Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank

Creating the Character

At first glance, this role-playing game can look intimidating. Page after page of rules and information can you ever learn it all? You don't have to learn everything there is to know about this game. Learning the basics is enough for now. For the more indepth information you have this website as a reference and guide, and as time goes by you will find you need to use it less and less. For those of you familiar with any of the Palladium Roleplaying Games, you will notice several changes and enhancements to those rules you are familiar with. Many Aspects remain similar to what you are used to so don't let it throw you.

The creation of a character is a relatively simple process that takes about 30 to 45 minutes using some assorted dice (real or e-Dice), a pencil (or your handy dandy notepad program), a little bit of paper (or again, your handy dandy notepad program), and the following easy steps.

  1. Step One: Selection of a Character Race.
  2. Step Two: Generation of the 13 Attributes and their bonuses.
  3. Step Three: Character Background.
  4. Step Four: Selection of an Occupational Character Class and Skills.
  5. Step Five: Hit Points and S.D.C.
  6. Step Six: Saving Throws
  7. Step Seven: Determination of Magic/Psionics.
  8. Step Eight: Alignments.
  9. Step Nine: Credit Rating, Equipment and Money.
  10. Step Ten: Experience Points.


The first step in creating a character is to select a Species that you would be interested in belonging to. This task will be very simple because for the most part, save by express permision of the Game Master the player Characters will all be Human. You should first check with a Game Master to see if optional races are deemed allowable and then select one from the list of those that are. (As an option for example, the Game Masters might allow the players to play a fae or some other supernatural creature.) A group of pre-created races has been provided in the Racial Index Section.


The second step in creating your character is to generate the 13 attributes:

I.Q., M.E., M.A., P.S., P.P., P.E., P.B., SIZ, SPD, PER, LUC, EDU and REF. Each of these mental and physical attributes defines acharacter's strength, weaknesses and natural abilities. They will also help determine a character's O.C.C. and skill selection.

Attributes are determined by the roll of 6-sided dice. The number of dice rolled is different from race to race to reflect racial and anatomical differences. For example, Humans have a constant physical make-up/aptitude in each attribute, so three(3) 6-sided dice are used for each attribute. However, If a race were to be powerful creatures possessing a greater physical strength but less intelligence, the amount of six sided dice rolled for I.Q. would be two and the amount for P.S. would be four.

Be certain to review the attribute bonus chart while making your attribute rolls.

The numbers rolled on the six sided dice determine the character's attributes. The higher the number,the greater the ability. Generally, a roll of 2-7 is considered low, 8-10 is considered average, 11-15 high and 16 or greater is exceptional. Exceptionally high rolls provide the character with special bonuses or conditions / abilities in conjunction with that attribute.
If a character rolls one dice and the total is 6, s/he may roll an additional six sided dice and add it to the total.
If a character rolls two dice and the total is 12, s/he may roll an additional six sided dice and add it to the total.
If a character rolls three dice and the total is 18, s/he may roll an additional six sided dice and add it to the total.
If the character rolls four dice and the totalis 24, s/he may roll an additional six sided dice and add that to the total.
If a character rolls five dice and the total is 30, s/he may roll an additional six sided dice and add it to the total.

In addition, Many of the physical skills a player can select for his character offer additional attribute bonuses. For example, wrestling offers a +2 to P.S. and P.E., so if the player has already rolled a total of 16 for P.S. he adds another two for a total P.S. of 18. If his P.E. roll was 8, he adds two for a total of 10. All physical skill bonuses are cumulative, a player can enhance and adjust the physical power of his character through the careful selection of physical skills.

Some Occupational Character Classes also offer attribute bonuses, or may offer other bonuses on skill performance or on initiative, saving throws and others. All of these are added to the character's overall abilities. Magic spells and enchanted items may also provide special bonuses, but these are temporary and fade with the magic.

The highest score that can be achieved in any individual stat is the Racial Maximum. Racial Maximum can be determined by adding 6 to the maximum score on the number of dice rolled (eg. on a stat with 3d6 the racial maximum would be 24. 3d6=18 + 6 for a total of 24).On rolls of 16 or higher, a stat bonus/minus may be applicable. See the bonus chart.

