Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Advertising: Advertising refers to the process of actually promoting your product or service to the marketplace. Ensuring that you are effectively getting your product known to your target customers and emphasizing the benefits to them is important when it comes to driving successful sales. So where marketing involves the ground work of branding and researching the needs of your target market, advertising is the process whereby you actually communicate with your target market. Advertising campaigns can be communicated through numerous venues, television, radio, or online for example, and part of your marketing research will be identifying the most effective venues for your target audience. A product could have a terrific online campaign, but if your market research has identified seniors as the key target market that would not likely be the most effective use of your advertising dollars. For many target customers social media is becoming an ever more popular focus for advertising campaign as it can be a very inexpensive way to reach many different users. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Bargain/Bribe: This persuasion skill is used when a player character bargains with an NPC. It's usually used when they haggle over the price of something, but could also be used in diplomatic relations, to bribe someone, etc. Use of the skill is resolved as an opposed roll; both characters make bargain skill rolls. Generally, the character with the higher roll gets the better part of the deal. If the item over which they're bargaining has a price, use the average price or the black market price. If the price has no average cost or a black market value the GM must decide on the this price. In order to determine a bargain/ bribe the player character must roll his/her Percentile Dice, as well for the NPC or the person offering the merchandise. Then compare the rolls:
  • If the PC's roll is at least twice times the NPC's: The purchase price is 3/4 of the average cost or black market price.
  • If the PC's roll is higher than, but not twice the NPC's: The purchase price is 10% of the average cost or black market price.
  • If the rolls are tied: The purchase price is equal to the average cost or black market price.
  • If the NPC's roll is higher than, but not twice the PC's: The purchase price is 10% higher of the average cost or black market price.
  • If the PC's roll is at least twice times the NPC's: The purchase price is 3/4 higher of the average cost or black market price.
  • If the PC's roll is at least three times the NPC's: The purchase price is 50% higher of the average cost or black-market price.
The result is what the player character can bargain the NPC down to; he can always refuse the deal, if he/she wishes. The Bargain skill is, after all, trying to make a deal -- a payment in exchange for the official's approval. In this case, don't make a bargain skill roll for the target of the bribe attempt; instead, the PC rolls the percentile dice, and the NPC rolls the percentile dice and the higher of the two wins out. In other words if a PC rolls a 45% on the dice and NPC rolls 35% the player character wins. Now there are several factor that play in this. The alignment of the character and also their disposition.There are also penalties for talking to certain alignments. For instance a Diabolical character is easier to bribe than a Scrupulous character. Also, take into consideration the disposition such as being Gung-ho, Shy or Likes to take chances. This will make a PC or NPC despite his/her alignment take or offer higher or lower bribes.

Barter: A skill at dealing with merchants, thieves, and other businessmen. Depending on the point of view of the character, he can raise or lower the price of an idem by 1D4x10%, excluding magic and rare items. Generally, if the haggler makes a successful roll, he gets the price he wanted. If the price is extremely suspect, the two bartering characters can each make rolls of 1D100; highest roll wins and gets their price, not a penny less. Note: The trade must be, or at least seem at least reasonably fair to both parties. Selling a pile of rusty swords for a well-maintained suit of power armor just won't cut it. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Bureaucracy: This skill involves knowledge of bureaucracies and their procedures. It can be used in two ways. First, to determine whether a player character knows something about a bureaucracy (how to get the right form), or about bureaucracy in general (what kinds of things they're likely to require). It can be used to obtain cooperation from a bureaucrat. Someone unfamiliar with a bureaucracy can struggle with forms, procedures and bureaucrats for hours without getting what he/she wants; someone who knows how to deal with bureaucrats will figure out the right procedures, which forms he needs, and who he needs the approval of or cooperation from a bureaucracy. Of course there are penalties on the type of information being requested:
  • Available to All (finding out how much you owe for that car you bought.) - 0%
  • Available to Almost Anyone (finding out who's on the next flight coming into town.) - 10%.
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
  • Available to Anyone Who Qualifies (Use of credit or to acquire a loan from a bank.) -20%.
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
  • Fairly Restricted (Low level secrets that even privates know, that have and/or can be leaked to the public.) -30%.
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
  • Moderately Restricted (Limited to Lieutenants and above, no civilians can obtain access to the information.) -40%.
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
  • Extremely Restricted (Limited to Colonels and above, no civilians can obtain access to the information.) -50%.
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
The difficulty is modified for: (All are accumulative)
  • How common or unusual the request is. Bureaucracies have smooth procedures for dealing with common problems, but are unwilling to break rules or establish new procedures.
    • Very common problems: - 0%.
    • Uncommon Problems: - 15%.
    • Extremely unusual requests: - 25%.
    • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
  • Funding and Morale level of the Bureaucracy:
    • Whether the bureaucracy is extremely well funded and has an Excellent morale (- 0%)
    • Whether the bureaucracy is somewhat well-funded and has good morale (-15%)
    • Poorly funded and in a bad shape (funding savaged, completely mismanaged: -25%).
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
  • Whether officials have particular reason to trust the character.
  • Whether officials have a particular reason to distrust the character.
  • Known crime figures dealing with any type of authority -30%.
  • Any situations in between may be + or - 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
Once the difficulty number is determined, make a skill roll. Success means the character gets what he wants in short order (depending on circumstances, that can mean in a few minutes or a few days). Failure means his request is refused, or routed elsewhere, or the bureaucracy will take days or months making up his mind, etc. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Calligraphic Codes & Codebreaking: Skill in recognizing the steps and operations performed in converting encrypted Unicode with bold and regular math Calligraphic/Chancery alphabets as well as bold and regular script alphabets and cracking secret codes and messages. These codes can be transmitted via radio, microwave, laser and other communications systems. Only the person with the code key or a master hacker can decipher the message. Most codes will take months or even years of deciphering before the encryption is cracked. The character must study the code for two hours to attempt to break it successfully. A failed roll means the individual must study the code for an additional two hours before he can try to break it again. The character may attempt to break the code sooner, after only 10 minutes of study, but suffers a penalty of -30%. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Literacy.

Calligraphic Forgery: A special skill that allows the character to imitate the calligraphy of the ancients and to reproduce copies of exotic styles. This is an advanced version of artistic calligraphy, and the character must take both skills. To successfully pass off a forgery as an ancient work requires a roll under the base skill on percentile. Attempting to forge the penmanship of a particular author is more difficult (-25% penalty on the roll). Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Calligraphy: The ability to produce beautiful letters using a Brush or Quill, ink and paper with great skill and legibility. Traditionally, any person of culture and education, especially a noble, is expected to be able to produce gorgeous ideograms. Calligraphy is a skill almost as necessary as literacy for traditionalists. Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

Communications: Basic: Communications is the field of study concerned with the transmission of information through various means. It can also be defined as technology employed in transmitting messages. It can also be defined as the inter-transmitting the content of data (speech, signals, pulses etc.) from one node to another. This skill provides the character with a basic overview of the various methods and technologies used for communications systems. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Ops: This skill provides the character with the skill to setup and operate the various pieces of equipment nessesary for communications systems. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Advanced Repair: This skill provides the character with an complete and indepth skill in the repair and maintenance of technologies used for communications systems. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Base Station: This skill provides the character with the skill to setup and operate a wireless basestation for communications systems. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Basic Repair: This skill provides the character with a basic skill in the repair and maintenance of technologies used for communications systems. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Laser: This skill provides the character with an in-depth knowledge of sophisticated laser communications systems and fiber optic communications. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Microwave: Experience in the use of microwave equipment, transmitters, and receivers for communications. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Communications: Technology: This skill provides the character with an indepth knowledge of the design of and technologies used for communications systems. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Creative Writing: Traditionally referred to as literature, creative writing is an art of sorts - the art of making things up. It's writing done in a way that is not academic or technical but still attracts an audience. Though the definition is rather loose, creative writing can for the most part be considered any writing that is original and self-expressive. A news article, for example, cannot be considered creative writing because its main goal is to present facts and not to express the feelings of the writer. While a news article can be entertaining, its main purpose is to present the facts. The purpose of creative writing is to both entertain and share human experience, like love or loss. Writers attempt to get at a truth about humanity through poetics and storytelling. Scholastic training indicates a professional quality, while the secondary skill indicates a talented amateur. A failed roll means an awkward and poorly written work that is boring and difficult to understand. Try again. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Literacy.

Cryptography: Cryptography involves creating written or generated codes that allows information to be kept secret. Cryptography converts data into a format that is unreadable for an unauthorized user, allowing it to be transmitted without anyone decoding it back into a readable format, thus compromising the data. Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.

Cryptology: Skill in recognizing, designing, and cracking secret codes and messages. These codes can be transmitted via radio, microwave, laser and other communications systems. These include ultra modern codes that require computers to decode them to the simple such as Morse Code that uses "dots and dashes". Only the person with the code key or a master hacker can decipher the message. Most codes will take months or even years of deciphering before the encryption is cracked. The character must study the code for two hours to attempt to break it successfully. A failed roll means the individual must study the code for an additional two hours before he can try to break it again. The character may attempt to break the code sooner, after only 10 minutes of study, but suffers a penalty of -30%. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Literacy.

Dating: Dating is a stage of romantic relationships whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It is a form of courtship, consisting of social activities done by the couple, either alone or with others. This skill give a knowledge of the protocols and practices of dating, and the terms used to describe it, vary considerably from country to country and over. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Detect Lie: is the skill of determining whether someone is practicing deception. Activities of the body not easily controlled by the conscious mind are compared under different circumstances. Usually this involves asking the subject control questions where the answers are known to the examiner and comparing them to questions where the answers are not known. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Editing: This is the understanding of editing certain types of media, the character will have to choose from one of the selections below: (Reminder that video editing and film is learned under TV/Video: Advanced, Expert.).
  1. Books: The person can edit and construct books. Books of all types, including ones like this one. A successful roll means no problems and the job is complete. On the other hand a failed roll means that the job is incomplete and can take weeks to fix and/or finish. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Literacy, Writing, and Language are required; Journalism will help to become a professional.
  2. Newspaper/Magazine: The person can edit newspapers and magazines as well as layout design. A successful roll means no problems and the job is complete. On the other hand a failed roll means that the job is incomplete and can take weeks to fix and/or finish. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Literacy, Writing, and Language are required; Journalism will help to become a professional.

Electronic Countermeasures: Useful for preventing the enemy's communications fro working. Since all armor, power armor and robot vehicles are linked by radio transmissions, jamming can cause unit confusion and disrupt communications. Military organization breaks down, causing a loss of effectiveness for all but the best units. Just about any high powered radio can be used for jamming. Armed with a radio, a small guerrilla unit can completely disrupt the maneuvers of large enemy groups. This skill also enables the radio operator to "follow" the enemy's attempted transmissions over jammed frequencies to trace their general location, a specific building, or direction. This tactic is extremely useful in finding and eliminating lone power-armor troopers. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Note: If the G.M. likes, he can make this part of the Radio: Scrambler skill, but still with a base of 30%.

Empathy: Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. There are many definitions for empathy that encompass a broad range of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and somatic empathy. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Encryption: This is the skill of encoding and decoding messages. Only the person with the code key or a master hacker can decipher the message. Most codes will take months or even years of deciphering before the encryption is cracked. Base Skill: 20% + 4% per level of experience.

Flag Signaling: Ships at sea in a medieval setting, often miles apart, have developed a "language" based on the display of colored flags. Those with this skill can read and compose messages, as well as be able to recognize banners, ensigns, pennants and standards used to communicate ship's origins and status. Communicating basic naval messages ("Turn to starboard." "Do you have any fresh water to spare?" or "Beware! Pirates sighted to the northeast!") are easy for anyone with 2nd level, or better, expertise. However, non-naval messages, including names (Victor Bertrand, Port Carling) or messages related to other subjects (magic, money or religion), are more time consuming, and more difficult to compose or decipher. Since each ship usually displays banners showing their nationality and other information, those with this skill have the chance of identifying a fake (pirates often fly false flags). In addition to the common signal code (used by every seafaring nation), certain navies and merchant companies have developed their own secret systems of communicating. Bonuses: +5% if the heraldry skill is known. Base Skill: 18% + 6% per level of experience.

