Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Hand to Hand Combat:

Aikido: Developed in the 20th Century by drawing on techniques from Jiujitsu, Judo, Karate, and Kendo, Aikido has the greatest pacifist stance of all the martial arts, focusing entirely on defense.

Basic and Special Moves: Body block/tackle, body flip/throw, break fall, disarm, holds, kick attack (2D4 damage), roll with punch/fall/impact, strike, parry, dodge, and pull punch are known at first level.

Bonuses: +2D6 to SDC, +1D4 to ME, +1 to PP, and +1 to PE.


  1. Four attacks per melee, +3 to break fall, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to body flip/throw, and +2 to pull punch.
  2. +1 on initiative, +2 to parry and dodge.
  3. Automatic dodge, +1 to disarm.
  4. One additional attack per melee, +1 to body flip/throw.
  5. Critical body flip/throw on a natural 18, 19, or 20.
  6. +1 to parry and dodge, +1 to body flip/throw.
  7. Automatic flip/throw, +2 to pull punch
  8. One additional attack per melee.
  9. +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge.
  10. Double existing PPE, +1 to disarm.
  11. +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +1 to body flip/throw
  12. One additional attack per melee.
  13. +1 on initiative, +2 to body block/tackle.
  14. Critical strike on a natural 18, 19, or 20.
  15. One additional attack per melee.

Airborne: This skill is only available to creatures with innate flying ability (ie, wings). Anyone else better have a DAMN GOOD RP reason for learning it. All bonuses/tricks are only applicable while airborne. This Hand to Hand skill can replace Expert for flying characters, and is unique in that it allows the character to learn another Hand to Hand skill for "grounded" combat.


  1. Three attacka per melee, +2 to dodge; initiative on ground-based opponents means they can't return fire before you're already out of range; can attempt to latch onto flying opponent and grapple in mid-air; +2 to roll with impact.
  2. +2 initiative; Automatic dodge doesn't lose an action; swoop attack can pick up ground-based enemy if you can carry him. (Whether you do this to drop him later on or to swiftly snatch an ally out of a tight spot is up to you)
  3. +1 additional attack; higher initiative than immediate air-based opponent means you can stay on his 6 o'clock high (limiting his counterattack abilities to those he can fire backward); additional +2 to roll with impact when ramming.
  4. +2 to strike.
  5. Additional +2 to dodge; +1 additional attack.
  6. Additional +2 to strike when attempting to grapple in mid-air
  7. Additional +1 to dodge, additional +2 initiative; swoop can be used to snatch an item or weapon from the target's hands.
  8. Additional +1 to strike; Special Technique: controlled crash touchdown, dropping down in near-freefall, using wings (if any) to aim and hit a square-foot area spot from hundreds of feet/meters up. Damage to target is 1D6x10 for every 100 feet, or 3D6x10 for every 100 meters. Please note that, hit or miss, this technique does ground the character, making this the last action of the melee using Airborne.
  9. +2 to dodge; swoop attack can now unload all melee attacks in a single strafe instead of picking the target up.
  10. +1 additional attack; additional +2 to dodge or roll with ramming impact.
  11. +2 to strike
  12. +3 to initiative
  13. +2 to dodge
  14. +1 additional attack
  15. +2 to strike

Assassin: This is an advanced form of combat with an emphasis on immobilzing or killing one's opponent quickly. Typically, the character must be evil or anarchist to select this skill.


  1. Three attacks per melee, +2 to strike, WP: Paired Weapons
  2. +2 additional attacks per melee
  3. +3 to pull punch and roll with impact
  4. +4 to damage, +1 to initiative
  5. One additional attack per melee
  6. +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to Entangle.
  7. Knockout/stun on an unmodified 17 or better
  8. One additional attack per melee, +1 on initiative
  9. Kick Attack: 1D6 Damage, +1 to initiative
  10. Critical strike on unmodified 19 or 20
  11. +2 to strike
  12. Death Blow on a natural 20
  13. One additional attack per melee
  14. +2 to damage
  15. +2 to strike

Basic: Provides elementary fighting techniques and methods of attack and self-defense as taught in military basic training or in self-defense classes.


