Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank



Air-to-Air Combat: Practice and theory of aerial combat. The big advantage of this skill is that there is no limit on how high a character can advance. In every other skill there is a 98% maximum proficiency.With Air-to-Air Combat there is no limit and character may have percentiles over 100%. Use for aerial Combat Rolls only. Can be used with one or more other Pilot skills. Bonus of 10% + 2% per level is added to the regular pilot skill.

Airplane: Includes old propeller, single and twin engine types. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Fighter Combat "Basic" Training: For use only with Jets, airplanes.
  • One extra attack per round at level one.
  • +2 to strike (in addition to other bonuses).
  • +3 to dodge attacks while flying.
  • +1 to dog-fighting rolls (or +5% on d%)
  • Critical strike chance as in pilot's HTH.
  • One additional attack at level six.
  • One additional attack at level eleven.

Fighter Combat "Elite" Training: For use only with Jets, airplanes.
  • Two extra attacks per round at level one.
  • +2 to strike (cumulative with other bonuses).
  • +5 to dodge attacks while flying.
  • +3 to dog-fighting rolls (or +15% on d%).
  • Critical strike chance as in pilot's HTH.
  • One additional attack at level five.
  • One additional attack at level ten.

Flight System Combat: This skill allows the character to use specialized Drone Systems at full efficiency and take advantage of all possible bonuses. The sophisticated control systems of the a drone are as quick to react. Those without training do not get the following bonuses and the base skill level is reduced by half. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Bonuses:
  • +1 attack/action per melee at levels 1, 3, 5, 8 and 11
  • +2 to dodge when flying.
  • If the pilot has auto-dodge, he can use it while flying the drone

Helicopter: are aircraft capable of vertical take-off, hovering, and high maneuverability at low altitudes, very useful in urban environments. Includes all commercial helicopters used for observation, traffic reporting, police, chauffeuring, etc. the smallest hold two passengers, while the larger one will hold four to eight passengers. Base Skill: 44% + 5% per level of experience.

Helicopter (Military): These usually include the larger and heavier (armored) type as well as transport choppers. Generally, they hold four or twelve passengers, although the largest can hold three times that. The fighter types such as the Huey line can be mounted with machine guns and missiles. These are military vehicles. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Jet Aircraft: Includes the fan-jet and small commercial jet. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Jet Aircraft: Commercial (Large): are the large passenger type aircraft used by airlines, such as the DC-10, DC-9, 747, etc. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Jet Fighters: Training includes flying, maneuvering, aerial combat strategies, and typical fighter jet weapon systems. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Lighter-than-Air Vehicles: Includes skill in both hot-air/helium balloons and powered blimps & dirigibles. Character can pilot, steer, raise & lower, and land/dock all airships. Can also locate problems, sew up or glue torn fabric, repair control linkages (including pedal driven propellers), and attach ropes and rigging. Note: Engine repair is a separate skill, requiring Aircraft Mechanics. Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience.

Small Jet: are of types used by private industry and not commercial planes. Usually hold six to twelve passengers. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Small Single Engine Plane: cassena beachcraft, and other single engine aircraft. Usually hold two or four passengers. Base Skill: 80% + 5% per level of experience.

Twin Engine: are your larger freight type vehicles. The smallest are not much larger than a single engine plane, two to six passengers. Base Skill: 70% + 5% per level of experience.

      The following rules apply to ALL aircraft.

      Special Maneuvers: Conditions and Penalties:

      Evasive Action: Fleeing or dodging another aircraft, obstacle, missile or other attack by moving out of the way. All attacks are lost while engaged in evasive action; unless something suddenly flies directly in front of the vehicle, and even then the pilot is -4 to strike. Note: This tactic will lose any attacker(s), meaning they cannot attack unless the attacker(s) engage in a "dog tail" chase. Skill Penalty: -12% (no attack possible) Maneuver consumes one full melee. A failed roll means an ineffective evasive maneuver, attacker(s) still in strike position and/or have struck. The player's attacks are forfeit even though the evasive action failed.

      Tilt Dodge: This is a difficult maneuver in which the pilot attempts to avoid an attack by quickly tilting or jerking out of the way at the last minute. In this way, the pilot can stay on curse and continue his own attacks (if any). Skill Penalty: -35%; -2 to strike. A failed roll means no dodge, aircraft is hit and takes full damage. A tilt dodge can be used to attempt to avoid each individual attack. A tilt dodge can not avoid more than one blast form a multiple simultaneous assault; evasive action is necessary.

