Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Advanced Combat Piloting For use only with Jets, airplanes.
  • Three extra attacks per round at level one.
  • +3 to strike (cumulative with other bonuses).
  • +7 to dodge attacks while flying.
  • +5 to dog-fighting rolls (or +20% on d%).
  • Critical strike chance as in pilot's HTH.
  • Two additional attacks at level five.
  • Two additional attack ats level ten.

Aerial Navigation: Used for determining position, especially at night or over water. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Instrument Rating: This skill allows a pilot to steer a course, take-off or land, in total darkness, using just the aircraft's instrument readings. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Navigation: Training in map reading, star charts, course computation, following landmarks, and use of navigational equipment. Includes land, air, and water navigation, as well as piloting by instruments alone. A failed roll means the pilot is off course. Roll 2D6x100 for most aircraft, 4D6x100 for jets, and 2D6x10 for ground vehicles to determine how many miles/kilometers they are off course. Roll for every hour that one is off course. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Basic math, read sensory equipment and at least minimal literacy.

Navigation (Air): Skills in map reading, course computation, and use of navigational equipment. Training also includes the use of just instruments by themselves. Note: does not include water, under water land. Requires: Math Basic and rRead Sensory Equipment and Literacy are required to navigate. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means the pilot is off course. Roll 2D6x100 for aircraft and 4D6x100 for all flying mecha. to determine how many miles/kilometers they are off course by. Roll every hour that one is off course. Note: If playing under the Percentage points system it requires 50 points and will take on the average of 12 to 18 months of training to acquire this skill.

Navigation (Land): Skills in map reading, course computation, along with following landmarks, road signs, and being able to understand directions. Training also includes the use of just instruments by themselves. Note: does not include water, underwater, air. Requires: Math Basic and rRead Sensory Equipment and Literacy are required to navigate. Special Bonus: If the character has Land Navigation add a one time bonus of 8%. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means the pilot is of course. Roll 1D6x100 to determine how many miles/kilometers they are off course by. Roll every hour that one is off course. Note: If playing under the Percentage points system it requires 40 points and will take on the average of 12 to 15 months of training to acquire this skill.

Navigation (Water): Skills in map reading, star charts, and course computations. Training also includes the use of just instruments by themselves. Note: does not include underwater, air, land. Requires: Math Basic and Read Sensory Equipment and Literacy are required to navigate. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means the pilot is of course. Roll 4D6x100 to determine how many miles/kilometers they are off course by. Roll every hour that one is off course. Note: If playing under the Percentage points system it requires 40 points and will take on the average of 12 to 15 months of training to acquire this skill.

Navigation (Underwater): This much the same as the skill above, but this entails relying on Instruments Only! Characters that have the Ocean Geography Surveying skill get a one time bonus of 15%. Note: does not include air, land, water. Requires: Math Basic and Read Sensory Equipment and Literacy are required to navigate. Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means the pilot is of course. Roll 4D6x100 to determine how many miles/kilometers they are off course by. Roll every hour that one is off course. Note: If playing under the Percentage points system it requires 40 points and will take on the average of 12 to 15 months of training to acquire this skill.

Parachuting The skill of parachuting includes the methods, procedures and techniques of parachuting, packing the chute, skydiving techniques, precision landing, landing without injury, and practice of jumping from a high altitude aircraft. The advantage of parachuting is secrecy, since the trooper' insertion into enemy territory is silent and often goes unnoticed. The following three methods are the ones most commonly used by modern paratroopers:
  • High-Altitude-High-Opening (HAHO): jumps take place form a height of 25,000 to 30,000 ft. As the paratroopers drop they travel laterally to the desired drop zone (DZ) where they wish to land. This technique is used to "throw off" enemy units since they will probably search for paratroopers directly beneath the path of the aircraft.
  • High-Altitude-Low-Opening (HALO) operations also begin at 25,000 to 30,000 ft but the paratrooper does not pop the chute until an altitude of 4,000 ft, or even less. The jump takes place so rapidly that there is little chance for the paratroopers to be viewed after the chutes open.
  • Low-Altitude-Low-Opening (LALO) drops are the most dangerous method. The jump is made at the mere height of 300 to 500 ft. If there are any complications (a failed roll) the paratrooper is likely to be injured (broken bones) or killed (30% chance)! Even if the jump goes without a hitch, there is a 20% chance of taking 6D6 S.D.C. from an awkward landing, even if wearing M.D. armor.
Failure on a parachuting roll indicates that there are complications somewhere along the jump. This might mean an improperly packed chute, tangling of lines, etc. On a high altitude jump, the character gets a second roll for their reserve chute. If the second roll also fails then the character falls to his death! There is not enough time on a low altitude drop to use a reserve chute, so a failed roll means the character hits the ground (humans die!) without a second chance. Parachuting can be selected as a Military or Pilot Related skill. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Radar/Sonar Operations: The ability to use radar (radio echo bounces) and sonar (underwater sound echo bounces) equipment and correctly read the information to precisely locate and follow aircraft, ships and submarines. This is all included in the skill ability to read sensor equipment. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. A note about sonar: In submarines there are two methods or types of sonar operations, passive and active. To use active sonar, the sub must give a pulse of sound to bounce off any nearby ships or objects. This is very dangerous since it immediately gives away the position of the ship; most subs will not use active sonar unless absolutely necessary. Most submersibles will rely on passive sonar systems. This is much more difficult since the sonar operator must sift through the background noise to find any enemy ships. Sometimes they will not be able to distinguish the location of a ship form the background static. Despite this fact passive sonar is used because it does not give away the location of the sub. Skill Penalty: -15% on read sensory equipment skill.

Read Sensory Equipment: Individuals with this training can operate, maintain, understand, and "read" or interpret sensory data from all types of conventional sensor devices. These devices include radar, sonar, motion detectors, surveillance equipment, optical enhancements, instrument panels, and so on. Note that characters without this skill cannot understand nor operate aircraft, radar, or detection/surveillance equipment. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Weapons Systems: General This is the complete understanding of weapon units and systems incorporated in vehicles, such as the Cammanchero. It includes a vast variety of weapons, auto cannons, missile launchers and so on. Bonus: +2 to strike This does not include hand-held weapons which require individual W.P. training. Note: Characters without the weapons systems skill will be able to operate them, but no bonus to strike and will never have the initiative. Requires: Read Sensory Instruments. Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience, and represents the overall comprehension and ability of the character.

Weapon System: Advanced This is the complete understanding of weapon units and systems incorporated into military vehicles. It includes Projectile Weapons, missile and grenade launchers, cannons, and so on. Adds a special bonus of +4 to strike when using these types of weapons; this does not include hand-held weapons. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.