The Elven Gods

Organization Gods Religious Orders Prayers and Spells

Over Gods
Overgods the Creators and more powerful than even greater deities; they have dominion over an sphere of being and all the gods within it. Unlike normal gods, however, their influence was limited to a single sphere, and they had no power beyond it. It was said that they put all their power into maintaining their given sphere, and that perhaps they were its spirit made manifest. These entities are beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshipers. They do not grant spells, do not answer prayers, and do not respond to queries. If they are known at all, it is to a handful of scholars on the Material Plane. They are called overdeities. In some pantheistic systems, the consent of an overdeity is required to become a god.
The Sun
[beyond concepts of Alignment]
The Moon
[beyond concepts of Alignment]
Greater Gods
Called greater deities, these entities may have millions of mortal worshipers, and they command respect even among other deities. The most powerful of greater deities rule over other deities just as mortal sovereigns rule over commoners.
Corellon Larethian
The Protector
God of Magic, Music, Arts, Crafts, Poetry
Andharradh Larethian
The Forest Mother
Goddess of Spring, Fertility, Planting, Birth
Larini Tei`Theltiae
The Sword of Truth
Goddess of Warriors, Truth, and Honour
Trystan Avachel`Sotheril
The Secretive
God of Magic, Knowledge
Eilistraee Ae`Larethian
The Dark Dancer
Goddess of Music, Hunting and Swordwork
Sehanine MoonBow
The Night Archer
Goddess of Mysticism, Dreams, Moon
Aerdrie Faenya
The Winged Mother(S)
Goddess of Air, Weather, Avians, Fertility
Hanali Celanil
The Lover
Goddess of Love, Beauty
Sashelas S`Thalisath
The Deep One
God of Oceans, Sea Elves, Creation, Knowledge
Mythrien Sarath
The Sheild
God of of Mythals, Protection Magic
Intermediate Gods
These entities are called intermediate deities. They have hundreds of thousands of mortal worshipers and control larger godly realms than demigods or lesser deities.
Aphrael Sol`Arisa
The Fae One
Goddess of Poetry, Music, Dance, Eloquence
Ylandris Ae`Sehanine
The Cresent Moon
Goddess of Peace and Negotiation
Ryael Ae`Sehanine
The Blood Moon
God of War, Blood and Vengence
Shai`tan Naralis`Analor
The Great Healer
God of Healing
Nocticula Sarula`Iliene
Dark Temptress
Goddess of Pleasure, Sex
Labelas Enoreth
The Ageless
God of Time, Longevity, Moment of Choice
Solonor Thelandira
The Hunter
God of Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival
Tarsellis Meunniduin
The Ice Hearted
God of Death, Winter Storms, Snow Elves
Erevan Ilesere
The Prankster
God of Mischief, Change, Rogues
Nethra Ven`Mielikki
The Mistress of the Forest
Goddess of Nature
Lesser Gods
Called lesser deities, these entities grant spells and can perform more powerful deeds than demigods can. Lesser deities have anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands of worshipers and control larger godly realms than demigods. They also have keener senses where their portfolios are concerned.
Vandria Gilmadrith
The Law Giver
Goddess of Grief, Justice, Vigilance and War.
Rillifane Rallathil
The Leaflord
God of Nature, Druids, Wild Elves
Alathrien Sotheril
The Runesmith
God of Elven Rune Magic
Cernunnos Lurue
The Stag Lord
God of Deep Woods, Deer, Elk, Moose
Mielikki Ven`Andharradh
The Lady of the Forest
Goddess of the Forest and Forest Creatures
Melira Taralen
The Songstress
Goddess of Bards, Minstrels, Magic
Rellavar Danuvien
The Warder
God of the Elements, Snow Elves
Araleth Letheranil
The Light of Night
God of Starlight, Adventure, Challenge
Shevarash Khostellus
The Vengeful
God of Vengeance, Military Crusades, Loss, Revenge
Fenmarel Mestarine
The Outcast
God of Outcasts, Scapegoats, and Isolation.
Demi Gods
These entities, called demigods, are the weakest of the deities. A demigod can grant spells and perform a few deeds that are beyond mortal limits. A demigod has anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand devoted mortal worshipers and may receive veneration or respect from many more. A demigod controls a small godly realm (usually on an Outer Plane) and has minor control over a portfolio that includes one or more aspects of mortal existence. A demigod might be very accomplished in a single skill or a group of related skills, gain combat advantages in special circumstances, or be able to bring about minor changes in reality itself related to the portfolio.
Tethrin Veralde
The Stinging Blade
God of Bladesingers, Swordsmanship
Yathaghera Lurue
The Silverymoon
Goddess of Elven Creatures, Talking Beasts
Daethru Khial
The Shadow Dancer
Goddess of Laughter, Tricks, and Dance
Darahl Firecloak
The Flame
God of Earth and Fire magic
Kirith Druanna
The Sly One
God of Secrets, Spys, Assasins
Alseta Dev`Saquirin
The Welcomer
Goddess of Portals, Dimentional Travel
Khalreshaar Ven`Celanil
The Unfortunate
God of Rangers and Half-Elves
Findeladlara Vel`Cambrae
The Guiding Hand
Goddess of Architecture
Ketephys Carvanose
The Mason
God of Stone Work and Construction
Yuelral Myteldtha
The Wise
Goddess of Crystal Magic

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