Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Anthropology: This is the behavioral study of man and other intelligent life-forms and their environments. Studies include societies, customs and beliefs, religions, political structure, as well as rudimentary history and archaeological background. It is important to note that anthropology is more concerned with the study of modern races and societies than it is with ancient ones. This is especially important when dealing with other races and cultures in the present time in order to avoid accidentally breaking taboos or codes of behavior. It will also tell the anthropologist whether he may be dealing with a dangerous people (hate humans, fear technology or magic, are cannibals, worship demons, etc.). The skill can also be used in the examination of items/artifacts and ruins to identify the probable people/race, purpose, and technological level. The character can identify the period in which the item was used (contemporary or ancient), but is not skilled enough to tell whether an item is an authentic artifact or a forgery. In the world of Rifts, few humans and fewer non-humans know much about humankind or the world before the rifts. The anthropological student is one of the few who is well versed in the legends and few facts about the "Time of Man." As a result, he can often identify pre-rifts technology and man-made creations. He is also knowledgeable in their black market value and the many laws that prohibit the possession, sale, and scavenging of ancient artifacts. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Archaeology: This is the scientific study of relics of ancient civilizations by excavation and other means. Studies include proper excavation (digs) techniques, analysis, preservation, restoration, and dating methods (including carbon dating), as well as a rudimentary history and anthropology background. Like the anthropological student, the archaeologist is one of the few who is well versed in the legends and few facts about the "Time of Man." He is an expert in the identification of pre-rifts technology and man-made creations, from books and clothing to vehicles and buildings. The character can ascertain whether the item is an ancient artifact or of recent construction, and therefore, if an item is an authentic or a forgery. He is also well versed in their black market value and the many laws that prohibit the possession, sale, and scavenging of ancient artifacts. For example: The possession of books (even comic and children's books), video discs, or other pre-rifts educational or technological data is illegal by the decree of the Coalition. Failure to turn such items over to the government is a serious crime punishable by imprisonment or death. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.


Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine practice utilizing fragrant/aromatic essential oils that are derived from a wide variety of healing plants. When inhaled or applied to the skin, therapeutic-grade essential oils (also sometimes called volatile oils) have been shown to help people overcome various health problems without the need for medications.

Here’s some facts about how essential oils work:

  • Plants contain certain beneficial chemicals as a means of protecting themselves, including to ward off insects or rodents, and to defend themselves from bacteria or viruses.
  • The active ingredients within the oils are taken directly from high yields of medicinal plants or herbs through a process known as distillation, then mixed with alcohol to preserve their strength. The finished result is a very concentrated oily formula that can be mixed with other substances.
  • Because they’re very strong, essential oils used in aromatherapy practices are usually combined with a carrier oil, such almond, jojoba or coconut oil, before being applied directly to the skin.

Aromatherapy can be performed in several different ways:

  • Diffusing a combination of essential oils into the air (or just one single oil)
  • Inhaling oils through the nostrils directly off of a cloth or from the bottle
  • Receiving massage therapy utilizing oils
  • Soaking in an oil-infused bath
  • Rubbing oils directly onto the skin
Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Astronomy: The study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments, and interrelations with the earth and each other. This knowledge can also be used to determine direction, approximate distances, identify seasons, and tell the time of day. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Astrophysics Knowledge of Stellar astronomy and how it relates to nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, relativity, and other explanations for the creation of deep space phenomena, like quasars and black holes. Gravitonic drive systems require this skill to understand the principles under which they work. Requires: Basic and Advanced Mathematics. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Biochemistry: Science concerned chiefly with the chemistry of biological processes. From its roots in chemistry, chiefly organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry has broadened to encompass any biological problem amenable to the investigative techniques of both chemistry and physics. Biochemists study such things as the structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, and enzymes; the chemical regulation of metabolism; and the molecular basis of the action of genes. A milestone in the growth of the field with the elucidation of the structure of DNA. Requires: Read the passage above. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.