Low attributes are okay. Don't be dismayed if your character has a few high attributes and a few low ones. Remember, this is role-playing, go with the flow and play your character with both his strengths and weaknesses. This is realistic and fun. Its realistic, because nobody is perfect; just because a character is incredibly strong, it doesn't mean he or she has to be brilliant too. Flawed characters are fun to play. Honestly, a character with strengths and weaknesses makes for a much more interesting and fun character to play.

What's a low attribute? Using humans as our scale, an attribute of 3-5 is the bottom of the barrel. Such a low I.Q. means a feeble or downright stupid character; although a low I.Q. does not necessarily mean a babbling idiot or character without any common sense. On the other hand, an I.Q. of 1 or 2 would represent a total dunce, or perhaps somebody who might be considered mentally retarded. A P.S. (physical strength) of 3-5 means a weakling, and so on.

A character with an attribute of 6, 7, or 8 is a bit below average (the lower the number, the farther below average), so a character with a P.S. (physical strength) of 7 would be considered puny; an I.Q. of 7 indicates somebody who's not a brain surgeon but not slow witted. A P.B. (physical beauty) of 9 or 10 is average (nice looking but nothing special), 7 or 8 is plain, 5 or 6 is homely, a 3 or 4 ugly or extremely plain.

What's an average attribute? Nine and ten are average. This character is roughly as smart, clever, strong, fast, or handsome as the next guy. Any attribute higher than 10 is above average; 11-14 is a bit above average, 15-19 is impressively above average, 20 or higher is exceptional. A character who has a P.B. (physical beauty) of 11-14 is good looking, 15-19 very good looking/beautiful, but 20 or higher is a knockout!

Can the attribute numbers rolled be modified? Yes. Character's when rolling may roll one dice above what is asked for, and take the best of the number asked for. For example, the player is rolling his P.S. stat which calls for 3d6. He may roll 4d6 getting a result of 4, 5, 3, 6. He discards the lowest dice and the score is the sum of the remaining 3. in this case he disgards the 3 and adds the rest getting a stat of 15 for P.S. Furthermore, as an option, it is allowed to reroll 1's. Another Option is if a player is shooting for a particular O.C.C. and misses the attribute requirements, let the player bump up those few attributes to the minimum requirement so he or she can play that O.C.C. And finally, don't forget that physical attributes can be "bumped up" through training/skill selection.

Remember, role-playing should be flexible, so the Game Master can go with whatever works best for him and his players. Just be consistent and fair. The bottom line is to have fun.

Should a player roll his character in front of the G.M.? Always. Creating a character with the Game Master's input can help give the player better direction about the type of character, O.C.C. and skills that might best suit the campaign. A G.M. should try to provide the players with some general idea of what the campaign will be about and where it is taking place (or at least, where it's starting off). Further, G.M. assistance can be especially helpful for new players unfamiliar with role-playing, or those who are new to this game system.

Description of the Attributes

I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient): This simply indicates the intelligence of the character. The attribute Bonus chart indicates the bonus percentage added to all the skills selected by the character, including, Educational, Basic, Training, O.C.C., Elective, and Secondary. This is a one-time only situation, applied to first level skills.

M.E. (Mental Endurance): This is the character's willpower. It indicates how much mental and emotional stress the character can withstand. The attribute bonus chart indicates the bonus added to saving throws vs. Psionic attacks and insanity.

M.A. (Mental Affinity): This is the character's personal magnetism / charisma. A high M.A. is the sign of natural leader. The Attribute Bonus Chart gives a bonus for strength of personality that increases the probability of the character invoking trust or intimidation in others.

P.S. (Physical Strength): Is just that, the raw physical power of the individual. The P.S. times 10 indicates how heavy an object (in pounds that the character can carry and P.S. times 30 indicate how much the character can lift. An exceptionally strong character (P.S. of 15-19) can carry 20 times their P.S. and lift 40 times their P.S., Someone with a P.S. of 20-23 can carry 30 times their P.S. and can lift 60 times their P.S. Anyone with a P.S. of 24 or higher can carry 50 times their P.S. and can lift 100 times their P.S. The Attribute Bonus Chart shows the bonus to inflict damage in hand to hand combat.

