Horus, The Great Falcon

Horus, the Great Falcon, also known as Harmakhis, is the symbol of the horizon and the rising sun. He is the son of Isis and Osiris. Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis which was thrown into the River Styx and eaten by a crocodile. Isis used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a golden phallus to conceive her son. Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she fled to hide from her brother Set who jealously killed Osiris and who she knew would want to kill their son. There Isis bore a divine son, Horus.

Horus is one of the most significant deities in pantheon of Light and Dark, and has been worshipped in many different forms, from a God of the Hunt to a god of Law as he he plays a key role as Osiris's heir and the rival to Set, the murderer of Osiris. Horus serves many functions in the pantheon, but most notably being a god of the sky, war and hunting.

He was most often depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine, or as a man with a falcon head.

Holy Symbol of Horus

Horus is gentle and caring, especially toward weaker creatures such as the mortals of his subject's Worlds. He can be the soul of tenderness and compassion and has shown mercy even to his most hated enemies on the field of battle. He hates Set and Anubis above all the other dark gods, because they are responsible for the death of Osiris. He has swom to avenge his father's death. He is the champion of light and justice

Real Name: Harmakhis Heru-Ur-Sebhest
Alignment: Scrupulous good
Size: 19 feet (5.85 m) tall.
Description: A giant Falcon-headed humanoid, with golden skin. He also uses metamorphosis to look completely human, usually with a bushy mane of bronze or golden hair, green eyes and a dark complexion.
Attributes: I.Q.: 21, M.E.: 28, M.A.: 26, P.S.: 40, P.P.: 26, P.E.: 27, P.B.: 25, Spd.: 88 (60 mph/96 km) running or 293 flying (200 mph/321 km), PER.: 32, Luck: 30, REF.: 49.
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit points: 12,600.
S.D.C.: 14,000
P.P.E.: 2,500
Horror/Awe Factor: 16
Experience Levels: 15th level Warlock of air and fire, 15th level Ranger and 15th level Diabolist.
Natural Abilities: Keen hawk-like vision enabling him to see up to two miles (3.2 km) away. Nightvision 600 feet (183 m), see the invisible, track by sight 80%, prowl 60%, swim 60%, climb 60%, walk tight rope 80%, flying back flip 80%, sense of balance 80%, leap 100 feet (30.5 m) up or lengthwise, fly, resistant to heat and fire (half damage), magically understands all languages, metamorphosis: humanoid, and bio-regeneration 1D6x1OO points of damage per minute and can regrow a new appendage, organ or eye within a week.
Deific Powers: Horus has the full range of power over his followers, and can perform all prototypical deific powers at one half the cost in P.P.E., but has regular body investment costs, as well as the following special powers:

Priest/Healing Powers: Exorcism 80%, turn dead 97% (affecting 2D6x1OO dead at a time), healing touch (restores 4D6 S.D.C or hit points and can be performed twice per melee round).
Magic Powers: All Warlock spells of the fire and Air elements. Note: Opponents must roll a 15 or higher to save vs any of Ra's magic.
Psionic Powers: 2,000 I.S.P., 15th level Master Psionic who has all powers.
Skills of Note: Basic and advanced math, astronomy, navigation, land navigation, fishing, herbology, cook, pilot sail and row boats, horsemanship: knight, speaks and reads Dragonese/Elf, Gobblely and Faerie Speak and all Military and Wilderness skills. All skills are at 98%.
Attacks Per Melee Round: Seven physical or two by magic.
Special Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +5 on initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +5 to dodge when flying, +6 to pull punch, +1 to save vs psionic attack, +8 to save vs horror factor, +2 to all other saving throws, and 75% to charm or impress.
Favorite Weapons: Tends to rely on natural abilities, magic and magic items as a sphinx. Can use any weapon type or his magic spear when in humanoid form.
  1. The Spear of Horus: A long, dark grey metal shaft with a long spear blade at the top, indestructible and covered in runes. It is deceptively heavy and requires a minimum strength of 24 to wield it. Its I.Q. is 11, unprincipled, and it has a telepathic link with Horus. Any creature of evil alignment attempting to touch it suffers !1D4x1O points of damage. In combat it does 1D6x1O damage when thrown, 2D4x1O when used as a stabbing weapon. Throwing range is 3,000 feet (910 meters), with +2 to strike. After it hits, the spear instantly disappears and reappears in the hands of the thrower. When it hits it causes shape changers and those using metamorphosis to instantly transform into their natural form (no save is applicable).
    Spell Magic: Can cast each spell six times per 24 hour period:
  2. Globe of daylight
  3. ignite fire
  4. fuel flame
  5. circle of flame
  6. extinguish fires
  7. heal burns (special: completely restores bum victims to full health without scarring).
    Spell strength is equal to a 10th level sorcerer.

Armour: Horus can use any human type of armor
Alliances & Allies: Horus is dedicated to Isis and loyal to Ra and the other gods of the pantheon. He is also the cousin of the Great White Sphinx.
Enemies: The sworn enemy of Set, Anubis, and Apepi. Furthermore, he has earned the enmity of many lesser beings.
  1. Physically, none to speak of, but he does have a tendency to be selfish and obsessive.
  2. Egotistical. Horns thinks a great deal of himself, and very little of those who he thinks of as "lesser" beings.

Minions: None
