Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank

Healing Psionic Abilities


Attack Disease
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: 12
Description: The psychic can reduce the symptoms of disease in a debilitating psionic melding. The psychic touches his patient, linking himself to the sick individual, and draws part of the illness into his own body (this takes 1D4 minutes of concentration.) Once the sickness has been drawn into the psychic, it reduces the effects, penalties and normal
Duration of the disease in the sick individual by half. Likewise, the psychic also exhibits the symptoms and penalties of the disease but also at half the normal severity and his symptoms last only 1D4 hours. This power does not work against magic diseases and curses, as well as lethal and chronic diseases like cancers, tuberculosis, polio, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's disease, Ebola, and similar.
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Range: 10 Feet
Duration: 10 minutes/level
I.S.P.: 10
Description: The psychic stimulates the pleasure centers of the target and fixates that person's image in their mind to reinforce it. Thus, the psychic can increase the attraction of one person to another, or of a target to themselves. The target person must make a normal save, but if failed, becomes infatuated with either the psychic or another. This does not affect sexual orientation or natural affiliations (will not turn someone to Necrophilia for instance unless they're already a Necrophiliac.) This attraction can also be towards activities or motives. For instance, a person can be bewitched toward skydiving for instance, or to self-preservation.
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Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes/level
I.S.P.: 6
Description: Biofeedback is the power to control the flow of blood through one's own body. This power has two key effects. First, the psionicist can easily control bleeding. As a result, he suffers two fewer points of damage from every attack against him which causes physical injury. Second, by Flooding key portions of his body with blood, the psionicist effectively cushions blows against him and reduces their effect. The character's armor class is increased by one.
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Range: Self
Duration: Permanent
I.S.P.: 6
Saving Throw: None
Description: The ability to mentally heal oneself of disease, poison, or physical damage. Unfortunately, this ability is limited to the healing of oneself and cannot help others. The process requires one full minute of concentration, meaning the psychic cannot use any other psionic power during that time. Bio-regeneration does not restore missing limbs, but does restore 2-12 (2D6) hit points, or 3-18 (3D6) physical S.D.C. points per melee round. In addition, when cuts and scrapes are healed through bio-regeneration, there is NO scarring. The psionic can regenerate as often as once every other minute.
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Brain Scan
Range: Touch
Duration: Varies
I.S.P.: 10
Description: The psychic character can scan the brain to locate and identify both physical and mental aberrations, damage and impairment, including bruises, tumors, aneurysms, diseases, mental blocks, hypnotic suggestions, phobias, obsessions, traumas, magic insanities, magic curses, and similar mental blocks and aberrations. A brain scan does not reveal anything about the character's personality, memories, skills or thoughts. A brain scan is necessary to remove mental blocks, magic insanity and other forms of insanity.
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Charismatic Field
Range: Immediate area
Duration: 1 minute per level
I.S.P.: 6
Description: This power raises the psychic's effective M.A. by +2, plus 1 every other level, and their P.B. by +1 plus one every third level and adds +10% to Trust/Intimidate. This is an alteration to the psychic, and not a mind affecting attack, therefore there is no saving throw.
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Coma Consciousness
Range: Self Only
Duration: two minutes per level
I.S.P.: 3
Description: The psychic can remain relatively conscious, aware and alert even though hit points are zero or less and he should be unconscious and in a coma, Indeed, the character is groggy, combat bonuses are -10, attacks/actions are reduced to 2 but he is awake, aware of what is going on around him, can talk, and even perform skills that don't involve physical stressor mobility.
However, the character cannot use any other psychic ability nor stand or move much without help. This ability is ideal for telling authorities and allies what happened, that people are still trapped or missing and where they might be located, or reporting who was responsible, issuing a warning, telling paramedics what his own injuries are or those of a fallen comrade, or perhaps even to make a call on a cell phone or the use of simple devices. The coma conscious person can move on his own only by crawling on his belly at the speed of 1D6 and has only 2 melee actions/attacks per round. At the end of this ability's Duration the psychic falls immediately unconscious.
Note: Skills are performed at half their usual percentage.
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Deaden Pain
Range: Immediate proximity; touch or within 3 feet (0.9 m)
Duration: One hour per level of experience
Length of Trance: Two minutes (8 melee rounds)
I.S.P.: 4
Description: The ability to deaden pain can be used as a painkiller which temporarily negates existing pain or as an anesthetic to be used for surgery.
