Amun-Ra, God of the Sun

With the exception of Thoth, the Sun God Amun-Ra, also called Re, Ra-Horakhty or Ra, is the most ancient and primal of all the Gods of his pantheon. He represents the sun, warmth, life, light, and fertility. Rigid of mind and beliefs, Amun-Ra does not bother with politics, and he has no interest in being social. He sees things in absolutes, as totally cut and dry. In Amun-Ra's mind there is evil and there is good — the dark and the light. Forever must the light fight to banish the darkness, just as darkness will forever try to smother the light. Wrongdoers must be punished and evil destroyed. Those who die fighting supernatural forces of evil must be avenged. These are the edicts by which Ra lives his life.

Amun-Ra is represented in a variety of forms. The most usual form is a man with the head of a hawk and a crown made of a solar disk and a coiled serpent around the disk. Amun-Ra was also pictured as a full-bodied heron.

According to scripture, all forms of life are believed to have been created by Amun-Ra, who called each of them into existence by speaking their secret names. Alternatively man was created from Amun-Ra's tears and sweat, hence the earlier followers of this god called themselves the "Cattle of Ra."

Holy Symbol of Amun-Ra

The chief center of worship for Amun-Ra is Temple City of Sekti-Abtu, Kingdom of Fargraad. The holiday of 'The Receiving of Ra' is celebrated on the longest day of the year.

Kings, or Pharaohs as they are refered to in the Religions earlier times, are seen as Amun-Ra's manifestations on earth, and often referred to as "Sons of Ra".

Real Name: Ra Annu
Alignment: Scrupulous
Size: 20 feet (6 m) tall.
Description: A giant hawk-headed humanoid, with golden skin, and crowned with a sun disk and holding the scepter of the greyhound.
Attributes: I.Q.: 23, M.E.: 28, M.A.: 27, P.S.: 38, P.P.: 22, P.E.: 28, P.B.: 27, Spd.: 88 (60 mph/96 km), PER.: 32, Luck: 30, REF.: 47.
Natural A.R.: 14
Hit points: 16,500.
S.D.C.: 17,000
P.P.E.: 6,000
Horror/Awe Factor: 17
Experience Levels: 15th level Warlock of air, earth, fire and water, 15th level Paladin and 15th level Mind Mage.
Natural Abilities: Keen hawk-like vision enabling him to see up to two miles (3.2 km) away, nightvision 200 feet (61 m), see the invisible, turn invisible at will (no time limit), knows all languages, metamorphosis (any shape) at will (no time limitations), fly (90 mph/148 km), impervious to heat, cold, and fire, teleport 96%, dimensional teleport 94%, and summon 2D6 gryphons, or 3D6x1O Ramen. Bio-regeneration: 1D4x1OO points of damage per minute and can regrow a new limb overnight.
Deific Powers: Ra has the full range of power over his followers, and can perform all prototypical deific powers at one half the cost in P.P.E., but has regular body investment costs, as well as the following special power:

Priest/Healing Powers: Exorcism 80%, turn dead 97% (affecting 2D6x1OO dead at a time), healing touch (restores 4D6 S.D.C or hit points and can be performed twice per melee round).
Magic Powers: All Warlock spells of each of the four elements, and all 1st through 7th level Wizard spells. Note: Opponents must roll a 15 or higher to save vs any of Ra's magic.
Psionic Powers: 2,000 I.S.P., 15th level Master Psionic who has all powers.
Skills of Note: Basic and advanced math, astronomy, navigation, intelligence, cook, horsemanship: Palladin and all wilderness skills at 98%.
Attacks Per Melee Round: Eight physical or psionic, or Three by magic.
Special Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry and dodge, +4 to pull punch, +3 on all saving throws, impervious to horror factor and 83% to charm or impress.
Favorite Weapons: Amun-Ra seldom uses any weapons other than his fabulous rune scepter. It is interesting to note that Amun-Ra seldom even collects or uses many significant magic items, preferring to use his magic, psionics, and supernatural abilities.
  1. Scepter of the Greyhound: A greatest rune weapon in the shape of a gold scepter (blunt weapon) with black highlights and the head of a greyhound on top. Always in telepathic link with Amun-Ra, it is a symbol of loyalty, strength, swiftness and justice, and serves to illustrate Amun-Ra's rank and authority. Sentient, with an I.Q. 16, and scrupulous alignment, so if any creatures of evil or anarchist alignment touch it, they will receive 1D6x1O points of damage. Scepter's Spell Magic: It can cast the following spells as often as six times each per 24 hour period. Call lightning, wind rush, calm storms, extinguish fires, dispel magic barrier, and heal burns (special: completely restores burn victims to full health without scarring). Spell strength is equal to a 10th level Wizard. In combat with mortals it does 2D4x1O damage, with double damage to supernatural creatures like vampires, ghouls, zombies and the animated dead, while Demon Lords and Devil Lords take 2D4x1OO damage, and Alien Intelligences 2D4x1OOO! Also, the scepter can radiate blinding sunlight that lights up a 3,000 foot (914 m) radius (does full sun damage to light sensitive creatures).

