Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Armorer: This is the ability to maintain, fix, modify, and repair most body armour and armour plating. With this skill, a character will be able to repair damaged armour, as well as create armour from raw materials. Armour can be modified to have more S.D.C. than it had originally, but at -30%. Even then, the armor will slow down the wearer tremendously. The character can, however, repair damaged armour and patch holes.(Gives +15% to Blacksmithing) Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

Armour Identification Characters with this skill can identify all different types and origins of armour as well as the weak points and strong points of each. The character can identify amours related to different time periods and the cultures that used them. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Arsenal: Creating: This gives the character the ability and knowledge of making weapons. This knowledge can be used to create new weapons and modify weapons. The character must be able to have access to an environment that is suitable for making the weapon. This skill adds a +1 to all weapons created plus normal for that weapon category. Base Skill: 35 + 5% per level of experience.

Arsenal: Reloading: This gives the character the knowledge to reload weapons that have been chosen in their W.P. They can fire more rounds and reload their weapon, before the melee is over in time to fire again. Base Skill: 40 + 5% per level of experience.

Assassination Techniques: This skill includes the ability to calculate drop and wind resistance when firing a weapon from long ranges. On a successful roll, the character gains +3 to strike and automatically hits the enemy at a key place in the head or heart and counts as a "point blank" shot. On an unsuccessful roll, the character is -3 to strike and normal damage is inflicted. Each use of this skill counts as a melee attack. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per. level of experience.

Blind Fighting The skill of fighting in conditions of poor or no light. The character only suffers half the normal penalties for fighting in complete darkness or when blinded, and only suffers ¼ the normal penalties of blindness when fighting under starlight. Also when dealing with invisible opponents, the character only suffers ½ the normal penalties. To receive these benefits the player must roll under the blind fighting skill percentage. Also the character has a chance of detecting the presence of an invisible creature, equal to half the skill proficiency. Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

Camouflage: The skill of concealing a fixed base position, vehicle, bot, equipment or individual, using natural or artificial materials. A fair amount of time is involved in the preparation of larger position. Large cargo nets, cut branches or underbrush are used most often in camouflage. This skill is also used to conceal traps. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Cartography The methods and abilities needed for accurate map making and map reading. Inclues a basic undertanding of geology, estimation of distances, and the use of advanced sensors for gaging altitude, distance, depths, etc. Characters will be able to make extremely accurate land and underwater maps, including topography, prevailing wind/currents, terrain type and all other pertinent geographic information. Also includes the ability to accurately read and interpret a map, adding +10% to navigation skills when this skill and a map are present. [Navigation, Literacy] Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.

Climb/Scale Walls Knowledge of the tools and techniques for climbing up sheer surfaces, be they natural mountains or man-made. Players should roll once for every 20 feet (6.1 m) of a vertical climb. If the roll fails, it means he is losing his grip; however, every "skilled" climber gets a chance to regain his grip, roll again. Two consecutive failed rolls means the character falls Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

Combat Sniper: This is a new sniper skill. It costs two other skill selections to get and has to be gotten separately for each weapon proficiency. For example if a player wanted it for W.P. Bolt Action Rifles and WP Assult Rifle the skill would have to bought twice. Note: This skill can only be used with weapons that can fire single shots. In other words no firing bursts or full auto. Also it can only be used with ranged weapons. Its called Combat Sniper to make it easier to tell from the Sniper skill in the main book. Another thing I think should be done is have a distance penalty. For every 500 ft. the target is away a -1 to strike is applied (any scope or sight modifiers or added after this). The reason for that is at long range the target will be harder to see and you have to account for the effects of the environment on the shot (wind, gravity, etc). It also takes four melee rounds (60 secs.) to get prepared to take a shot. For every melee round less then three a -1 is applied. It can never be done in one melee round since that is not enough time to position the rifle and get in the right mind set. The reason for this is the sniper needs to be relaxed so the weapons can be held steady and be able to concentrate on the target to make it die! Preferably in one clean shot.
  • Level 1
    • +3 to Strike on aimed shots.
    • Critical Strike on a unmodified 19-20
  • Level 4
    • +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
    • Critical Strike on a unmodified 18-20
  • Level 7
    • +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
    • Critical Strike on a unmodified 17-20
    • It now only takes three rounds prep time to fire.
  • level 10
    • +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
    • Critical Strike on a unmodified 16-20
  • Level 13
    • +1 to Strike on aimed shots.
    • Critical Strike on a unmodified 15-20