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Disease Purification
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: 18
Length of Trance: 6D6 minutes of meditation The healer can use their abilities to slow their metabolism and destroy disease (both viral and bacterial) within their body. The effects of the disease are immediately halted at the beginning of the meditation and completely destroyed/negated by its end. Damage sustained prior to the psychic's intervention still exist. Will even works on Parasitic organisms.
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Range: Immediate area; touch or within 8 feet (2.4 m)
Duration: Instant, if successful
Length of Trance: 30 minutes of preparation and 6D6 minutes with the possessed person or animal
I.S.P.: 10
Description: The healer can perform a rite of exorcism that uses psychic energy to expel the loathsome possessing entity, spirit or evil being from its mortal, host body. A completely successful exorcism will free the victim of the supernatural force that controls him and send it back to its own non-earthly world. A partially successful exorcism will drive the evil force out of the possessed person or animal, but does not send the damnable thing back to its own dimension. Thus, it can try to possess the healer or flee to wander the world in search of new victims. An exorcism can only be used on living persons or animals whose bodies are inhabited by a supernatural entity or creature.
Roll to determine success for an exorcism at the end of the time period. First, roll to see if the being has been expelled from its victim's body. Success ratio: 28%+7% per each additional level of the psychic's experience.
Second, roll to see if the thing is forced back into its own dimension. Success Ratio: 21%+7% per each additional level of the psychic's experience. A failed roll means the creature can remain in our dimension, but it must leave the area and can not possess the same individual for at least six months. Note: The chance of a successful exorcism against some of the more powerful supernatural beings, like a god, godling or demon lord, is half the usual success rate.
During the exorcism, the possessing force can use whatever powers it may have, as well as physical attacks or any special psychic abilities of its host body. Fortunately, the rite of exorcism weakens the creature, reducing its number of attacks per melee by half. It is wise to always have one or more assistants to help defend against the being's attacks and actions. Sedating the physical host body will immobilize it, but will not prevent the possessing creature from using psychic attacks or its natural powers. Too many assistants or spectators can be a liability, for the creature may attempt to flee by possessing one of them. An exorcism can be attempted on the same individual as often as the psychic desires.
Note: can only exorcise the living.
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Healing Leech
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: 6
Description: An injured psychic can heal himself by drawing on the S.D.C. and hit points of other creatures. To do so, he must spend six I.S.P. while touching the creature. If the creature fails to save vs psionic attack, the poor victim will suddenly feel weak, losing six hit points and six S.D.C. points, given to the Psionic. The Psionic can drain his victim down to about half his normal hit points before he can drain no more from that particular being and must seek a new source of healing. As the psychic drains his victim, he is visibly healed; wounds close, scars and bruises disappear, etc. Fortunately, the victims of the healing leech recover twice as fast than is normal.
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Healing Touch
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant, with lasting effects
Length of Trance: Two minutes (8 melee rounds)
I.S.P.: 6
Description: The healing touch is a remarkable healing ability that can instantly heal cuts, burns, bruises and similar physical wounds. The touch restores 2D4 hit points or 2D6 S.D.C. The healing touch can only be used on other living creatures, but never on the psychic himself (see bio-regeneration.)
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Increased Healing
Range: Touch or within 3 feet (0.9 m)
Duration: 2D4 days
Length of Trance: 1D6 hours
I.S.P.: 10
Description: The healer is able to stimulate another person's healing energies, dramatically increasing one's recuperative powers. Hit points and S.D.C. recovery is double the normal professional treatment rate.
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Induce Sleep
Range: Touch or within 6 feet (1.8 m)
Duration: One hour per level of experience (or until awakened)
Length of Trance: Two minutes of preparatory meditation
I.S.P.: 4
Description: Saving Throw: Standard; plus, unwilling victims are +5 to save vs psychic attack. This is not an offensive ability, but is intended to bring relief, rest, and to help the recuperative powers of those who are ill, exhausted, or suffering from insomnia. The ailing person will fall into a normal, restful sleep from which he or she can be easily roused. Unwilling victims of the induce sleep psi-power get a +5 bonus to save. Furthermore, this power cannot be used against an opponent in combat or who is presently on his feet, alert and active.
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Instill Dread
Range: Touch or within 5 feet
Duration: One hour per level of experience
I.S.P.: 4
Description: The psychic instills the victim with dread and hopelessness. The victim receives -2 to Save versus Horror Factor, receives -1 to all other saves and has a -1 to combat rolls. The power also causes the person a feel of wellness, heightening of pain etc.