  1. Four attacks/melee, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact
  2. +2 to parry and dodge
  3. Kick Attack does 1D6 Damage
  4. One additional attack per melee
  5. +1 to strike
  6. Critical strike on an unmodified 18, 19, or 20
  7. +2 to Damage
  8. Judo-style body throw/flip; does 1D6 Damage, and victim loses initiative and one attack per melee
  9. One additional attack per melee
  10. +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact
  11. +1 to parry and dodge
  12. +1 to strike
  13. Critical strike or knockout from behind
  14. +2 to damage
  15. One additional attack per melee

Bull Fighting: Characters with 4 or more legs, especially characterw tih hooves, can learn how to use their four-legged stance both aggressively and defensively. Taking the best moves of the natural boar, bull, and elk, this practical martial art shows four-legged creatures how to take advantage of their mess, as well as the power of moving on four legs. Popular with mutant animals and centaurs alike. Basic moves include:

Block: Automatic Shoulder Block. The character can attempt to defend against an attack, like a parry, by "shouldering" into the attacker's arm or body, thereby throwing any punch or weapon off-target. Provided the attacker isn't coming from the rear, can be done without using up a melee round action.

Back Kick: The character plants their forelegs and kicks out, mule-style, with both back legs. Counts as two melee attacks, but does a lot of damage; 4D6 plus damage bonuses to one target. Or, if there are two targets directly behind the character, can hit both with 2D6 plus damage bonuses, to each.

Goring Critical Strike: Ripping, slashing, or impaling an opponent with one's horns, antlers, or tusts; a Critical Strike.

Head Butt: Strikes opponent with blunt part of hardhead or horns to inflict 1d6 damage plus damage bonuses.

Head Butt Charge Attack: Using the full force of four legs, as well as powerful neck muscles, the character lunges forward with a head attack. Depending on the character's armament, the damage can come from horns, antlers, tusts, or some kind of spiked helmet, plus damage bonuses.

Tample/Stampede: The character attempts to run right over the opponent, inflicting double the normal amount of the character's usual hoof damage (2d6 if the character doesn't have hooves), plus any damage bonuses.

Throw Off: A bucking bronco move to throw anybody who has leapt onto its back or who has grabbed its horns to the ground. Counts as an attack, roll to strike/throw. Defender rolls to hang on. As usual, high roll wins, with the defender/hanger-on winning ties. Victims who are thrown take 1d6 damage, but also lose initiative


  1. Four attacks/melee, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact
  2. +2 to parry and dodge
  3. Kick Attack does 1D6 Damage
  4. One additional attack per melee
  5. +1 to strike
  6. Critical strike on an unmodified 18, 19, or 20
  7. +2 to Damage
  8. Judo-style body throw/flip; does 1D6 Damage, and victim loses initiative and one attack per melee
  9. One additional attack per melee
  10. +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact
  11. +1 to parry and dodge
  12. +1 to strike
  13. Critical strike or knockout from behind
  14. +2 to damage
  15. One additional attack per melee

Commando: The Commando hand to hand combat skill is exlusive to the Commando and Special Forces O.C.C.s and is a form of martial arts.

Bonuses: +2D6 to SDC, +1 to ME.


  1. Four attacks per melee, WP: Paired Weapons, body flip/throw, body block/tackle, and +2 to save vs. Horror Factor
  2. +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punch. Backward sweep kick: does no damage, purely a knock-down attack (same penalties as body flip) but cannot be parried (opponent is -2 to dodge).
  3. +1 to disarm, +1 to automatic body flip, +1 on initiative
  4. One additional attack per melee, karate kick attack: 2D6 Damage
  5. Automatic dodge and critical body flip/throw
  6. +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +1 to body flip/throw
  7. +2 to damage, +1 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 to disarm, +1 to automatic dodge, and +2 to pull punch
  8. One additional attack per melee, jump kick, +1 to body flip/throw, and +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
  9. Death blow on a natural 18-20!
  10. +2 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 on initiative, and +1 to strike
  11. +1 to disarm, +1 to pull punch, and +1 to body flip/throw
  12. +2 to damage, +1 to parry and dodge, +2 to automatic dodge
  13. One additional attack per melee
  14. Automatic body flip/throw
  15. Critical strike on a natural 17-20.

