Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Accounting: This is the fundamental of mathematics to do complex and often very easy work such as pay roll, taxes, books for a business, and so on. There are several Accounting specialties:
  • Accounting: Basic: This skill is also called Book Keeping and is the basis of accounting. This is the skill most learn in High School Accounting class and revolves around Single or Double Entry book keeping.
  • Accounting: Financial: or financial reporting, is the process of producing information for external use usually in the form of financial statements. Financial Statements reflect an entity's past performance and current position based on a set of standards and guidelines known as GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). GAAP refers to the standard framework of guideline for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. This generally includes accounting standards (e.g. International Financial Reporting Standards), accounting conventions, and rules and regulations that accountants must follow in the preparation of the financial statements.
  • Accounting: Forensic: is the use of accounting, auditing and investigative techniques in cases of litigation or disputes. Forensic accountants act as expert witnesses in courts of law in civil and criminal disputes that require an assessment of the financial effects of a loss or the detection of a financial fraud. Common litigations where forensic accountants are hired include insurance claims, personal injury claims, suspected fraud and claims of professional negligence in a financial matter (e.g. business valuation).
  • Accounting: Governmental: also known as public accounting or federal accounting, refers to the type of accounting information system used in the public sector. This is a slight deviation from the financial accounting system used in the private sector. The need to have a separate accounting system for the public sector arises because of the different aims and objectives of the state owned and privately owned institutions. Governmental accounting ensures the financial position and performance of the public sector institutions are set in budgetary context since financial constraints are often a major concern of many governments. Separate rules are followed in many jurisdictions to account for the transactions and events of public entities.
  • Accounting: Management: produces information primarily for internal use by the company's management. The information produced is generally more detailed than that produced for external use to enable effective organization control and the fulfillment of the strategic aims and objectives of the entity. Information may be in the form budgets and forecasts, enabling an enterprise to plan effectively for its future or may include an assessment based on its past performance and results. The form and content of any report produced in the process is purely upon management's discretion. Cost accounting is a branch of management accounting and involves the application of various techniques to monitor and control costs. Its application is more suited to manufacturing concerns.
  • Accounting: Project: refers to the use of accounting system to track the financial progress of a project through frequent financial reports. Project accounting is a vital component of project management. It is a specialized branch of management accounting with a prime focus on ensuring the financial success of company projects such as the launch of a new product. Project accounting can be a source of competitive advantage for project-oriented businesses such as construction firms.
  • Accounting: Social: also known as Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting and Sustainability Accounting, refers to the process of reporting implications of an organization's activities on its ecological and social environment. Social Accounting is primarily reported in the form of Environmental Reports accompanying the annual reports of companies. Social Accounting is still in the early stages of development and is considered to be a response to the growing environmental consciousness amongst the public at large
  • Accounting: Tax: refers to accounting for the tax related matters. It is governed by the tax rules prescribed by the tax laws of a jurisdiction. Often these rules are different from the rules that govern the preparation of financial statements for public use (i.e. GAAP). Tax accountants therefore adjust the financial statements prepared under financial accounting principles to account for the differences with rules prescribed by the tax laws. Information is then used by tax professionals to estimate tax liability of a company and for tax planning purposes.
Requires: Math: Basic to have this skill. Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience. A failed roll means that the characters calculations or process is messed up and has to start again from scratch.

Advertising: This is the art and training of advertising fundamentals centering on budgeting, planning, implementing, marketing, and promotion. Areas of study are likely to include: selecting media, consumer trends/habits, advertising objectives, writing ad copy/headlines, and basic design elements. Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience

Art The ability to draw or paint or sculpt or do craft-work. Scholastic art training indicates a professional quality, while a secondary skill indicates a talented amateur. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: Line Drawing The character is skilled in drawing as it pertains to magic symbols and diagrams. Their symbols are not only functional but accurate. Using this skill to copy magic symbols drawn by others drastically reduces the chance of copying the image wrong and increases the mage’s chance of learning the spell by 2%. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: Commercial Commercial art is the art of creative services, referring to art created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising. Commercial art uses a variety of platforms for viewers with the intent of promoting sale and interest of products, services, and ideas. It relies on the iconic image to enhance recall and favorable recognition for a product or service. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: Drafting Includes reading and drawing simple blueprints, as well as making fairly good-quality drawings (Basic Mathematics required). Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: Drawing-Pencil/Ink/Chalk As with paintings, drawings are one of the oldest art forms around and can be traced back to prehistoric times. This skill allows the artist to create a graphic representation by lines, tones, or colors of an object or idea using pencil, pen, charcoal, pastel, and watercolor. Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: History Art history is the study of objects of art in their historical development and stylistic contexts; that is genre, design, format, and style. The study includes painting, sculpture, architecture, ceramics, furniture, and other decorative objects. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: Painting Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (support base). Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. Base Skill: 36% + 5% per level of experience.