Armour: Gold plate armor. A.R. 19, S.D.C. 1000.
Alliances & Allies: Ra has allied himself with Isis and the Gods of Light, specifically to combat the evil Set. Respected by many different good people and champions of light, he keeps good relations with most of the gods in his pantheon as well as other good beings.
Enemies: Set. Ra believes that one day, he and Set will clash in a final battle. Until that day, the two remain eternal sparring partners in a cosmic battle. While Set is his enemy, it is Apepi, the foul serpent emissary of Set, who is his most hated, most despised, arch-foe. Anubis, like all evil beings, especially dark gods, Demon Lords and Devil Lords, are all his enemies.
  1. Rune magic and weapons made from silver inflict double damage.
  2. Straight Man. Ra seems to have little or no sense of humor, and it alienates him from some who would be on his side. His "take no prisoners, give no quarter" style of argument doesn't leave any room for discussion, compromise, or, in some cases, friendship.

Minions: Ra has no regular group of beings that can be called his minions, with the exceptions of his loyal Ramen and fire and air Elementals. He will also consider working with any creature of a good alignment championing a just cause. He is generally attracted to other supernatural beings, the Spirits of Light, elementals, ancient dragons and powerful creatures of magic.

Uraeus: The closest thing that Ra has to a "pet" is his divine cobra, a supernatural creature that can be dispatched across the dimensions as an assassin. It is considered a supernatural creature with the ability to physically travel in the astral plane, and has a poison that affects even the gods. 2D6 from bite plus 1D4x1O damage from venom for 3D4 melee rounds.

Gryphon Messengers. Ra can summon 2D6 Griffins as messengers (see Monsters & Animals, pages 99-100).

Ramen: Ramen (pronounced Rah-men),known as "The Knights of Ra," this race of feline warriors are utterly dedicated to Ra, and serve as his minions in any capacity. Legend has it that ten millennia ago, in another dimension, two races — one feline, the other reptilian — fiercely battled for the supremacy of their dying planet. Although affecting the fate of millions of lives, this war, in itself, would have meant little in the cosmic scheme of things had it not been for the intervention of the gods. Faced with extinction, because the Pantheon of Taut had supported the reptile creatures, the feline race turned to Ra. Since that time even their original names were lost, and they became known simply as the Ramen.

In the realm of Ma'ip there are roughly two million Ramen warriors, awaiting the service to the gods in the Pantheon of Ra, and they serve Isis and Horus, as well as Ra. Sometimes confused with the Kinnie-ger or werepanthers, Ramen are far more noble looking and have tan fur and features similar to lions. This resemblance even goes so far as the male Ramen having manes, in contrast to the sleeker females. They are valiant knights in the service of Ra and the Gods of Light.

Note: For more on the Ramen, see the section on Anhur, God of Darkness.
Alignment: Any, but 50% are principled, 40% are scrupulous and only 10% are something other.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as designated. I.Q. 3D6+3, M.E. 5D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 6D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 4D6, Spd. 4D6., PER. 4D6, Luck 3d6. Considered to be a supernatural creature.
Size: 12 feet (3.6 m) tall
Weight: 750 to 900 pounds (337.5 to 405 kg)
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit Points: 3D6x40, plus P.E. attribute number.
S.D.C.: 2D6x20
Horror/Awe Factor: 12. They tend to inspire fear in evil beings, but reassure good creatures.
Natural Abilities: Only take half damage from all forms of psionic attacks and are impervious to mind control; nightvision 70 feet (21 m), heal twice as fast as humans, and are resistant to disease.
O.C.C.s Available to Ramen: All, but many are Mind Mages.
Combat: As per hand to hand combat skill plus two attacks per melee, or an equal number of psionic attacks, or two by magic.
Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +3 to initiative, +2 to pull punch, +1 on all saving throws, and +3 to save vs horror factor.
Magic: 40% are effectively mystics, except select only 4 spells at first level and 2 spells at second level and every level thereafter.
Psionics: All have empathic transmission (super), empathy, presence sense, nightvision, bio-regeneration, mind block and the special power of empathy with animals. Base I.S.P.: 1D6x1O+30

R.C.C. Skills: The typical Ramen warrior/servant and many Ramen Psi-Mystics have the following skills instead of a specific O.C.C. Only 30% select a specific O.C.C. (any). Basic math (+20%), read and speaks Dragonese (+20%) speak Gobblely (+20%), hand to hand: expert, climb (+10%), prowl (+10%), track (+10%), intelligence (+20%), wilderness survival (+10%), horsemanship: knight (+15%), plus select two additional physical skills, select three ancient W.P.s, select three modern W.P.s, select two technical or communications skills. Five secondary skills plus one additional Palladium World language.
Average Life Span: 250 years.
Habitat: Prefer forests and wilderness, but can live anywhere. Except for the occasional emissary from the gods, there are no Ramen known to be living on the Palladium World, but they inhabit other realms in the millions.
Note: With the Game Master's permission, Ramen can be available as an Optional R.C.C.