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Instill Fear
Range: Touch or within 5 feet
Duration: One hour per level of experience
I.S.P.: 6
Description: The psychic instills the victim with intense fear and horror. The victim receives -5 to Save versus Horror Factor, receives -3 to all other saves and has a -3 to combat rolls.
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Instill Fertility
Range: Touch or within 5 feet
Duration: One hour per level of experience
I.S.P.: 6
Description: Allows the psionic to increase the odds of conception by 5%/level for one hour per level. So a 5th level psionic can add 25% to the odds of getting pregnant over the next 25 hours.
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Instill Hope
Range: Touch or within 5 feet
Duration: Special, see below
I.S.P.: 4
Description: The psychic instills the victim with hope and vitality. The victim receives +2 to Save versus Horror Factor, gains +1 to all other saves and has a +1 to combat rolls until next time they are injured. The power provides the person with a feeling of wellness, lessening of pain etc.
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Life Drain
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1D6 per level of experience
I.S.P.: 12
Description: With this power, a psionicist can drain hit points from one character to another. Willing participants need no save. Similar to Healing Leech the donator loses six hit points and six S.D.C. which the psionicist transfers to an injured party. The psionic can drain the donator down to about half his normal hit points before he can drain no more from that particular being and must seek a new source of healing. As the psychic drains points, the injured party is visibly healed; wounds close, scars and bruises disappear, etc. The person donating their HP recovers twice as fast than is normal.
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Lust for Life
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rolls vs coma recovery
I.S.P.: 15
Description: By the laying of hands, the psychic can instill a lust for life into someone who is in a coma and apparently dying. This adds a bonus of 6% per each level of the psychic's experience to the comatose character's recovery from coma rolls. Example: a second level Psi-Healer adds 12% to the save vs coma, third level 18%, etc. The percentage bonus is subtracted from the coma percentile the character must roll above to survive, reducing the risk of a fatality.
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Medical Hypnosis
Range: Immediate area
Duration: 1 minute per level
I.S.P.: 6
Description: The power of Medical Hypnosis is a psionically boosted form of simple hypnosis. The power of Medical Hypnosis can be used to eliminate ordinary headaches, reduce the pain of a migraine, injury, and hang-overs by half; reduce the symptoms and penalties of a fever by half; relaxing/calming somebody down, putting a person or animal in a light sleep, helping a person to relax and focus on a particular thought, getting the person to remember exactly what they have eaten in the last 24 hours or if they suffered an insect bite or some such affliction, and implanting subtle ideas. The implanting or "suggestion" of an idea must be subtly worked into a comment. The suggestion must be kept simple and clear, such as "You know you can trust me" or "You feel like you have a fever. Yes, you do have a fever. You're burning up (with fever.) You should lie down." Note: Can only influence one patient at a time.
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Range: Self
Duration: Varies
I.S.P.: None
Saving Throw: None
Description: This ability is automatically available to all psionics. It is a simple self-hypnotic trance which allows the psychic to completely relax. During such trances, the psychic regains six I.S.P. per hour (Master Psionics gets 12!)
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Range: 12 feet + 6 feet per level, centered on the psychic
Duration: 2 minutes per level
I.S.P.: 15
Description: Psi-Static creates a field of disruptive psychic energy that surrounds the psychic and distorts psionic activity. Those in the field (except the psychic, and those under a mind block) must save or lose 1D4 I.S.P. per round within the field. Furthermore, all effects that go through the field are halved and allow those inside the field a +2 bonus to save against it. The nature of this effect even disrupts the aim (-4 to strike) and damage (takes half damage) of normal physical powers.
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Psychic Diagnosis
Range: Touch or within 3 feet (0.9 m)
Duration: Immediate knowledge
Length of Trance: 2D4 melees of meditation
I.S.P.: 4
Saving Throw: None
Description: The psychic healer can sense physical pain, external and internal injury, disease and possession with absolute clarity. This pinpoint accuracy enables the character to suggest treatment or to conduct psychic surgery.
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Psychic Purification
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Length of Trance: 6D6 minutes of meditation
I.S.P.: 8
Saving Throw: None
Description: The healer can use his abilities to slow a person's metabolism and destroy chemicals, drugs, poisons, and toxins in the body. The effects of the drugs/impurities are immediately halted at the beginning of the meditation, and completely destroyed/negated by its end. Damage sustained prior to the psychic's intervention still exists. This power is ineffective against magic potions, spells and faerie foods.