Biology: Basic understanding of cells, anatomy, physiology, evolution, and genetics. The character will know how to use a microscope, cultivate bacteria, and how to classify new organisms. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Biophysics: Application of various tools, methods, and principles of physical science to the study of biological problems. In biophysics, physical mechanisms and mathematical and physical models have been used to explain life processes such as the transmission of nerve impulses, the muscle contraction mechanism, and the vital mechanism. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Botany: Plants, their categories and functions, are studied extensively, Characters will know the basics of cross-fertilizing and germinating, as well as growing experimental plants. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Cartography: The methods and abilities needed for accurate map making and map reading. Includes a basic understanding of geology, estimation of distances, and the use of advanced sensors for gaging altitude, distance, depths, etc. Characters will be able to make extremely accurate land and underwater maps, including topography, prevailing wind/currents, terrain type and all other pertinent geographic information. Also includes the ability to accurately read and interpret a map, adding +10% to navigation skills when this skill and a map are present. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Navigation, Read Sensory Equipment and Literacy

Chemistry: The basic understanding of chemical principles and formulae. Characters know enough chemical laboratory procedures of analyzing and synthesizing chemical compounds to act as competent assistants. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Chemistry - Alchemical: A combination of modern chemistry (organic and analytical), botany (a lot of elixirs require different herbs, flowers and roots), and history, with a little cryptography thrown into the mix. The character can interpret ancient alchemical texts, formulas and directions, and knows how to substitute modern ingredients for their ancient counterparts, and can use high-tech versions of the primitive equipment. A successful roll means the character succeeds in interpreting an alchemist's formula (even if written in code). Depending on the complexity of the procedure, it could take from one to six additional rolls to accurately reproduce an actual elixir. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Cryptography, Chemistry, Chemistry: Analytical, Biology, Lore - Alchemy and Literacy.

Chemistry - Analytical: Training in chemical engineering theories useful in the analysis of compounds and their practical applications. Characters will be highly skilled in the use of laboratory equipment and can analyze and synthesize chemicals. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Chemistry, Math Advanced and Literacy. Computer Operations is strongly suggested but not required.

Chemistry - Chinese Alchemical: A combination of modern chemistry (organic and analytical), botany (a lot of elixirs require different herbs, flowers and roots), and history, with a little cryptography thrown into the mix. The character can interpret ancient alchemical texts, formulas and directions, and knows how to substitute modern ingredients for their ancient counterparts, and can use high-tech version of the primitive equipment. A successful roll means the character succeeds in interpreting an alchemist's formula (even if written in code). Depending on the complexity of the procedure, it could take from one to six additional rolls to accurately reproduce an actual elixir. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Classical Chinese Literacy, Chemistry and Biology.

Chemistry - Pharmaceutical: This is the study of drugs and their interaction with the human body. Knowledge includes a familiarity with common medical drugs, drug interactions, dosages, the use/distribution of drugs, their effects on the human body, and other biological applications. The skill will enable characters to recognize common drugs and their effects, recognize poisons/toxins, and safely administer existing drugs (painkillers, hallucinogens, stimulants, relaxants, antibiotics, tranquilizers, and so on). The character will also be able to synthesize complex polymers and organic molecules (often taken from living tissue samples). A failed roll means the drug is improperly administered or prepared, and has no effect, or the synthesization process was badly set up, and did not work, etc. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Chemistry, Chemistry Analytical, Math Advanced, Computer Operations and Literacy.

Cosmology: Science that aims at a comprehensive theory of the creation, evolution, and present structure of the entire universe. The polemic system and the Copernican system are the theories that describe the position of the earth in the universe. According to a hypothesis, the steady-state theory, the universe expands, but new matter is continuously created at all points in space left by the receding galaxies; this theory has new adherents. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Cryptozoology: This is the science of piecing together physical, circumstantial, and theoretical evidence to hypothesize about the existence of "hidden animals." Scientists in this field examine bones, footprints, photographs, etc. to determine if a particular animal exists or not. Examples of theoretical animals include the Loch Ness Monster, the Sasquatch, and Ogopogo. An example of an animal that was found to exist after it supposedly disappeared is the coelacanth. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Biology and zoology.

