Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineer: Aeronautics seals with the whole field of design, manufacture, maintenance, testing, and use for both civilian and military purposes. It involves the knowledge of aerodynamics, structural design, propulsion engines, navigation, communication, and other related areas. Aerospace engineering is closely allied to aeronautics, but is concerned with the flight of vehicles in space, beyond the earth's atmosphere, and includes the study and development of rocket engines, artificial satellites, and spacecraft for the exploration of outer space. Base skill: 48% + 2% per level of experience

Architectural: Design/Engineer: Architectural Engineering, also known as Building Engineering or Architecture Engineering, is the application of engineering principles and technology to building design and construction and have extensive knowledge in the structural, mechanical, electrical, construction or other engineering fields of building design and construction. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Chemical Engineer: This branch of engineering is concerned with the design, construction, and management of factories in which the essential process consist of chemical reactions. Because the diversity of the materials default with, the practice, has been to analyze chemical engineering problems in terms of fundamental unit operations or unit processes such as the grinding or pulverizing of solids. It is the task of the chemical engineer to select and specify the design that will best meet the particular requirements of production and the most appropriate equipment for the new applications. With the advancement of technology, the number of unit operations increase, but continuing importance are distillation, crystallization, dissolution, filtration, and extraction. In each unit operation, engineers are concerned with four fundamentals: (1) the conservation of matter; (2) the conservation of energy; (3) the principles of chemical equilibrium; (4) the principles of chemical reactivity. In addition, chemical engineers must organize the unit operations in their correct sequence, and they must consider the economic cost of the overall process. Because a continuous, or assembly-line, operation is more economical than a batch process, and is frequently amenable to automatic control, chemical engineers were among the first to incorporate automatic controls into their designs. Base Skill: 25% + 3% per level of experience.

Civil Engineer: Civil engineering is perhaps the broadcast of the engineering fields, for it deals with the creation, improvement, and protection of the communal environment, providing facilities for living, industry and transportation, including large buildings, roads, bridges, canals, railroad lines, airports, water-supply systems, dams, irrigation, harbors, docks, aqueducts, tunnels, and other engineering constructions. The civil engineer must have a thorough knowledge of all types of surveying, of the properties and mechanics of construction materials, the mechanics of structures and soils, and of hydraulics and fluid mechanics. Among the important subdivisions of the field are construction engineering, irrigation engineering, transportation engineering, soils and foundation engineering, geodetic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal and ocean engineering. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Computer Engineer: The electronics of computers involve engineers in design and manufacture of memory systems, of central processing units, and of peripheral devises. Foremost among the avenues, of central processing units, and of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) and new computer architectures. The field of computer science is closely related to computer engineering; however, the task of making computers more "intelligent" (artificial intelligence), through creation of sophisticated programs of development of higher level of machine languages or other means, is generally regarded as being in the realm of computer science. One current trend in computer engineering is micronization. Using VLSI, engineers continue to work to squeeze greater and greater numbers of circuit elements onto smaller and smaller chips. Anther trend is toward increasing the speed of computers operations through use of parallel processors, superconducting materials, Multi-tasking, etc. The main concern is how to link humans to the machines. Currently they have been connecting the brain waves of a human into virtual reality type helmets to tell a computer what to do. This should explain how the all of the Rifts mecha works. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Language, Literacy, and Writing.

Design Engineering The engineering design process is a methodical series of steps that engineers use in creating functional products and processes. The process is highly iterative - parts of the process often need to be repeated many times before another can be entered - though the part(s) that get iterated and the number of such cycles in any given project may vary. It is a decision making process in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing and evaluation. The steps tend to get articulated, subdivided, and/or illustrated in different ways, but they generally reflect certain core principles regarding the underlying concepts and their respective sequence and interrelationship. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Electrical Engineer: Electrical Engineering deals with the research, design, integration, and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information. Information is now generated, transmitted, received, and stored electronically on a scale unprecedented in history, and there is every indication that the explosive rate of growth in this field will continue unabated. Electronic Engineers design circuits to perform specific tasks, such as amplifying electronic signals, adding binary numbers, and demodulating radio signals to recover the information they carry. Circuits are also used to generate waveforms useful for synchronization and timing, as in television, and for correcting errors in digital information, as in telecommunications. This is the person you call on when something malfunctions in a base and/or town. He/she has the knowledge of all electrical properties and is properly the same person that built the base and/or town. This person designs the electrical conducts in the house, base, building, etc. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of electronic systems and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Genetics Engineer: Group of research techniques that manipulate the DNA (genetic material) of cells in order to change heredity traits or produce biological products. The techniques include the use of hybridomas (hybrids of rapidly growing cancer cells and cells that make amounts of desired antibody) to make monoclonal antibodies, gene splicing or recombinant DNA technique (in which the DNA of a desired gene is inserted into the DNA of a bacterium, which then reproduces itself, yielding more than a desired gene), and polymerize chain reaction (which makes copies of DNA fragments and is used in DNA Fingerprinting). Genetically engineered products include bacteria designed to efficiently break down oil slicks and industrial waste products, drugs (human and bovine growth hormones, human insulin, interferon), and plants that are resistant to diseases and insects or that yield fruits or vegetables with desired quantities. Because genetic engineering involves techniques used to obtain patents or human genes and create patentable living organisms, it has raised many legal and ethical issues. Questions have also been raised about the safety of releasing into the environment genetically altered organisms that might disrupt ecosystems. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of Genetics Engineer. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Requires: Biology, Botany, and Math: Basic and Advanced. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience.