P.P. (Physical Prowess): Shows the degree of dexterity and agility that the character possesses. The Attribute Bonus chart reflects the character's exceptional quickness and agility, providing bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge.

P.E. (Physical Endurance): Is the strength of the character's constitution and the amount of physical punishment (hit points) the person can withstand. It also represents the amount of resistance to fatigue and disease the character has. The Attribute Bonus Chart indicates just how much physical punishment the character can take providing bonuses to coma/death, and bonuses to saves vs. poison.

P.B. (Physical Beauty): Indicates the character's incredible physical; beauty/appearance. The Attribute Bonus Chart indicates just how much of a chance a character is charmed by the sheer attractiveness s/he possesses.

SIZ (Size): Size averages both height and weight into a single number. To see over a wall, to squeeze through a small opening, or even to judge whose head might be sticking up out of the grass, use size. Size helps determine hit points, damage bonus, and build. The following table gives a generalized system to follow but in no way meant to the defining rule as weight and height can vary greatly on circumstance.

1Baby4 to 12 pounds17-22 inches
2Average Toddler13 to 32 pounds23 to 36 inches
3-7Average Child33 to 99 pounds3 to 4 feet
8-11Average Teenager
or very short in stature
100 to 169 pounds4 to 5.5 feet
12-16 Average Adult170 to 240 pounds5.5 to 6 feet
17-19 Tall, Strongly Built, Heavy 241 to 330 pounds6 to 6.5 feet
20-22 Oversized331 pounds to 390 poundsOver 6.5 feet
23-24Extremely Oversized391 to 450 poundsOver 6.5 feet

SPD (Speed): This applies to the character's ability to run the mile. Speed does not apply to the use of weapons, tools or number of yards per minutes a character can run. The Attribute Bonus Chart does not give abonus for SPD.

PER. ( Perception): Perception is the character's ability to pick out minute details. It also represents the character's sense of danger, and insight. There are three main parts to perception:

  • Spot Hidden: Chiefly visual observation, though it can also be used for smell or taste.
  • Listen: Perceiving and identifying sounds.
  • Psychology: Understanding the motivations and intentions of another person.
If a player succeeds in a roll for perception, some information pertinent to the scenario or situation is forthcoming (often this is referred to as a clue). The main goal for Player Characters is to find out what is happening. The Game Master will usually be the one to ask for perception rolls, however sometimes a player may request one if his or her Player Character is actively searching for a clue, for example exploring a room (Spot Hidden) or attempting to determine if someone is lying (Psychology). The Attribute Bonus Chart gives a bonus to the character's Danger Sense.

LUC (Luck): is the character's ability to miraculously escape bad situations, always get the best breaks in life, and generally stay out of trouble. The higher the LUCK score the luckier the character. To make a successful LUCK roll the character must roll under his/her LUCK on a d30. If the roll was successful the character escapes the situation, or has success at the attempted feat, otherwise s/he has failed. An optional rule that also applies to luck is that if the roll is failed, the amount failed by is taken from the characters luck score. Luck taken in this fashion can only be restored by further successful luck rolls. Regaurdless luck may never be increased beyond the original luck score unless through some magical means. The Attribute Bonus Chart does not give a bonus for LUCK.

EDU (Education): Education is the measure of the formal and factual knowledge possessed by the character, as well as indicating the time the character has spent in full-time education. EDU measures retained information, not the intelligent application of that information (see I.Q.). A character without EDU would be like a newborn baby or an amnesiac, without knowledge of the world, probably very curious and credulous. An EDU of 12 suggests the investigator is a high school graduate, while a score of around 14 indicates a person with some college years. Those with an EDU greater than 16 have most likely conducted graduate level work and have a degree, as expected of a person who has been to a university of some kind. Note that sometimes a person with a high Education may not necessarily be schooled in the traditional sense, but rather may be self-taught and possess a highly studious and observant nature. EDU is a factor in determining how many skill a character begins with other then Occupational Skills. See Step 4: Selection of an Occupational Character Class and Skills.

