
Isis is the symbol of nature, love, as well as the patroness of magic and warriors. She is the supreme All Mother of the gods of Ma'ip, renowned for her power and beauty. She is also known by different names and is worshipped as dozens of other goddesses by other people throughout the Megaverse. To avoid offending her, she should be addressed: "O Thou of Countless Names."

Isis is worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. She is the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and the downtrodden, but she also listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers. Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children.

Isis worship typically takes place within an Iseum (temple). Isis receives the same sort of rituals as other Deities of Light, including daily offerings. She is served by both priests and priestesses Who often marry each other. The majority of her priests and priestesses have a reputation for wisdom and healing, and are said to have other special powers, including dream interpretation and the ability to control the weather.

Holy Symbol of Isis

She married her brother, Osiris, and she conceived Horus with him. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Using her magical skills, she restored his body to life after having gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set. Isis is the eternal foe of Set, Anubis, and the gods who helped slay her beloved husband. She is the champion of light and the protectress of mortals from the corruption of Set and supernatural evil. She is a great warrior, compassionate, merciful, kind and honorable. She is outraged by injustice and always tries to right a wrong.

It is believed that Isis holds the knowledge of Ra's "True Name" gained when a demonic snake to bite him. Isis traded the antidote to its venom for his name.

Real Name: Isis Sebhest
Alignment: Principled good
Size: 20 feet (6 m) tall.
Description: A magnificent dark haired beauty with cow-like horns and great feathered wings. She is usually holding a torch and has a quiver of arrows and a black bow slung over her shoulder.
Attributes: I.Q.: 24, M.E.: 25, M.A.: 27, P.S.: 37, P.P.: 27, P.E.: 27, P.B.: 27, Spd.: 77 (53 mph/85 km) running or 220 flying (150 mph/241 km). PER.: 35, Luck: 30, REF.: 46.
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit points: 11,800.
S.D.C.: 9,200
P.P.E.: 8,000
Horror/Awe Factor: 17
Experience Levels: 15th level Wizard, 15th level Paladin and 15th level Diabolist.
Natural Abilities: Astral travel at will, keen hawk-like vision enabling her to see up to two miles (3.2 km) away. Nightvision 200 feet (61 m), see the invisible, knows all languages, teleport 94%, dimensional teleport 85%, metamorphosis at will (any humanoid, animal or bird; unlimited duration), fly, resistant to heat, cold, and fire (half damage), and she can summon 1D4 Spirits of Light (any type of her choosing). She can appear completely human through metamorphosis, a natural ability. Bio-regeneration of 1D4x1OO points of damage per minute and can regrow a new limb over night.
Deific Powers: Isis has the full range of power over her followers, and can perform all prototypical deific powers at regular cost, as well as the following special power:

Priest/Healing Powers: Exorcism 81%, turn dead 81% (affecting 1D6x1OO dead at a time), remove curse 86%, healing touch (restores 3D6 S.D.C or hit points and can be performed twice per melee round).
Magic Powers: All Wizard spells, including Legendary. All Diabolist magic powers, including runes, symbols, wards, and the knowledge of circles of protection and summoning.
Psionic Powers: 3,000 I.S.P. All healing and sensitive abilities, plus psi-sword, psi-shield, P.P.E. shield, group mind block, and mind block auto-defense.
Skills of Note: Basic and advanced math, astronomy, navigation, land navigation, wilderness survival, intelligence, medicine, identify plants and fruits, preserve food, cook, horsemanship: knight, and military and W.P. skills at 98%.
Attacks Per Melee Round: Eight physical or psionic, or Three by magic.
Special Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +5 on initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +10 to pull punch, +10 to save vs horror factor, +2 on all other saving throws, 92% to evoke feelings of intimidation or trust, and 83% to charm or impress.
Favorite Weapons: Her two favorite weapons are her rune torch and magic bow and arrows. Isis can use just about any type of weapon but tends to rely on her natural, psionic, and magic powers.
  1. The Eternal Torch: A greatest rune weapon of an especially unusual design. Made of black metal, it is in the form of a hand-held torch with a constant, even flame emanating from the top. The flame cannot be doused and will dispel magic darkness and fog within a 60 foot (18.3 meter) radius. It has a telepathic link to Isis, an I.Q. of 12, and a scrupulous alignment; any creature of evil or anarchist alignment touching it is burnt with 1D4x1O points of damage.
    Torch's Spell Magic: Six times each day it can cast -
    1. globe of daylight
    2. ignite fire
    3. fuel flame
    4. circle of flame
    5. extinguish fires
    6. and heal burns (special: completely restores burn victims to full health without scarring), with spell strength equal to an 8th level sorcerer.
    It does 1D4x1OO damage when used as a flaming club, with triple damage to the undead, mummies, or anything made of wood or cloth.
  2. Magic Long Bow and Moon Beam Arrows: The bow requires a strength of 24 or better to pull back. The arrows are said to be moon beams made of silver energy, +3 to strike, which inflict 1D4x1OO damage and double against undead, deevils, demons, and other evil supernatural beings. Range of a silver moon beam arrow is 4,000 feet (1,200 meters). Isis never has fewer than a dozen silver moon beam arrows.
  3. The Sword of Isis: Known as the "Retributor," this is a greatest rune bastard sword created by Thoth, designed specifically for combating supernatural monsters. It is black in color, with a halo of pale blue light. It has a scrupulous alignment, I.Q. of 15, and a telepathic link to Isis. If any creature of evil or anarchist alignment touches it, they suffer 1D6x1OO points of damage.
    In combat the sword does 1D6x1OO damage, and double damage to the undead. The sword's most awesome power is called "The Light of Retribution," a devastating mystic energy blast that does absolutely nothing to good or selfish characters but inflicts 1D6x 1,000 damage to evil supernatural monsters and creatures of magic, such as dragons and demons! +3 to strike, no saving throw is applicable. The light of retribution can be fired six times within a 24 hour period.

Armour: Crimson and gold plate armor, A.R. 18, S.D.C. 3,000.
Alliances & Allies: Isis is respected by most good people and champions of light.
Enemies: The warrior goddess is the bane of all evil gods. She is the eternal enemy of Set, Anubis, Apepi, the jinn and vampires.
Vulnerabilities: Rune magic and weapons mad from silver inflict double damage.
In many times, and on many worlds, Isis has created mortal manifestations of herself, almost always as a female warrior in some humanoid form.
Minions: Isis has no regular group of beings that can be called her minions. She will work with any creature of a good alignment championing a just cause. She is attracted to other supernatural beings, the spirits of light, elementals, great warriors, ancient dragons and powerful creatures of magic.