Ecology: Study of the interrelationships of organisms and the physical environment. Within the Biosphere; the basic unit of study is the ecosystem - a community of plants and animals in an environment supplying the raw materials for life, i.e., chemical elements (or food) and water. An ecosystem is delimited by climate, altitude, latitude, water and soil characteristics, and other physical conditions. The energy for fueling life activities reaches the earth in the form of sunlight. By photosynthesis green plants capture that light energy and store it in the chemical bonds of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Some of the energy is acquired by plant-eating animals, and a fraction of it passed on to predatory animals. Such sequences, called food chains, overlap at many points, forming food webs. Once spent, the energy for life cannot be replenished except by further exposure of green plants to sunlight. The chemicals of life are continually recycled by such processes as photosynthesis, reception, and nitrogen fixation. Disruption of these cycles by natural causes such as drought or pollution can disturb the balance of an entire ecosystem. An ecosystem that has reached a stable and self-perpetuating stage is known as a climax community. When extensive and well-defined, the climax community is called biome. Examples are tundra, savanna (grassland), desert, and forests. Suability is attained through a process known as succession, whereby a relatively simple community, such as lichen- and algae-covered rocks, gives way over time to one more complex, such as forest or tundra. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Electrochemistry: Science dealing with the relationship between electricity and chemical changes. Of principal interest are the reactions that take place between electrodes and the electrolytes in electric and electrolytic cells and that take place in an electrolyte as electricity passes through it. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Entomology: The study of insects, an arthropod class comprising about 675,000 known species, and representing about nine tenths of all classified animal species. Insects are studied for purely biological reasons, as well as for their role as crop pollination; carries of vital, bacterial, fungal, and protozonal diseases; parasites of humans and livestock; destroys of economically important plants; and predators other destructive insects. Note: -30% when dealing with alien and mutant life forms. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Biology: Basic and Advanced, Math: Basic and Advanced, and Chemistry.

Ethology: Study of animal behavior, especially its physiological, ecological, and evolutionary aspects. Originally, an organism's actions were classified as either instinctive behavior (actions not influenced by the animal's previous experience, e.g., common reflexes) or learned behavior (action dependent on earlier experience, e.g., problem solving). Current emphasis is on the interaction between environmental and genetically determined responses, particularly during early development. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Ethnology: Scientific study of the origin and functioning of humans and their cultures, usually considered a branch of cultural Anthropology. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Gemology Gemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Some jewelers are academically trained gemologists and are qualified to identify and evaluate gems. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Geochemistry: The study of the chemistry of a planet (like Earth), especially the study of the absolute and relative abundance of the elements and their distribution and movement. Such studies have provided insights into the evolution of the oceans and atmosphere, the ages of rocks, the chemical evolution of life, and more recently, the effects of the massive introductions of pollutants into the environment. This will help the character in discovering cleaner sources of power, organic was to rid a pesky insect, etc. In other words the character will study and develop machines, chemicals, gases, etc. to be more environmental friendly. Counts as three skills. Note: A failed roll means the experiment or device failed, can not roll again until the experiment is finished. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Geography Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience

Geology: The science dealing with the structure of planetary crusts, and the formation and development of their various layers, including individual rocks and fossils. Characters are skilled in quantifying rocks and minerals, as well as being able to judge good conditions for finding a particular type of mineral (such as precious metals or stones, or fossil fuels). Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Math Advanced and Literacy.

Geophysics: This is the study of the structure, composition, and dynamic changes of a planet and it's atomsphere, based on the principles of physics. Applied geophysics uses seismic, electrical, gravimetric, and radiometric techniques for geological exploration and prospecting. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience

Hydrology: Study of water and its properties, including its distribution and movement in and through the land areas of the earth. The hydrologic cycle consists of the passage of water from the oceans into atmosphere; onto, through, and under the lands; and back to the ocean. Hydrology is mainly concerned with the part of the cycle that follows the precipitation of water onto the land and precedes its return to the oceans. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Horticulture: Science of cultivating fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants; a branch of Agriculture. Horticulture usually refers to small-scale gardening and agronomy to the large scale growing of field crops. Although many horticultural practices are ancient, relatively recent knowledge of genetics, plant physiology and pathology, biochemistry, ecology, entomology, and soils, and their application (e.g. in plant breeding) of this knowledge, have made horticulture an extremely complex science. Requires: See the passage above. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Marine Biology: This skill is a general knowledge of the ecology of the oceans and seas, with an emphasis on undersea habitats, environments, and the types of fish and sea animals attracted to such places. This skill also gives the character the knowledge of where to look for particular types of sea creatures (i.e. in coral reefs, under rocks, inside caves, warm water, cold water), the types of food sea animals eat/prey upon, migration patterns of fish and eels, and a knowledge of tides, water composition, and ocean plant-life. The marine biology skill also gives the character specific medical and scientific knowledge about the behavior, habits, evolution, physiology, cells, anatomy and genetics of fish, marine mammals and other types of sea life. This knowledge enables the character to perform surgery, remove glands and sacs of poison or chemicals, prepare antidotes to poisons (from sea creatures only) and the care, keeping and medical treatment of marine animals, including dolphins and whales. Base Skill: 35%/25% + 5% per level of experience. The first number is the character’s general knowledge. The second number is specific medical and scientific applications, including making antidotes to poison, capturing animals without killing them (+10% to hunt/kill), surgery (sea animals only; -60% on humanoids), and the care, keeping and medical treatment of marine animals. Note: -30% when dealing with alien and mutant life forms. Requires: Biology, Math Advanced and Chemistry.