REF (Reflex): Is the ability to respond to spontanious situations quickly. The higher the REF score the faster the responce of the character. The Attribute Bonus Chart gives a bonus to the character's Initiative. Reflex is the only stat not determined by a direct dice roll. It is a combination of four stats added together and averaged. The stats used to determine reflex are P.P., SPD., SIZ and PER (EG. The Player rolls a 14 for P.P, a 13 for SPD, 14 fo SIZ and a 15 for PER. He adds these up to get a total of 56 and then divides by 4 to get the average score of 14 making his REF stat 14.)

Character Development Points: Once stats are rolled the character needs to calculate his Character Development Points (CDP).


Most Players like to have as much detail and background on their characters as possible. The Background Tables provide information concerning the character's upbringing, childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. They also provide information on the characters height, weight, vision, sense of hearing and smell, social status, financial situation and personality traits.


There are 3 classifications of Character class in this game system, Occupational, Enhanced, and Supernatural. Every Character begins life as a normal person and it is only through exposure to the abnormal do they become something other then mundane.

An Occupational Character Class (O.C.C.): is more than a simple class (or game) distinction; it is an entire way of life. A player's character is devoted to developing the skills and knowledge of his/her trade.

After the player's have determined their character's physical and mental attributes, and their background they will want to select an O.C.C. that will best utilize their greatest attributes. Each O.C.C.requires a physical or mental aptitude in a particular area or areas.

Each O.C.C. will require a minimum physical and/or mental attribute rating. These will be listed in each O.C.C. description.

Each O.C.C. is provided with several specific skills and a variety of Elective Skills that apply directly to his/her profession and the kinds of situations that s/he is likely to encounter. Although many of the skills may overlap into other O.C.C.s, each skill has some practical application for that particular O.C.C. For a complete list of Occupational Character Classes see the O.C.C. section. That all being said, OCCs are Mundane or average everyday Occupations.

Though the expenditure of Character Development Points a character is able to become something other then mundane. Enhanced or Supernatural Character classes as special types of Classes that allow the player to take on a much more heroic role then otherwise availiable. That is not to say that playing a Mundane Character Class means the character can't be a hero or fun to play, it just means that they just done have the same over the top heroic value.

Enhanced Character Classes (E.C.C.): These are special classes that allow for those over the top characters like the Ninja, or James Bond type of character.

Supernatural Character Classes (S.C.C.): These are special classes that involve a character having magic or psionics

Both S.C.C. and E.C.C. can be found in the Special Character Class Section


Hit Points: Hit points might best be thought of as life points because they indicate how much physical damage (cuts, bruises, etc.) the character can withstand before he/she dies. These are the points that are observed during a battle (or melee) to determine how much damage is inflicted on one's opponent. Each time a character is struck by a weapon he takes physical damage. The individual players keep score of how many hit points their character has by subtracting the damage from his/her character's hit points each time that character is hit by a weapon. Likewise, the Game Master keeps score of how much damage the player inflicts upon his opponent. When a character has zero hit points, he is in a coma and will soon die unless he or she receives extensive medical aid.

Determining Hit Points: Now that you have some idea of what hit points are about, let us get into the technical aspects of their determination and use.

  1. Base Hit Points: Having rolled up your 11 attributes, you will recall that one is physical endurance (P.E.). The physical endurance score indicates a character's base/starting amount of hit points. This number means that he can lose that many hit points before dying. For example, if the character has a P.E. of 11, he starts with 11 hit points. Some players will have a character with a lot of hit points; don't get too cocky, a deadly spell or even a knife can whittle you down to size in one melee round and a well placed grenade might chop a character down instantly. Others will find themselves with a character who has only a handful of hit points (as little as 3). Don't despair or feel cheated, you'll just have to use cleverness and cunning in avoiding direct confrontations until you've built up your hit points or acquire some body armor. When a character reaches a negative number of Hit Points equal to the character's P.E., the character is dead and for the most part beyond saving.
  2. Building Hit Points: After determining the character's Base Hit Points, a roll of 1D8 is made and added to the character's Base Hit Points. As your character grows in knowledge and experience, he/she will gain more skill and expertise in his chosen profession. At the same time, he will also mature physically, increasing his hit points. Thus, each time a character attains his/her Hit Points grow by 1D8/level of experience. Dual class character roll 1d6 instead of the d8 and triple classed characters roll a d4.

