spells, also knows all symbols, wards, curses and circles. Note: Opponents must roll a 16 or higher to save vs magic.

Psionic Powers: 2,950 I.S.P., with all abilities.

Favorite Weapons: Thaid has four weapons, the Wand of Orcus, Orcusword, The Scythe of Orcus and Skrellig

    Skrellig: Thaid's rune pitchfork, which is constructed from the skeleton of a demon and is considered a greatest rune weapon. It has an IQ of 17, is +5 to Strike and Damage does 6D6 Damage and has the full range of rune abilities plus the following special powers.

    • Soul Drinker: The drinking of souls is the actual absorption and imprisonment of one's life essence. The victim's blood must be drawn by this weapon before it can devour the life essence. When the soul is devoured the Demon's skull of the pitchfork opens it's mouth and lets out a blood curdling scream. A victim devoured by this rune weapon is forever lost. Skrellig is limited to a maximum of 1D6 souls per day. Victims of a soul drinking attack get to save vs magic, but must roll a 14 or higher. A successful save means the victim's essence is saved but suffers double damage
    • Necromantic Magic: Able to cast the following Four Necromancy spells per once per day.
      1. Animate Dead Animals: This spell creates undead skeletons and zombies from the bones and bodies of dead animals, specifically vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). The animated remains obey simple verbal commands given by the caster, regardless of the language employed. Only naturally occurring animals of no higher than semi-intelligence can be animated with this particular spell (lizards, cats, frogs, weasels, tigers, and so on), including minimals and non-magical, giant-sized animals. These undead remain animated until they are destroyed in combat or turned; the animating magic cannot be dispelled. The number of undead that can be animated is 6D6
      2. Corpse Link: With this spell, a sensory link is established between the owner of the Weapon and a corpse or freshly animated zombie of a human, demihuman, or humanoid within a 60 foot range. This link allows the caster to gather sensory information from the vicinity of the cadaver or undead being.
        1. Sight: The caster can see what the corpse or undead creature sees as if looking through one of the creature's eyes.
        2. Sound: The wizard can now hear through one ear, exactly as if standing at the corpse's current location (if a wizard/thief, the caster can use his or her hear noise ability too).
        3. Smell: With one nostril, the wizard can now smell things exactly as if standing at the corpse's current location. The spell conveniently masks the putrefying stench of the cadaver (if any) so that subtle variations of aroma (like the scent of a rose) can easily be detected.
        4. Taste: The caster can taste any substance which is introduced into the corpse's mouth. The substance (which may be solid or liquid) tastes exactly as if the wizard had placed it on one side of his or her own tongue. This can be especially useful when checking for poison in food or identifying unknown potions. Thankfully, the taste of the corpse's own rotting flesh can be masked out by the spell.
        5. Touch: The caster gains the ability to sense the textural and environmental conditions, with a single hand, as if standing at the corpse's location. The wizard can gauge the surface texture and temperature of any object or substance which is placed in contact with the corresponding hand of the corpse.
        The caster collects all the sensory information through a single organ (eye, ear, nostril, half of the tongue, or hand) belonging to the corpse or undead recipient. This organ need not be attached to the rest of the cadaver for the spell to function properly. While the spell is in effect, the wizard can still see/hear/smell/taste/touch normally through other (unlinked) organs. For example, a necromancer harvests the left eye from a fresh cadaver (with a successful Anatomy ability check) and places it on a high ledge, with a strategic view of a front door. If the spell is now cast, the wizard's left eye would be able to see through the left eye of the corpse and spy on any visitors, while his or her right eye remains normal.
        Furthermore, if the target of the spell is a zombie, the magic enables the caster to issue simple commands to the undead creature via this link. The commands can be no longer than four words and can deal only with the creature's movement (turn left, walk forward two steps, and so on) If either the caster or the undead creature moves beyond the range of the spell, the effects arc negated. Corpse link does not impart any animation to dead tissue; if cast on a regular cadaver, it remains stationary for the duration of the spell.
      3. Brainkill: This spell, which operates much like a forget spell, can permanently burn from the memory of any one creature all knowledge of either a specific place or person or a time period of up to one year (the spellcaster may choose the desired result). The spell works on any intelligent creature by destroying a portion of its brain, but a victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. death magic to resist the effects of the spell. If successful, the creature suffers only a painful headache, which dissipates in 1-4 hours but is otherwise harmless. If failed, the victim suffers 1-6 points of damage from an excruciating headache, leaving him or her with selected gaps in his memory.
        Brainkill can affect only the victim's memory and ability to recall factual information. For example, a person thus affected might be completely unable to remember details of a place, the name, appearance, or any traits of a person, or might have a one-year blank in his or her memory. The spell has no effect on a persons learned abilities or skills. For instance, suppose an individual gained a swimming proficiency six months before coming under the influence of this spell. While the victim will no longer recall the swimming lessons, he or she still retains the ability, though it might not become evident until the victim jumps into a large body of water. Aside from relearning it as best as one can, the lost knowledge and memories can never be regained except by a wish.
      4. Bone Blight: This nasty curse slowly erodes the healthy bone of any chosen creature within a range of 60 feet, who is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. If failed, all bone in the creature slowly begins to dissolve, eventually reducing it to a quivering mound of formless flesh. Except for experiencing a strange "tingling sensation" at the time of casting, the victim is not immediately aware of the spell's effect (making it even more insidious). In the short term (starting at the moment of casting up to the first full day), the bones of the victim become embrittled, greatly increasing his or her susceptibility to crushing attacks or falling damage. At the onset, the subject of this spell sustains double normal damage from such attacks; by the end of the first day, the victim's current hit points are reduced by 20%. In the medium term (lasting ld6+l days from the time of the casting), a victim is subject to frequent, painful fractures. All attacks by piercing and slashing weapons inflict double normal damage, while crushing attacks inflict quadruple damage. By the end of this period, the creature's hit points are reduced by 60%. In the terminal stage of this spell, a victim's bones finally dissolve, collapsing the subject's spine and skull, bringing a slow and painful death.
        While under the effects of this spell, the victim's body is unable to undergo normal healing processes. Magical healing (spells or potions) slows the onset of the terminal stage, but it cannot halt the bone loss process completely. Every 10 hp of magical healing effectively prolongs the victim's life in the intermediate stage of the affliction for one full day. The slow dissolution of bone can only be halted by a successful dispel magic or by remove curse, cure disease, heal, or restoration spell. Once the spell has been broken, lost hit points can be healed by normal or magical means. This spell only works on living creatures and have no effect if cast on undead.

