Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank

What is Magic?

Magic is a form of energy similar to psionics but much much more. Where psionics is the ability of one individuals mind, Magic is a collection of energy from every living thing on earth, as well as the earth itself. It is literally part of everything and everywhere. One just needs to know how to tap into it. Magic is a natural force that has existed since the dawn of time. It is an invisible energy that is found in living beings and coursing through lines that run along the surface of the Earth. The Geomancers of China called these lines of magic energy, "Dragon Tracks" and "Dragon Lines," the Druids of England called them "ley lines" and others simply "places of power." Ancient people marked the lines and the nexus points with earth mounds, standing stone megaliths, and other markers. Where two or more ley lines cross, energy is at its greatest. These junctions are called nexus points. They are also places where those who know how to do so can open a Rift in space and time. Mystic energy on Earth has ebbed and flowed over time, fading to the point of virtual nonexistance, dismissed as a fairy tale to suddenly reappear, with the ley lines erupting with surging energy. Thus is the situation on earth now. After many hundreds of years on near dormancy, magic is on the raise. Parapsychologists call this energy Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.) because it is also responsible, they believe, for psychic phenomena and the exceptional talents that manifest in some people. Regardless of what people think about magic, it is real and many tap into the ley lines and learn to build their own inner reserve to cast spells.

The Principles of Magic

The mastery of magic really is more of an art than a science, because it is controlled, focused and manifested by the mind. Although the methods of casting magic have basic methodologies and principles behind them with results that can be replicated time and again, each practioner puts his own little touch on the magic. Thus, while a Fire Ball is a Fire Ball, not all Fire Balls are equal nor look identical. Each is shaped and tuned, if ever so slightly (and in some cases, not so slightly), by the person creating it. The reason? All magic, at least in part, is a physical representation of the practitioner's own mind, spirit and force of will. That's also what makes magic and spell casting so easy for some people (natural born wizards?) and impossible (unable to focus their will) for others. The basic concepts behind magic are simple.

  • Step 1: Belief
    The first step is believing that magic is real and that one can master the knowledge and will to control it. The character must see magic as an innate energy, a resource and a tool to be tapped and used, not to be feared. He must also accept this energy can only be captured, held and shaped by the mind. There is no machine or device that can mine it like oil or natural gas, the depths of magic can only be plumbed by the mind. That's why it remained unknown and incomprehensible to pre-Rifts men of science. After the Coming of the Rifts, with the ley lines aglow and dragons and demons calling upon its energy, even the narrow mind of humans was forced to believe magic was real.
  • Step 2: Conviction
    Belief is not enough. Everyone on Rifts Earth knows magic is real. Even Emperor Prosek believes that, but he can't cast magic spells. The next step is belief in yourself. Belief that you are mentally strong enough and able to focus your will to grab the elusive energy by the tail and force it (no, massage and shape it like a sculptor working clay) to do what you want it to do. This must be 100% conviction. Any nuance of doubt will destroy any chance of learning magic. Theoretically, anybody can learn magic; however, it is an extremely difficult process that proves to be impossible for most people. The young student of magic must learn to focus his thoughts and imagination to command the energy all around and within him. More than that, being a practitioner of magic is a way of life, and the student must embrace that life with every fiber of his being.
  • Step 3: Choose a Mystic Art
    Finding one's focus means to pick a mystical craft that fits the way his mind thinks.