Circles of Summoning

The art of circle magic is an ancient, nearly extinct, form of magic. Summoning, in particular, has been abandoned by many because of the need for blood sacrifices and the hazards involved. The most immediate and obvious danger is that summoning circles often create a temporary dimensional portal from which demonic beings are brought into this world. Immediately upon their arrival, there is a battle of wills between the creature(s) and the Circle Maker. Although circle makers would argue the point, there is no guarantee that the Circle Maker can control the creatures or forces he/she calls forth. Many a Circle Maker has met a grisly fate at the hands of the monster he summoned — and many a village has been plagued by nightmarish creatures who have slipped out of the Circle Maker's control.

How Summoning Circles Work

The Circle Maker performs a ritual in which a powerful summoning magic is created by means of the magic circle. First the circle and symbols are drawn in whatever medium they must be made. Then the components are added. The entire time, the Circle Maker focuses his concentration on creating the circle and drawing upon the magic needed to activate it (a chant or mantra is usually part of the ceremony and focussing process). When the drawing of the circle is complete and the components are in place, the Circle Maker must activate the circle with the correct amount of magic energy (P.P.E.) at the moment that he kills a living animal. The blood sacrifice of a living creature is one of the components of this magic and can serve as a symbolic part of the ritual or to help power the circle (the victim's P.P.E. is momentarily doubled at the moment of death and is magically drawn into the circle to empower it). The ambient energy available at a ley line or nexus can also be used to acquire the large amount of P.P.E. needed to activate most summoning circles. Shortly after the circle has been activated (2D6 melee rounds), the type of creature summoned will appear through the dimensional portal created by the circle. As long as the Circle Maker stays within the protective area of the circle, he should be safe from any attacks by that creature. Like a circle of protection, the specific type of being summoned cannot enter the circle and the Circle Maker has bonuses to save against its attacks. However, the moment he steps outside the area of protection he becomes vulnerable to attack, unless the being is under his control.

The Battle of Wills

As soon as the being appears, a mental battle of wills is begun. To save versus submission, the summoned being must roll above the Circle Maker's ME. (Mental Endurance) three out of five tries. Rolls are made on a 20 sided die and M.E. attribute bonuses and bonuses to save vs mind control are added to the creature's roll to save. The higher the Circle Maker's M.E. the more difficult it is to save. Characters with an M.E. of 20 or higher will usually have an easy time winning the battle of wills when the being is initially summoned. However, there are additional tests of dominance in which an extremely high M.E. may not help a great deal.


A natural, unmodified roll of 20 will always be a winning roll even if the Circle Maker has an M.E. of 20 or higher. If it fails to save, it will be totally subservient to the Circle Maker, obeying all commands except to reveal its true name or to commit suicide. If the creature does not become subservient, it will be agitated and hostile and must be sent back before it tries to attack or flee into the world. Many times, sending the vile thing back from whence it came is a simple matter and done whether the creature agrees to it or not. However, there is always a 1 -30% chance that the strong willed creature can resist being sent back and remains. If it refuses to return, it usually does so in anger, snarling and insulting the Circle Maker in hopes of luring him from the protective circle and into its clutches. In some cases, the monster will promise to return in trade for gold, a magic item, a blood sacrifice, the Circle Maker's true name (always a bad thing to agree to) or being allowed to hurt the Circle Maker (bite, claw, stab, torture him), or watch the Circle Maker hurt or mutilate himself (amputate a finger, ear, slice or impale a part of his body, etc.); remember these are usually evil demons, devils and other malignant forces of evil. Note: The magic of the circle is such that the creature is magically bound to any promise it makes with the mage, and cannot break its word.

If the Circle Maker refuses such a generous offer, the creature is likely to threaten all sorts of things, like ransacking and vandalizing the mage's lair or home, destroying or stealing something of value, killing an assistant or friend, ravaging the local community (beat and kill villagers, slaughter livestock, set fire to homes and crops, etc., plus identify the Circle Maker as the reason for its actions), and so on. Whether the creature lives up to its threats will depend on the circumstances, how angry the monster really is, and whether or not it really wants to be sent home (ultimately, reactions and motivations of the creature are left to the Game Master). If the being is just looking for some fun, he may be "yanking the Circle Maker's chain," and agree to be sent back after a period of time in which the Circle Maker does not respond to its threats, lies, and smashing of things in the immediate area. Likewise, the creature may get frustrated and give up extracting any vengeance and agree to be sent back. However, some malevolent forces mean what they say and will follow through on their threats unless tricked, forced to do otherwise or slain. Others will welcome the opportunity to prey upon an unsuspecting world and will attempt to make a hasty escape, never to be seen again. While still others will try to escape, work their mischief in the world, but come back at a later date to extract revenge on the Circle Maker. The more conniving and intelligent supernatural beings may suggest an alliance or partnership with the Circle Maker, but these arrangements are extremely dangerous because the creature will make no promises and is under no magical restraint or obligation to live up to its part of the deal. Many a Circle Maker has fallen victim to a demonic partner who betrays him days, months or years later (or who has been playing him for a dupe or a pawn from the very beginning).


