Caelestis Ulterius RPG Information Databank

Education Level and the EDU stat

EDU (Education): Education is the measure of the formal and factual knowledge possessed by the character, as well as indicating the time the character has spent in full-time education. EDU measures retained information, not the intelligent application of that information (see I.Q.). A character without EDU would be like a newborn baby or an amnesiac, without knowledge of the world, probably very curious and credulous. An EDU of 7 suggests the investigator is a high school graduate, while a score of around 9 indicates a person with some college years or trade school. Those with an EDU greater than 11 have most likely conducted graduate level work and have a degree, as expected of a person who has been to a university of some kind. Note that sometimes a person with a high Education may not necessarily be schooled in the traditional sense, but rather may be self-taught and possess a highly studious and observant nature. EDU is a factor in determining how many skills a character begins with other then Occupational Skills. See Step 4: Selection of an Occupational Character Class and Skills. Unless there is a very compelling reason (approved by the GM) it is highly unlikely that a character will have less then EDU of 7. Some reasons that might be considered are Children characters, third world Characters, or perhaps a character that has gone through a severe trauma and suffers from amnesia.

Determining EDU

EDU is rolled on 3D6 with the highest EDU score being 18. EDU can be directly effected by the characters IQ. Characters with a very high IQ recieve a bonus to the EDU roll while characters with a low IQ recieve a negative to the roll. See the following table:

IQEDU Roll Adjustment

The resulting number is the characters EDU Level score.
For example; A character is rolled and the IQ is 17 and the EDU is 6. +4 bonus is added to the 6 for a total EDU level score of 10. The following table shows what level of education and how many skills are selected based on the EDU level score.

EDU Level ScoreEducation LevelSkill SelectionBonus to Educational Skills
01New Bornn/an/a
03Toddlerspeak native 25%n/a
04Nursery SchoolSpeak native 50%n/a
05Grade SchoolCommon skills+1%
06Some HighschoolCommon skills, 1 skill program, 5 secondary skills+2%
07High School GraduateCommon skills, 2 skill programs, 10 secondary skills+5%
08High School Honors GraduateCommon skills, 2 skill programs, 15 secondary skills+7%
09Some College or Trade SchoolCommon skills, 2 skill programs, 20 secondary skills+10%
10College or Trade School GraduateCommon skills, 3 skill programs, 15 secondary skills+12%
11Associate DegreeCommon skills, 3 skill programs, 20 secondary skills+15%
12Bachelor’s DegreeCommon skills, 4 skill programs, 15 secondary skills+17%
13Honor’s DegreeCommon skills, 4 skill programs, 20 secondary skills+20%
14Master’s DegreeCommon skills, 5 skill programs, 15 secondary skills+22%
15Multiple Master’sCommon skills, 5 skill programs, 20 secondary skills+25%
16DoctorateCommon skills, 6 skill programs, 15 secondary skills+27%
17Post DoctorateCommon skills, 6 skill programs, 20 secondary skills+30%
18Habilitation DoctorateCommon skills, 7 skill programs, 15 secondary skills+35%