Defense Systems: Since the climate of space is somewhat hostile, every large base (including all orbital stations, the moon bases, asteroid outposts and even some large ships) is equipped with systems designed to detect and, if necessary, destroy incoming ships or attacks. A character with the defense systems skill will have a full understanding of the defenses of their home station. They will know how it works, how to arm, aim and fire the weapons, and how to repair the system in case of damage. They will also have a rough knowledge of the systems used by the other stations, which may help them evade detection or destruction, or even to work out how to destroy the enemy's defenses in a raid; +1 to strike bonus when using cannons and their likes. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Demolitions: Provides the person with an advanced knowledge in the use and workings of explosives and detonation devices for the purpose of blowing up bridges, buildings and sabotage. This includes all types of explosives such as mines, dynamite, plastics, nitro, blasting caps, etc. It also includes a basic understanding of the strategic placement of mine and booby traps. This will increase a character's awareness of suspicious rope, string and wire. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of explosives and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Note: Any and all training is done on land, and the penalty for try an explosive underwater without the Underwater: Demolitions Skill is -30%. That's right this skill is separate from the Underwater: Demolitions skill. In order to stop or disarm an explosive, you need Demolitions: Disposal. Base Skill: 60% + 3% per level experience. A failed roll means a dud; no explosion. A reminder that skill also includes the his/her level of familiarity with explosive devices and his/her recognition and diagnostic abilities concerning them. It also includes his/her proficiency in the use and activation of explosives. If a character does not roll under his proficiency when attempting to diagnose a problem he/she will have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it. If he/she fails to successfully arm an explosive device the following possibilities will occur (without the characters knowledge). Roll percentile dice.
01-14Device is not damaged will not explode; needs repair.
15-29Device is not armed, but undamaged (can be tried again).
30-49Device will explode in half the time set.
50-74Device will explode in twice the time set.
75-91Device will explode in 60 seconds.
92-00Explodes Instantly!
The time required to build an explosive device depends upon the materials on hand. Homemade bombs take several hours to build, while commercial demolition equipment can be put together in 20 minutes. Activation requires just a few seconds and can be controlled by timing or radio devices.

Demolitions: Creating: This skill gives the character the ability and knowledge of how to make a bomb of all sorts and how to use that bomb. Only restrictions can not make a nuclear bomb without a I.Q. of 24, unless taught to the character even then they have a 0-45% chance of having it malfunction or blow up before it is finished doing three-fourths the normal damage. Base Skill: 40 + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Must have arsenal creating and a minimum I.Q. of 20.

Demolitions Disposal: (or Explosive Ordnance Disposal) This skill enables the character to safely defuse unexploded mines, bombs, explosive booby traps, dud artillery rounds, dud explosive charges, or any explosive devices not of his/her own design. Note: Any and all training is done on land, and the penalty for try an explosive underwater without the Underwater: Demolitions Disposal Skill is -30%. That's right this skill is separate from the Underwater: Demolitions Disposal skill. In order to have an understanding of an explosive, you need Demolitions. Requires: Demolitions. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of explosives and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Base Skill: 60% + 3% per level of experience. A failed roll means the item has exploded without warning. A reminder This indicates The character's ability to disarm/deactivate an explosive device not of his/her own construction. The results of an unsuccessful attempt at disarming a bomb are as follows: (roll percentile dice)
01-26No effect; still armed try again.
27-39Will explode in half the remaining time
40-55Will explode in 60 seconds.
56-78Will explode in 30 seconds.
79-00Explodes instantly!
The time required to disarm an explosive device varies with the type and condition involved. Maximum attempts possible, unless blown up, is one try every 30 seconds/two melees.

Detect Ambush Training which develops an eye for spotting locations and terrains suitable for ambushes and being ambushed. It also provides a rudimentary knowledge of guerrilla tactics used by the enemy.(+5% to Guerrilla Warfare) Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

Falconry The art of training and handling falcons, and other birdsof prey. The use of these animals is much more limited than many fantasygamers would believe. Falcons were used specifically for the entertainmentof the rich and hunting game fowl. A standard hunt wouldentail a game bird, such as a quail, pheasant, duck, etc., being flushedout into the air by dogs, and the falcon released to strike it down.Players take note! For game purposes, let us presume that theseavian predators can be trained to pursue and attack any, visible, flyingfoe or target, strike down other birds, and return it to its master. Let usfurther suppose that they can be trained to strike at any "moving" targetthat they are directed at. This means a falcon could be sent to fly in theface of an opponent and slash at him with its claws for up to two attacksper melee round before returning to its master or flying into the sky.These trained birds respond to hand signals and whistles. They aretrained to strike and return, little more. Under no circumstance can thesebirds fly alongside its master or follow even simple instructions — thisis a dumb bird, not a dog with wings.Note: Falcons or any uncaged bird cannot be taken into undergrounddwellings or inside buildings without panicking. This is one reasonthey are always blinded with a leather hood. Another reason is thatthey instinctively attack any small, moving prey and are easily startled.Furthermore, it is impossible to engage in combat with a falcon onone's wrist or shoulder without injuring the falcon or oneself.Trainers must roll two out of three successful rolls to succceed intraining their bird. Failure means that the animal cannot be broken ofbad habits and training is a general failure. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Find Contraband & Weapons: The character with this skill knows where to find arms dealers, smugglers, criminal docs and illegal medical treatment, as well as how to spot them. He is also familiar with their practices, hang-outs, gang or criminal ties, general practices, code of conduct, pricing structures and modes of operation. Likewise, the character has a good idea of what Black market weapons should cost and what these people pay for contraband items (typically about 20% of what they sell it for). The character also knows the penalty of being caught with an illegal weapon. For most societies, concealed weapons and sidearms are forbidden inside large population centers. Base Skill: 26% + 4% per level of experience.

Field Armorer: This is a somewhat simplistic version of a weapons engineer and assistant blacksmith. A competent field armorer can maintain, fix and modify body armor (a successful roll and 1D4 hours of work with a blacksmith facility restores 30% of lost S.D.C.). In addition, the field armorer can patch holes in armor or metal pots, make arrows and arrowheads, sharpen blades/weapons, and make horseshoes and basic metal items (including nails, spikes, chain links, simple rings and horseshoes). He can also deactivate, reset and fix simple traps (roll for each attempt). Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Forced March Practiced training in uniform marching with a fullfield pack and weapons. The marching is done at an even pace andrhythm that enables the marchers to cover great distances on foot at afaster than normal pace. Increase the normal physical endurance rate asto how long an activity like marching can be maintained by five times;applicable only to forced marches/travelling. Maximum speed on aforced march is roughly 60% of one's speed attribute and enables alarge group of dozens to hundreds of soldiers to travel at the same consistentpace; suitable for everybody in the group (never less than aspeed of 8). Likewise, this skill trains soldiers to make coordinatedcharges and maneuvers, including spear runs, spear and shield placement,and so on.(Adds +1d4 P.E.) Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Fortifications: This is the skill of designing and building defensive fortifications suitable for modern mega-damage combat. If provided with the time and materials, the character can greatly increase the defensive value of natural terrain with murderous defenses that include obstacles to impede movement and protective structures to shield friendly forces from enemy fire. The character is trained to prepare mine fields, barbed wire, tank obstacles, tanglefoot wire, booby traps, trenches, tank ditches, foxholes/shell scrapes, reinforced concrete or earthen walls, bunker complexes, rail gun/mortar emplacements, tunnel systems and similar defensive constructions. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Even with the advent of modern warfare, the old standby fortifications listed above have useful applications. Obstacles like ditches and mine fields slow the advance of infantry and tanks, exposing them for longer periods to defending firepower. Earthen walls and foxholes made from S.D.C. materials still afford soldiers some protection and can deflect shrapnel from explosives. If these protective structures are built with modern concrete and alloys, they provide defenders with even greater protection!

Guerrilla Warfare is the unconventional warfare and combat with which small group combatants (usually civilians) useing mobile tactics (ambushes, raids, etc) to combat a larger, less mobile formal army. The guerrilla army uses defense (draw enemy forces to terrain unsuited to them) and mobility (advantage and surprise) in attacking vulnerable targets in enemy territory. They tend to use small-scale raids, ambushes and attacks. Guerrilla operations typically include a variety of attacks on transportation routes, individual groups of police or military, installations and structures, economic enterprises, and targeted civilians. Attacking in small groups, using camouflage and often captured weapons of that enemy, the guerrilla force can constantly keep pressure on its foes and diminish its numbers, while still allowing escape with relatively few casualties. The intention of such attacks is not only military but political, aiming to demoralize target populations or governments, or goading an overreaction that forces the population to take sides for or against the guerrillas.Whatever the particular tactic used, the guerrilla primarily lives to fight another day, and to expand or preserve his forces and political support, not capture or holding specific blocks of territory as a conventional force would. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Heraldry: The heraldry skill is really two-fold. First, it offers political knowledge regarding ruling governments/powers, kingdoms and royal families. The heraldry symbols are often genealogical and political stamps that can reveal a great deal to those familiar with world politics and political intrigue. Such emblems can reveal at a glance what kingdom the wearer represents, his royal family, social status, reputation, military strength, wealth, etc. The second is the ability to correctly create (or devise) or blazon a heraldic mark in accordance to the rules of the land and court. Punishment for stealing or forgery of another's insignia can be quite severe,and can lead to lengthy imprisonment, torture, or death at the hands of an irate noble, knight or royalty. The first number indicates the character's ability to recognize and interpret the political significance of a coat of arms (as described above). The second number indicates the character's ability to recognize whether the emblem is correctly emblazoned, as well as to make a proper coat of arms himself (as described below). Add a +5% bonus if the character also has the intelligence skill.

The Arms of a Realm and its monarch are the same and one. Such arms are called "Arms of Dominion." As these are the arms of the living symbol of a people, new dynasties abandon their family arms and assume those of the realm. Arms of Dominion mark the public authority of the crown and must not be used by private citizens. Occasionally, dynasties retain family arms and combine them with The Arms of Dominion. This is more often done by those given one of the following:

  • Large Territorial Fiefs
  • Positions at Institution
  • Appointments (chamberlain, butler, etc.)
In cases of disputes, the king would give authority to the Lord High Constable and/or the Earl Marshall to judge such matters. Aside from the army, who may bear the kingdom's arms, only the king's heralds, in the performance of their duties, or sometimes greater nobles, wear their master's coat. Family Crests: A noble/knight in full armor is unrecognizable, so each wears a badge, coat, flag, etc., by which he can be identified as friend or foe. When it is a coat/cloak worn over one's armor, it is called his "Coat of Arms." This identifying decoration or emblem is also frequently displayed upon banners, wall hangings, shields and horse cloths.The rules of Heraldry are simple:
  • No two men in the same region can wear the exact same coat ofarms (as these are personal symbols, marking an owner's possessionsand rank). Even a legitimate son cannot wear his father's "arms," but mustput a mark upon it, altering it slightly. Upon the father's death, the eldest son inherits the father's coat of arms from him. Younger sons andtheir descendants have to make some sort of permanent change at thistime; this is called differenceing.
    • Changing Colors
    • Changing colors to metal and metals to color.
    • Adding a new device/emblems or border or both.
    • Any combination of the above.
  • Illegitimate offspring must have a special mark of difference or an entirely new coat alluding to their sire's.
  • Daughters and wives are allowed to wear their father's coats when they marry. They place their arms besides their husbands on his shield (this is called impaling). If a son wishes to use his mother's "arms" without modification, he must also take her surname or he must "quarter his shield"; equally exhibiting the arms its owner has inherited. If no sons are born, daughters become heir to the arms, which can beplaced in the middle of their husband's shield. This is called Escutcheon of Pretense.If a man had several daughters but no son, then all his grand children could eventually quarter his arms with their father's. The shield may bequartered (evenly) indefinitely.
Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

Intelligence This is specific training in the practices and principles of recognizing and analyzing sources of information about the enemy, observation techniques, counterintelligence measures and proper procedure. This includes the practical assessment of sights and sounds, estimation of ranges, what to report, handling prisoners of war, and handling captured documents and equipment (tagging and reporting to group leader or proper authority). This means the character will be able to accurately estimate distances, the number of enemies, direction, purpose, and assess the importance of specific information. Further intelligence training includes a working knowledge of indigenous guerilla warfare, enemy practices, appearance, and current activities. This enables the character to recognize suspicious activity as guerilla actions and identify guerilla operatives and spies. For Example: A particular type or design of a booby trap, weapon, armor, mode of travel, or method of operation may be indicative of a particular race (wolfen, ogre, goblin, etc.) or a particular group of bandits active in the area. It may be up to the character to confirm the existence of the enemy and their strength, numbers, and current location. Another area of training made available to intelligence is the identification of enemy troops, officers, and foreign advisors. This means the character learns the many distinguishing ranks and marks that identify specific military units, special forces, groups, gangs, and leaders of the enemy. Such identification can pinpoint and confirm enemy operations, goals, and movement, as well as confirm outside intervention/aid. Note: A failed roll in any of the areas of intelligence means that evidence is inconclusive, or that the character has incorrectly assessed the information/situation and is uncertain. A failed roll involving individual clues may mean the character has dismissed it entirely as being meaningless (G.M.s use your discretion). Base Skill: 45+5% per level of experience.

Interrogation This skill is common among policemen,intelligence officers, and assassins/spies/bounty hunters. The characterknows the techniques to get information from (typically unwilling) subjects.This includes such old methods as "good cop, bad cop" (one interrogatoris threatening and intimidating, the other is sympathetic andfriendly), deceiving and misleading the subject into giving away information,and similar methods. The character also can judge if the subjectis lying (the game master might assess bonuses and penalties dependingon how good a liar the subject is, and/or on the victim's M.E., M.A. andP.B; the higher any or each of these, the more convincing the lies). Thisskill also includes some basic knowledge on methods of torture, frombasic tactics like depriving the subject of sleep, to the old "medieval"instruments, and drugs. Note: Only evil characters will engage in tortureroutinely. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Land Navigation This skill enables the person to stay on course while traveling over land by means of observation. It includes mentally marking/recognizing geographic landmarks, estimating distance and movement, recognizing sounds, night travel, and other navigational tricks. The player should roll once for approximately every three miles traveled. A failed roll means the character is drifting off course; 2d10x100 yards/meters. Consecutive failed rolls means the individual does not realize that he’s off course and continues in the wrong direction. Note: A group of average men can cover about five miles an hour at a brisk, but relaxed, pace through grassland, along dirt roads or pavement. Travel through dense forest or jungle at a cautious pace, with eyes open for danger, is about one mile an hour. Heavy rain or snow, fog, swamps, etc., will also reduce speed. Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.

Leadership Leadership is the ability of an individual to set rules for others and lead from the front as well as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members. Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.

Military Etiquette: This skill grants a basic understanding of the way the military works. It includes basic rules of behavior (when to salute, how to address superiors/subordinates, etc.) as well as how to deal with military bureaucracy, who to contact to get things done, and other useful information. A character with this skill will have a good idea of how matters are handled in military bases and facilities, from the setting of watches to where to get live ammo (actually getting the ammo is a different matter altogether, of course). Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Military History This is an Advanced historical knowledge of the known worldwith a Military Focus. The base skill percentageindicates the approximate degree of information the character haslearned or can remember. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Military Instruction: There is a difference between how those in the civilian world are taught, and how those in the military are taught. With this skill the character is familiar with and trained in, the style of mental and physical pedagogy (education). The character can instruct another individual or group in any skill they posse if it's at least 60%. For every 10% of the base skill, there will be one weeks worth of training (ex. If the base skill is 30%, then it will take three weeks for a trainee to learn. A base skill of 45% will take four and a half weeks of training). The trainee will receive upon completion of training, a base skill score in that skill if they successfully roll equal to or beneath the base skill number (ie. if the base skill is 56%, then after 5 weeks, 6 days of instruction if they roll 56% or less then they have learned that skill). Should a trainee not pass the base skill roll then they roll one six side die (1D6) per week of training and that will be the number of additional hours of retraining before they can reroll and attempt to gain the skill. For base skills with odd end numbers, round up. If on the third try they still don't pass, they are not eligible for that skill.

Naval History: is a basic historical knowledge of the oceans and seas of Rifts Earth and the beings that travel on and below them. The base skill percentage indicates the approximate degree of information the character has learned or can remember accurately about the oceans and seas, or various aquatic creatures and beings. Base skill: 30% +5% per level of experience.

Naval Tactics: A basic understanding of the "military doctrine" of the navy in question (CS, Free Quebec, NGR, Nemo's New Navy, freebooters, etc.; each is a little different) and the naval military in general. It includes preferred methods of fighting (on both small scale engagements or full battles), seaman do's and don'ts, ship weapon systems, ship and naval power armor recognition, naval combat, strategies and tactics, and other basic naval procedures, military methods and operations. In combat, a successful tactics roll will reveal the obvious and/or some hints as to the best way to approach a potential combat situation (like recognizing a potential attack because torpedo tubes are open, the best way to impair or scuttle a ship, ideal targets, evasive maneuvers, etc.). Otherwise a successful roll will determine an accurate recognition of a naval vessel, use or reading of naval weapon system, proper execution of a naval tactic or maneuver, and proper procedure. Base skill: 30% +5% per level of experience.

Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (NBC): This is the knowledge of safety precautions to protect oneself and other from the effects of nuclear, biological or chemical warfare, waste and contamination. The character is also knowledgeable in the safe handling and "clean-up" and containment of such hazardous materials. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Paired Weapons: This training involves a particular type of hand to hand fighting technique. This training is reserved for special military personnel and is in the use of training the character to use two weapons at once with a deadly accuracy. This only applies to the Ancient W.P.'s, but adds an additional attack to the characters arsenal. The character will be able to fight with one arm and defend with another without the loss of attacks. In other words the character will can attack and parry in one attack, instead of using two separate attacks to achieve the same results. The advantage is that the character while parrying an attack can him/her self attack the character he/she is parrying. Where a normal character can not do such a thing with out calling a simultaneous attack and even then both characters connect with their blows.

Parachuting: The skill of parachuting includes the methods, procedures and techniques of parachuting, packing the chute, skydiving techniques, precision landing, landing without injury, and practice of jumping from a high altitude aircraft. The advantage of parachuting is secrecy, since the trooper' insertion into enemy territory is silent and often goes unnoticed. The following three methods are the ones most commonly used by modern paratroopers:
  • High-Altitude-High-Opening (HAHO): jumps take place form a height of 25,000 to 30,000 ft. As the paratroopers drop they travel laterally to the desired drop zone (DZ) where they wish to land. This technique is used to "throw off" enemy units since they will probably search for paratroopers directly beneath the path of the aircraft.
  • High-Altitude-Low-Opening (HALO) operations also begin at 25,000 to 30,000 ft but the paratrooper does not pop the chute until an altitude of 4,000 ft, or even less. The jump takes place so rapidly that there is little chance for the paratroopers to be viewed after the chutes open.
  • Low-Altitude-Low-Opening (LALO) drops are the most dangerous method. The jump is made at the mere height of 300 to 500 ft. If there are any complications (a failed roll) the paratrooper is likely to be injured (broken bones) or killed (30% chance)! Even if the jump goes without a hitch, there is a 20% chance of taking 6D6 S.D.C. from an awkward landing, even if wearing M.D. armor.
Failure on a parachuting roll indicates that there are complications somewhere along the jump. This might mean an improperly packed chute, tangling of lines, etc. On a high altitude jump, the character gets a second roll for their reserve chute. If the second roll also fails then the character falls to his death! There is not enough time on a low altitude drop to use a reserve chute, so a failed roll means the character hits the ground (humans die!) without a second chance. Parachuting can be selected as a Military or Pilot Related skill. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Pressure Point Control Techniques-Combat This is a relatively simple, reliable system of pressure point manipulation designed to aid the officer in apprehending and controlling a suspect with minimal use of force. In game terms it acts as a supplement to the character’s Hand to Hand skill, similar to Boxing or Wrestling. It is available only as a Scholastic or 2 “Other” skills, and should ideally be restricted to characters with a law enforcement/security or Martial Arts background.
  • +2 to Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle (This bonus applies both to the initial attack/defense and to subsequent attempts to maintain or break the hold.) If the character does not posses one or more of the above attacks, the training includes an Entangle attack.
  • Knockout/Stun on Natural 20 (if the character already has a Knockout/Stun attack from Hand to Hand, Boxing, etc. reduce the target number by one. (i.e. knockout on 18-20 goes to knockout on 17-20).
  • Knockdown attack – using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent’s leg briefly; just long enough to force them to fall. May be performed with a kick or with a blunt weapon (commonly a nightstick or similar instrument.) Does normal damage for the application method and the opponent loses initiative and one attack. Requires a called shot. Maintain Balance rolls are at +5 vs. a knockdown kick of this type.
  • Disarm punch – using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent’s arm briefly; just long enough to cause them to drop their weapon or other carried object. Does the character’s normal punch damage (1d4 or higher) and acts as a disarm attack. The disarm punch takes two attacks. As with the Knockdown kick a called shot is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do not cause the Disarm effect. At the GM’s option the disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break locks, holds and similar attacks as well
  • +1 to save vs. pain
  • +1d6 S.D.C.
Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Radiation Technology - Military: This includes knowledge of safety regulations, practices and procedure; radiological physics, interaction with matter, radioactivity and characterization and development of neutron beams and heavy particles for use in combat/weapons. In experimental stages of research, the ion beam is the only success thus far in use of energy as a weapon (laser is amplified light). Requires: some form of Nuclear Physics. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Recognize Weapon Quality: The ability to determine the level of a weapon's quality, including craftsmanship, weight, balance, edge, metal strength and so on. The character can also recognize if the weapon is crafted by a dwarf, kobold or other master weaponsmiths, and if it may have bonuses to strike, parry or damage, or other special (magic) properties. Although the person may be able to tell that a weapon is superbly crafted, with bonuses, it is impossible to determine exactly what these bonuses are until used in combat or intense practice. In modern times it gives the ability to accurately determine a weapon's durability, reliability and quality by physically examining it. This includes knowing which manufacturers are reputed to make the best weapons, the ability to recognize damage or signs of misuse, modifications/customization or wear and tear, whether the weapon can be made as good as new with a little repair work and/or cleaning, whether it is a cheap (or quality) "knock-off" (copy/imitation), and so on. The character can also recognize if the weapon is stolen (serial numbers filed away, etc.), new, old and if it has any other special features or properties as well as knowing what the fair price should be. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Note: Reduce the skill ability by half if the item is not actually handled (seen but not touched/examined).

Repelling This is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in scaling walls,towers, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascendingand descending climbs. Base Skill in rappelling: Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Sapping Skill in digging a tunnel to bring down castles or other fortifications. Used when the fortification is not built on solid rock, a tunnel is excavated under the outer defenses to provide access into the fortification or to collapse the walls. The tunnel is supported by temporary wooden props as the digging progresses and once the excavation is complete the wall or tower being undermined would be collapsed by filling the excavation with combustible material that, when lit, would burn away the props leaving the structure above unsupported and thus liable to collapse. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Scouting The ability to infiltrate wilderness regions and avoid detection by adversaries, in order to study and obtain information on such factors as terrain, road or trail conditions, the general status of an opponent’s fortifications or defenses, the movement and/or condition of troops or groups of creatures, and the availability of food, water, or other natural resources. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Ship-to-Ship Combat: This is the specific skill of piloting a military naval craft in combat. While the Pilot Ship: advanced skill lets a character pilot in these situations, this skill allows the pilot to use a ship's weapons and defense systems at the same time. The character also understands the theory and tactics of naval combat, rather than relying on good instinct. If, during combat, a character with this skill is only operating a ship's weapons systems, then they receive a +5% modifier to all ship combat moves and +1 to strike and dodge. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Siege Engineer This is the knowledge of designing, repairing and properly using siege weapons. This is reflected by the first percentile number. With the proper siege weapons, the character can direct a siege against a castle or fort. The second percentage is the characters skill in countering a siege by anticipating an opponents strategies and tactics. A successful roll indicates that the construction, repair, siege or counter tactics meets with positive results. A failed roll results in problems that lead to failure. Base Skill: 20/10% + 6% per level of experience.

Sniper: This skill represents special training in long range rifle firing and marksmanship. Only rifles that can be made to fire a single round or blast can be used for snipering (no automatic/multi-firing rifles). Adds a bonus of +2 to strike on an aimed shot.

Spelunking The art and practice of exploring caves. Unskilled characters wandering about in a large series of natural caverns have about the same chance of survival as unskilled climbers attempting to scale a major mountain without guidance. Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.

Strategy/Tactics: This is part of the training given to combat soldiers and officers, and includes a basic understanding of the "military doctrine" of the army in question, including preferred methods of fighting (on both a small scale engagement or a full battle), "do's and don'ts," guerrilla warfare, and other basic military methods. A successful strategy/tactics roll will reveal some hints as to the best way to approach a potential combat or military situation, like recognizing potential attack/retreat areas, getting good fields of fire, recognizing a good location for a crossfire or booby trap, etc. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Surveillance The study of the operation, methods, and techniques used in surveillance and taking a strategic position. Including the use of common magic items, magic potions, and magic scrolls/spells. This skill also includes the art of tailing, or following someone without being noticed, and includes stake-out procedures and some basic stealth practices (same as prowl). A failed surveillance roll indicates that the tail was spotted and the subject of surveillance is aware of being followed/observed. Bonuses: +5% to recognize others in disguise, and +5% on the following skills (if known): disguise, detect ambush and imitate voices/impersonation. Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

Torturing Tactics Training in the questioning and torture of prisoners, this skill includes placing wood under fingernails, use of the rack, and a very general knowledge of medical procedures (+5% to First Aid). Three successful rolls will extract a bit of information, but three consecutive, unsuccessful checks will result in death of the prisoner (with no save vrs. death)! All patients will die after 3d4 days of intense torture (around eight rolls can be made every day). Base Skill: 40 + 5% starting at level two.

