Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank


Agriculture: This is the science and art of farming. Training explores the cultivation of the ground, preparing the soil, sowing, plant seeds, caring for plants and harvesting the crops for the purpose of producing vegetables and fruits. Base Skill: 34% + 5% per level of experience.

Archery: The practiced use of the bow and arrow and crossbow. The archery skill is effectively a weapon proficiency with bow weapons. Bonus to strike with bow and arrow/crossbow: +1 at first level plus +1 to strike for each additional TWO levels of experience. For Example: Level one, + 1; Level three, +2; Level five, +3 and so on. Rate of Fire: Two at level one and ONE for each additional Two levels of experience. For Example: Level one, 2 shots per melee; level three, 3 shots; level five, 4 shots and so on. Bow Types and Ranges S.D.C. Damage Per Arrow Short Bow -- 420 ft 1D6 Large Bow (longbow) -- 700 ft 1D8 Compound Bow -- 800 ft 2D6 Crossbow -- 700 ft 1D8 The skill also includes the ability to select the proper wood and make a quality bow. Base Skill: to make a bow is 40% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means the bow is poorly crafted, is -1 to strike and has a 50% chance of cracking every time it is fired. A Reminder to hand craft a bow could take several days weeks, but rarely hours and never minutes and attacks.

Boat Building: This skill enables the character to build a variety of rafts, small rowboats, large flatbed boats, and canoes. A small raft (two man) can be made within 1D6+1 hours if the lumber or other suitable materials and tools are readily available. A large raft will take about 4D6 hours, a canoe 2D6 days, rowboat, 4D4 days, large flatbed 1D4x10 days. Time is doubled or tripled if trees must be cut down and wood prepared. Of course, the time can be reduced if several knowledgeable people are working on the construction. A failed skill roll means the boat has leaks. Trying to patch it will require 4D4 hours. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Carpentry: A fundamental knowledge of working with wood. The character knows how to prepare, treat, and preserve wood, recognize quality craftsmanship, can repair damaged wood and wood items, and build (chests, chairs, tables, cabinets, houses, etc.). Adds a +5% bonus to the Boat Building skill if taken. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Construction (Wood): This is the knowledge on how to build and frame houses, decks, storage sheds, and so on. This also gives the character the knowledge of how to use certain machinery only used for wood. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Dowsing: This is the ability to locate fresh water whether it be with a divining rod or by more scientific and logical means. For some (like druids), it is a mystical ability, while for others (like rangers), it is done through deductive analysis and knowledge of nature. The percentage number indicates the success ratio of locating fresh water. A person can roll once every melee to sense water, but must roll two consecutive successful rolls to locate the water. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Fashion Tools and Weapons: Useful tools and weapons can be constructed from readily available material. These crude items are usually made from wood, stone, vines, and bones, and include making a simple wood and/or stone hammer, club, hand shovel, pick, fishing hook, bone needle, wooden stake, torch, rope, string, fishing line, simple flute, blow gun, staff, wooden spear, bola, throwing stick, arrow, short bow, stone knife, and spear and axe head made from chipped stone. The ability to fashion tools is a source of pride for jungle tribesman and wilderness folk. An unsuccessful roll results in a product that is completely useless, try again. It generally takes about 1D4 hours to make a small, simple item and 2D4+1 to make a larger, more elaborate item like a stone axe, spear with a stone head, short bow, etc. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Horsemanship: A familiarity with horses, how to ride them and take care of them. Riding/care/feeding: A fundamental knowledge in the care and grooming of horses. Recognize quality/breed: The percentile number indicates the success ratio of recognizing the quality (age, speed, health, etc.) and breed (race horse, way, riding, etc.) of horses in general. Jump: The percentile number indicates the success ratio of NOT being thrown from the horse when jumping (or backing). Character must roll under the percentage to remain in the saddle and in control. (+) Plus to parry and dodge: Applies to the rider, and not the horse. The rider gains a combat gains a combat advantage from height and speed of being mounted. Charge Attack: Adds +3 to damage with any ancient weapon, -2 to strike with guns or bow and arrow. Horse Attack: Having the horse kick and rear. Two attacks per melee; front legs do 2D6 damage, rear do 4D6 damage (S.D.C.), unless otherwise stated. Bonuses: Attacking while mounted on a horse gives the character the advantages of height and speed. Plus +1 to parry and dodge, +2 to damage (S.D.C.), unless otherwise stated. Raise/Breeding Horses: This is a fundamental knowledge in the raising, training and breeding/mating horses. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience. A failed roll means the character fails at what he was attempting. Make control rolls for difficult moves like charge attacks, leaps, and other sudden movements. A failed roll means the rider falls off the mount.