Ham Radio: An amateur radio operator is an individual who typically uses equipment at an amateur radio station to engage in two-way personal communications with other similar individuals, on radio frequencies assigned to the amateur radio service by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States and the International Telecommunication Union worldwide. Amateur radio operators build and operate several types of amateur radio stations, including fixed ground stations, mobile stations, space stations and temporary field stations. A slang term often used for an amateur station's location is the "shack," named after the small enclosures added to the upper works of naval ships to hold early radio equipment and batteries. Amateur radio operators are granted an amateur radio license by the FCC upon passing an examination on radio theory and operation. As a component of their license, amateur radio operators are assigned a call sign that they use to identify themselves during communications. Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.

Language: Characters with a language skill can understand and speak in a language other than their own native tongue. Language is one of the few skills that can be selected repeatedly in order to select several different languages. Each selection gives the character knowledge of a different language and costs one skill selection each time. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Language: Ancient: A character can read, write, and speak an ancient form of a language he already knows. The language must be still spoken in a modern form. To learn an ancient language, the character must be literate. An unknown/lost Ancient Language can be learned but at a lower skill percentage. Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.

Language: Dialects: A dialect is a form or branch of a language that is specific to a particular region or group. Within this branch, different terms are used for different things. Dialect and accent are two different aspects of language. However, there are some overlaps. An accent is also specific to a region. for example, In English, there might be an American, British, or Australian accent. An accent is an inflection that occurs with word pronunciation, where as a dialect is entirely different words or ways of communicating altogether. Dialect goes beyond mere pronunciation. Examples of the differences in dialect:
  • A Northern American might say, “hello.”
  • A Southern American might say, “howdy.”
Dialects are usually formed around particular regions. However, they may also be used within certain groups of people. Pre-requisite: Language that the dialects are based on. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Linguistics: This is the study of the principles on which languages are based. A linguist can identify an obscure language from a snatch ofspeech or writing, given enough time. [Literacy] Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Lip Reading: The character knows how to interpret the spoken word through the movement of the mouth. Characters can observe targets from a distance and understand what they are saying. The target's mouth must be in line of sight and cannot be obstructed by anything. If the moving lips are partially obscured the GM should apply a penalty he/she thinks is appropriate to the situation. This type of art requires the character to speak the language he is attempting to lip read and to have a 80% proficiency or above in that language. Characters must also select this skill in relation to their common tongue first. Other languages selected after this will count as a new skill and must meet the 80% proficiency requirement. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Literacy: The written word is valuable on the world of Otara, yet, sadly, the majority of the world's population can not read or write. Those who are literate will typically be members of the elite aristocracy, Clergy or military. Like the language skill, the character may be able to read and write several different languages, but each language counts as a separate skill selection. Gives a +5% to most Lore Skills. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Marketing: The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer. It includes the coordination of four elements called the 4 P's of marketing:
  1. identification, selection and development of a product,
  2. determination of its price,
  3. selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer's place, and
  4. development and implementation of a promotional strategy.
Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs." In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience.

Meditation: Involves engaging the mind and body so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain, and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers Chi, I.S.P., P.P.E. and other internal resources at an accelerated rate. Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state they character is, at a subconscious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties.

Negotiation/Diplomacy: You can use this skill to persuade others to agree with your arguments, to resolve differences, and to gather valuable information or rumors from people. This skill is also used to negotiate conflicts by using the proper etiquette and manners suitable to the problem. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Optic Systems: Training covers a wide variety of optic systems, from video to optical enhancement devices, to laser and fiber optics. The character will understand the meaning of optical readings, recording, transmission, and use of special equipment like thermo-imagers, passive light intensifiers, infrared, ultraviolet, etc. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly. Adds a special one time bonus of +5% to T.V./video skill if both are selected.

Persuasion: Process aimed at changing a person's (or a group's) attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination of them. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience.