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Psychic Surgery
Range: Touch
Duration: Varies with injury
Length of Trance: 2D6 minutes of preparatory meditation, plus the
Duration of the surgery, which is half the time of conventional modern medicine; as is the recovery time of the patient.
I.S.P.: 14
Description: Psychic surgery is used to repair broken bones and internal injuries, the removal of foreign objects (arrowheads, bullets, etc.), or when a character has suffered so much damage that he or she has lapsed into a coma (zero or less hit points.) The recovery from a coma (near death) is equal to treatment from a modern hospital, and 1-66% when psychic surgery is used. Note that there is absolutely no scarring from psychic surgery and minimal pain (no pain if the deaden pain psi-ability is used.) No tools are needed, only the psychic's hands. Note: A psychic diagnosis must be made before surgery is possible.
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Resist Fatigue
Range: Self
Duration: One hour plus 20 minutes per level of experience
Length of Trance: 1D6 melees of preparatory meditation
I.S.P.: 4
Description: A mind over matter discipline which enables the character to engage in physical activity without suffering from exhaustion. Although fatigue is temporarily suspended, the psychic will feel extremely tired and may even collapse when the psi-power's time limit lapses.
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Steal I.S.P.
Range: Touch or 6 feet per level
Duration: Instant
I.S.P.: Special, see below
Description: The psychic can take I.S.P. from a victim. This power costs 6 I.S.P. on a willing victim at touch range. An unwilling or unsuspecting victim automatically gets a saving throw. Unwilling victims cost 10 I.S.P. The power has a range of 6 feet per level, but ranged victims cost an extra 2 I.S.P. The psychic drains 1D6 I.S.P. per level. Obviously, at lower levels the psychic risks losing more than they gain when using this power. The I.S.P. drained can be made permanent in the victim but the I.S.P. cost to do so is 80.
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Stop Bleeding (Others)
Range: Other by touch
Duration: Special
I.S.P.: 4
Description: Basically, the same as Stop Bleeding (Self), only it is performed on others by the laying on of hands by the psychic. Ability can be used indefinitely, as long as the healer keeps his hand on the injured individual and concentrates on stopping the bleeding. Or it will last four minutes per level if the psychic uses this as a temporary tourniquet and leaves the individual to do other things.
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Stop Bleeding (Self)
Range: Self Only
Duration: Six minutes per level
I.S.P.: 2
Description: Another type of Bio-Feedback, mind over matter power, in which the psychic stops bleeding from wounds and internal injury using the power of his mind. This means stopping additional damage from blood loss and being able to function relatively unimpaired. As impressive and potentially lifesaving as this ability may be, it is only a stopgap measure. The injury is NOT being healed and the character still needs medical attention he will eventually die from his injuries. If rendered unconscious, the bleeding and blood loss damage immediately begins again.
NOTE: Stops the bleeding from all sources, however, additional/new Hit Point damage suffered after the stop bleeding (self) requires additional concentration and another three I.S.P. to stop the bleeding from the new wounds.
PENALTIES: Furthermore, the psychic must continue to concentrate on stopping the bleeding, which means his number of attacks per round and all combat bonuses are reduced by half, but skill performance and other abilities function at normal capacity (he can run, leap, climb, swim, drive, operate machinery etc. at full tilt.)

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Suppress Fear
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: One minute per level of experience
I.S.P.: 8
Saving Throw: None
Description: This power temporarily suppresses the chemical and psychological components of fear in the subject. As a result, the character is unable to feel the emotion, even if intellectually, he realizes he is in danger or is facing a terrifying situation. This enables the character to take perfectly rational actions rather than respond with the typical "fight or flight" reactions of those who are frightened. While this power is activated, the character automatically succeeds on any check to resist horror factor, even if magically induced. This power can be used on the psychic himself or on others.
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Transfer I.S.P.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant transferal
I.S.P.: 4+
Description: The psychic can transfer some of his own I.S.P. to another psychic. The operation costs four I.S.P. plus the amount transferred. So, for example, transferring 10 I.S.P. to another psychic would cost 14 I.S.P. total. If a transfer of more than the receiving psionicist’s current maximum is attempted those points are “lost.” A mind block will prevent this energy transfer.
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