Industrial Engineer: Study includes fundamental theory and operations covering gas and arc welding, cutting, brazing, spot welding, forging, heat treatment, electroplating, forming and casting techniques. Knowledge and use of tools includes lathes, mills, shapers, grinders, welding and other related equipment and tools. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of machines and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Require: Math Basic and Advanced, Chemistry, Welding, and Mechanical Engineering. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Live Engineer: This is the art of reproducing sounds as they happen, in a live show environment. This skill will enable the character to create sounds live. The best example is when band performs live the character would be behind the main house console, set up a P.A. system, constructing the stage, operation and maintenance of the power amps, and knowledge of speakers and how to aim them in order to achieve the best sounds covering the most area. This skill also, enables the character to work the monitor console behind the stage. The character will also have knowledge of mixing consoles, effects, equalizers, crossovers, etc. This skill is separate from Recording Engineer, because the recording engineer 9 times out of ten is working in a building which has separate rooms, all of which are sound proof. Live is dealing with the acoustics of a building or an out door show. In order to become a professional at this, the skill must be picked three separate times, plus adds a one time bonus of 20%. Requires: Basic Electronics, Basic Math, and Literacy. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience.

Marine/Naval Engineer: Marine engineering includes the engineering of boats, ships, oil rigs and any other marine vessel or structure, as well as oceanographic engineering or ocean engineering. Specifically, marine engineering is the discipline of applying engineering sciences, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and computer science, to the development, design, operation and maintenance of watercraft propulsion and on-board systems and oceanographic technology. It includes but is not limited to power and propulsion plants, machinery, piping, automation and control systems for marine vehicles of any kind, such as surface ships and submarines. They design, build, and maintain ships, from aircraft carriers to submarines and from sailboats to tankers. Marine engineers are responsible for the internal systems of a ship, such as the propulsion, electrical, refrigeration, and steering systems. Naval architects are responsible for the ship design, including the form, structure, and stability of hulls. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Mechanical Engineer - Basic: This is the person who operates this huge presses, such as for the machine that presses out specific metal plates. The character can maintain, operate, give design ideas, analyze, and even sabotage a piece of machinery. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of machines and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. The first percentile number reflects his/her ability to analyze/evaluate mechanical systems, and diagnose and pinpoint problems. The second percentile number indicates his/her skill level in actually repairing, working on, modifying or sabotaging mechanical devices. Requires: Math Basic and Literacy; Writing and metallurgy is not required, but may be useful. Base Skill: 50%/25% + 5% per level of experience. Special Bonus: +5% to Locksmith skill and +5% to Surveillance Systems Skill.

Mechanical Engineer - Advanced: This will enable the character to be able to analyze and examine problems with a Mechanical systems. The character will have a limited knowledge on how the machines work, how the power system works, the work it can produce, etc. Characters will not now how to install or design and build a complex machine, but can service and maintain it very efficiently. Counts as three other skills. Requires: Requires: Mechanical Engineer: Basic, Basic Math, physics, and Literacy. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Mechanical Engineer - Expert: Characters with this training have an understanding and knowledge of mechanical tools/equipment, and the principles and terminology of practical design, construction, operation and care of machinery. Study includes of motion, kinetics, variable mass, equations of motion, momentum principles, work energy, vibrations, friction, inertia, thermodynamics (energy conversion); analysis and design of common mechanical elements (gears, springs, clutches, brakes, shafts, bearings, etc.); materials (strengths, structures, stress, etc.), evaluation techniques, metal working (coolants, welding, cutting, etc.) analysis (functions/problem finding), combustion systems; fundamental vehicle design, and hydraulic repair. This means this person can repair, modify, convert or sabotage machinery; as well as build and design his/her own engines/generators and mechanical devices. The first percentile number reflects his/her ability to analyze/evaluate mechanical systems, and diagnose and pinpoint problems. The second percentile number indicates his/her skill level in actually repairing, working on, modifying or sabotaging mechanical devices. Requires: Mechanical Engineer: Basic, Basic Math, physics, and Literacy; Writing and metallurgy is not required, but may be useful. Base Skill: 40/30% + 5% per level of experience. Special Bonus: +5% to Locksmith skill and +5% to Surveillance Systems Skill.