Mathematics - Basic: Knowledge of basic math, including the ability to count, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Mathematics - Advanced: Knowledge of all basic and advanced mathematics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and techniques for using advanced mathematical formulae. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Mathematics - Statistics: Includes probability, regression, forecasting, and experimental design. Base Skill: 50% + 4% per level of experience. Required: Basic and Advanced Mathematics.

Metallurgy This is the science of separating metals from their ores and preparing them for use by smelting, refining, etc. Study include the behavior and properties of metallic, ceramic, polymeric and composite materials (observe mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical behavior). This also includes work with plastics (polymeric) analysis, brazing, extraction of metals from areas; transformations (liquid-solid systems), fabrication and joining processes (metal alloys, structural changes/combinations) and the use of tools, equipment and methods. Base Skill: 30% + 6% per level of experience

Meteorology: Meteorology is a branch of the atmospheric sciences which includes atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics, with a major focus on weather forecasting. Meteorological phenomena are observable weather events that are explained by the science of meteorology. Meteorological phenomena are described and quantified by the variables of Earth's atmosphere: temperature, air pressure, water vapour, mass flow, and the variations and interactions of those variables, and how they change over time. Different spatial scales are used to describe and predict weather on local, regional, and global levels. 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Microbiology: This is a branch of medicine that deals with micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and disease agents in man. The study includes antibodies, immunology, techniques in the diagnosis of infectious disease, biochemical genetics, cell structure, cell principles. Requires: A background in biology and chemistry. The same conditions for incomplete studies apply as noted under M.D. Base Skill: 20% + 6% per level of experience.

Nuclear Physics: Study of the components, structure, and behavior of the nucleus of an atom. It is especially with the nature of matter and with nuclear energy. The subject is commonly divided into three fields:
  • Low Energy Nuclear Physics: the study of radioactivity.
  • Medium Energy Nuclear Physics: the study of fires between nuclear particles.
  • High Energy or Particle Physics: the study of the transformations among subatomic particles in reactions produced in a particle accelerator.
This helps the character to understand the fusion turbine engine, how our sun produces its energy and can apply this knowledge to building nuclear devices. The character must character must choose one of the above fields of study or the character can choose all three, but at the cost of other skills unless otherwise stated. The skill costs lists as follows: number one costs two skills, number two costs four skills, and number three costs six skills, all are accumulative, unless otherwise stated. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience for any and all of the choices above. Requires: Chemistry, Chemistry Analytical and Math Advanced.

Ocean Geographic Surveying: The methods and ability to identify natural geographic formations (mountains, trenches, coral reefs, etc.), identify wreckage and underwater cities, identify Earth minerals, damage caused by earthquakes, earthquake zones, determining depth, accurate map making, accurate map reading and geographic photograph identification and evaluation, as well as a basic knowledge of geology and oceanography. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience (+15% to read maps).

Oxygen Systems: This skill allows a character to understand all the different ways of obtaining and recycling oxygen, and to build and repair the machinery and equipment necessary for both. All stations and ships have some kind of oxygen recycling system. Stations and large ships will have a hydroponics plant, which they depend on for both food and recycled oxygen, while smaller ships will have a basic recycling unit. Both will have some kind of equipment for converting water into oxygen and hydrogen. This is not a very exciting skill, but a necessary one. Base Skill: 58% + 4% per level of experience.

Paleontology: Study of prehistoric life through the examination of ancient bones and fossils. A successful roll means the character can identify the species and time period of any prehistoric animals, including dinosaurs. Character also has an immediate chance of identifying the time period of any particular prehistoric era simply by observing local vegetation. Specimens can be accurately dated using the lab tests listed at the end of this section. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Philosophy Characters educated in religious institutions (monasteries, temples, religious schools, etc.) can learn that school's philosophy. While this is typically one of the oriental philosophies it can also be a western one. Eastern Philosophies include - Confucianism, Buddhism (choose subtype), Tibetan Lore, Taoism, Shinto, Bushido, Zen and Hinduism. Western & Mideastern Philosophies include - Christian (Choose from Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Conservative Protestant and Liberal Protestant), Judaism, and Islam (choose from Sunni, Shiite or Sufi). Rarer types are up to the GM (such as tribal beliefs, voodoo etc.). Base Skill: 80% + 2% per level of experience.