Summoned creatures that win the battle of wills are free to stay in the world indefinitely and are not subject to the influence of the Circle Maker who summoned them. For this reason, the Circle Maker often performs his summonings in a dungeon, locked basement or desolate area away from his lair, friends and belongings (sometimes far from civilization). Likewise, there are often other means in which the mage can influence or destroy beings out of his control. This can include being in a dungeon or basement with only one exit sealed with a strong door, lock and magic (wards, magic seal, etc.), as well as other circles, wards (made by a Circle Maker), magic talisman, magic weapons and even an armed force of warriors or other superhuman slaves or minions. Also note that should the Circle Maker step out of the summoning circle, the creature can instantly attack him, incapacitating and torturing the character, but often leaving him alive to remember his folly. Of course, the mage can attack and defend himself to the best of his abilities (he can also strike from inside the summoning circle where he has magical protection).

Maintaining Control

The longer the summoned creature is around, the more familiar it becomes with its so-called master. As the creature develops a growing understanding of the Circle Maker, it begins to learn his strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge and familiarity enables the creature to test the limits of its master's control over it and, if lucky, break free of his hold.

All intelligent beings get a cumulative bonus of +1 to save vs submission during an attempt to break the magic and mental bondage of the Circle Maker.

Lesser beings can try to break free of the submissive control once every month with a bonus of +1. However, if the creature is submissive for months, biding its time, the +1 bonus per month is cumulative up to a total of +10! Each act of breaking free of the magic bonds of slavery is mentally and emotionally debilitating, so each failure is demoralizing and breaks the creature's spirit. This means after every attempt to break free of the Circle Maker, the character uses up all its bonuses and must start from scratch. For example, if a demon has been submissive for three months, he is +3 to break the magic charm that makes him submissive and obedient to his human master. He tries to exert his will, forcing a new battle of wills — same procedure as the first time. The demon fails, is probably punished, and he loses his +3 bonus. After another full month has passed, he is +1 to save. After the second month, +2. He tries again, fails and is punished. Again his +2 bonus is lost and he must wait another full month to get a +1 bonus. Note: Lesser creatures can try to break the Circle Maker's hold over it as often as 1D4+1 for every two M.E. points. Thus, a character with an M.E. of 10 gets five plus 1D4 attempts. After that point the character's will is broken and he won't even consider trying again except under the most extreme circumstances.

Greater beings can try to break free of the submissive control once every two weeks with a bonus of +1 (or +2 per month). However, if the creature is submissive for months, the bonuses will be cumulative up to a total of +14! Note: Greater creatures can try to break the Circle Maker's hold as often as once every two weeks as many times as 1D4+1 for every M.E. point. Thus, a character with an M.E. of 10 gets ten plus 1D4 attempts. After that point the character's will is broken and he's not likely to consider trying again except under the most extreme circumstances or if provoked beyond restraint. There are other factors which can break the Circle Maker's control. The submissive being may roll to break free of his/her master's control each time one of these situations occur, even if it is in the same day. As always, the character must roll over the Circle Maker's M.E. attribute number three times out of five tries to win this renewed battle of wills.

  • The Circle Maker is unreasonably cruel; beats, tortures or unjustly punishes his slave; +1 to save/ break control.
  • The Circle Maker humiliates or makes the being extremely angry; +2 to save.
  • The Circle Maker uses deadly force against the character or the character believes he is going to kill him; +8 to save.
  • The command is repugnant; +2 to save.
  • The command is extremely repugnant or strictly contrary to the being's alignment, morals or code of honor; +6 to save.
  • The submissive character is commanded to kill a loved one (friend or family); +10 to save.
  • Commanded to commit suicide; +16 to save.


In the last three instances, the Game Master might allow the character to struggle to break free when the command is first given and again when the command is just about to be executed. These bonuses are NOT accumulative and are only momentary pluses instilled by the heat of emotion at that moment. If the attempt to break free of the Circle Maker's control is successful, that being will have instantly regained his/her/its free will and can do as it may. If the particular attempt fails, the being must obey the command.

