Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank

The Silverthorne Paranormal Research and Investigations Group

An offshoot of S.A.V.E. (Societas Argenti Viae Eternitata, or, The Eternal Society of the Silver Way) The Silverthorne Paranormal Research and Investigations Group, shows it's public face as just another Paranormal Entertainment show want to be run by an eccentric Millionaire. But it is in fact, a secret society run in conjunction with the White Council of Wizards, that is dedicated to protecting innocents from the creatures of the Unknown. Agents of S.P.R.I.G. are called Investigators.

History of S.P.R.I.G.

Founded in 1989, S.P.R.I.G. began as the Southern Ontario S.A.V.E. Division. On 7 July 1990, a highly coordinated attack destroyed the main offices in Dublin and killed hundreds of agents, called Envoys, in what was later dubbed the "'90 Massacre". The organization splintered into groups of survivors that took years to reform. Several of the remaining Envoys decided to go underground as a cell-based network. Gradually they began to create networks of "friendlies" - assets and sympathizers that would help Save when called upon, but not all the Envoys were so fortunate. Many Envoys were left floundering and unprotected and as a result were slaughtered. The Southern Ontario S.A.V.E. Branch was able to hold out for a time, but it to was hit, a hit so hard that all but 2 of its Envoys, Branch Director David Silverthorne and his wife Megan, were killed. Communications with S.A.V.E. were impossible and it was impossible to know where it was safe. Silverthorne did not know of any surviving Envoys and his options became very limited.

Silverthorne, an independent Wizard, reached out to the White Council of Wizards and was able to negotiate for the protection of the council Wardens, and both fled Windsor, to find sanctuary in Edinburgh Scotland with the White Council. They remained in hiding for several years, with Silverthorne dedicating himself to the council and his wife training training as a Pagan High Priestess and Druid. And all the while the Unknown caused their mayhem unchecked in North America, save for the protections provided by select Wardens and wizards of the council. S.A.V.E. was thought to be dead. It became time for the Silverthorne's to return to their home and try to pick up the pieces. Upon his return he set many things into motion. First he established himself as a major investor in the city, with several large purchases of land, and the establishment of several businesses to help kick start the failing economy of the city. He began to quietly recruit new Agents and shored up the infrastructure of what remained of S.A.V.E. in Ontario.

In Windsor, S.P.R.I.G. reopened it's door's under it's new name and charter in 2016. Outwardly it portrays itself as a "Ghost Hunter" styled entertainment company and hosts many "Investigations into the paranormal" as well as the popular cable program "Ghost Punchers". Silverthorne, plays the eccentric Millionaire, and has instructed his crew to make the public face of the organization as "Hokie and Hollywood as possible", thus allowing the organization the freedom to operate in secret while remaining in plain sight.

S.P.R.I.G., for the most part operates similarly to how S.A.V.E. divisions were run in the past. The job of an Investigator is as it was for the Envoy. Investigate the strange or unusual, analyze the evidence to see if there is a supernatural or paranormal cause, and assess whether the cause is hostile or dangerous, and to deal with the situation if proven necessary. It is a dangerous occupation, however because of the support of the White council, it is far more secure. Located on the grounds of what was once called the Willistead Manor, Silverthorne Hall is a totally renovated and extremely protected Mansion. Both Mystical and mundane protections keep S.P.R.I.G. headquarters and it's Investigators as safe as possible, and Silverthorne acts as the Ontario Regional Warden for the White Council. Most Investigators encountered are usually civilians who received their training on the job.


S.P.R.I.G., sometimes called the Agency, is secretly established to combat the evil or destructive side of the supernatural. Much like a simple detective agency, the usually small teams of S.P.R.I.G. Investigators will travel the province, investigating, watching and if necessary disposing of the paranormal. While some aspects of the supernatural are evil, others are not. In many cases the teams must decide if the paranormal has found an ecological balance and is in actuality a benefit.