      Stunts: These are sudden, severe or highly difficult maneuvers, in including dives, sharp turns, dead-man's drops (nearly straight down, high speed drop), tumbles, somersaults and similar actions. Skill Penalty: -30%; lose all attacks that melee. A failed roll means the stunt is incomplete and serious difficulties encountered. Roll percentile dice on the following table:
      01-10Aircraft spins out of control for a moment, but when control is regained it is traveling in the wrong direction. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it.Aircraft spins out of control for a moment, but when control is regained it is traveling in the wrong direction. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it.
      11-20Engine or other trouble that reduces flying speed by 10% until repairs can be made. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it.Engine or other trouble that reduces flying speed by 10% until repairs can be made. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it.
      21-40Engine chokes, stalled out and descending; must make an emergency landing unless the vehicle can be restarted. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it, then the pilot must roll piloting skill -25%; can try twice every melee (15 seconds), all attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike. During maneuvers the pilot must roll piloting skill -25%; can try twice every melee (15 seconds), all attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike.
      41-60Stunt maneuver botched, speed and altitude reduced by 25% for 15 seconds. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take no damage from whatever was fired at it, all attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike. During maneuvers the pilot's attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike.
      61-75Collision or Emergency Landing: The aircraft has hit something or is damaged and must make an emergency landing. Reduce an S.D.C. vehicle by half from the crash, but it can be repaired and flown again! Reduce an M.D.C. vehicle by 25% at normal cruising speeds from the crash, but can be repaired and flown again! Reduce an M.D.C. vehicle by 35% if above cruising speeds from a crash, and is beyond repair and has to be scrapped! The occupants are badly bruised and cut (4D6 S.D.C. each), even if they are in body armor (M.D. and/or S.D.C.), but most should live. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it.
      76-90Engine difficulties, forced to make an emergency landing. Repairs will require 4 - 24 hours. In combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it, all attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike. During maneuvers the pilot's attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike.
      91-00Engine and/or vehicle damaged beyond repair, crash inevitable, Character must parachute to safety. Optional: Can direct vehicle on a suicide crash into an immediate target; Pilot skill, -20%, in combat the aircraft and/or mecha will take full damage from whatever was fired at it, all attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike. During maneuvers the pilot's attacks are defensive only, -4 to strike.

      Emergency Landing: Executed when the vehicle or pilot is damaged and flight can not be maintained. Skill Penalty: -30%; loses all attacks. A failed roll will result in a crash landing. Roll on the following table for Crash Landing:
      01-31Pilot and/or passengers survive; minor injury.
      32-57Crash; pilot and passengers take 5D6 damage.
      58-80Pilot and passengers in critical condition/coma, require immediate, extensive medical treatment. Treat as surviving death and coma.
      81-83No survivors; vehicle exploded.
      84-00Passengers survive with minor injury, pilot dead.
      OptionalPilot can opt to parachute to safety rather than attempting a landing.

      Shadow: Is a maneuver in which the air vehicle pursues another vehicle without detection. This is usually done by flying above and behind the pursued, using clouds as cover. The pursuer will mimic the vehicle pursued in every way, so that they will be thought to be a radar shadow or aberration. Skill Penalty: -20%; no attacks possible without revealing true position and nature. While imitation the evasive actions, stunts, and so on of the craft being shadowed, roll for each maneuver being copied.

      Dog Tail: This is an offensive maneuver in which the pilot closely pursues an enemy air vehicle while locked in combat. This is the only maneuver that con pursue a vehicle taking evasive action. By hanging on the enemy's tail, or "dog tailing", the attacker can usually strike with little or no fear of a counter-strike. Skill Penalty: -15%, no strike penalty. A failed roll means the target has momentarily slipped out of the striking range/area. Roll once every other melee to maintain dog tail position, or for every evasive or stunt action.


APC: Military vehicles often have unconventional controls and handle differently than conventional vehicles, especially the many ton, armored combat vehicles such as armored personnel carriers (APC). Thus, special training is required to pilot them. Base Skill: 36% + 4% per level of experience.