Expert: An advanced form of self-defense and unarmed combat usually taught to commandos.


  1. 2 attacks/melee, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact
  2. +3 to parry and dodge
  3. +2 to strike
  4. One additional attack per melee
  5. Kick attack: 1D6 Damage
  6. Critical strike on an unmodified 18, 19, or 20
  7. Paired Weapons
  8. Judo-stylke body throw/flip; does 1D6 Damage, and victim loses initiative and one attack per melee
  9. One additional attack per melee
  10. +3 to damage
  11. Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20
  12. +2 to parry and dodge
  13. Critical strike or knockout from behind (triple damage)
  14. One additional attack per melee
  15. Death Blow on a roll of natural 20

Judo: This is a basic, modern style of martial arts, and can be used in place of H2H: Basic.

Basic and Special Moves: Body block/tackle, body flip/throw, break fall, disarm, roll with punch/fall/impact, strike, parry, dodge, and pull punch are known at first level.

Bonuses: +2D4 to SDC, +1 to ME, and +1 to PP.


  1. Four attacks per melee, +3 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch.
  2. +2 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike.
  3. +1 to body flip/throw and body block/tackle, +1 to disarm.
  4. One additional attack per melee; karate-style kick (2D6 damage).
  5. Critical body flip/throw on natural 19 or 20 (double damage).
  6. +1 to strike, parry, dodge, and body flip/throw.
  7. WP: Paired Weapons, +2 to damage.
  8. Jump kick, +1 to roll with impact.
  9. One additional attack per melee.
  10. +2 on initiative, +1 to parry and dodge.
  11. +1 to break fall and disarm.
  12. Critical strike on natural 18, 19, or 20.
  13. +2 to damage, knock-out/stun on a natural 19 or 20.
  14. One additional attack per melee.
  15. Automatic body flip/throw.

Jujitsu: This combat style is very pragmatic, and literally means "whatever works". Techniques range from the assault of vital points, joint locks, and throwing techniques. A trained master can reduce their victims into helplessness even if armed with daggers, sticks, or guns. Any advantage that can be gained will be used by a practitioner of Jujitsu without a second thought of fairness.

Note: CANNOT be selected by a character of an honorable (Principled or Aberrant) alignment.

Basic and Special Moves: Maintain balance, break fall, disarm, body block/tackle, body flip/throw, holds, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, kick attack (2D4 damage), knee and elbow attacks (1D6 damage), and the usual strike, parry, and dodge are known at first level.

Bonuses: +3D6 to SDC, +2 to PS, and +1 to PP.


  1. Four attacks per melee; snap kick (1D6 damage), knife hand (2D4 damage), +3 to roll with impact, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch.
  2. +1 to strike, tripping/leg hook and backward sweep kicks.
  3. +1 on initiative, critical strike from behind.
  4. One additional attack per melee.
  5. Palm strike (2D4 damage), drop kick
  6. Critical strike on a natural 18, 19, or 20.
  7. +1 to strike, +1 on body flip/throw, +1 to disarm.
  8. One additional attack per melee, +1 to maintain balance.
  9. Critical body flip/throw on natural 17-20.
  10. Jump kick and leap attacks.
  11. One attitional attack per melee, +2 to pull punch.
  12. +1 on initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike.
  13. +2 to damage, +2 to pull punch, +2 to break fall.
  14. One additional attack per melee.
  15. Death Blow!

Karate: Due to the variety of different styles of karate, what follows is a variation of Japanese Kyokushinkai Karate -- "The School of Ultimate Truth", and focuses on aggressive combat and striking power.

Basic and Special Moves: Break fall, body block/tackle, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, kick attack (2D4 damage), karate kick (2D6 damage), karate punch (2D4 damage), knee and elbow strikes (1D6 damage), and the usual strike, parry, and dodge are known at first level.

Bonuses: +3D6 to SDC, +1D4 to PS, +2 to PE, and +2 to Spd.