DISPOSING OF EVIL - The main concern of Investigation teams is the disposal of high level evil and the mandatory secrecy they must maintain to keep the unbelieving public from the edge of insanity

S.P.R.I.G. REGULATIONS - There are no guidelines for methods of operation or books of procedure. Each Investigator know there are 5 basic rules to be followed at all times. Rules for the teams are simple and direct.

  • RULE 1 Don't get Caught
  • RULE 2 Don't Leave Evidence
  • RULE 3 Use Violence Only if Necessary
  • RULE 4 Cover Your Tracks
  • RULE 5 Make them Believe a Rational Explanation for the Bizarre or Fantastic

IF YOU'RE CAUGHT - The Agency will not legally aid investigators in any direct way that will jeopardize their secrecy or operations. Information will be sent to investigators on a limited basis. After the Massacre of '90, and what happened to SAVE, S.P.R.I.G. operates with as tight a security as can be imagined.

HOW DO I JOIN S.P.R.I.G.? - You never find the S.P.R.I.G. to join it. They find you. This may be because of an encounter with the supernatural, a special talent at which you excel, or you stumbling across them while they work. S.P.R.I.G. is always happy to add a new agent to their small ranks due to the high attrition rate and a lack of people able to cope with the paranormal and creatures associated with the supernatural. After becoming part of the Agency you are trained in a number of supportive skills.

WHAT DO I DO AS AN INVESTIGATOR? - Your primary job is the investigation of the supernatural that threatens civilians. These range from simple observation for future action to wholesale confrontation. As an investigator you have the latest in computers and high tech hardware. Your information access ranges from simple research to the use of computerized records and Occult Archives.

WHAT DO THEY PAY? - Payments to Investigators are handled by direct deposits to their bank accounts. Each agent has his or her own Universal bank or cash card as well as any credit cards they have accumulated or created with the document designer system. As agents travel the country their bank cards are used for (automatic teller) cash withdrawals in any Canadian banks.

WHAT DO I START WITH? - Agents start with 10,000 dollars in their bank account. A salary for agents varies from $1000 to $2500 dollars per week, depending on length of service and assignment. Agents have a general expense account to purchase supplies. services and needed equipment for immediate or special use. An average agent's expense account may not exceed $5000.00 per week during a tough investigation. S.P.R.I.G. will often deduct frivolous expenses out of an Investigators salary.

INSURANCE - Agents are fully insured with a complete range of benefits that include hospitalization. workman's compensation, and auto insurance. A $50,000 death benefit is awarded to designated kin or organization on the event of tragedy. Those who are lucky enough to live to 65 can enjoy a fat pension fund.

HOW DO THEY CONTACT YOU? - In most cases it starts with an Email or phone call that means a quick rendezvous. Certain words, codes, phrases and countersigns are mandatory to assemble a team.

ARE THERE DIFFERENT TEAMS? - Teams are generally a well rounded collection of people who have talents that complement each other. On the rare occasion a team will specialize in a particular talent. Teams are kept purposely incognito from other teams unless absolutely necessary.

  • CLEAN UP TEAM: Assignments from S.P.R.I.G. often call smaller teams to clean up situations or hard evidence of the paranormal. In a few eases these teams have uncovered more problems or have been forced to finish the work another team started.
  • TEAMS ON CALL: This type of team is assembled quickly from individuals who are on call to help the Agency. Often a small Extended Team is the nucleus that picks up the rest of the group. Most Investigator are on call.
  • EXTENDED TEAMS: After time and successful service to the Agency, a team will go on extended call. These teams are full time employees who will travel the country doing routine investigation and waiting for an emergency transmission.
  • PERSONAL CONTACT: On the rarest occasions a single operative will hand deliver mail and special equipment. Most often he or she will find the team or give them necessary data.
  • S.P.R.I.G. SWAT TEAM: Rarest of S.P.R.I.G. teams are the Special Weapons and Tactics teams that deal harshly with the malignant supernatural or occult groups. In several instances they have had to deal with Agency personnel and are known as an X team.