Automobile: Manual & Automatic transmission, includes due buggies and jeeps. Base Skill: 80% + 4% per level of experience.
  • Automatic: does not have to be manually shifted; typical of most commercial automobiles.
  • Manual Transmission: requires manual shifting; typical of most muscle cars, trucks, and recreational vehicles (although any of these can be automatic).
  • Race: this refers to vehicles and techniques specifically modified for race car driving. Characters with this skill suffer no penalty for high speed chase and are +2 to dodge with vehicles.

Bicycle: Where most characters can ride a bicycle with minimal training, having the bicycle skill means the character can: ride a suitably tough bike over wilderness and rocky terrain attain speeds up to three times normal running speed travel cross-country at a speed equal to the character's full-out running speed (Speed attribute), and perform jumps and tricks (roll under skill proficiency. A failed roll means a crash or fall). Speed can be maintained for a number of hours equal to half the character's Physical Endurance (P.E.). The skill also includes some basic bicycle mechanics/repairs, so the character can fix tires, reattach chains, and generally make sufficient field repairs to get a wounded bike to a garage. Base Skill: 44% + 5% per level of experience. Note: This skill costs one slot for persons from cultures that consider bicycle use as a an adult means of everyday transportation, two slots for motorized societies (such as the U.S.).

Commercial Vehicles: This includes trucks with cranes, "cherry pickers", ladders, etc. Base Skill: 40% + 3% per level of experience.

Construction Equipment: The ability to drive bulldozers, backhoes, forklifts, cranes, et cetera. Could be considered a Piloting skill. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Construction Machinery: This skill enables a character various forms of Construction equipment such as cranes, forklifts, etc. This also enables the character to use the machinery parts not only to drive the vehicles. Base Skill: 65% + 5% per level of experience.

Dog Sled: This skill covers the operation of a Dog sled, harnessing animals to pull the sled and the commands to give to the animals and to pack the sled properly, a failed roll could mean one of the animals breaking loose, or the sled being overloaded etc. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Farm Equipment: This enables the character to use the big farm equipment such as the combine, cotton picker, all the PTO's etc. This also enables the character to use the machinery parts not only to drive the vehicles. Base Skill: 65% + 5% per level of experience.

Freight Hauler: : Includes forklifts, airport luggage wagons, tractors, etc. Base Skill: 40%+3% per level of experience.

Heavy Machinery: Base Skill: 40% + 3% per level of experience.

Horsemanship: There are several ranges of horsemanship skills, each indicating a certain degree of training and expertise. The individual O.C.C. will indicate which of the three applies to that occupation (general knowledge is most common). Each type of horsemanship has the following skills and areas of knowledge. The higher the skill percentage the better the skill or ability. Note: To avoid being thrown from the horse when jumping, charging, kicking or performing some other difficult maneuver or trick, the character must roll under his percentage to remain in the saddle and in control of his animal.
  • Ride & care of horses: The first percentile number indicates the character's riding ability and a fundamental knowledge of feeding, caring, and grooming of horses.
  • Recognize quality/breed: The first percentile number also indicates the success ratio of recognizing the breed quality, age, strength, speed, health, and general attributes/capabilities (race horse, workhorse, warhorse, etc.) of the animal.
  • Breed horses: The second percentile number indicates the knowledgein the raising, breaking, training and breeding of horses. It includes shoeing horses, giving birth, and curing minor ailments and injuries.
  • Jumping: The second percentile number also indicates the success ratio of NOT being thrown from the horse when jumping, charging, kicking or performing some other difficult maneuver or trick, character must roll under his percentage to remain in the saddle and in control of his animal. Damage from being thrown off a horse is typically 1D6.
  • Racing: The second percentile number also indicates the success ratio of maintaining control and getting maximum speed while racing at full gallop. A failed roll means the horse runs quickly but 10% short of its maximum speed attribute. A successful roll not only means running at maximum speed, but the rider can coax that little extra spirit and speed out of the animal. Once every four minutes, the rider can get the horse to kick into overdrive and run at 25% faster than its normal maximum. However, this speed can only be maintained for one minute at a time and cannot be done more than three times in a 15 minute period. Maximum running speed can be maintained for a period of minutes equal to the horse's P.E. attribute. Pushing the horse beyond its endurance will cause it to slow down by 30% and after 4D4 minutes, collapse from exhaustion (requires at least a half hour rest and light activity for another hour).
  • Combat: All bonuses are in addition to other combat skills, weapon proficiencies, or attribute bonuses. Applies to the rider, not the horse.The rider gains a combat advantage from the height and speed of being mounted.
    • Horsemanship: Exotic Basically the same as the general horsemanship skill, except that the character is experienced in riding other types of "tame" animals. This can include elephants, camels, lamas, and elephants trained (or willing) to be riding animals. Wild, untamed creatures cannot be ridden (except by druids and others with special animal skills). Base Skill: 30%/20%+5% per level of experience.Note: Characters with the traditional "horsemanship" skill for riding horses and other very horse-like animals can quickly figure out how to ride exotic animals, but at a skill penalty of -12% to ride.
    • Horsemanship - General: Base Skill: 35%/20%+5% per level of experience. All the basic skills as noted above. Combat: All bonuses are in addition to other combat skills, weapon proficiencies, or attribute bonuses. Applies to the rider, not the horse.The rider gains a combat advantage from the height and speed of being mounted.
      • +1 to parry or dodge while on horseback.
      • Inflicts +1D4 to damage when on horseback.
      • Charge attack (running horse) with a lance, pole-arm or spear: +1D6damage. The attacker must roll under the second percentile numberto avoid being dismounted. Charge attacks count as two melee actions/attacks.
      • Horse attack: This indicates that the rider is skilled enough to remainsaddled while he attacks and has his horse rearing or kicking in simultaneousattack (roll under second percentile number). Damagefrom the kick of a horse will vary with the size and breed of the animal;generally 2D6 from the front legs and 4D6 from the rear legs.