Art: Sculpture The art of molding or carving a three dimensional figure, object or design out of clay, stone or some other medium. The percentile number indicates the quality of technique and appearance. Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. Base Skill: 36% + 5% per level of experience.

Balloon Animal Making The ability to turn long thin balloons into light-weight animal masterpieces, as well as churning out novelty hats, big "glasses" etc. Scholastic training indicates a proffesional clown or stage magician level of ability, while secondary skill means a gifted amateur. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Barbering: Skill in cutting and styling hair, shaving and trimming beards. A failed roll means the end result is not as desired (too short, not even, ugly, etc.). Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Bard A professional story teller, verse-maker, music composer, oral historian and genealogist. Base Skill: 36% + 5% per level of experience.

Begging: This skill can be particularly useful either as a disguise, or to collect emergency money when things are desperate. The base skill determines the chance of collecting a donation from each passerby. And on a crowded street it could be pretty lucrative. The amount of money depends on the economy of the area where the begging is taking place. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Bonsai: Tending, trimming and growing tiny miniature trees know as the "Bonsai." Experts can tell the difference between new (under 50 years old) and truly ancient bonsai (hundreds of years old). The character can also estimate the value and quality of the miniature tree. Base Skill: 50 + 5% per level of experience.

Breed Dogs: The first percentile number indicates the art of raising, breeding, taming and training domestic and wild canines, as well as knowledge about canines in general. The second percentile number is used to attempt to tame a wild canine, teach a dog tricks, or to train the animal for a specific task like tracking, retrieving, pointing, herding animals, attack on command, and so on. A failed roll means that the animal refuses to learn that particular trick or specialty. Base Skill: 40%/20% + 5% per level of experience.

Business Management: The activities associated with running a company, such as controlling, leading, monitoring, organizing, and planning in international business, finance, marketing, human resource management, aviation, motorsports, music, merchandising or industrial distribution. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Calligraphy: The ability to produce beautiful letters using a brush, ink and paper with great skill and legibility. He can also copy Chinese character symbols and, if the character has taken the Chinese language and literacy skills, he can write Chinese. Traditionally, any person of culture and education, especially a noble, is expected to be able to produce gorgeous ideograms. Calligraphy is a skill almost as necessary as literacy for a traditionalists. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Calligraphic Forgery: A special skill that allows the character to imitate the calligraphy of the ancients and to reproduce copies of exotic styles. This is an advanced version of artistic calligraphy, and the character must take both skills. To successfully pass off a forgery as an ancient work requires a roll under the base skill on percentile. Attempting to forge the penmanship of a particular author is more difficult (-25% penalty on the roll). Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Ceramics: Classical This the process of forming vessels and other objects in a mould using clay and other ceramic materials, which are then fired to give them a hard, durable form. This skill give knowledge in the processes and procedures to craft such items. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Chess By selecting this skill, the character knows the fundamentals of this ancient board game. A percentage chance skill roll is not required to play, but to determine a victory. Base Skill: 30% + 3% per level of experience.

Cook: Skill in selecting, planning, and preparing meals. A cooking roll failure means that the cooked food is not properly prepared. It is edible but tastes bad (greasy, too spicy, sour, burnt, leaves a bad aftertaste in mouth, etc.). Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Cuisine A cuisine is a style of cooking characterized by distinctive ingredients, techniques and dishes, and usually associated with a specific culture or geographic region. A cuisine is primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade. Religious food laws, such as Hindu, Islamic and Jewish dietary laws, can also exercise a strong influence on cuisine. Regional food preparation traditions, customs and ingredients often combine to create dishes unique to a particular region. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Cultures Knowledge of the diverse cultures of earth including their habits, traditions, laws, and mores. The character will be aware of what constitutes proper and improper behaviour in foreign lands, among primitive tribes and so forth. It also gives the ability to identify tools, weapons and implements associated with the various cultures. (Gives +5% to Diplomacy Skill) Base Skill: 30+5% per level of Experience

Dance A practiced skill in the art of dancing. The character is especially smooth and graceful, a joy to dance with Can learn new dance steps/moves much more quickly than somebody who can not dance. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience

Desert Survival: Specifically, the ability to find water out in the desert. Also includes survival to exposure, path finding and other desert survival skills. Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience.