Photography: The training in the art of still photography using the traditional 35mm camera and digital cameras. Also teaches the use of lighting, camera tricks, lenses, filters, and other camera equipment, as well as storage, development/printing, enlargement, duplication of film/photos, computer scanning and computer enhancements, alterations, and printing (computer abilities require the Computer Operation skill). Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience.

Poetry: Creating good, and sometimes inspirational, poetry. Includes all forms, including Haiku, limericks, and even song verse. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Public Speaking: Training in the quality of sound, tone, pitch, enunciation, clarity, and pace in speaking to the public, loudly and distinctly. Also includes the practice of good, enticing storytelling and composition of the spoken word. The percentile number indicates the overall quality and charisma of the spoken word. Optional: Seeing how the M.A. stat would have a bearing on this skill, a GM may allow a bonus to this skill based on a high M.A., either the I.Q. bonus line or the trust/intimidate bonus divided by 5. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Radar/Sonar Operation: Use of radar (radio echo bounces) and sonar (underwater sound echo bounces) to precisely locate aircraft, ships and submarines. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Radio: Basic: This is the knowledge of the operation and maintenance of field radios and walkie talkies, home stereos and receivers, Ham operations, and some radio procedures. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of radio communications and functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Counts as One Skill, unless otherwise stated. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. The character can do simple wiring for the antennas and/or speakers, that's it. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

Radio: Advanced: This is the knowledge of wire laying, installation, radio procedure, communication security and visual signs communications, as well as knowing Morse code. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of radio communications and functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Counts as Two Skills, unless otherwise stated. Requires: Radio: Basic. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. The character can do basic repairs such as trace cables, change fittings, etc. If beyond this will need a professional. The character has received additional training in the use of radio, orbital and sub-orbital satellite communication relays. The character has learned how to repair radio and has the ability to jury-rig a make shift radio from spare parts. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

Radio: Expert: This is the knowledge of installing transmissions towers, includes UHF and VHF, TV towers, FM and AM, radio towers, and certain towers such as cellular communications, towers for airports. Also, has the knowledge of power ratings, frequencies, and what it takes to keep and maintain a tower. All of these towers are used for Broadcasting and receiving the old analog signals. Digital signals fall under Radio: Satellite Relay: Advanced. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of radio communications and functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Counts as Three Skills, unless otherwise stated. Requires: Radio: Basic and Advanced. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

Radio: Satellite Relay: Radio: Satellite Relay: This is an understanding in the methods and operations of satellite transmissions. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Radio: Scramblers: Basic: This is on the civilian level for those who need privacy from their neighbors. This would be used along with Radio: Basic. This skill can not be used with the advanced forms of radio or with the advanced forms of satellite communications. However they can unscramble cable channels. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of scrambled and unscrambling communications and functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Counts as One Skill, unless otherwise stated. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

Radio: Scramblers: Advanced: This is training in the use of electronic masking and scrambling (unscrambling) equipment, and codes for increased security. This skill will only enable the character to use this with Radio waves only! GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of scrambled and unscrambling communications and functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Counts as Two Skills, unless otherwise stated. Requires: Radio: Scramblers: Basic. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

Radio: Scramblers: Expert: This is the training in the use of electronic masking and scrambling (unscrambling) equipment, and codes, for increased security. This enables the character to create new codes, that even the advanced people would have a hard time cracking. For use with digital and analog waves on satellites and radio communications. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of scrambled and unscrambling communications and functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are sing this skill. Counts as Three Skills, unless otherwise stated. Requires: Radio: Scramblers: Advanced. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

Seduction: This is the ability to make the opposite sex melt with desire. This skill is somewhat similar to the Interrogation skill in that the seducer knows how to ask the right questions to get information without being obvious. The seducer usually seems attentive, sympathetic, and alluring/sexy. Men and women who are seduced tend to have loose lips, tending to talk freely, say more than they should and tell secrets. Furthermore, someone who is seduced is distracted, skill performance is halved, takes twice as long to do anything, and is practically oblivious to everything and everyone but the seducer, losing all initiative and halving all bonuses. Base Skill: 20% + 3% per level of experience, +1% for every MA attribute point over 20, and +1% for every PB attribute point over 17. Can seduce one additional person at a time per every three levels of experience.

