Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


With rare exceptions, there is a 10% chance that anyone can have some degree of psionic ability. All Players ( except those that are choosing races that are restricted from having Psionics) get to roll once to determine if they have some sort of Psionic potential.
If the Psionic Roll is successful, then the character may roll on the following table to determine the degree of Psionics that he or she has.

Psionic Potential Table

Die Roll
Type of Psionics
01%Special Psionic Null
02-10%Psionic Null
11-59%Latent Psionic
60-79%Minor Psionic
80-89%Major Psionic
90-99%Master Psionic
100%Special Master Psionic

Special Psionic Null: If this is rolled, the Character has no psionic abilities whatsoever nor can any ever be developed. Further the Character cannot be affected by Psionic (for good or bad). In addition, The Character exudes a 5 Foot radius around himself in which Psionics absolutely will not work

Psionic Null: If this is rolled, the Character has no psionic abilities whatsoever nor can any ever be developed. Further the Character cannot be affected by Psionic (for good or bad)

Latent Psionic: If this is rolled, it indicates that the Character has a very limited range of Psionics to which s/hehas little or no control over. The Character is limited to these initial powers and in most cases can never develop others ( in very rare circumstances a Mind Mage can train the Latent Psionic to untap his or her powers and obtain Minor Psionic Ability (2% chance)), although some degree of Master can be obtained over those that are possessed. At 1st Level the Character has a 30% chance of control which increases by 5% per level of experiance. Powers are determined by rolling 1D4 for the amount of powers and 1d6 on the following chart for the power category.
Die Roll
Type of Psionics

I.S.P. is Determined with the following formula: M.E.+1D6+1D4/lvl.

Minor Psionic: If this is rolled, it indicates that the Character has a limited range of Psionics not strong enough to become one of the Psychic O.C.C.s but have the ability to hone those they do have to Mastery. The Character is limited to these initial powers and in most cases can never develop others ( in very rare circumstances a Mind Mage can train the Minor Psionic to untap his or her powers and obtain Major Psionic Ability (4% chance)). At 1st Level the Character rolls 1D6 on the following table and chooses 1D10 abilities from that Category. Minor Psionics do not gain any new abilities as they grow in experiance.
Die Roll
Type of Psionics

I.S.P. is Determined with the following formula: M.E.+2D6+1D6/lvl.

Major Psionic: If this is rolled, it indicates that the Character has a wider range of Psionics. although not strong enough to become one of the Psychic O.C.C.s. The Character is unlimited in developing his power in regards to the Healing, Physical and Sensitive power categories but can not learn any powers from the super Category ( in very rare circumstances a Mind Mage can train the Major Psionic to untap his or her powers and obtain Master Psionic Ability (8% chance)). At first level the characters May select 10 powers from one power category or a total of 8 from the three categories allowed to the Major Psionic. The Major Psionic may select 1 new ability from any of these three categories at each new level.
I.S.P. is Determined with the following formula: M.E.+3D6+1D8/lvl.

Master Psionic: If this is rolled, it indicates the strongest of the untrained Psionic users. Master Psionics have powers near full potential. The have a full range of power categories availiable to them and may choose 1D8 from each category at first level as well as 1d4 new powers from each category at each new level
I.S.P. is Determined with the following formula: M.E.+4D6+1D10/lvl.

Special Master Psionic: If this is rolled, it indicates the strongest of the untrained Psionic users. Special Master Psionics have powers near full potential. The have a full range of power categories availiable to them and may choose 1D8 from each category at first level as well as 1d4 new powers from each category at each new level THey also recieve a +1 bonus to Psionic save throws.
I.S.P. is Determined with the following formula: M.E.+10+4D6+1D10/lvl.

If one of the Psionic O.C.C.s are chosen they are automatically Master Psionics, although they should roll 1D100 to determine if they have Special Master Psionic status. If 00 is rolled the the Psionic character recieves a +2 bonus to psionic save throws and recieves a bonus 20 I.S.P. added to the I.S.P. base. All othe aspects are as determined by the character class.