Dice Rolling The character is trained in the art of rolling dice. This skill is checked when ever dice are rolled for any thing, include save checks, damage rolls, and/or skill checks (Note: does not include this skill's check). A successful roll means the character may add or subtract 1 from any die roll and/or may add or subtract up to 10% from a percentage roll (D100). Note: this skill does not effect the roll made to determine psionics or any other rolls while determining a character and its abilities. Bonuses: May add 1 to any two attributes under 18 or May add 1 to any attribute over 18. Note: cannot choose the same attribute twice. Base Skill: 16%+4% per level of experience. (IQ bonus doesn't apply).

Dominate Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind with the character's will, forcing them to think or act according to the character's decree. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Drama: Acting This is simply the skill of pretending, convincingly, to be someone else. Since this is mainly used for stage acting (or on television, etc.), it is not as useful for deceiving someone face to face. It can be used to this end, but is no substitute for the Impersonation skill. Attempting to impersonate/fool someone is done at -25%. Attempting to impersonate/fool someone is done at -25%. This involves the process in memorizing lines and being able to recite them with some type of convection. The character will be able to do stage, movies, and TV The amateur can put on a performance, but people that have an I.Q.: above a 7 and an M.A.: 8 of will find it somewhat pleasing, but not real interesting. A moderate performance will not have an effect on people with an I.Q.: above 11 and an M.A.: 12, these people will take some interest in the film. Of course, the professional will have an effective performance on people with an I.Q.: around 16 or below and an M.A.: of the same. It is possible for a person to fool someone with a performance, but lacks the makeup and technical skills to pull it off completely, unless they are on stage, movies, or TV. The character starts off as an amateur, if the skill is selected twice the is a professional actor/actress. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Drama: Theater Arts An art concerned almost exclusively with live performances in which the action is precisely planned to create a coherent and significant sense of drama. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Drawing: Pencil/Ink/Chalk: This skill includes a basic rudimentary knowledge of drawing techniques and tools (specifically pencils, chalk, pastels, and ink). A person with this skill is able to put on to paper images that reflect his/her moods, thought, what he sees and so on. A successful roll under the skill proficiency indicates a successful drawing; meaning it clearly reflects the idea, description, or feeling that it was meant to convey. Only an extremely high skill proficiency (89% or higher) reflects a better than average quality. Base Skill: 36% + 5% per level of experience.

Entertainer This skill is meant to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly and suggests that one's attention is engaged lightly by supplying amusement by specially contrived methods. Base Skill:30%+5% per level of experience.

Entrepreneurship The mastery of business, finances and economics necessary to build companies from scratch, as well as management of existing corporations, recognizing and solving problems, investment opportunities, and to the know-how buy out other businesses. Aside from management skills the character has to have the charm necessary to raise investment money and direct both people and resources. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience. This skill costs 1 slot for running businesses whose yearly gross is less than 100,000 dollars/credits, 2 slots for grosses up to 1 million, 4 slots for grosses up to 10 million, and 6 slots for no upper limit. For operating businesses over their expertise, there is a -10% per skill slot difference penalty. Also, persons with the 4 or 6 slot versions are -30% to operate businesses that fall in the 1-slot skill's area of expertise.

Etiquette A fundamental understanding of and public behaviour is provided by this skill. This would extend to include the proper titles used in addressing people of importance, correct introductions of oneself, and the basic functions of social procedures. Several times to "call" for rolls include public speaking, visiting another country's, and when attending an exclusive ceremony. Base Skill: 30 + 5% per level starting at level two.

Fashion With this skill, a character is knowledgeable about current fashion, especially clothing and accessories. Without this skill, attending the social functions of High Society would prove difficult, as the character would be snubbed and ignored by the other people present, if not denied entry to the function outright. This skill is also used to clothe oneself for the purpose of highlighting or hiding different physical characteristics. Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience.

Fasting: The ability to go for long periods of time without food. So long as the character has sufficient water, two weeks without food will be pretty easy. After that the character will have to roll under the Skill to avoid becoming weakened or sick. Base Skill: 54% + 4% per level of experience.