Sensory Equipment: Individuals with this training can operate, maintain, understand, and "read" or interpret sensory data from all types of conventional sensor devices. These devices include radar, sonar, motion detectors, surveillance equipment, optical enhancements, instrument panels, and so on. Note: Characters without this skill cannot understand nor operate aircraft, radar, or detection/surveillance equipment. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Sign Language: Different places have developed sign languages, for many different reasons. Some evolved to be a standard language for trade. Others use such a language as their sole means of communication, due to a lack of hearing or vocal ability. An example of the latter is ASL (American Sign Language) for the deaf. To some extent, Earth deaf sign languages have a common basis in their standard signs, but the differences in source languages and alphabets (used for spelling out names and words with no standard sign) lead to difficulty. If a character chooses to learn a sign language, the specific language or source of the language must also be given. For every 10 words (or letters, for spelled out words) "signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 10 words. A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Signal Codes: This is the skill in sending coded messages via radio, microwave, laser, etc. communications system. These include ultra modern codes that require computers to decode them to the simple a such as Morse Code that uses "dots and dashes". Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Surveillance Systems: This the study and understanding of operation, methods, and techniques involved in the use of surveillance systems. Includes motion detectors, simple alarm systems, complex alarm systems, video and camera equipment, amplified sound systems, miniature listening devices (Bugs, telephone tapping), recording methods, and some optical enhancement systems (specifically as they relate to camera lenses). GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of surveillance systems and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly. Tailing, or following someone without their knowledge, is another form of surveillance. This also includes stake out procedures. A failed surveillance roll indicates that the tail was spotted and the subject is aware of being/ followed. A failed roll in the use of equipment indicates a ruined or garbled recording/film (not usable) or malfunction. Bugging equipment can be easily located or noticed during the course of casual activity if a character fails his surveillance roll while planting it. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Electronics: basic or Electrical Engineering and Computer Operations and literacy (the latter two are needed only for complex, high-tech systems).

Teaching: This training in the methods and practices of teaching/class room procedure; the disciplines of professional education, management of class rooms, instructional goals, discussion, lectures, conferences, group work, leadership, planning and evaluation. A Master's degree in the teaching arts is a requirement to teach professionally. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Telephone Networks: The character knows everything from the wiring of telephones, phone taps and tracing calls to international switching methods. Time to trace a call: 2D4x10 seconds, modified as follows -
  • Local - cut time by 75%;
  • LD, same Area code - cut time by 50%;
  • LD, out of Area Code - normal;
  • International - add 3D4 rounds;
  • Call being forwarded: add 1D4 rounds;
  • Caller also using skill; double time and skill levels must be rolled in competition (first to miss loses).
Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

T.V./Video: Basic: This is the understanding of VCR's, Camcorders, some television monitors, and VHS equipment. Can make amateur videos utilizing the home video equipment. Counts as One Skill, unless otherwise stated. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

T.V./Video: Advanced: This is the understanding of the techniques involved with video (for television broadcasts, Betacam, 3/4 machines, and cameras), editing of video, some special video effects, amateur filming (with a motion picture camera), can even edit that film footage, and can transfer film to video tape. Counts as Two Skills, unless otherwise stated. Requires: TV/Video: Basic. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

T.V./Video: Expert: This the understanding of the techniques involved with film making. The character with this skill can make motion pictures, edit the film, and is an expert with video equipment. Counts as Three Skills, unless otherwise stated. Requires: TV/Video: Basic and Advanced. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. Time to use the skill: Depends on length of the task and is provided that the character has made his/her skill correctly.

VR/3D Systems: This is the technology to create computer generated virtual landscapes. The knowledge to create the physical interfaces such as VR/3D helmets that incorporate visual and auditory stimulus to a character. This is not as advanced as cyberjacking or Neural Interfaces so it is not a effective way to control any machines that require quick reaction times, but it also does not subject the character to the dangers of a connection to the nervous system. Thus protecting the character from damage from hostile computer programs designed to screw up the "software" of the character's nervous system. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.