Military Construction Engineer: This is the ability to design permanent or field expedient roadways, drop zones, buildings, bridges, water mains, and reservoirs. The character will also know how to use the construction vehicles required for the above projects (ex. bulldozers, forklifts, cranes, graders, scrapers, dump trucks, rollers, and so on). Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Military Engineer: This branch is concerned with the application of the engineering sciences to military purposes. It is generally divided into permanent land defense and field engineering. In war, army engineer battalions have been used to construct ports, harbors, depots, and airfields. Military engineers also construct some public works, national monuments, and dams. Military Engineering has become an increasingly specialized science, resulting in separate engineering subdisciplines such as ordnance, which applies mechanical engineering to the development of guns and chemical engineering to development of propellants, and the Signal Corps, which applies electrical engineering to all problems of telegraph, telephone, radio, and other communication. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Mining Engineer: This is an aspect of civil engineering and includes basic concepts and principles of statistics as they apply to the laws of motion (force, momentum, equilibrium, couples, trusses, frames, friction, fluids, mass, and inertia), surveying topography, fluid mechanics (channel flow, hydraulics of pipe flow, pumps); the composition, engineering proprieties and behavior of soils (strengths (excavation, bulkhead, walls, earth, slopes); drilling and piping methods and control theory. Requires: Math: Basic and Advanced, and Physics. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Nuclear Engineer: This branch of engineering is concerned with the design and construction of nuclear reactors and devices, and the manner in which nuclear fission may find practical applications, such as the production of commercial power from the energy generated by nuclear reactions and the use of nuclear reactors for propulsion and of nuclear radiation to induce chemical and biological changes. In addition to designing nuclear reactors to yield specified amounts of power, nuclear engineers develop the special materials necessary to withstand the high temperatures and concentrated bombardment of nuclear particles that accompany nuclear fission and fusion. Nuclear engineers also develop methods to shield people from the harmful radiation produced by nuclear reactions and to ensure safe storage and disposal of fissionable materials. Base Skill: 42% + 3% per level of experience.

Safety Engineer: This field of engineering has as its object the prevention of accidents. In recent years safety engineering has become a specialty adopted by individuals trained in the other branches of engineering. Safety engineers develop methods and procedures to safeguard workers in hazardous occupations. They also assist in designing machinery, factories, ships and roads, suggesting alterations and improvements to reduce the likelihood of accident. In the design of machinery, for example, the safety engineer seeks to cover all moving parts or keep them from accidental contact with the operator, to put cutoff switches within reach of the operator, and to eliminate dangerous projecting parts. In intersections, known to result in traffic accidents. Many large industrial and construction firms, and insurance companies engaged in the field of workers compensation, today maintain safety engineering departments. Base Skill: 32% + 3% per level of experience.

Sanitary Engineer: This is a branch of civil engineering, but because of its great importance for a healthy environmental, especially in dense urban-population areas, it has acquired the importance of a specialized field. It chiefly deals with problems involving water supply, treatment, and distribution; disposal of community wastes and reclamation of useful components of such wastes; control of pollution of surface waterways, groundwater's, and soils; milk and food sanitation; housing and institutional sanitation; rural and recreational-site sanitation; insect and vermin control; control of atmospheric pollution; industrial hygiene, including control of light, noise, vibration, and toxic materials in work areas; and other fields concerned with the control of environmental factors affecting health. The methods used for supplying communities with pure water and for the disposal of sewage and other wastes are described separately. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Siege Engineer: This is the knowledge of designing, repairing and properly using siege weapons. This is reflected by the first percentile number. With the proper siege weapons, the character can direct a siege against a castle or fort. The second percentage is the character’s skill in countering a siege by anticipating an opponent’s stragegies and tactics. A successful roll indicates that the constrction, repair, siege or counter tactics meets with positive results. A failed roll results in problems that lead to failure. Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.

Weapons Engineer - Basic: This skill is usually reserved for military personnel. The character can maintain, repair, mount, and figure out hand held and tripod mounted weapons. The character will be able to fix or mount a Rocket Launcher to the back of a dune buggies. They will also have a very limited knowledge on hand held weapons, they can only repair and maintain these guns, reload bullet clips. Requires: Basic Mechanics, Mechanical engineer and Basic Electronics. Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience.

Weapons Engineer - Advanced: This skill is usually reserved for military personnel. This skill is basically the same as it's predecessor, but the character can modify, design and build weapons (S.D.C. only!). Also, can reload expended shells and design new bullet types. Can even help in the designing of, modifying the missile bays to hold more missiles or more destructive missiles. Limited to repair and maintenance. Requires: Weapons Engineer: Basic, Basic Mechanics, Mechanical engineer and Basic Electronics. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Weapons Engineer - Expert: This skill is usually reserved for military personnel. This enables the character to design, build, modify, maintain, repair, mount, reload, and figure any weapons system know to man (S.D.C. or M.D.C.). This skill will be able to help a character design new weapons, missile (Damage, Range, Blast Radius, and M.D.C.), etc. With this skill there are unlimited possibilities to designing and build new weapons. A Reminder the GM has the final decision on any modifications, new weapons. GM's you should make sure to have the weapons in your campaign that balance the power. Player should respect their Game Master's decision and give him or her a hard time about it. Requires: Weapons Engineer: Basic and Advanced, Basic Mechanics, Mechanical engineer and Basic Electronics. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience.