Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Astronomy/Navigation: The ability to navigate, from the study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments, and interrelations, with the earth and each other (including magical worlds, the ebb and flow of mystic energy along ley lines.) Training includes reading maps and following landmarks, and the use of navigational equipment. Includes land, water and air (where appropriate) navigation, as well as piloting by the stars and instruments alone. This ability is ideal for sailors. A failed roll means the navigator is off course.
  • 2d6 miles when traveling on foot
  • 1d6x10 miles when traveling by animal
  • 2d4x10 when using a boat or flying
A blown roll also results in an improper direction; roll 1d8 for the true course, starting with North-East as 1 and going clockwise through the major compass points, rerolling a result of the direction that is the one actually desired.Roll the error distance and direction once for every hour that one travels after the failed check. If using a landmark, etc. for navigation, making the next chance at –10% can discover the error. If using direction only as the guide, the roll is at ½ normal level to discover the error. If the roll fails, but is still under the normal skill roll in either case, then the navigator is now following a parallel course (off by the distance in error) to the desired one. A second or later consecutive totally failed roll compounds the original deviation resulting in a new random course roll.
Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Boat Building: This skill enables the character to build a variety of rafts, small rowboats, large flatbed boats, and canoes. A small raft (two man) can be made within 1d6+1 hours if the lumber or other suitable materials and tools are readily available. A large raft will take about 4d6 hours a canoe 2d6 days, rowboat 4d4 days, large flatbed 1d4x10 days. Time is doubled or tripled if trees must be cut down and wood prepared. Of course, the time can be reduced if several knowledgeable people are working on the construction. A failed skill roll means the boat has leaks. Trying to patch it will require 4d4 hours.[Carpentry] Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Cartography: The methods and abilities needed for accurate map making and map reading. Inclues a basic undertanding of geology, estimation of distances, and the use of advanced sensors for gaging altitude, distance, depths, etc. Characters will be able to make extremely accurate land and underwater maps, including topography, prevailing wind/currents, terrain type and all other pertinent geographic information. Also includes the ability to accurately read and interpret a map, adding +10% to navigation skills when this skill and a map are present. [Navigation, Literacy] Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.

Castaway/Shipwreck Survival: Surviving without a ship at sea is a specialized skill, since the seas of most worlds are quite hostile. Those with this skill know how to avoid being sucked down with a sinking ship, how to select and assemble the best driftwood and scrap for a raft and how to float without exerting themselves (not the same as swimming) for hours at a time. Once the survivor has something to hold onto, it becomes possible to survive for days at a time, but only if you know how to get fresh water (from fish, certain types of seaweed and condensation of dew on cool surfaces,) as well as how to keep from being attacked or eaten by sea predators. Characters without this skill, or without help from someone else who has the skill will likely perish immediately, or within hours. Note: that once on land, even the tiniest island, the skill Wilderness Survival takes over. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Deep Sea Fishing: Although similar to Freshwater fishing, the methods involved are very different. Smaller fish are generally caught using a variety of different nets in quantity (4d6 fish at a time.) For bigger fish (50 pounds and up,) special tackle is required, which is actually attached to the ship. Those with this skill have a basic knowledge of the most common fish, and know the proper techniques for preparation and cooking (some fish have poison glands or quills that must be removed prior to cooking.) For line fishing, roll once every hour, but once every ten minutes for net fishing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Note: While someone with Freshwater Fishing skill can catch and cook fish while on ship, using the usual techniques, they’ll catch only the smaller fish, and they’ll only roll for success once per hour. Also, they won’t have the knowledge involved in identifying which are edible, or the details of how a specific fish should be prepared. +5% if the identify sea life skill is known. Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Flag Signaling: Ships at sea have developed a "language" based on the display of colored flags. Those with this skill can read and compose messages, as well as be able to recognize banners, ensigns, pennants and standards used to communicate ship's origins and status. Communicating basic naval messages ("Turn to starboard." "Do you have any fresh water to spare?" or "Beware! Pirates sighted to the northeast!") are easy for anyone with 2nd level, or better, expertise. However, non-naval messages, including names (Victor Bertrand, New York) or messages related to other subjects (magic, money or religion), are more time consuming, and more difficult to compose or decipher. Since each ship usually displays banners showing their nationality and other information, those with this skill have the chance of identifying a fake (pirates often fly false flags). In addition to the common signal code (used by every seafaring nation), certain navies and merchant companies have developed their own secret systems of communicating Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