Tracking Visual tracking is the identification of tracks, and following the path of men or animals by the signs they leave on the ground and vegetation. Tracking is a precise art, requiring much practice. The skill includes the evaluation of tracks, indicating whether the person being tracked is loaded down with equipment, running, moving slowly (by measuring the space between steps), and so on. By this means, the tracker can estimate the person's rate of movement, apparent direction, the number of persons in the party, and whether the person knows he is being followed. Other methods of tracking require recognizing other telltale signs, such as blood and other stains, broken and displaced vegetation, overturned rocks, waste, litter (such as bits of clothing, empty bottles, butts or ash from cigars or pipes, food scraps and bones, wrappers, soiled bandages and signs of a campfire), and even odors carried by the wind. Likewise, the tracks of riding animals and wagons can reveal much, such as the size and type of the animal or wagon, the weight of its load, speed, direction, etc. Counter-Tracking techniques are also known, such as covering one's trail, misdirection, parallel trails, avoiding obvious pitfalls like littering and so on. A failed roll means that the signs are inconclusive, vague or misleading. Additional signs must be found to verify or clarify (roll again). Three consecutive failed rolls means the tracker has completely lost the trail. Roll once every 40 yards/meters when following a trail, unless it is very obvious (like a caravan of wagons, or company of soldiers/120+ troops). Characters attempting to follow a skilled tracker who is deliberately trying to conceal his trail suffer a penalty of -25% to stay on him. However, the character engaged in counter-tracking techniques travels at slow speeds, about half that of a casual rate of speed (or 1/4 his maximum speed). Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience for both the tracking and counter-tracking abilities.

Trap Construction: Training in the design and application of traps and mines used in anti-personnel and defense tactics. With readily available materials and simple tools, including shovels, knives, sticks, wire and rope, the character can build fiendish traps. Any who would scoff at the effectiveness of traps in modern mega-damage combat should reconsider. While traps may not damage M.D. equipment, unless the trap is augmented with explosives (requiring the Demolitions skill), simple pits can hamper, even immobilize, troops and robot vehicles by making them unable to climb out (will earth walls support the weight of a several ton robot trying to climb out? Not likely). Other traps can be used as alarms (triggering flares, video cameras, or simply producing noise), or even as diversions to distract the enemy while the character escapes. The greatest drawback of traps lies in the amount of time required to prepare them. It can take hours to prepare rock slides, large pits, etc., even with heavy equipment. But, even this time can be shortened with help from others, as only one character needs the skill, in order to successfully direct others in the traps' construction. Ingeniously prepared traps can, and often do, shift the advantage of a battle to the side that prepared the field for combat. See the Rifts World Book 11 for examples of most common types of traps. Base Skill: 20% + 4% per level of experience.

Trap/Mine Detection: Knowledge of the strategic placement of booby traps and mines, the tell-tale trademarks and indications of traps and mines, how to avoid them, and the use of mine and explosive detection equipment. The character has been trained to watch for suspicious objects, dirt mounds, trip wires and camouflaging materials that may denote the presence of a trap. Simple snare traps and trip wires can be easily disarmed by the character, but the demolitions disposal skill is required to disarm mines, explosives, or complex traps. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience for detecting by visuals alone. Add +50% when using special detection equipment to locate mines or explosives, +10% if the trap isn't a mine or explosives, but uses metal (such as a trip wire) Note: See the Rifts World Book 11 description of this skill for use of some Dog Boy types to sniff out traps.

Underwater Demolitions: Fundamentally the same basic skills and training as demolitions, but with an emphasis on using explosives in an underwater environment, including underwater techniques, area affect, sound wave damage, different types of explosives, as well as arming, disarming and repairing torpedoes and depth charges. Base Skill: 56% + 3% per level of experience. Note: Any character with the demolitions skill can use explosives underwater, but is -10%.

Optional method of assigning this skill.