Feng Shui When the path of the Dragon runs in straight lines for any distance, the energy builds up and becomes dangerous for living things. By erecting a barrier such as a stone circle, burial mound or building on such a line, the energy is diffused into the barrier. Since the benign influence of the energy was needed for the welfare of man, only royal personages were allowed to be buried on a Dragon path. The breaking up of straight lines of the energy is the reason Chinese buildings have eaves and roofs of varying heights along a street. A class of men arose called the "direction men," who mapped out the lines of the Dragon path at any particular place and decided where things had to be placed within rooms and the landscape to keep the good influences of the energy and dispel the bad. Today this practice is known as Feng Shui. Whenever the landscape was found to not be in harmony with the path of the Dragon, earthworks were undertaken, with mountain tops being flattened or sharpened, whole mountains being cut down or new mounds being put up. On one such artificial mound outside of Peking known as Coal Hill is on a major path that divides China north and south; the Emperor would ascend this hill each year to perform a ritual to invoke the power of the Dragon for his land. Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience.

Flint Working: The ability to chip flint and obsidian into useful tools. The character can recognize useful rocks and knows how to locate flint and obsidian in the wild. Actually making useful tools, like blades, needles, and arrowheads, is incredibly difficult. Even experts will waste a lot of stone before creating exactly what they want. Base Skill: 15% + 4% per level of experience.

Floral Arrangement (Ikebana): The artful and creative arrangement of flowers appreciated by everyone throughout the orient. A painstakingly difficult art that takes years to really master. The creation of a good floral arrangement is a matter of honor to those who practice ikebana; a bad job will be scorned even if done by the most heroic of warriors. This 'art' is appreciated in modern and traditional Japan. Base Skill: 30 + 3% per level of experience.

Game: Characters may pick this skill repeatedly, once for each game they wish to be proficient in. Games can be anything from ping pong to chess or go. Characters will know all basic rules, many strategies, and will be able to be competitive players. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Gambling This skill gives the character general knowledge about many common types of gambling (from cards and roulette, to horses and gladiatorial combat). Knowledge includes the rules of the games, odds of winning, best bets, knowing when to stop, spotting a cheating casino/rigged system, and knowing who to talk to for the inside information (for a price). A successful roll does not mean the character wins automatically, but correctly understands all the risks and odds involved, and will win more consistently than someone who is gambling randomly. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Gaming (strategy): Various types of strategy games are popular around the world. Chess is the most widely accepted intellectual game of the West; Go is accepted as the most "enlightening" game of the eastern world. Other games, such as Shogi (Chinese Chess), Checkers, Chinese Checkers, have appeal as well. Taking this skill once gives a general knowledge of such games; but totally amateur. For each additional skill spent on this category, Competitive level ability in one specific game is gained. Other categories of games (each count as one slot) could include miniature wargames (ancient), miniature wargames (modern), naval games, railroad games, and world domination games (such as Risk or Axis & Allies). Base Skill:30%+5% per level of experience. Competitive Level Base Skills: Chinese Checkers: 24% + 4% per level. Shogi: 15% + 5% per level. Other games: As base skill.

Gardening: This skill offers a basic understanding of plant care and garden design. It can be both the ability to grow enough food to eat well, and/or the skill at creating beautiful, decorative gardens (with plants and rocks) that create a feeling of tranquility and harmony with nature; Zen gardening. This "art" is appreciated in modern and traditional Japan. Base Sill: 34% + 4% per level of experience.

General Repair & Maintenance: Not everyone can be a blacksmith or a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doing satisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels and so on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in sails and clothes (it may not look pretty, but does the job), replace a wagon wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish, and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armor (restores 2D6 S.D.C.). Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken, what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities. Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair. IF failure, the player may try again. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremely complex.

Go As chess is the most widely accepted intellectual game of the west, so Go is accepted as the most "enlightening" game of the eastern world. In many cases one's skill at Go is seen as much more important than ability in the fighting arts. A victory at the intelligent game of Go easily outweighs any ten wins in single combat. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Interior Design Interior design is the practice of space planning and designing interior spaces in homes and buildings. It involves creating floor plans, furniture layouts, and designing the look and feel of a space. Interior design also includes the specification of furniture, fixtures, and finishes, and coordinating their installation. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Marathon The marathon is a long-distance race, completed by running, walking, or a run/walk strategy. There are also wheelchair divisions. The marathon has an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26.219 miles; 26 miles 385 yards), usually run as a road race.Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Meditation: Involves engaging the mind and body so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers ISP and other internal resources at an accelerated rate. Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state the character is, at a subconscious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Meteorology The branch of science that deals with the atmosphere of a planet. The character will have the knowledge of weather patterns, cold fronts, Low systems, etc. The technical way to forecast weather is to use weather satellites, radar, computers, and the almanac. On today's earth the technological way is not available, but the barometers, weather balloons etc. still exist and sometimes you can find almanacs to help as well. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience for those on Earth; 50% + 5% per level of experience for the Sentinels. A failed roll means that the character's prediction on the weather is wrong. A reminder you do have to wait the allotted time to see if the prediction is correct.