WHEN S.P.R.I.G. TEAMS GO BAD - The most difficult problem facing S.P.R.I.G. Investigators and the GM is the question of Good and Evil in society. While your teams may be working for the forces of good, they may actually aid evil if they are not careful in their actions. The indiscriminate slaughter of the supernatural can be far worse than any imagined evil if the supernatural is a beneficial part of a balanced and healthy ecology. While S.P.R.I.G. will reluctantly accept help from darker quarters, it always frowns upon sacrifice and situations that cost innocent lives. When Agents loose sight of the destruction they cause, they receive three warnings. After that they are placed in the X-File or simply retired. Agents who refuse to retire often vanish to an island in the South Atlantic Ocean. This island community or village is often the home of those who know too much, are too valuable and too dangerous to leave in society.

EQUIPMENT & WEAPONS - You will be able to arm with your choice of firearms.

DESIGNING EQUIPMENT - The standard Agency equipment carried by the Investigators can be simple or sophisticated. Many Agents take the initiative to design their own special equipment.

ORDERING EQUIPMENT Investigators of S.P.R.I.G. can order equipment for emergencies or special reason. Their response to the order is generally silence if they can't get it or a coded data dump of location and time where it will be delivered. Hard data is often directly transmitted into the vehicle's computer for the agents to hard copy.

  • DELIVERY - Delivery is by any of a number of methods depending on size and the critical time of the teams needing an item. Follow these general guidelines of method of delivery.:
    • ARRANGED DROP POINT -No Personnel Involved
    • COURRIER RENDEZVOUS - Agency Personnel
    • UPS/FED/EX /POSTAL SERVICE - Common Carrier used for smaller items, An Industrial Freight Terminal for larger.
    • ARRANGED AIR DROP - Special Location and Time

WHERE CAN I FIND EQUIPMENT? - S.A.V.E. had built quite a number of storage dumps over the years. These range from a cache of buried supplies to full installations hidden underground or in out of the way places and buildings. Investigators have a small file of listings for locating these places and the methods to gain access to them. During the massacre of '90 many records of dumps established were lost or fragmented. Some of these dumps may be slightly out of date or only partially stocked at the GM's whim.

Silverthorne Hall

Silverthorne Hall Estate Grounds

Silverthorne Estate is a 15.5 acre property of gated grounds surrounded by a 8 foot stone wall. The Estate has 5 Buildings, The Silverthorne Hall, The Bently House, and the Baxter House, a 6 car garage and a large storage shed as well as roughly 350 trees and a Stone Circle. All three buildings as well as the Stone circle were shipped from Great Britain and painstakingly rebuilt. The Stone circle sits over a Ley Line Nexus and in the exact center of the circle is a tree of life (Only one in Canada and is not known about save by S.P.R.I.G. Spread around the grounds are several Menhir, and in the south east corner of the estate is a small archeological dig site.

The Estate is staffed by :

  • Bently House (Located across from Silverthorne Hall): The Bently's are from England and are highly trained in their occupations.
    • Butler: George Bently (husband)
    • Head Maid: Marlene Bently (wife)
    • Assistant Maid: Rachel Bently (daughter)
    • Chauffeur/Mechanic: James Bently (son)
  • Baxter House (Located by the Estate Gate): The Baxter's are from Canada and are highly trained in their occupations. Susan is trained as a 5 star Chef.
    • Head Grounds Keeper: Walter Baxter (husband)
    • Chef: Susan Baxter (wife)
    • Assistant Grounds Keeper: John Baxter (son)
    The staff is fully aware of the true nature of the estate and are trained S.P.R.I.G. Operatives though seldom deployed in the field.

Silverthorne Hall Basement

AWine Cellar
CCold Cellar
DGame Room

Silverthorne Hall Ground Floor

AEntry Hall
BDrawing Room
CDining Room
EGym/Living Room
GButler's Pantry
IBreakfast Nook
JFamily Room

Silverthorne Hall Garage

ARepair Bay
B2 Vehicle Bay

Silverthorne Hall Second Floor

AMaster Bedroom
BPowder Room
DDressing Room
ESpare Bedroom
GIldyntarra's Room

Silverthorne Hall Third Floor

BStorage Room
DSpare Bedroom