Motorcycle: This skill includes the piloting of all two and three wheeled vehicles such as motorcycles of all types, dirt bikes, and mopeds. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Mountain Biking: This is more than just riding a bike. This skill includes basic maintenance, (i.e., repairing flats, changing tires, adjusting seats, handlebars, shocks, etc., selection, (knowing the difference between Huffy and Specialized) basic technical lingo, (knowing what a three piece crank is) trail selection (no, rocks are not always fun to ride over) and some useful maneuvering (Doing a 180 turn within 10 feet isn't as easy as it looks). This Does NOT include more detailed adjustments and equipment changes. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Note: Mountain Biking and Mountain Bike Mechanics are two separate skills. But, if a character who has Basic Mechanics chooses mountain biking, Mountain Bike Mechanics comes with it. Otherwise, it requires a separate selection.

Offensive Driving: Practice and theory of wheeled combat. The big advantage of this skill is that there is no limit on how high a character can advance. In every other skill there is a 98% maximum proficiency. With offensive driving there is no limit and characters may have percentile over 100%. Use for control rolls only. Can be used with one or more pilot skills. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Snowmobiles: Skill in the use of vehicles designed to operate on the snow like snowmobiles and snow tractors. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Tank: The piloting of armored assault vehicles includes armored all terrain vehicles, amphibious recon, and other armored heavy vehicles and construction vehicles. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Truck (Small): Manual or automatic transmission; includes pickup trucks, small cargo trucks, van and trailers. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Truck (Large): These are the manual transmission, eight to sixteen-wheeler transport trucks. The biggest of these trucks can have a weight capacity of 60 tons. Base Skill: 42% + 4% per level of experience.

Unicycle: The ability to ride a unicycle. Well duh! Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

      The following rules apply to ALL land vehicles.

      Special Maneuvers: Conditions and Penalties:

      Evasive Action: Fleeing or dodging another vehicle, obstacle, missile or some other attack by moving out of the way. Evasive action often involves weaving, zigzagging and sudden turns at high speeds. A successful roll means the pilot has successfully dodge out of the way. Skill Penalty: -15%; pilot/driver can not attack, passengers are -6 to strike in an attack. A failed roll means an ineffective evasive maneuver which, in turn, means the vehicle has been struck, blasted, and/or the attacker is still hot on his tracks. THREE CONSECUTIVE, successful evasion rolls means the pilot has completely lost the pursuer.

      Reverse Driving: This is simply driving in reverse/backward. Skill Penalty: -25% if driving over 65 mph, and roll for each turn, swerve or evasive action. Pilot can not attack, but passengers are only -2 to strike. A failed roll means a minor collision.

