Osiris the Lawgiver

Osiris was the greatest of the Gods of Light, the symbol of sun, life, and law. Betrayed by his son, Anubis, and slain by his brother Set, his death is a shadow that still covers the pantheon after thousands of years. After his death, Set tore his body into 14 parts, enchanted them, and scattered them across the world to prevent his resurrection and restoration. So many thousands of years have passed that Osiris' body has long since decayed, leaving only his 14 preserved or petrified remnants. Each body part is indestructible and possesses great magic power, and each is a potential weapon to be used by good or evil.

So great was the power of Osiris that even after death his worshipers still weild the power of their god as if he were still living. Osiris is commonly depicted as a pharaoh with a complexion of green (the color of rebirth) in mummiform (wearing the trappings of mummification from chest downward). He wears the Atef crown, which is a White crown with the addition of two curling ostrich feathers at each side. He also carries the crook and flail.

According to the myth of the Church, Isis has spent aeons searching for the scattered pieces of her dead husband. Whenever she finds one, she builds a shrine — often a stone pyramid, with both magical and supernatural guardians. She is also said to have built many false shrines to dissuade grave robbers and the power hungry from stealing the magical remains. All of the known shrines are guarded by dedicated worshippers who consider it part of their holy duties to the Church of Light and Dark, Isis, and the sub-sect of Osiris.

Holy Symbol of Osiris

To her disappointment Isis seldom has more than one-third of the parts of Osiris enshrined and protected at any given time, but it is said that if she ever succeeds, she will be able to bring the god back to life.

Set's minions frequently search for, find and steal the sacred items, in addition to the many others who are attracted by their power.

Real Name: Osiris
Alignment: Principled
Magic: Low level wizards and priests who possess any of the parts of Osiris will find they can cast spells or perform prayers as if they were 8th level.
The Parts of Osiris

  1. Right hand: The petrified stone hand, which is missing its index finger, doubles the wielder's natural strength (treat as supernatural P.S.), and can create an invisible telekinetic force capable of holding or carrying 500 pounds (225 kg). This same force can grab an opponent as if clasped in a giant hand and crush him, inflicting !D4xlO damage per melee round!
  2. Right index finger: The petrified finger locates secret compartments/ doors (89%), as well as finds water, ley lines or nexus centers. It is used like a dowsing rod, extended so the finger can point down or to the side to indicate something interesting (100 mile/160 km range).
  3. Left hand: This is a hand that seems made of solid gold. Can do each of the following 6 times daily: Dispel magic barriers, healing touch (2D4xlO S.D.C./hit points) and negate poison (including magic potions and herbs).
  4. Left foot: The giant-sized stone foot doubles a character's natural speed, plus the character is +3 to dodge, can leap 30 feet (9 meters) high or 25 feet (7.6 meters) across, and perform leap kicks (inflicts double damage).
  5. Rib cage: The giant rib cage seems to be made completely of gold. It conforms to fit around any sized chest. The wearer gains an additional 50 S.D.C., and those S.D.C. regenerate every hour. The wearer is also resistant to fire and cold (half damage). In addition, the character is +1 on all saving throws.
  6. Right eye: A large diamond that enables the character who possesses it to see the invisible (including astral travelers and Elementals) and have nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m). Other perception abilities include a type of x-ray vision that allows one to see through any material (other than lead) up to five feet (1.5 m; similar to the spell) and provides perfect, clear vision.
  7. Left eye: A large ruby bestowing the character who possesses it with the ability to track humanoids 40%, track animals 80%, locate secret compartments/doors 80%, identify plants/fruits 80%, and recognize/ see enchantment. The ruby eye can also shed the tear of Osiris, twice a day. When tasted, the tear of Osiris neutralizes poison and/or restores 2D6 S.D.C./hit points.
  8. Right femur: An 8 foot (2.4 m) long, petrified bone. When used as a staff in combat it inflicts 6D6 damage, with double damage to vampires, zombies and animated dead. It can also be used to fire 6D6 lightning bolts once every other melee round. Any character holding it is impervious to all types of electrical discharge, even magic lightning and electromagnetism.
  9. Left femur: Another 8 foot (2.4 meter), petrified bone, which can be used as a club or throwing stick. It does 6D6 damage, returns to the thrower, and fires a 6D6 fire ball once every other melee round). Any character holding it is impervious to fire and heat of any kind, even magic fires and dragon's breath.
  10. Tongue: A tongue-shaped medallion, made of silver, that enables the wearer to understand and speak (but not read) all languages. Also detects lies 60%, and any character holding it is impervious to magic charms, psionic hypnosis, and the effects of charismatic aura.
  11. Skull: The petrified skull of Osiris has no back portion to it, so it can be worn as a helmet or mask. When a character puts it on, it conforms to any size and shape head, becoming a tight fitting face plate and headguard. While worn, it raises the I.Q. by 2 points and provides the bonuses: +4 to save vs psionic attack, +4 to save vs horror factor, +2 to save vs magic, poison and disease, and nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), and enables the character to comprehend all spoken languages. Just "comprehend," because the character cannot speak or read the strange languages. The wearer can bio-regenerate 2D6 hit points or S.D.C., six times daily. The skull mask also invokes fear in all who look upon it; Horror Factor 13. Note: Once the mask is put on, it cannot come off until the wearer dies! Side effects from the Skull: Roll for insanity once every year.
    • 01-50 None
    • 51-60 Neurosis
    • 61-70 Obsession
    • 71-80 Phobia
    • 81-90 Affective disorder
    • 91-00 Psychosis
  12. Lungs: These organs are tough, leathery, and impervious to damage. When squeezed (need a P.S. of 16 or higher), they can be used six times per day to release one of the following:
    1. Wind rush
    2. cloud of smoke
    3. repel animals
    4. wisps of confusion
  13. Kidney: Appears as a bronze object (about the size of a softball). Whoever holds it receives a +3 to save vs all types of magic, and will find that they can detect poison, and use the object to neutralize poison (no limit to daily usage).
  14. The Heart of Osiris: This platinum, heart-shaped object is the size of a basketball. The person holding/using it is +10 to save vs horror factor, +5 on all saving throws, and can perform each of the following six times per day:
    1. Sense evil
    2. sense magic
    3. turn the dead (2D4xlO)
    4. remove curse (by touch)
    5. resurrection (by touch; the victim must have died within 48 hours, 30% chance of success)
    6. healing touch (4D6 points)
    Evil beings cannot touch the heart or they suffer 1D4x1OO damage per each touch. Selfish characters suffer from 1D6x1O damage by touching it.

Note on Necromancers: Most feared by the guardians of these holy artifacts are raids by Necromancers (see Palladium Book HI: Adventures on the High Seas). Not only is it disgusting to think of one of these perverted mages holding such an exalted object, it is even worse to think that the Necromancer will likely further profane Osiris by bonding with the hands, feet, skull or rib cage. Bonuses and powers are cumulative for a Necromancer holding more than one of the artifacts. From the point of view of any Necromancer, the prospect is far too tempting. By bonding with one of the pieces, the death mage will gain the god-like power. In addition to the magic spells or powers available from the remains, the Necromancer bonded with an item will enjoy an additional +100 hit points (each), +100 S.D.C., +1 on all saving throws, and the ability to use his P.S. attribute as supernatural. The rib cage grants all of the above abilities, as well as making the Necromancer impervious to all gases (including magic clouds and fumes). When the bonding process time elapses (or when the spell is cancelled), all the extra S.D.C., hit points, bonuses and powers fade away.
