Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Animal Husbandry: This area of study provides the character with a knowledge of the care, feeding, breeding, reproduction, treatment and behavior of domestic animals, as well as very basic veterinary skills for minor illness, setting a broken leg and giving birth. The animals included under this skill are cattle, sheep, goats, horses, mules, donkeys, ducks, chickens, and similar livestock and domesticated animals like dogs (see horsemanship for breeding horses and breeding animals for dogs). The percentile number indicates the degree of knowledge and skill one has about animals and their care. Reduce the skill ability by half when caring for captive or injured wild animals. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Blacksmith: Use of a forge and ironworking tools, plus the ability to work with animals. Characters with this skill can make and repair horseshoes and a variety of other small iron tools and appliances. Aside from general usefulness, a skilled blacksmith can earn a good living just about anywhere and any time throughout recorded history. Note: Blacksmith requires a minimum P.S. of 10, and a minimum Size Level of 8 is recommended. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience.

Branding: The techniques and methods for tethering, controlling and marking, or "branding," animals. A brand is a mark burned on the skin to identify and show ownership of an animal - typically used on horses and cattle, sometimes on humans and D-bee slaves. This skill also includes a basic knowledge of common and notable insignias and emblems. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Breaking/Taming a Wild Horse: To "break a horse, first the trainer must get the horse used to being around people, then used to having a saddle on its back (this takes 3D4 days), and then you "bit" train it (get's used to having a bit in its mouth and reins). Finally, the trainer must get the horse used to having a rider on its back. Depending on the horse, this can take a couple weeks (making an attempt every day) or several weeks with moderate success. It takes a lot of skill to stay on a wild horse when he wants you off. Some horses are never completely tame, and some will allow certain people to ride it, while bucking and throwing other riders. During this initial training period the rider must hang on for dear life while the horse does everything it its power to throw him. This battle of wills can last hours and take up to 12 weeks. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Also includes riding wild bulls (cannot be broken), wild broncos, and other wild animals, as well as steer wrestling, but all at -15%.

Breed Animals: The first percentile number indicates the art of raising, mating/breeding, taming and training domestic and wild animals, as well as a knowledge about animals in general. The second percentile number is used to attempt to tame a wild animals, teach an animal tricks, or to train the animal for a specific task like tracking, retrieving, pointing, herding animals, attack on command, and so on. A failed roll means that the animal refuses to learn that particular trick or specialty. Note: These are trained work animals or pets, not familiars. Base Skill: 40%/20% + 5 % per level of experience.

Farming: This skill is the techniques used to farm properly. You know how to till your land, when to leave it fallow. Also know rudimentary knowledge in herbicides, and fertilizer. You know which ones work but not why. Can estimate when it is going to rain and so on. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience

Fishing These are the fundamental methods (and enjoyment) of the relaxing sport of fishing. Areas of knowledge include the use of lures, baits, poles, line, and the cleaning and preparation of fish for eating. This includes fresh and salt water. Base skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. Spending two skills will produce professional quality fishing skill, example: a pro bass fisherman. One time bonus of 10% if this is the case.

Fishing: Advanced The normal fishing skill has to do with the recreational sport of fishing with a hook, pole and line. Advanced fishing is the knowledge of commercial fishing techniques, including the use of nets, cages (for lobsters and crabs), trolling, explosives, harpoon guns and other methods and techniques used in commercial fishing of mass catches from the ocean. It also includes a knowledge of baiting, as well as cleaning, preparing, storing and preserving catches for transport to market. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Fishing: Deep Sea Although similar to Freshwater fishing, the methods involved are very different. Smaller fish are generally caught using a variety of different nets in quantity (4D6 fish at a time). For bigger fish (50 pounds and up), special tackle is required, which is actually attached to the ship. Those with this skill have a basic knowledge of the most common fish, and know the proper techniques for preparation and cooking (some fish have poison glands or quills that must be removed prior to cooking). For line fishing, roll once every hour, but once every ten minutes for net fishing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Note: While someone with the Freshwater fishing skill can catch and cook fish while on ship, using the usual techniques, they'll catch only the smaller fish, and they'll only roll for success once per hour. Also, they won't have the knowledge involved in identifying which are edible, or the details of how a specific fish should be prepared. Bonuses: +5% if the identify sea life skill is known. Base Skill: 32% + 4% per level of experience

Fishing: Fresh Water The fundamental methods and enjoyment of fresh water fishing. Areas of knowledge include the use of lures, baits, poles, hooks, and lines, as well as the cleaning and preparation of fish for eating. Also includes a basic knowledge of freshwater fish, turtles and amphibians, their habits and taste. Roll once every 20 minutes to see if a fish is successfully captured. A failed roll means it slips off the hook and escapes or it is much too small to clean and eat. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Herding Cattle: The techniques and methods of leading, directing and controlling cattle in a contained and orderly herd. Also includes keeping animals calm, basic care and feeding, how to tend cattle, recognize disease and illness, give birth to young, how to survive and regain control of a stampede, gather strays, how best to pen and corral livestock, mend fences, etc. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Horsemanship: Cowboy: Base Skill: 66%/50% + 3% per level of experience. Not available to most O.C.C.'s. Combat: All bonuses are in addition to other combat skills, weapon proficiencies, or attribute bonuses. Applies to the rider, not the horse. he rider gains a combat advantage from the height and speed of being mounted.
  • +1 on initiative when on horseback at levels 2, 5, 10 & 15.
  • +1 to roll with fall or impact when knocked from a horse.
  • +2 to parry or dodge while on horseback.
  • Inflicts +1D4 S.D.C. or M.D. when on horseback, depending on the weapon (M.D. weapons like Vibro-Blades get the M.D. bonus; not applicable to ranged weapons like rifles and blasters).
  • Charge Attack (running horse) with a pole-arm or spear: +2D6 S.D.C. damage. The attacker must roll under the second percentile number to avoid being dismounted. Charge attacks count as two melee actions/attacks.

Horsemanship: Exotic: Basically the same as the general horsemanship skill, except that the character is experienced in riding "tame" animals other than the horse. This can include elephants, camels, lamas and other beasts trained (or willing) to be riding animals. Wild, untamed creatures cannot be ridden, except by those with special animal skills or powers. Base Skill: 30%/20% + 5% per level of experience. Note: Characters with the traditional "horsemanship" skill for riding horses and other very horse-like animals can quickly figure out how to ride exotic animals, but at a skill penalty of -12% to ride ground/running animals and -16% to ride flying or tree climbing and leaping animals. Similarly, beings from other dimensions not familiar with riding the fast and sleek Earth horse are -10% to ride them.

Hunting The skill of killing and preparing an animal for food. Adds the following bonuses to the appropriate skills: +2% prowl, +5 tracking, +5 skin/prepare animal hides, +5 wilderness survival, and +5 to cook the catch only. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Hunting: Arctic The skill of killing and preparing an arctic climate animals for food. Adds the following bonuses to the appropriate skills: +2% prowl, +5 tracking, +5 skin/prepare animal hides, +5 wilderness survival Arctic, and +5 to cook the catch only. Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

Leather working: The character is skilled at tanning and preserving animal hides. Usually this skill is combined with tailor to enable the character to make leather goods such as clothing, capes, bags and even leather armor. If this is done the character can fully repair, and make modifications to leather armor (see armor in the Combat and Equipment sections). May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Bonuses: +5% for each of the following skills: sew, and skin and prepare animal hides. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Lore - Cattle/Animals: This is a general knowledge about cattle, horses, livestock, and other notable animals of the West. This knowledge includes what they eat, where they live in the wild, means of defense, the value of their meat, fur, hides and horns, and their natural predators, as well as the most notable tales about supernatural animals, spirits, gods and magic attributed to or involving animals (including some Indian spirit and totem lore). Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Lore - Indiginous Peoples: Characters with this skill can recognize the different tribes and nations, warriors and shamans, totems, fetishes and warnings, identify the people by their housing, clothing and weapons, and has a fundamental understanding about the Native Americans' society, beliefs, customs and laws - at least the most notable. They also know about Indian gods, spirits, and magic. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience

Mountaineering: Unlike a climber, a mountaineer is experienced in the use of specialized mountain climbing gear and also knows all the skills of survival in the rugged high-altitude environment. To become a professional mountaineer, the character must have been on at least two high-difficulty, high-altitude expeditions. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Bonuses for professional skill: +1 P.S. & P.E., +2D6 SDC, +10% to Climb, Climb Rope and Repelling. Requires: Climbing.

Roping: The rope is the cowboy's most important and famous tool. Characters with the roping skill can expertly throw a rope to snare/lasso a cow's horns, a horses neck, or the hoofs of either, to enable a 140 pound man to capture and subdue a half ton animal! Hitched around the saddle horn, a lariat can be used to pull a mired animal out of a bog, mud or river, as well as keep a hobbled horse or other animal from straying away in the night or rain, and the rope can even be used to create an instant, make -shift corral, when stretched taut by several men, to contain and hold a herd of animals - and even for quick justice at the end of a hangman's noose. The roping skill includes knowledge and training in how to use a lariat, lasso, tie knots, expertly handle roped animals after they are snared, bring them to a stop by taking quick turns of the lariat around the saddle horn (known as "dally" or "da la vuelta"), tethering animals, and how to "hog-tie" animals (after the animal has been lassoed, the horse backs up to make the rope taut while the cowboy "tips" over the animal and ties three legs with a half shank; used in separating stubborn animals from the herd, capturing wild animals, and branding). The rope/lariat can be used for the roping and tying of animals, including cattle, horses, similar alien animals, and even small dinosaurs and people. This skill with a lariat can be executed standing on the ground, but is designed and intended to be done from horseback (or motorcycle). A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose, sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. A failed roll to lasso an animal or stationary target, means it misses its mark or slips off. Against human and intelligent opponents, roll to lasso as if it were a combat attack to strike and ensnare. The intended victim can try to dodge; parry is not applicable. A successful strike means the character is caught in the lasso. Ensnaring a foot, leg or hand means the victim can be tripped, knocked down and pulled/dragged by hand or horse. Ensnaring the upper body means one arm is pinned (useless). Two or more lassoes around the upper body means both arms are pinned and attacks requiring the use of one's hands are impossible, and the lassoed individual can be pulled off his feet and dragged. Multiple lassoes can also be used to snare each limb and "spread-eagle" the character. It takes 1D4 melee actions to cut through a lasso, but it is impossible to draw a weapons and cut oneself loose if both arms are pinned or while being dragged. In this combat usage, the roping character is +1 to strike for every 20 points of skill, so a skill of 65% means a +3 to strike/ensnare. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Shepherding/ Goat Herding This skill include knowledge of how to keep sheep and/or goats from straying, how to care for them, what kind of pastures to take them to, and how to act as a midwife for one (or most other small quadrupedal mammals for that matter). This skill also includes knowledge of how to train and utilize other animals to help manage sheep and goat herds, including sheep dogs and llamas. Base Skill: 70% + 4% per level of experience.

Spelunking: The art and practice of exploring caves. Unskilled characters wandering about in a large series of natural caverns have about the same chance of survival as unskilled climbers attempting to scale a major mountain without guidance. Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience.

Trick Riding: Riding bareback, standing on the animal's back, hanging from the side, or under its belly (usually for rodeo tricks or to hide from enemies), side saddle, as well as quick mounts and dismounts, mounting a horse by leaping down from above or with a running start, leaping from the back of a horse onto another horse or wagon, and similar. Requires: Must know one of the horsemanship skills, or trick riding cannot be selected. Base Skill (Special): The trick riding character can attempt all tricks and stunts without penalty; roll on the first/greater of the horsemanship skill percentages for success. Note: Characters without this skill can try any of these tricks, but must roll on the second percentage number of their horsemanship skill after reducing it by half. Roll for each attempt. Likewise, these stunts can be tried while riding mounts other than a horse, but reduce the skill by half, unless the character also has the skill Horsemanship: Exotic Animals

Wagoner/Teamster: Hitching and driving teams of horses is an entirely separate skill from horsemanship. Includes care and feeding of horses and mules. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience

Weaving: Practiced skill of creating garments, tapestries, and draperies from wool or cotton. The weaver requires a spinning apparatus and a loom. This skill only represents the characters ability to weave, not raise/grow the sources of their raw material (other skills should be used instead). Bonuses: +5% if the sew skill is known. Base Skill: 20%+5% per level of experience.