      Stunts: Includes sharp turns at high speeds, sudden on-the-dime-stops, sudden U-turns at high speeds, propelled leap (such as riding up over an incline or object, sailing 20 ft in the air, land and keep on going) and similar maneuvers. Skill Penalty: -25%; lose all attacks that melee. A failed roll means the stunt is incomplete and serious difficulties encountered. Roll on the following table:
      Loss of Control (Stunt and Sideswipe)
      01-38Minor collision; momentarily stopped. Reduce vehicle's S.D.C. by 1/3. Occupants shaken, but okay.
      39-59Stunt maneuver botched; reduce speed by half.
      60-80Engine or structural problems develop, requiring pilot to pull over and stop. Vehicle needs 2-12 hour's worth of repairs.
      81-97Collision. Vehicle is totaled; pilot and occupants receive 3D6 points of damage (subtract form hit points).
      98-00Collision/crash; all killed.

      Sharp Curves: 90 degrees, high speed. Skill Penalty: -10%

      Sideswipe: This maneuver can be used against a stationary object, moving vehicle or person. The purpose of a sideswipe is to strike another vehicle, object or person with a glancing blow from the body of your vehicle. To strike, the swiping player rolls under his Pilot skill minus the 20% skill penalty in attempting this dangerous maneuver. Note: The target, if controlled by another person, can attempt to dodge via "evasive action" or "stunt" driving. Skill Penalty: -20%; no other attack possible. A failed roll to sideswipe means an automatic miss, and the player must roll under his Pilot skill, -20%, to maintain control of the vehicle. If control is lost, roll on the Loss of Control Table under stunts. Damage from a sideswipe is 2D6 for every 20 miles of speed. The sideswipe also damages the vehicle, which is equal to 1/3 the damage inflicted to the target. Thus, if the sideswipe inflicted 24 points of damage to the target, it would also do 8 points of damage to the vehicle.


Advanced Deep Sea Diving: Skill in the methods, techniques and equipment used in deep sea diving and exploration. Includes the use of most types of diving suits, diving pods (attached to tethers/life lines) and light to medium power armor. It does not include combat models. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience.

Boat: Motor and Hydrofoils: These include all types of small motor driven boats and yachts. Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience.

Boat: Paddle Type: includes canoes, row boats, and so on. They are not designed for speed but mobility. Generally hold three to six passengers. Base Skill: 98%

Boat: Sail Type: Small sailing and medium-sized sailing yachts, and fishing boats. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Boat: Ships: This includes all large sailing and motor driven sea-faring vessels. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. Motor driven ships: 44% + 4% per level of experience.

Boat: Warships/Patrol Boats: Special training in the use of military warships, combat hydrofoils, patrol boats and amphibious beachcraft/transports. Includes a basic idea of how to use sonar and targeting equipment, depth charges, torpedoes, and other common weapon systems, as well as evasive maneuvers and piloting. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience. Note: Characters with the motor boat or ship skill can also pilot these vessels but at a -12% penalty.

CVS & SLV: This applies to any and all submersible vessels. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as the Prometheus, but may have several later on. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Freighter Ship: are larger, generally, stream or turbine drive cargo vessels (small ships) Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Hydrofoils: This is the art of sailing motor driven and sail boats with the fins underneath that raise the boat off the water to achieve faster speeds. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Sail Type: Small sailing and medium sized sailing yachts, and fishing boats. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience.

Sailing: A rudimentary knowledge about sailing vessels, large and small, as well as the terms and principles of sailing. The first percentile number is for small sailing vessels, while the second is for piloting ships. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Base Skill: 35%/20% + 5% per level of experience.

Seamanship: Most sailors don't really need to know how to sail, they just need to be able to follow orders when it comes to belaying, hauling, dropping or trimming sail, which means they need to know the difference between a crossjack, a mizzen mast, a fore lower top gallant and a hundred other names for specific sails, ropes, masts and cross-masts. The skill also includes being able to judge, evaluate and repair sails, rope and rigging (every sailor has to be handy with a needle and thread, as well as knowing how to braid rope). Also involves the basics of ship cleaning and maintenance, as well as how to skillfully operate the pumps needed to remove the water that collects in the bilge. Requirements: Must have the Sewing skill. Base Skill: 22% + 4% per level of experience.

