Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Either employed within a business or working as a freelance consultant with a portfolio of self-employed clients or businesses. Diligence and an attention to detail means that most accountants can make good researchers, being able to support investigations through the careful analysis of personal and business transactions, financial statements, and other records.

Minimum Education Score:

  • Accounting: Basic: EDU-07 or Greater
  • Accounting: Financial: EDU-09 or Greater
  • Accounting: Forensic: EDU-12 or Greater
  • Accounting: Governmental: EDU-14 or Greater
  • Accounting: Management: EDU-12 or Greater
  • Accounting: Project: EDU-09 or Greater
  • Accounting: Social: EDU-09 or Greater
  • Accounting: Tax: EDU-09 or Greater

Credit Rating: 30–70

Suggested Contacts: Business associates, legal professions, financial sector (bankers, other accountants).

Occ Skills:

  • Accounting: Basic
  • Accounting: (pick a speciality)
  • Law: Business
  • Math: Basic
  • Research
  • two other related skills