S.D.C. or Structural Damage Capacity: There are two types of S.D.C. The first applies to living creatures and can be thought of as a supplement to hit points. The second applies to inanimate, non-living structures such as body armor, chairs, locks, doors, buildings, and so on.

Determining physical S.D.C. is simple. Characters with a background as men of arms roll 3D6 for S.D.C., while practitioners of magic, scholars and all others roll 1D6 for S.D.C. This S.D.C. base can be increased further through the selection of certain physical skills, such as boxing, body building, general athletics, etc. In this way, a player can literally build and toughen a character as much as he or she desires. Some non-human races and O.C.C.s also get special S.D.C. bonuses. All S.D.C. points/bonuses are cumulative.

When a character is injured or hurt, the damage is first subtracted from his or her S.D.C. points. S.D.C. damage is painful, but not deadly. It is only after ALL S.D.C. has been depleted that damage is subtracted from hit points. Only the rare special attack from magic, psionics or poison can bypass S.D.C. and strike at hit points directly. Hit point damage is serious, and potentially life threatening.

Inanimate objects, such as weapons, body armour, buildings, furniture and so on, also have S.D.C. points. In this case, the S.D.C. indicates the total amount of damage that the object can withstand before it breaks, crumbles or is destroyed.

These S.D.C. function exactly like hit points, except that they apply to non-living things. Any damage sustained is subtracted from the S.D.C. When the S.D.C. is reduced to zero, it is broken or smashed beyond repair.

Recovery of Hit Points & S.D.C.: After a battle, characters who have sustained physical damage must tend to their wounds. The attending of wounds can be administered by fellow characters, trained medical personnel or by oneself, if the character has the first aid skill and is not physically impaired.

First aid-type treatment includes basic and immediate medical applications and methods such as the cleaning and bandaging of wounds, stopping bleeding, the use of antiseptic herbs, and so on. This is fine for minor wounds, but serious injury, like internal bleeding and broken bones, will require professional treatment from some sort of healer or magic. Note: Unless a character stops the bleeding of cuts and stab wounds, he will continue to lose blood and suffer damage at the rate of one hit point per minute. When all hit points are reduced to zero, the character falls into a coma and hovers near death.

Recovery: Non-professional treatment. This is basic, first aid treatment or well intentioned help from non-medically trained people. This type of treatment may be used if the character is not able to seek professional help. It is not necessarily inferior treatment, especially for minor injuries or ailments, but just lacks the full facilities and experience of a trained healer. Rate of Recovery: Two hit points per day (24 hours) plus four S.D.C. points per day.

Recovery: Professional treatment. This is medical treatment from a surgeon, holistic doctor, healer, psychic, and magic. Rate of Recovery: Two hit points per day for the first two days, and four hit points per day for each following day, until the character has regained all his/her original hit points. S.D.C. points are restored at a rate of six per day.

Magic potions, spells, enchanted items and supernatural beings can often magically heal the injured with a mere touch. Such mystic healing is immediate -closing wounds, stopping bleeding, healing injury and mending bones so completely that there may be little or no evidence that the person was ever injured (no scars, no stiffness, or discomfort, etc.). A character can be magically healed up to his maximum number of hit points; never more than he or she started out with.

Surviving Coma And Death

When a character's hit points are reduced to zero (or less), he/she collapses, lapsing into a coma. This character is near death and will die in a matter of hours unless he/she receives immediate medical treatment. How much damage below zero a character can undergo is indicated by the physical endurance (P.E.) attribute. A character can take one point of damage below zero (negative 1, -2, -3, etc.) for each P.E. point. Example: A character with a P.E. of 9 will lapse into a coma at zero hit points, but still lives up to a negative 9. However, if the character receives more damage (which is very possible) than the P.E. number, he is dead. Thus, if a character with a P .E. of 9 takes 10 points of damage (or more) below zero, exceeding his P.E., he is beyond medical help and dies.