  1. Four attacks per melee, snap kick (1D6 damage), +1 on initiative, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to parry, +1 to dodge, +1 to break fall, and +2 to pull punch.
  2. +1 to strike, tripping/leg hook, and backwards sweep kicks.
  3. One additional attack per melee, +2 to damage.
  4. +1 on initiative, +1 to disarm, and roundhouse kick (3D6 damage)
  5. Power Punch (double damage, counts as 2 melee attacks), palm strike (2D4 damage).
  6. One additional attack per melee.
  7. Power kick, wheel kick, +1 to strike, parry, and break fall.
  8. Critical strike on a natural 18-20, critical strike from behind, death blow on natural 20.
  9. One additional attack per melee, +2 to damage.
  10. Jump kick and leap attacks.
  11. +1 on initative, +1 to parry and dodge, +1 to strike.
  12. One additional attack per melee, +2 to pull punch.
  13. Death Blow!
  14. +2 to damage, +2 to pull punch, +2 to break fall.
  15. One additional attack per melee.

Kendo: This is a martial art developed around the art of swordsmanship. As a result, it deals with balance, striking, parrying, and slacking.

Basic and Special Moves: Disarm, break fall, roll wth punch/fall/impact, pull punch, karate punch (2D4 damage), kick attack (2D4 damage), knee and elbow strikes (1D6 damage), and the usual strike, parry, and dodge are known at first level.

Bonuses: +2D4 to SDC, +1 to PS, +1 to PP, and +2 to Spd.


  1. Four attacks per melee, knife hand (2D4 damage), +1 on initiative, +2 to roll with impact, +1 to disarm, +1 to parry (punch attacks), +2 to parry with sword or staff (in addition to WP bonuses), +1 to dodge, +1 to break fall, and +2 to pull punch.
  2. +1 to strike, paired weapons.
  3. One additional attack per melee, +2 to damage.
  4. +1 on initiative, +1 to disarm, +1 to parry.
  5. Tripping/leg hooks and backward sweep kicks.
  6. Power punch, palm strike (2D4 damage).
  7. One additional attack per melee, +2 to pull punch.
  8. Critical strike on a natural 18-20, critical strike from behind, death blow on a natural 19-20.
  9. One additional attack per melee, +4 to damage.
  10. Automatic dodge.
  11. +1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to break fall.
  12. One additional attack per melee, +2 to pull punch.
  13. Jump kick and leap attacks.
  14. Death Blow!
  15. One additional attack per melee.

Martial Arts: This is a form of extensive combat training that teaches advanced hand to hand combat, often learned from an early age (similar to oriental fighting techniques such as karate, kung-fu, etc.).


  1. Four attacks/melee, +3 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impact
  2. +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to strike
  3. +1 on initiative, karate kick: 1D8 Damage
  4. One additional attack per melee
  5. Jump Kick (critical strike), +1 to entangle
  6. Critical strike on an unmodified 18, 19, or 20
  7. WP: Paired Weapons, +2 to disarm
  8. Leap attack (critical strike)
  9. One additional attack per melee
  10. Judo-stylke body throw/flip; does 1D6 Damage, and victim loses initiative and one attack per melee
  11. +4 to damage
  12. +2 to parry and dodge
  13. Knockout/stun on unmodified 18, 19, or 20
  14. One additional attack per melee
  15. Death Blow on a roll of natural 20

Ninjutsu/Tai-Jutsu: The secret art of the Japanese assassin and shadow warrior.

Basic and Special Moves: Maintain balance, back flip, body block/tackle, body flip/throw, holds, roll with impact, pull punch, drop kick, kick attack (2D4 damage), knee and elbow strikes (1D6 damage), WP: Paired Weapons, and the usual strike, parry, and dodge are known at first level.

Bonuses: +2 to MA, +1 to PS, +1 to PP, +1 to PE, and +4 to Spd.


  1. Four attacks per melee, snap kick (1D6 damage), knife hand (2D4 damage), +2 to roll with impact, +2 on initiative, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to pull punch.
  2. +1 to strike, cartwheel attack, back flip (escape), back flip (defensive), and back flip (attack).
  3. One additional attack per melee, palm strike (2D4 damage).
  4. Leap attack, axe kick, and +2 to strike when performing any back flip or cartwheel.
  5. Tripping/leg hook, backward sweep kicks, +2 to damage.
  6. One additional attack per melee, roundhouse kick (3D6 damage).
  7. Critical strike on a roll of 18-20, critical strike from behind, death blow on natural 20.
  8. +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +1 to roll with impact, +2 to maintain balance.
  9. Death Blow!
  10. One additional attack per melee, +2 to roll with impact.
  11. Double existing PPE.
  12. +1 on initiative, +2 to roll with impact.
  13. +2 to damage, +1 to disarm.
  14. Jump kick, +2 to back flip/cartwheel, +2 to damage.
  15. One additional attack per melee.