    Underwater Demons: Basic: Provides the person with an advanced knowledge in the use and workings of explosives and detonation devices for the purpose of blowing up bridges, ships and sabotage. All training is done underwater. This includes all types of explosives such as mines, dynamite, plastics, nitro, blasting caps, etc. It also includes a basic understanding of the strategic placement of mine and booby traps. This will increase a character's awareness of suspicious rope, string and wire. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of explosives and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Note: All training is done underwater, and the penalty for try an explosive on land without the Demolitions Skill is -30%. That's right this skill is separate from the Demolitions skill. In order to stop or disarm an explosive, you need Underwater: Demolitions Disposal. Requires: Swimming and S.C.U.B.A. before acquiring this skill. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level experience. A failed roll means a dud; no explosion. A reminder that skill also includes the his/her level of familiarity with explosive devices and his/her recognition and diagnostic abilities concerning them. It also includes his/her proficiency in the use and activation of explosives. If a character does not roll under his proficiency when attempting to diagnose a problem he/she will have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it. If he/she fails to successfully arm an explosive device the following possibilities will occur (without the characters knowledge). Roll percentile dice.
    01-14Device is not damaged will not explode; needs repair.
    15-29Device is not armed, but undamaged (can be tried again).
    30-49Device will explode in half the time set.
    50-74Device will explode in twice the time set.
    75-91Device will explode in 60 seconds.
    92-00Explodes Instantly!
    The time required to build an explosive device depends upon the materials on hand. Homemade bombs take several hours to build, while commercial demolition equipment can be put together in 20 minutes. Activation requires just a few seconds and can be controlled by timing or radio devices.
  • Underwater Demolitions: Advanced: Fundamentally the same basic skills and training as Demolitions and Under water Demolitions: Basic, but with an Advanced emphasis on using explosives in an underwater environment, including underwater techniques, area affect, sound wave damage, different types of explosives as well as arming torpedoes and depth charges. The same applies here as it does for the normal demolitions skill, read A reminder The same penalties, etc. apply here. Requires: Underwater Demolitions: Basic, Swimming, and S.C.U.B.A. before acquiring this skill. Base Skill: 56% + 3% per level experience. A failed roll means a dud; no explosion. A reminder that skill also includes the his/her level of familiarity with explosive devices and his/her recognition and diagnostic abilities concerning them. It also includes his/her proficiency in the use and activation of explosives. If a character does not roll under his proficiency when attempting to diagnose a problem he/she will have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it. If he/she fails to successfully arm an explosive device the following possibilities will occur (without the characters knowledge). Roll percentile dice.
    01-14Device is not damaged will not explode; needs repair.
    15-29Device is not armed, but undamaged (can be tried again).
    30-49Device will explode in half the time set.
    50-74Device will explode in twice the time set.
    75-91Device will explode in 60 seconds.
    92-00Explodes Instantly!
    The time required to build an explosive device depends upon the materials on hand. Homemade bombs take several hours to build, while commercial demolition equipment can be put together in 20 minutes. Activation requires just a few seconds and can be controlled by timing or radio devices.
  • Underwater Demolitions Disposal: Basic: This skill enables the character to safely defuse unexploded mines, bombs, explosive booby traps, dud artillery rounds, dud explosive charges, or any explosive devices. Requires: Underwater: Demolitions. GM's remember there is a difference between the military use and the civilian use of explosives and their functions. Please keep this in mind when the characters are using this skill. Note: All training is done underwater, and the penalty for try an explosive on land without the Demolitions or Demolitions: Disposal Skills is -30%. That's right this skill is separate from the Demolitions: Disposal skill. In order to have an understanding of an explosive underwater, you need Underwater: Demolitions. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means the item has exploded without warning. A reminder This indicates The character's ability to disarm/deactivate an explosive device not of his/her own construction. The results of an unsuccessful attempt at disarming a bomb are as follows: (roll percentile dice)
    01-26No effect; still armed try again.
    27-39Will explode in half the remaining time
    40-55Will explode in 60 seconds.
    56-78Will explode in 30 seconds.
    79-00Explodes instantly!
    The time required to disarm an explosive device varies with the type and condition involved. Maximum attempts possible, unless blown up, is one try every 30 seconds/two melees.
  • Underwater Demolitions Disposal: Advanced: Fundamentally the same basic skills and training as Demolitions Disposal and Under water Demolitions Disposal: Basic, but with an Advanced emphasis on using disarming explosives in an underwater environment, including underwater techniques, area affect, sound wave damage, different types of explosives as well as disarming and repairing torpedoes and depth charges. Requires: Underwater: Demolitions Disposal Basic, Swimming, and S.C.U.B.A. before acquiring this skill. Base Skill: 56% + 3% per level experience. A failed roll means a dud; no explosion. Note: When playing under the percentage points system the skill requires 40 points and 15 to 18 months of training. A reminder This indicates The character's ability to disarm/deactivate an explosive device not of his/her own construction. The results of an unsuccessful attempt at disarming a bomb are as follows: (roll percentile dice)
    01-26No effect; still armed try again.
    27-39Will explode in half the remaining time
    40-55Will explode in 60 seconds.
    56-78Will explode in 30 seconds.
    79-00Explodes instantly!
    The time required to disarm an explosive device varies with the type and condition involved. Maximum attempts possible, unless blown up, is one try every 30 seconds/two melees.

Urban Warfare The Urban Warfare skill is divided into two parts, a house-to-house combat skill with a percentage, and a special sniping skill that provides weapon bonuses. The reason for its placement in the Espionage category instead of Military is simple, it's not a total warfare skill. Instead, the character learns how to set explosives inside building without causing major structural damage to the building. Of course this doesn't mean a few rooms will be obliterated (not to mention those inside), but the explosion won't cause the building to collapse. The first percentage refers to the character's ability to assess the possible damage to a building's integrity inflicted by enemy fire, or that caused by his own attacks. It also grants the person with the skill to use only enough explosives to get the job done, without overkill (since they will usually be inside the building at the time of the explosion), since too much could harm the player characters and any innocent people near by. The second percentage indicates the character's basic knowledge of building schematics. So they'll have a basic idea of where possible gas lines or electrical wiring could be located. This percentage is mainly for the GM, and should be taken into consideration if the character is shooting into a wall (whether incidentally or accidentally) or slashing with a blade weapon. Base Skill: 56%/42% + 4% per level of experience. Requires: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal is helpful, but not needed. Special Note: This skill counts as two skills (either "other" or secondary). Also included in this skill is the training in sniping specific people that may be concealed in a crowd or holding a hostage as a human shield. In these cases, the Urban Warfare skill can come in pretty handy. Bonuses: +1 to strike with a modern weapon on when sniping. These bonuses can only be used with sniper rifles, bolt action rifles, bows and crossbows.

Weapons Specialist: This is a somewhat simplistic version of the weapons engineer as it applies to infantry weapons. A competent weapons specialist character can maintain, fix, modify, mount, reload ammunition, and figure out most small arms. They can repair all types of pistols and rifles, adjust targeting sights, use optical enhancements, reload missiles and ammo drums, install/ mount a rail gun or machinegun on a vehicle. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Wilderness Survival Techniques for getting water, food, shelter, and help when stranded in wild forests, deserts, or mountains. Characters without this skill will not be able to stay healthy for more than a few days in the wilderness once their supplies run out. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.