Magic and resurrection: In a magical world, a character can die and still have a chance (probably a very slim one) of being restored to full health! This is possible through the intervention of godlike beings, magic fountains and devices, and powerful magic spells. However, such superhuman feats should not be common and are likely to have a great price attached to it (a quest from a "god", and so on). Furthermore, a character who has died is likely to suffer from trauma and insanity; roll percentile dice. 1-50 means no trauma, 51-70 roll on the Random Insanity Table resulting from trauma, 71-85 roll on the Optional Random Insanity Table (roll again as directed by the table), 86-00 roll on the Phobia Table or the G .M. selects an appropriate phobia relating to the events of the death.

Coma Length: The length of time a character in a coma will survive without treatment is again indicated by the P.E.: one hour for each P.E. point. Example: P.E. 9 = 9 hours, P.E. 10 = 10 hours, and so on.

Recovery From a Coma

Whether or not a character survives the coma and is stabilized (at least brought back to one hit point above zero) is determined by the roll of percentile dice. If the player rolls two successful recovery rolls out of three tries, the character breaks out of the coma and is no longer in danger of dying. This also means that he is brought up to one hit point above zero. Recovery of hit points from that time on is standard; see Recovery of Hit Points. Note: This can be attempted every hour.

Recovery Ratio (roll 2 out of 3)

  • Treatment from non-professional character who has no medical skills whatsoever: 1-20%
  • Treatment from a character who has the first aid skill: 1-40%
  • Treatment by a professional surgeon or holistic doctor: 1-65%
  • Treatment from a healer or priest with psionic or magic power to heal: 1-75%
  • Treatment from a god or other supernatural being: 1-88%; may be increased to 100% depending on the power of the creature and/or the type of magic used.

Optional Damage Rules

Optional: Minor Injury Table

A character receives severe physical damage when he loses a great amount of hit points (80% or more). The following are optional tables that list side-effects from serious physical injury. The effects of the damage are generally temporary and cumulative. Thus, if a character suffers severe damage during several different battles within a short period of time, he or she will suffer the multiple effects from that damage. Roll each time severe damage is endured.

01-14Minor bruises and lacerations. -2 on Spd and -1 to dodge.
15-29Severely bruised and battered muscles. -lD4 on Spd and -1 toP.P. and P.S.
30-44Damaged (sprain, pulled, cut, etc.) arm or shoulder. -3 to P.P attribute and -2 to parry. Duration of injury is 3D4 days.
45-59Damaged leg or hip. Speed is reduced by half and the character is -2 to dodge. Duration is 3D4 days (unless magically or psychically healed).
60-74 Damaged hand and/or wrist. -I P.P., -2 P.S., cannot lift weight of more than 10 lbs (4.5 kg) with that hand, and the character is 10% on all skills that require the use of the hands.
75-89 Head Injury: -5% on all skills and -1 on Spd.
90-00Damaged back or pelvis. -1 to P.E., reduce attacks per melee round by one, and Spd by 50%. Furthermore, the character cannot lift or carry more than 10 lbs (4.5 kg) without excruciating pain (double penalties from the pain). Duration is 3D4 days (unless magically or psychically healed).

Note: None of these effects are permanent or life threatening. Minuses apply to that one limb. Speed minuses affect the whole body. Remember, symptoms and penalties are cumulative; roll each time the character is badly hurt. Duration is typically about 1D4 days unless indicated otherwise.

Optional: Roll Side-Effects from Physical Damage (Hit Points)on this table when 80% to 95% (almost all) of your hit points are depleted. Impairment is temporary, but lasts 1D4 weeks.