Dating rocks, fossils & artifacts:  Dating rocks, fossils & artifacts: The length of time and level of accuracy under scientific conditions is listed on the following chart. Scientific determination of an item's age can be conducted by the character only if the character has the Chemistry-Analytical skill, and access to the proper facilities. Otherwise, the item must be sent to a laboratory that specializes in such work. The latter is expensive, costing as little as one thousand dollars for items only a few hundred years old and as much as $10,000 to $40,000 for an object which is thousands or millions of years old; the ability to do this "in-house" reduces the price to 1D6x10% of normal, but often reduces the usefulness of the data in terms of scholastic debate. This is because the ties of the characters' lab to them brings up the question of impartiality, and the possibility of fraud. Many times, an item is generally considered fraudulent simply because it goes against accepted "history", and if the tests were done by the discoverer, it would stand even less a chance.
Age In YearsLevel of Accuracy
under 300 years oldWithin 2D4 years
301-500 years oldWithin 2D6 years
501-1000 years oldWithin 3D6 years
1001-2000 years oldWithin 6D6 years
2001-5000 years oldWithin 1D6x10 years
5001-10,000 years oldWithin 2D6x10 years
10,001-50,000 years oldWithin 3D6x10 years
50,001-200,000 years oldWithin 2D6x100 years
200,001-1 million yearsWithin 3D6x100 years
1 to 10 million yearsWithin 2D6x1000 years
over 10 million yearsWithin 2D6x50000 years

Parapsychology: This is the science of studying anomalous effects in nature, primarily mental. The parapsychologist is also familiar with psychology and statistics and the uses of the two to study psychic and paranormal phenomena. Parapsychology does not include cryptozoology and UFOlogy. Topics of research includes precognition, psychokinesis, and general extra-sensory perception. Using statistics and psychology, the parapsychologist can determine if a subject has psychic potential. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Psychology. Recommended: Mathematics: Statistics.

Petrology: A branch of geology concerned with the origin, composition, structure, and properties of rocks, as well as, laboratory simulation of rock-forming processes. This will help in establishing what rock formation make the best cover, or what rock formations block sensors, etc. This applies to land and water rock formations. Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience.

Physical Chemistry: branch of science that combines the principles and methods of physics and chemistry. It provides a fundamental theoretical and experimental basis for all of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry. Important topics are chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, molecular structure, molecular weights, reaction rates, solutions, and states of matter. Requires: Read the passage above. Base Skill: 15% + 4% per level of experience.

Physics: The understanding of the physical properties of matter and energy, including acceleration, rotation, inertia, velocity, optics, waves and particles. This skill also includes the use of all lab equipment related to physics, such as lasers, mirrors, and even (at higher percents) particle accelerators. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Math Advanced and Literacy.

Psychological Warfare: This is the art of manipulating the mind to get the desired reaction from the victim. The character could attempt to say or do something to influence a target with the end-result of the victim doing something the character intended. For example, a player's vampire character, Born With a Sharp Tooth, wants to lure some unsuspecting NPCs to their death. She is the owner of a bar that is a front for all her vampire pals so they can feed on the customers. Born With a Sharp Tooth wants to lure the NPCs to the cellar so her friends can ambush and kill them. The player has devised a plan to help her character do this, unfortunately it requires this skill, fortunately Born With a Sharp Tooth has this skill. Disguised under her cover as barmaid she approaches the NPC's table. In a near whisper that everyone seated at the table can hear she asks them if they would like today's special of "raw meat". When they reply no she states it again in a way that seems to suggest there is more to the word then originally implied; maybe it is a secret word or term used to describe some illegal activity. The player would then make a skill role for the vampire. If the roll succeeds then the NPCs understand the implied meaning behind her words. If any of the NPCs have a genuine interest in unsolicited activities they would follow the vampire to the cellar and the awaiting ambush. If the roll fails then the NPCs would simply say no (in probably a disgusted manner) and continue with ordering their food. If any of the NPCs at the table are versed in psychological warfare or psychology they could make a counter-roll to see if they noticed anything suspicious in the vampire‚s failed attempt (this can only be attempted if the character fails his/her roll). If the target is of the same race as the character then the roll is made based on the base skill, but if the target is of a different race then a Lore roll (DB or otherwise) must be performed. If successful then the roll is still based on the base skill, but if the roll fails the character receives a ˆ10% on his skill roll. If the target is a rare (generally uncommon) race then the character must perform his roll at ˆ15%. As mentioned in the above example characters with Psychology or Psychological Warfare may make counter-rolls when someone makes a failed attempt to manipulate them. A successful roll would simply tell them that they noticed something suspicious in "saboteurs" approach. It is suggested that the GM perform these type of rolls for the players (as they should not be aware of any weird going-ons unless the roll succeeds and even then it is limited) and announce nothing unless the roll is successful. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Psychology