        Wand of Orcus: The wand of Orcus is a 3 foot long black obsidian and iron scepter topped with the skull of a Human Paladin, with the smooth haft studded with blood rubies. It is used as a Heavy Mace and is an artifact of malefic might. The wand communicates silently with its owner, in Abyssal, using brutal and gory imagery to highlight its blood-soaked ends. When wielded in melee the wand functioned as a +6 unholy chaotic heavy mace. If anyone but it's owner tries to use the wand, there is a 75% chance he or she will die immediately. The owner of the Wand of Orcus can call upon each of the following powers once per day:

          Primary Power:

          • Touch of Death – Save v. Magic
        1. Minor Benign Powers:
          • Animate Dead, by touch – 1 Figure, 7 times/week
          • Zombie Animation – 1 time/day
          • Animate object upon command - 1 time/day.
          • Detect Invisibility (when held and ordered)
          • Detect Magic – 3 times/day
          • Protection of +2 when held or worn.
          • Fly when held and ordered - 3 times/day.

          Major Benign Powers:

          • Dispel Magic (upon command) – 2 times/day
          • Polymorph Self – 7 times/week
          • Regenerate 2 h.p./turn (but not if killed).
          • Resurrection - 7 times/week.
          • Cause Disease by touch

          Minor Malevolent Effects:

          • Holy water within 10’ becomes polluted

        Orcusword: +6 Unholy vorpal Greatsword

        Scythe of Orcus: Made entirely out of yellowed bone, the Scythe of Orcus has the strength and hardness of adamantine. It can sever the heads of opponents like a vorpal sword. Anything slain by the Scythe of Orcus (but not beheaded) rises again as a free-willed undead creature, and the wielder of the Scythe can magically summon these undead creatures. The Scythe is intelligent and Diabolic in alignment, and can communicate with its wielder by empathy. If the wielder works to promote the will of Orcus, the Scythe is happy, but if not then the Scythe tried to gain control and attack its wielder, returning to Orcus with a blast of hot sulfurous wind if it kills its wielder.


      • Full Plate Armour Weightless and Noiseless AR: 18 SDC: 700

      Alliances & Allies: He has a very amiable relationship with the Demon Lords, although one would be hard put to call them allies, and he gets along with most of the evil gods. He has allied himself in the past with Set and Anubis and they regularly exchange greetings through deific messengers.

      Enemies: All the Gods of Light, Kiaransalee(Though he is pretending to be her lover)


      1. Only silver, Holy Weapons, or magical attacks. He is unaffected by most of the other things that hurt other vampires.
      2. Need for Blood. Although he has a limitless supply (after all, he has hundreds of thousands of devoted followers), this could still be a problem if he were to spend any time away from his realm. He is accustomed to drinking blood every 12 hours.
      3. Arrogance. He tends to see everyone, even other gods, as lesser beings. For this reason he tends to underestimate threats.

Minions: None per say but has influence over all undead.