Ships: Small: This include the freighters, yachts, house boats, cruisers, etc. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a freighter, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Ships: Small (Military): This includes the PT type boats, military cruisers, certain mine sweepers, etc. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a freighter, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Ships: Large: This oil tankers, aircraft carriers, large cruise ships (such as the Queen Marry), etc. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type of vessel, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Ships: Large (Military): This includes destroyers, aircraft carriers, battleships, etc. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a freighter, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Ships: Submersibles: The knowledge and skill of piloting all types of submersibles, including underwater sleds, mini-subs and most types of submarines, does not include military submarines. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Note: -20% when using unusual submarines. Does not include deep sea diving suits.

Ships: Military Submersibles: This includes all of the submersible aircraft carriers etc. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a freighter, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Submarines: This includes conventional and nuclear submarines. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a Los Angles Class submarine, but may have several later on. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Underwater (Deep Sea): This is the ability to operate small deep sea crafts to go to the ocean depths up to 5 miles. This will include all training in the operation of the vehicles robotics arms, collecting samples, etc. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a freighter, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Underwater General: This will include the rest of the underwater vehicles not covered in the skills above, that may come out in later books. Also, includes training on exactly how the vessel operates, such as the engines and sensors. Of course the character must pick one specific type vessel, such as a freighter, but may have several later on. Each vessel has different controls, engine speeds, layouts, sensors, operating procedures, etc., that is the reason way the character must pick a specific skill. Note: This does not include the type submersible ships, this is a separate skill. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Water Scooters: The knowledge and skill of piloting all types of one and two-man water sleds (underwater), jet skis (surface sled), etc. Base Skill: 50% + 4% per level of experience.

Water Skiing & Surfing: All water skiing techniques, methods and use of most types of recreational forms of "riding the waves," including skis, ski jet boots, water boards, surf boards and sail boards, etc. Base Skill: 50% + 4% per level of experience.

Warship/Patrol Boats: Specialized training in the use of military warships, combat hydrofoils, patrol boats, amphibious beachcraft/transports. Includes a basic idea on how sonar and targeting equipment, depth charges, torpedoes, and other common weapon systems, as well as evasive maneuvers and piloting. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience. Note: Characters with the motor boat or ship skill can also pilot these vessels but at a -12% penalty.

Yacht: This skill allows a character to pilot a solar yacht and giant ore ships in orbit and on interplanetary journeys. Anyone trying this without the skill is liable to destroy the yacht's delicate sail, making it useless. Base Skill: 44% + 4% per level of experience.

      Missed Piloting Skill Roll: We feel if you roll above a 90 on the percentile dice, you should have to roll on this table below. You can roll on this chart if the player misses their piloting skill all together. If your skill level falls between 90 and 98 then if you roll one number above and beyond the skill level of the character, then you must roll on the table below. This table is also optional, but we suggest that this table will add that element of human error to your game. As we all know everyone makes mistakes, such as hitting the wrong button or giving the wrong command, so keep this in mind when using this chart.
      01-25No Problem. Reroll your piloting skill.
      26-35Engines stall, falling or crashing.
      36-40Engines kick on full thrust.
      41-46Engines overheat. Must make an Emergency Landing.
      47-50Engines stall falling or crashing, pilot skill -15%.
      51-55Engines kick on full thrust, piloting skill -15%.
      56-60Engines overheat. 25% of engines of exploding. Must make an Emergency Landing or can eject.
      61-65Engines stall, falling or crashing, piloting skill -25%.
      66-70Engines kick on full thrust, piloting skill -25%.
      71-75No Problem. Reroll your piloting skill. -1/2 your attacks.
      76-80Engines overheat. 50% of engines of exploding. Must make an Emergency Landing or can eject.
      81-85No Problem. Reroll your piloting skill. -4 attacks.
      86-90Engines stall, falling or crashing, piloting skill -45%.
      91-95Engines kick on full thrust, piloting skill - 45%
      96-97Engines overheat. 75% of engines of exploding. Must make an Emergency Landing or can eject.
      98No Problem. Reroll your piloting skill.
      99Engines Explode. Must make an Emergency Landing or eject.
      00Engines Explode. 25% chance of exploding the entire mecha. If the 25% chance is rolled the pilot will have 3 trys to eject or make an Emergency Landing and get out of the mecha before it explodes. GM's discretion.

      Evasive Action: This maneuver is in a last chance effort to escape damage of flying missiles, showers of projectile fire, or other various objects. Skill Penalty: -20%; (no attack possible) Maneuver consumes one full melee. A failed roll means an ineffective maneuver, attacker(s) still strike position and/or have struck. The player's attack are still forfeit from a failed evasive action.