Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Avionics: This is the specialized skill in repairing the electrical, navigational and control systems in aerospace craft. A character with this skill can repair the "Black Boxes" in these vessels. They can also debug the code so that the craft flies correctly. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Computer Operations and Computer Programming

Astrogation: The ability to navigate, from the study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments, and interrelations with the earth and each other. Training includes reading maps and star charts, course computation, following landmarks, and the use of navigational equipment. Includes land, air and water navigation, as well as piloting by the stars and instruments alone. This ability is ideal for sailors. A failed roll means the navigator is off course. To determine how many miles off course, roll on the following list.
2D6 miles when traveling on foot.
1D6x10 miles when traveling by animal transportation (horse, wagon, car, etc.).
2D4x10 when using a boat (also, when flying magically or through use of a jet pack).

A blown roll also results in an improper direction; roll 1D8 for the true course, starting with North-East as 1 and going clockwise through the eight major compass points), rerolling a result of the direction that is the one actually desired.Roll the error distance and direction once for every hour that one travels after the failed check. If using a landmark, etc. for navigation, making the next chance at at -10% can discover the error. If using direction only as the guide, the roll is at 1/2 normal level to discover the error. If the roll fails, but is still under the normal skill roll in either case, then the navigator is now following a parallel course (off by the distance in error) to the one desired. A second or later consecutive totally failed roll compounds the original deviation, resulting in a new random course roll. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

EVA: Short for Extra-Vehicular Activity, involves working out-side a spacecraft or station while wearing a vacuum suit. The skill covers suit operation and repair, damage control, maneuvering and knowing what to do when things go wrong. A character should have Movement: Zero gravity to take this skill. Note: The EVA skill is not necessary for walking on the moon in a vacuum suit. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Movement: Zero Gravity This skill is given automatically to any character born in zero gravity or a gravity field of less than 0.1 g (10% of Earth); all others must purchase it as normal. It simply allows a character to move with complete freedom in conditions of zero gravity. GMs may, at their discretion, make players roll against this skill rather than making a P.P. check for difficult moves. Characters who do not have this skill while in zero gravity will have difficulty in performing normal tasks; -15% skill penalty, -1 attack/action per melee, -2 on initiative, reduce speed and combat bonuses by half. Base Skill: P.P. multiplied by 5, +4% per level of experience.

Oxygen Conservation: Oxygen conservation is a physical skill, and allows a character to reduce the amount of oxygen that they need to survive. By concentrating on nothing else, a character with this skill can lower their heartbeat, metabolic rate and breathing to half their normal rate, and therefore, will consume half as much oxygen (lasts twice as long). It is often taught as a survival precaution. It also adds +1 to P.E. attribute. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Math Basic.

Pilot: Orbiter Base Skill: 60% + 4% per level of experience.

Pilot: Shuttle Base Skill: 60% + 4% per level of experience.