Teng-jutsu: An extremely rare supernatural form (GM Approval required) of Martial Arts that can only be learned from a 12th level master of Teng-jutsu. The following techniques are known at first level:
  • Break fall
  • roll with punch/fall/impact
  • maintain balance
  • back flip escape
  • back flip attack
  • cartwheel (attack)
  • body block/tackle
  • pull punch
  • kick attack (2D4 damage)
  • karate kick (2D6 damage)
  • karate punch (2D4 damage)
  • knees and elbow strikes (1D6 damage)
  • plus the tengu special mystic martial art powers.
Level Advancement Bonuses:

  1. Two attacks per melee round and all special powers of this style of martial arts. Also +2 to dodge (normal), +2 to pull punch or kick, +1 to disarm, +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to maintain balance, +1 to break fall. Can perform Karate style kick, jump kick, leap kick/attack and all other types of kicks.
  2. Drop kick, +1 on initiative, +2 on all back flips.
  3. +1 to strike, +1 to disarm, +1 to leap dodge.
  4. +1 additional attack per melee.
  5. Critical strike from all kicks (double damage) and jump kick and leap attacks.
  6. +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch or kick, and +1 to leap dodge.
  7. +1 on initiative, tripping/leg hook and backward sweep kicks.
  8. +1 additional attack per melee.
  9. +2 to disarm, +1 on all back flips, +1 on cartwheel attack.
  10. Axe kick and +1 on initiative and +1 to parry.
  11. +1 additional attack per melee.
  12. +1 to leap dodge and +1 to disarm.
  13. Snap kick and wheel kick.
  14. +1 to pull punch and +1 to leap dodge.
  15. +1 additional attack per melee.

Quack Fu: Entrance Requirements: Alignment must NOT be Principled or Aberrant; no one with these alignments would be caught dead practicing this form. No attribute requirements, although a low IQ is helpful.

Skill Cost: 10 years (4 years as a Secondary Martial Art)

To learn Quack Fu, one must learn to yell "Quack!" and "Waugh!" during an attack. The form relies on rapid movements that, to any other practiced martial artist, appear to be haphazard, clumsy, and awkward. Such movements are not deceiving, they are haphazard, clumsy, and awkward. In addition, Quack Fu has few defensive moves, almost ensuring that the student of Quack Fu has taken more than his share of hits in training.

Costume: None

Stance: A natural, loose, standing position with arms at chest level

Character Bonuses:

  • Lower 1 from I.Q.
  • Add 2 to M.E.
  • Add 4 to P.E.
  • Add 4D4 to Spd.
  • Add 4D6+15 to S.D.C.

Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Leap, Maintain Balance
Attack Moves: Leap
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Automatic Dodge
Advanced Defenses: None
Hand Attacks: Strike/Punch, Backhand, Knife Hand, Palm Strike
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Axe Kick
Jumping Foot Attacks: Leap Kick, Jump Kick, Flying Leap Kick
Special Attacks: Simultaneous Attack, Headbutt, Somersault, Goro Special (a special move in which the attacker does a split to the ground, and hits his opponent right in the family jewels; said move does 2D10 damage to opponents of either gender, and paralyzes them for 2D4 melee rounds).
Weapon Katas: None
Modifiers to Attack: Pull Punch, Critical Strike, Knock-Out/Stun

Skills included with training:
Martial Arts Powers: 2 Body Hardening Exercises
Language: None
Survival: None
Physical: Anticipation, Plyometrics, Boxing (without the extra attack, already factored into the starting 4)
Philosophical Training: None

Level Advancement Bonuses:

  1. +2 to Leap/Jump, +1 to Strike, +1 to Somersault
  2. +2 to Dodge, Critical Strike on Natural 19 or 20
  3. +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Damage, +1 to Headbutt, +1 to Somersault
  4. +1 to Strike and Dodge, +2 to Maintain Balance, Critical Strike on Goro Special on a Natural 18, 19, or 20, +2 to Somersault
  5. +1 to all Kick Attacks, +2 to M.E., +3D6 to S.D.C.
  6. +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Headbutt, +1 to Strike, +3 to Dodge, 1 additional Body Hardening Exercise
  7. Critical Strike on Goro Special on a Natural 15 or better.
  8. +2 to Flying Leap Kick, +1 to Maintain Balance
  9. +1 Attack per Melee, +2D8 to S.D.C., +1 to Strike and Dodge
  10. +1 to all Kick Attacks, +2 to Headbutt, +1 to Knock-Out/Stun
  11. Can Somersault and Goro Special in same action.
  12. +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Strike, +1 to Dodge
  13. +1 to Leap/Jump, +1 to Strike and Dodge
  14. Pick 1 additional Body Hardening Exercise
  15. +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Leap/Jump and all Kicks, +2 to M.E., -1 to I.Q., +2D6 to S.D.C., +3 Damage and automatic Knock-Out with Goro Special

Why study Quack Fu? Because it's fun, because it lets you quack in someone's face with impunity, and because nobody takes a practicioner of the art seriously. And let's face it, when going into a fight, isn't it better to be underestimated by your opponents?

Tae Kwon Do This form of hand to hand combat specializes in kick attacks. In addition to the normal strike, dodge, and parry movements, the technique known as Boot to the Head, a headshot kick, is taught, and is available at level one, although it is not perfected until level seven.
Thanks to Aris Merquoni for this skill
  1. Four attacks/melee, kick attack does 1d6 damage
  2. +1 to strike and parry
  3. Kick attack does 2d4 damage
  4. +1 attack/melee
  5. Kick attack does 2d6 damage, critical strike on natural 20 for kick only
  6. +2 to strike and dodge
  7. Boot To The Head: +1 to strike on kick, critical strike on 18, 19, or 20, and 3d4 damage
  8. +1 attack/melee
  9. +3 to strike on Boot, +1 to dodge, parry, and pull punch
  10. Boot does 3d6 damage
  11. +1 attack/melee
  12. Boot does 3d8 damage
  13. +2 to dodge, parry, and pull punch
  14. +1 attack/melee
  15. Boot does 3d10 damage, death blow on natural 20

Zanji Shinjinken-Ryo: This is the ancient school of samurai swordsmanship. Unlike some other forms of martial arts, Zanji is designed to kill rather than incapacitate an opponent. A sword is an instrument of death, but also an extension of the swordsman. The secret of sword mastery is rooted in the ability of being able to respond instantly, without reflection, without hesitation, to anything that might happen.

Basic and Special Moves: Disarm, maintain balance, roll with punch/fall/impact, pull punch, karate punch (2D4 damage), kick attack (2D4 damage), knee and elbow strikes (1D6 damage), and the usual strike, parry, and dodge are known at first level.

Bonuses: +3D6 to SDC, +2 to ME, +2 to PP, and +1 to PE.


  1. Four attacks per melee, knife hand (2D4 damage), paired weapons, +2 on initiative, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to parry with sword or staff (in addition to WP bonuses), +3 to dodge, +2 to damage, and +2 to pull punch.
  2. One additional attack per melee, +1 to disarm, +1 to maintain balance.
  3. 1 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, critical strike from behind, death blow on a Natural 20.
  4. One additional attack per melee, +2 to damage.
  5. Critical strike on a natural 18-20, +1 to maintain balance.
  6. +1 to roll with impact, +1 to dodge, +1 to maintain balance.
  7. Power punch/stab, jump kick, and backward sweep kick.
  8. One additional attack per melee.
  9. Death Blow!
  10. +1 on initiative, +1 to save vs. Horror Factor, +1 to maintain balance.
  11. One additional attack per melee.
  12. +2 to damage, +1 to save vs. Horror Factor, and the knowledge and skill to create a "true" samurai sword.
  13. One additional attack per melee.
  14. Double existing PPE, +1 to disarm.
  15. One additional attack per melee.