Hunting: The skill of killing and preparing an animal for food. Special Bonuses: Add the following bonuses to the appropriate skills: +2% Prowl, +5% Track Animals, +5% Skin Animals, +5% Wilderness Survival, and +5% to Cook the catch only. No base skill.

Identify Plants & Fruits: Training in the recognition of the many different types of plants and vegetation and where they grow. The emphasis is placed on edible, herbal and poisonous plants. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Land Navigation: This skill enables the person to stay on course while traveling over land by means of observation. It includes mentally marking/recognizing geographic landmarks, estimating distance and movement, recognizing sounds, night travel, and other navigational tricks. The player should roll once for approximately every three miles traveled. A failed roll means the character is drifting off course; 2D10x100 yards/meters. Consecutive failed rolls means the individual does not realize that he's off course and continues in the wrong direction. Note: A group of average men can cover about five miles an hour at a brisk, but relaxed, pace through grassland, along dirt roads or pavement. Travel through dense forest or jungle at a cautious pace, with eyes open for danger, is about one mile an hour. Heavy rain or snow, fog, swamps, etc., will also reduce speed. Base Skill: 36% + 4% per level of experience.

Oceanic Survival: Surviving without a ship at sea is a specialized skill, since the seas of a fantasy world are often quite hostile. Those with this skill know how to avoid being sucked down with a sinking ship, how to select and assemble the best driftwood and scrap for a raft, and how to float without exerting themselves (not the same a swimming) for hours at a time. Once the survivor has something to hold on to, it becomes possible to survive for days at a time, but only if you know how to get fresh water (from fish, certain types of seaweed and condensation of dew on cool metal surfaces), as well as how to keep from being attacked or eaten by sea predators. Characters without this skill, or without help from someone else who has the skill, will likely perish immediately, or within hours. Note: Once on land, even the tiniest island, the skill of Wilderness Survival takes over. Base Skill: 27% + 3% per level of experience.

Preserve Food: Knowledge in the preparation of foods for storage and later consumption. Includes canning fresh fruit and vegetables, making jams and honey, drying fruit, vegetables, and herbs, drying meat and fish, plus various smoking, salting, and pickling methods. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.

Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength and how to weave/make rope. A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Characters bound/tied by this character are -10% to escape/slip knots.

Sculpting & Whittling: The art of molding or carving a three dimensional figure, object or design out of clay, stone or wood. The percentile number indicates the quality of technique and appearance. Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience

Sense of Direction: A simplified version of the Land Navigation skill. The character has the ability to tell which direction he or she is traveling, relative to a specified point. Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience.

Skin and Prepare Animal Hides: Training in the methods and techniques in skinning, tanning, stretching, and preserving animal hides as fur or leather. Adds a +5% bonus to the sewing skill. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.

Tame Animals: First percentile: Capture roll Second percentile: Tame/train roll Capture &/or tame creatures with animal intelligence (6 or below) Time Requirements: 1D4 weeks +1 week per I.Q. point. Base Skill: 25%/30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Track or Track Animal, Ride Animal (if to be ridden) and the language to which it will respond.