Music: Composition Is the practiced study of musical arrangements, lyrics, rhythm, aesthetic consideration and creativity. Base Skill: 32% + 5% per level of experience. The writing will be competent and pleasant to listen to, but two skill selections in this same category must be taken for the writing to be of professional quality. Add a one time bonus of 15% if this is done.

Music: Instrumental A character with this skill has the ability to play a particular musical instrument and to read music. Each specific type of instrument counts as an additional skill selection. This means that a character who can play a guitar must select the musical instrument skill a second time to play a violin and a third time to play the drums. However, skill in a guitar includes all types: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, etc. Some specific categories of musical instruments include: guitar, banjo, violin/fiddle, piano and organ, electric keyboards and synthesizers, drums and cymbals, flute, harmonica, horns, saxophone, and trombone. In order to be a professional, the character must pick the skill three separate times, unless otherwise stated. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. The playing will be competent and pleasant to listen to, but two skill selections in the same instrument must be taken for the playing to be of professional quality. Add a one time bonus of 15% if this is done.

Music: Performance This is the musical process during which musical ideas are realized and transmitted to a listener. In Western music, performance is most commonly viewed as an interpretive art, though it is not always merely that. Performers to some degree determine aspects of any music they play. Issues of tempo, phrasing, dynamics, and, in some types of music, pitches and instrumentation are subject to a performer’s discretion. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Music: Sing The simple ability to read music and carry a pleasant tune. Ofprofessional quality if selected twice. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Musician A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument or is musically talented. Anyone who composes, conducts, or performs music is referred to as a musician. A musician who plays a musical instrument is also known as an instrumentalist. Musicians can specialize in any musical style, and some musicians play in a variety of different styles depending on cultures and background. Examples of a musician's possible skills include performing, conducting, singing, rapping, producing, composing, arranging, and the orchestration of music. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Painting: Oil/acrylic/watercolor: The character is familiar with the tools and techniques of painting. Types of paints included are oil, acrylic, and watercolour. A successful roll under the skill proficiency indicates a successful drawing; meaning it clearly reflects the idea, description, or feeling that it was meant to convey. Only an extremely high skill proficiency (89% or higher) reflects a better than average quality. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Performance This ability is used by actors, gladiators, prowrestlers and politicians to impress and sway the public. A character with this skill knows how to do things with flair; if a skill roll is successful, it works like an attempt to charm or intimidate the audience. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level. Note: Obvious lies, inconsistencies and evidence to the contrary may ruin the effectiveness of the best performance G.M.s, use your discretion.

Philosophies: Characters educated in religious institutions (monasteries, temples, religious schools, etc.) can learn that school's philosophy. While this is typically one of the oriental philosophies it can also be a western one. Eastern Philosophies include - Confucianism, Buddhism (choose subtype), Tibetan Lore, Taoism, Shinto, Bushido, Zen and Hinduism. Western & Mideastern Philosophies include - Christian (Choose from Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Conservative Protestant and Liberal Protestant), Judaism, and Islam (choose from Sunni, Shiite or Sufi). Rarer types are up to the GM (such as tribal beliefs, voodoo etc.). Base Skill: 80% + 2% per level of experience.