Psychology: The study of the human mind and human behavior. It scientifically tries to unravel the psychological process by considering the effects of such intangibles as attitude, desires, thoughts, memories, stress, environment, dreams, and emotion. The psychology skill provides the character with a complete, broad understanding of the principles, practices and theories of psychology. Thus, he or she will recognize abnormal behavior (phobias, psychoses, obsessions, neuroses, etc.), stress and exhaustion, as well as suggest a therapy. The character will also be able to recognize the use/presence of unnatural influences, such as drugs, hypnosis and other mind control (like magic, psionics and possession). A failed roll means that an abnormality has not been recognized or that an incorrect judgment has been made. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Research, Computer Operations and Literacy. Restrictions: This is a very rare skill on Rifts, studied by few. Therefore, it is unlikely anyone but a Rogue Scientist would have learned it.

Psychotherapy: This training is an in depth knowledge of the principles, theories and evaluation of human behavior, and includes analysis, understanding and treatment of emotional, mental, motivational, and perceptual disorders; interaction of emotion, nervous system, sensory-motor mechanisms, personality assessment, drug dependence, and treatment. This character will not only be able to recognize abnormal behavior (insanity) but is also able to treat the person himself (see cures for insanity). The individual is also able to assess another character's disposition, social/economic background, environment, probable alignment, and recognize the use/presence of mind/personality altering influences. The first number indicates the proficiency for recognizing and treating a psychological abnormality. The second number is the character's skill in accurately assessing characteristics, disposition, alignment, etc. The character must spend at least an hour of conversation with the other person to make an assessment. Roll for each individual characteristic. Alignment assessments are limited to good, selfish, evil. Base Skill: 30/20% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Psychology, Research, Computer Operations and Literacy. Restrictions: This is a very rare skill on Rifts, studied by few. Therefore, it is unlikely anyone but a Rogue Scientist would have learned it.

Theology/Philosophy: Theology is the study of God(s), religions, and the relationships between the deities and the universe and its people. Rational theology is based on opinions deduced from reason. Philosophy is the study of the processes governing thought and conduct. Areas can include aesthetics; ethics, logic, metaphysics and so on. Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience.

Theoretical Physics: Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental physics, which uses experimental tools to probe these phenomena. The advancement of science generally depends on the interplay between experimental studies and theory. In some cases, theoretical physics adheres to standards of mathematical rigor while giving little weight to experiments and observations. Requires: Physics, Math: Advanced Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Undersea Farming: The knowledge of cultivating undersea plants, algae, and/or breeding aquatic animals/fish for harvesting and production. Undersea farming includes, but is not limited to, growing crops (either through hydroponics or on the ocean floor), lobster farms, oyster beds, and fish hatcheries. Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience.

Writing The ability to write prose (stories, poems, or journalistically (reports, studies, news). Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. A failed roll means an awkward and poorly written work that is boring and/or difficult to understand. Try again. [Literacy] Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

Xenology: Xenology is the scientific study of extraterrestrial life. Derived from the Greek xenos, which as a substantive has the meaning "stranger, wanderer, refugee" and as an adjective "foreign, alien, strange, unusual. It is used to denote a hypothetical science whose object of study would be extraterrestrial societies developed by alien lifeforms. Without Xenology, any attempts to use a medical skill on a creature from another species are at -20% to skill rolls. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Zoology: The specific branch of biology dealing directly with animals. Characters will know enough about mating habits, migrations, eating habits of most animals as well as the proper care for keeping animals. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.