Track Animals: This skill enables the character to identify an animal by its tracks, scent, spoor, and habits. The individual can also follow the animal's tracks and other signs. This means he can also estimate how fresh the tracks are, what direction they are heading, whether the animal is hurt or sick, and guess it's age. The habits and habitats of animals and animal behavior are also learned. Tracking humans with this skill is also possible, but is done with a penalty of -20%. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience.

Track & Hunt Sea Animals: General knowledge of the oceans and seas, with an emphasis on undersea habitats and environments, and the types of fish and animals attracted to such places. The character knows where to look for particular types of fish and sea creatures (i.e. in coral reefs, under rocks, inside caves in warm water, cold water, etc.), the types of food the sea animals eat/prey upon, migration patterns of fish and sea mammals, and notable types of seaweed and their uses (edible, poisonous, etc.). Base Skill: 35%/35% + 5% per level of experience. The first number is the general knowledge, and the second is the character's ability to locate and capture small and large undersea creatures (crustaceans, fish, eels, sea mammals, etc.). Note: -20% when dealing with mutants and alien creatures.

Trap Construction: Training in the design and application of traps and mines used in anti- personnel and defense tactics. With readily available materials and simple tools, including shovels, knives, sticks, wire and rope, the character can build fiendish traps. Any who would scoff at the effectiveness of traps in modern mega-damage combat should reconsider. While traps may not damage M.D. equipment, unless the trap is augmented with explosives (requiring the Demolitions skill), simple pits can hamper, even immobilize, troops and robot vehicles by making them unable to climb out (will earth walls support the weight of a several ton robot trying to climb out? Not likely). Other traps can be used as alarms (triggering flares, video cameras, or simply producing noise), or even as diversions to distract the enemy while the character escapes. The greatest drawback of traps lies in the amount of time required to prepare them. It can take hours to prepare rock slides, large pits, etc., even with heavy equipment. But, even this time can be shortened with help from others, as only one character needs the skill, in order to successfully direct others in the traps' construction. Ingeniously prepared traps can, and often do, shift the advantage of a battle to the side that prepared the field for combat. See the Appendix for examples of most common types of traps. Base Skill: 20% + 4% per level of experience.

Trap/Mine Detection: Knowledge of the strategic placement of booby traps and mines, the tell-tale trademarks and indications of traps and mines, how to avoid them, and the use of mine and explosive detection equipment. The character has been trained to watch for suspicious objects, dirt mounds, trip wires and camouflaging materials that may denote the presence of a trap. Simple snare traps and trip wires can be easily disarmed by the character, but the demolitions disposal skill is required to disarm mines, explosives, or complex traps. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience for detecting by visuals alone. Add +50% when using special detection equipment to locate mines and explosive traps, +10% if the trap isn't a mine or explosives, but using metal (such as a trip wire) as part of the trap.

Undersea & Sea Survival: Includes a basic knowledge of what sea animals and fish are edible and easiest to find and catch, how to make simple fishing hooks and lines, dangerous predators and D-bees to avoid, how to protect oneself from the sun, water and food rationing, and fundamental survival techniques. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Note: At the G.M.'s option, this can be included as part of a character’s basic wilderness survival skill.

Underwater Navigation: This skill is the deep sea version of land navigation. The character can identify his whereabouts, direction, traveling speed, and stay on course by means of observation. This method includes mentally marking and recognizing underwater landmarks (mountain ranges, reefs, sunken wreckage, cities, animal habitats, etc.), as well as noting the direction of currents, tides, determining the time of day, recognizing sounds, surface landmarks, the positions of the stars and sun, and other navigational tricks. The character should roll once for every ten miles traveled in order to stay on track. A failed roll means he is drifting off course by 1D6x100 yards/meters. Consecutive failed rolls means the individual does not realize that he’s off course and continues in the wrong direction. His course can only be corrected when he makes a successful roll. Base Skill: 30% + 4% per level or experience.

Winter Survival: This skill involves learning to survive in arctic or Antarctic conditions, building Igloos and snow caves, spotting thin ice and crevices, and techniques to stay warm. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.