General Maintenance/Repair: Not everyone can be a Mechanic or a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doing satisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels, and so on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in clothes (it may not look pretty, but does the job), replace a wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish, and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armor(restores 2D6 S.D.C.). Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken, what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities. Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair. If failure, the player may try again. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremely complex. Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

Identify Sea Life: Characters with this skill can identify all different kinds of fish, squid, octopus, shellfish, turtles, sea mammals (whales, dolphins, seals) and sea monsters, as well as seaweed, sponges and even swarms of tiny life forms (such as krill, the food source for many whales,) and the different one-celled organisms that give off a visible glow at night. Even more importantly, the character can recognize habitats, or water and weather conditions, that signal the presence of certain kinds of sea life. For example, the character can attempt to determine what kind of fish are feeding below the ship, or what giant schools are traveling nearby, based on the appearance of certain predators such as knowing where to find tuna when certain dolphins are sighted. Includes a knowledge of which sea life is edible, useful as healing herbs, or poisonous. Another important bit of knowledge is being able to identify which barnacles, shipworms and mollusks (which live on the hull under the waterline) are harmless, and which are immediately threatening.(+5% to Deep Sea Fishing) Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Lore: Sea: Knowledge regarding the myths and legends of the oceans and seas of the known world, including the edge of the world, sea monsters, sea creatures and aquatic people, ghost ships, and general knowledge about marine animals and whether or not they are dangerous to humanoids. Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

Naval History: This is an advanced historical knowledge of the known world with a Naval Focus. The base skill percentage indicates the approximate degree of information the character has learned or can remember. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Naval Tactics: A basic understanding of the “military doctrine” of the navy in question and the naval military in general. It includes preferred methods of fighting (on both small scale engagements or full battles,) seaman do’s and don’ts, ship weapon systems, ship and naval armour recognition, naval combat, strategies and tactics, and other basic naval procedures, military methods and operations.In combat, a successful tactics roll will reveal the obvious and/or some hints as to the best way to approach a potential combat situation (like recognizing a potential attack, the best way to impair or scuttle a ship, ideal targets, evasive maneuvers, etc.) Otherwise a successful roll will determine an accurate recognition of a naval vessel, use or reading of naval weapon system, proper execution of a naval tactic or maneuver, and proper procedure. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength and how to weave/make rope. A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. Characters bound/tied by this character are –10% to escape/slip knots. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

Rowing: Knowledge of rowed vessels as well as the terms and principles of rowing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Sail Making: Sail making is a craft rich in tradition and functional beauty. It gives the character skills in the crafting of Storm foresails, trysails, and mainsails as well as how to rig them. Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Sailing: Knowledge about sailing vessels, large and small, as well as the terms and principles of sailing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

Seamanship: Most sailors don’t really need to know how to sail, they just need to be able to follow orders when it comes to belaying, hauling, dropping or trimming sail, which means they need to know the difference between a crossjack, a mizzen mast, a fore lower top gallant and a hundred other names for specific sails, ropes, masts and cross-masts. The skill also includes being able to judge, evaluate and repair sails, rope and rigging (every sailor has to be handy with a needle and thread, as well as knowing how to braid rope.) Also involves the basics of ship cleaning and maintenance, as well as how to skillfully operate the pumps needed to remove the water that collects in the bilge.[Sew/Tailor] Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Shipwright: Like an army’s field Armourer, the shipwright has the necessary skills of a naval mechanic, carpenter and blacksmith needed to repair ships at sea. After any storm or battle, numerous repairs are needed and even in peaceful calm waters a ship’s structure should be continuously maintained. Another task of the shipwright, one that is never finished, is directing the applicaion of pitch (usually made from pine sap) to keep the cracks between the boards waterproof. Repairing weapons, armour and other emtal objects also falls among the shipwight’s responsibilities. A shipwright can make finished objects out of wood (such as belaying pins, preplacment spars or boards) and metal (nails, chain,etc.) gives a +5% to both required skills. [Carpentry, Blacksmith] Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

Swimming: The rudimentary skill of keeping afloat, diving, swimming and lifesaving techniques. The percentile number indicates the overall quality of form as well as skill of execution. A character can swim a distance equal to 3x his P.S. in yards/meters per melee round 1(15 seconds). This pace can be maintained for a total of minutes equal to his P.E./endurance. Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.