01-10Severely battered and bruised. Reduce Spd by half, combat bonuses by -2 points, and -3 to dodge.
11-20Torn arm muscle. -3 to P.P., -2 to P.S., -1 attack per melee round, -2 to strike or parry, and the character cannot lift or carry more than 10 lbs (4.5 kg) without excruciating pain (double penalties from the pain).
21-29Torn leg muscle. Reduce Spd by half and -2 to dodge.
30-39Fractured bone: arm. Reduce P.P. and P.S. by 40%, -5 to strike or parry, and the character cannot lift or carry more than one pound (0.45 kg) without excruciating pain (double penalties from the pain).
40-49Fractured bone: leg. Reduce Spd by half (if in a cast; -80% if not) and -4 to dodge.
50-59Fractured bone: ribs or pelvis. -2 to P.E., reduce attacks per melee round by one, and Spd by 50%. Furthermore, the character cannot lift or carry more than 5 lbs (2.3 kg) without excruciating pain (double penalties from the pain).
60-69Broken bone: ribs or pelvis. -4 to P.E., reduce attacks per melee by half, and Spd by 80%. Furthermore, the character cannot lift or carry more than 5 lbs (2.3 kg) without excruciating pain (double penalties from the pain). Double duration unless healed by magic or psychic powers.
70-79Punctured lung. -4 to P.E., reduce attacks per melee by half, and Spd by 80%. Furthemiore, the character fatigues three times faster than normal.
80-89Weakened immune system and fever. The character is weak, has caught a virus and suffers from a constant low-grade fever, chills, and fatigue. Reduce P.E. by half, P.S. and P.P by 25%, reduce attacks per melee round and combat bonuses by half, and Spd by 40%. Furthermore, the character fatigues twice as quickly as normal.
90-00Severe concussion. Reduce attacks per melee and all combat bonuses by half, reduce speed by half, and the performance of all skills are at -30%.

Optional: Recovery Side-Effects From Near Death (Hit Points)For a sense of additional realism, a player can roll on this table when a character has lost all (reduced to zero or below) of his/her hit points and has been near death (coma). Impairment is permanent as a result of the grave physical damage. Note: This is not a mandatory table, but is left up to the Game Master's discretion. Furthermore, magic restoration may be used to eliminate these otherwise permanent disabilities.

1-10No permanent damage; lucked out.
11-20Major stiffness in joints; reduce P.P. by 2 points.
21-39Minor stiffness in joints; reduce P.P. by 1 point.
40-55Legs impaired; walks with a limp, reduce Spd by 2 points.
56-70Major scarring; reduce P.B. by 2 points.
71-82Chronic pain; reduce P.E. by 1 point.
83-92Minor brain damage; reduce I.Q. by 1.
93-00Major brain damage; reduce I.Q. by 2 and M.E. by 1.


The saving throw is a die roll that gives a chance, however slim, that the character or creature finds some way to save himself from certain destruction (or at least lessen the damage of a successful attack). See the Saving Throws Section for details on Saves and Magic Resistance.


It is possible for the characters to possess Psionic and/or Magical Abilities. See the Psionics Section for details on Psionic Abilities and I.S.P. and the Magic Section for Details on Magical Abilities.


All characters must select an alignment to follow. See the Alignment Section for details on the various alignments.


Credit Rating: A character’s starting Credit Rating (CR) is determined during character creation, based upon the character’s chosen profession (see Step 4: Selection of an Occupational Character Class and Skills ). In play, Credit Rating determines the amount of money a character has available. Credit Rating also indicates the general living standards a person can afford, as well indicating the character’s relative status in society. Your character’s Credit Rating begins at zero. The range of starting levels for each profession can be broad, and the level chosen should reflect the investigator’s rank in that profession. For example, criminal could be used as a profession for a poor lone pickpocket(Credit Rating 09) or for a wealthy gang boss (Credit Rating 90). Any number of skill points can be invested in Credit Rating within the recommended limits for that profession.

Equipment: All characters are given a basic list of standard equipment typical for that O.C.C., likewise, each character has a certain amount of money in the form of cash, savings and/or saleable items or artifacts. This means that the character starts out with the basics and some cash. Poor but far from destitute. Additional money and items may be gotten from the character's background generation and Credit Rating.

As always, a character can spend the money immediately for additional equipment or save it for later use.


Except in specially devised tournaments and senerios, there are no actual winners in a roleplay game. Character perform heroic deeds, and accumulate wealth and equipment and experiance. See the Experience Section for details on Experience Points and Level Progression.