Photography: Film These characters have studied and analyzed films, direction, editing and story telling techniques of the motion picture. Includes: cinematography (use of cameras, lenses, film, stock, lighting, composition), editing (screen continuity, sound interlocking), budgeting, shooting, production, sound mixing and use of super 8 mm and 16 mm equipment (35 mm principles are studied). Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Photography: Video This is the study and use of video film equipment and filming techniques as they apply to video. The same basic type of film techniques (editing, lighting, lenses, etc.) as listed under film are explored. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Political Science Political science is a social science which deals with systems of governance, and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts, and political behavior. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as determining of the distribution of power and resources. Political scientists "see themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works." Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Pool Pool is played using 2D10 or 1D20. A roll of 13 or better is needed to sink a ball. A roll of 1-3 results in a critical miss (see chart). Pool is played either 18 ball, 9 ball, or trickshot! Bets can be made in the game by price per ball. The party with the most ball sunk out of the given game wins money equal to the number of balls sunk times the wager per ball (example. Your team plays a 100 credit per ball game. You manage to sink 10 balls and win. Your groups winnings is 1000 credits [10 X 100, and this money is to be split up between the players on 1 side as seen by the players]). Trick shots are bets and the player has a -3 to called shots. If a player scores a ball, they get to roll again if not the dice are surrendered to the next player.
  • 1st - (1-5 games) Natural 20 sinks 2 balls (Critical strike)
  • 2nd - (5-12 games) W.P. Pool Cue, +1 to hit
  • 3rd - (13-20 games) Critical strike on Natural 19-20
  • 4th - (21-29 games) 3 is no longer a critical miss
  • 5th - (30-44 games) +1 to hit
  • 6th - (45-56 games) a roll that adds up to 19 is equivalent to a Critical Strike.
  • 7th - (57-66 games) 25% chance of being recognized as a famous pool player.
  • 8th - (67-77 games) +1 to hot called strike penalty
  • 9th - (78-87 games) People pay 1D6x100 credits to watch you play
  • 10th - (88-97 games) You may instruct people in the fine art of pool and you can get payed 1D4x100 credits a lesson.
  • 11th - (98-107 games) +1 to hit, 60% chance of being recognized
  • 12th - (108-117 games) Skill ability to not sink the cue ball
  • 13th - (118-126 games) The bar pays you 3D6x100 credits to play there
  • 14th - (127-139 games) +1 to hit, 80% chance of being recognized
  • 15th - (140+ games) +2 to hit. At this level you become the Micheal Jordan of pool and you are payed an extra 1D6x1000 credits per game.
Critical Miss Chart
  • 01-10 You hit your opponent and might get into an old fashioned brawl.
  • 11-15 Lucky you bounced a ball and scored.
  • 16-31 You break the pool cue. You must play 100 credits to replace it.
  • 32-60 Scratch! You've ripped the felt. You have to pay 400 credits to replace.
  • 61-69 You sank a ball for your opponent.
  • 70-85 You sunk the cue ball. Three times you lose.
  • 86-00 You sunk the eight ball. You lose.

Pottery The craft of making pots, vases, mugs, china, and other items made of clay on a potter’s wheel and baked in a kiln. The character can also paint and glaze their constructions at ½ their skill level. If the person has the art skill at a higher percentage then it is used instead. Failure indicates a ruined pot or a terrible paint job. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Recycle: Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It is an alternative to "conventional" waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

Sculpture: The art of molding or carving a three dimensional figure, object or design out of clay, stone or wood. The percentile number indicates the quality of technique and appearance. Taking the skill twice indicates professional quality. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Sewing: Practiced skill with needles and thread to mend clothing, addpatches, replace buttons, and do minor alterations, as well as cut andsew simple patterns. This is not a tailoring ability, but can become tailoringif the player selects this skill twice.(Gives +5% to Weaving) Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Tai Chi Tai Chi, like Yoga, has been adopted as an exercise. In fact, it is the world’s most common martial art. In its entirety, it is actually a highly effective form. When taken as a physical skill, it serves to better the practitioner through controlled breathing, balance, harmony, rythm and coordination of movement.
  • Add +2D6 to base Chi.
  • Add +2 to Maintain Balance.
  • Add +1 to Grabbing/Throwing techniques
  • Add +1 to Roll.
  • Add +1 to M.E. (learning to stay relaxed)

Tiao Qi (Chinese Checkers) The skill involves being able to play Chinese Checkers (with marbles, on a six-cornered board, where the object is to get all your pieces to the opposite side), at a professional level. There is also an advanced, or blitz version of the game where the rules are a bit more complex, where entire groups of marbles can be moved simultaneously. Base Skill: 24% + 4% per level of experience.

Trivia Knowledge of random facts and pieces of information generally considered useless, but that could one day come in handy. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Yoga A relaxed, slow, constant routine of stretching exercises. Beneficial no matter what martial art you do, or even if you just want to relax. By stretchin and opening channels in the body, Yoga has been described as a massage for the inside of the body. A character with this skill will double his flexibility, and receives the followin benefits:
  • +1 to P.P.
  • Add 2D6 to base Chi.
  • +1 to M.A.
  • +1 to Maintain Balance.