Ar'Cor'Kerym, the Elven Kingsword

Description:Elven Shiadra Moonsword
+5 to strike/damage; +2 A.R. bonus; +2 initiative bonus. This blade is an Elven Shiadra Moonsword made of pure Obsidian. An ancient elven crown rune is formed in gold at the seat of the blade just above the quillons. The blade glows with golden light, which crawls and crackles along the sword like an arc of lightning or electricity and is marked with the elven rune symbols of the powers contained by the moonsword.
Alignment: Good
Active Powers:

  1. High Magic {see core power below}
  2. Heal 3 times/day
  3. Detect Lie at will
  4. Detect Evil/Good at will
  5. Dancing
  6. Defending
  7. Everbright
  8. Flaming
  9. Frost
  10. Shock
  11. Speed
  12. Spell Blade
  13. Spell Throwing
  14. Vorpal

Core Power: Thanks to the two selu`telv`kiira bonded to the ends of the quillons (black gems) and a single one on the tang button of the pommel (a red gem), the wielder holds the power and knowledge of three High Mages (in addition to any abilities of his own). This allows him to conduct Rituals of Solitude or Complement entirely on his own, and all known rituals are at the King's disposal through the knowledge of the selu`telv`kiira. Although the sword flickers with light effects, these light effects can be snuffed entirely or increased until the wielder is surrounded by a 30-foot radius of light equal to the daylight of highsun.
The elfblade adds life to the worthy wielder by extending his life by 1d6x1000 years. The elf blade is an intelligent weapon (I.Q. 24) which telepathically speaks elvish. While the blade is individually strong willed, it is not a conscious entity unless drawn from it's scabbard. It see's it's duty as serving the realm of Arethane first and the wielder second.
The elfblade bonds with it's wielder during the bladerite ritual. If a wielder is accepted, the elfblade will maintain a magical link with its wielder, allowing it to be summoned directly to the wielder's hand despite any distances or physical barriers, provided both blade and elf are on the same plane.
Finally, the greatest powers granted by this elfblade is the rank that is assigned to it's wielders upon successfully claiming the sword. Rhysanus, the current wielder is the 14th King of Arethane
Blade-Rite Risks: If even one of the ritual's three tests is failed, the ar`cor`kerym consumes the unworthy elf in arcane golden fire; within one round, not even ashes remain of the elf or his carried possessions.

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