Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


    At the start of each game, the game master puts 20 white, 20 green, 20 red and 20 blue poker chips into a container called the fate pot. Each player, without looking, draws as many chips as his character is allowed which is usually three. The game master does the same, drawing one for each player in the game, to use for important NPCs, when important NPCs show up in the game the game master draws two more fate chips for each.

    Fate chips come in Five colors because each grants a different benefit, but regardless of color, all allow you to attempt a P.E. roll to reduce damage to half or remove a negative effect/incapacitation. Each fate chip also allows you a chance to gain experience points at the end of a session.

    • White Chips: White fate chips can be spent to re-roll an attribute save roll and keep the best result.
    • Green Chips: Green Fate Chips can be spent to re-roll an attack and keep the best result.
    • Red Chips: A red chip allows you to roll a d6 and add it to your current total. This negates a critical failure from rolling a 1. Or you can chose to use a red chip as a white chip. The bad news is the game master gets a free draw from the fate pot for his NPCs every time a red chip is used, unless you choose to use the red chip as a white chip.
    • Blue Chips: Blue chips work exactly the same as red chips but the game master does not get to draw from the fate pot when you use it, regardless of what it is used for.
    • Legend/Black Chips: Legend chips are not put into the fate pot at the start of a session, instead they are added when the party kills a powerful foe or overcomes a great challenge. legend chips are placed into the fate pot when they are earned and stay in the pot until it is drawn and used, once the chip is used it is put out of play until another one is earned. Black chips can be used in one of two ways:
      1. They can be used like a blue fate, and add +2 to the final total
      2. They can be used to re-roll ANY roll, a damage roll, a roll on a table, etc.

    A player can trade in an unplayed legend chip at the end of the session to gain guaranteed 1000 experience points.

    For every fate chip (other than the legend chip) you have at the end of a session is worth 1D6 x 100 experience points. Chips are returned to the fate pot at the end of the session.