What happens if a creature breaks free of the Circle Maker's control? Good question. That will depend on the circumstances, the characters, relationship between the summoned creature and its one-time master, and the player or G.M. playing him. Once free of the Summoner's control, the being can act according to its own desires. In many instances, evil or demonic creatures often maim, torture, enslave or kill the fool who dared to enslave it. In others, the being may demand payment (reasonable or not) for past services rendered, and depart. In rare cases, the being will stay of its own free will. This is true if it is enjoying its work for the Circle Maker, has developed a like or respect for its master, or when it can further its own goals. Note: Elementals will automatically leave, attacking only if another elemental is hurt or enslaved. Remember, the Circle Maker may have other magically enslaved minions and/or loyal comrades, friends, or servants to help defend him and his possessions (consequently, many ex-slaves let bygones be bygones and flee).

Subservient Creatures

Summoned creatures who fail the battle of wills are placed under a magic charm that places the being under the Circle Maker's control. These beings cannot personally raise their hand against the Circle Maker unless they regain their free will, and even then, it's safer to make a hasty escape rather than confront the Circle Maker. Exactly how the Circle Maker treats his chattel will depend on the disposition and alignment of the mage and the slave. Some characters will treat their minions fairly and even express some modicum of respect and kindness toward them. Others physically, emotionally and magically abuse their slaves, believing that it is only fear and brute strength that their minions respect, or that one must break the beast's spirit to ensure its loyalty. In many cases, such foul tactics work to make the creature too frightened to consider betraying or harming its master. On the other hand, many seethe with hatred and long for the opportunity to extract their revenge.

How well the enslaved creatures follow orders can be tricky. Elementals have great difficulty comprehending our world, let alone a complicated message. This lack of comprehension means they follow orders to the letter. Demons, devils and most supernatural beings, on the other hand, are malevolent, and will intentionally twist a command to cause trouble, endanger the Circle Maker, murder, and to have cruel fun at the expense of others. It is wise to keep commands relatively simple, with restrictions as to conduct. Be warned, the more elaborate the command, the more likely the evil being can find something to twist.

Control limits:

The number of beings that can be placed under the Circle Maker's absolute control is limited by the experience level of the circle maker. One lesser creature per every two levels of experience and one greater being for every four levels of experience or two lesser beings. Here's a clear breakdown:

  • First Level: NO creatures can be controlled. The character is limited to protection circles and power circles (if any are known).
  • Second Level: One lesser creature can be summoned and controlled.
  • Third Level: Still limited to one lesser creature.
  • Fourth Level: Two lesser creatures can be controlled, or one greater being.
  • Fifth Level: Same as fourth, two lesser or one greater.
  • Sixth Level: The Circle Maker is both experienced and powerful enough to control three lesser creatures, or one greater being and one lesser creature.
  • Seventh Level: Same as sixth level.
  • Eighth Level: As many as four lesser creatures, or one greater and two lesser, or two greater beings (no lesser).
  • Ninth Level: Same as eighth level.
  • Tenth Level: Five lesser beings, or one greater and three lesser, or two greater and one lesser beings.
  • Eleventh Level: Same as tenth level.
  • Twelfth Level: Six lesser creatures, or one greater and four lesser, or two greater and two lesser, or three greater beings, can be controlled simultaneously.
  • Thirteenth Level: Same as twelfth level.
  • Fourteenth Level: Seven lesser creatures, or one greater and five lesser beings, or two greater and three lesser or three greater and one lesser creature, and so on.


  1. The Circle Maker can summon a specific type of devil, demon, faerie, etc., by inscribing the name of the type in the circle (i.e. a "baal-rog" rather than a general "greater demon" or "puck" rather than a general call to all faerie folk). The likelihood of summoning the specific type is 1-60% (roll percentile). If the exact type desired isn't acquired, what the character gets is up to the G.M.'s discretion, although it will fall into the general type. For example, a Circle Maker character tries to summon a Demon Locust, but rolls a 72 (failure), so instead he gets a tiny little Laesae insect-like demon.
  2. The Circle Maker can use a summoning circle to summon a lesser or greater creature at any time regardless of his experience level. However, if he is too low level to control the beast or already controls the maximum number of creatures possible for his level, the new creature summoned will not be under his/her control — NO battle of wills is possible! This is where circles of protection come in handy, enabling the Circle Maker to seek refuge from things he cannot control. To get this free-willed being to work for him, the mage will have to make a special arrangement, trade, payment or offer his own service to the monster. In such cases, there is a 1-50% chance that the summoned creature will remain in our world indefinitely! Whether or not it seeks revenge upon the Circle Maker, leaves the area without incident or decides to work with him, will depend on how the mage treats it, what he has to offer, and the disposition of the monster (Game Master's discretion).
  3. The Circle Maker can try to summon the exact same creature repeatedly, but only if he knows its true name.

Releasing circle slaves without danger of attack

When the summoned slave has outlived its usefulness, has proven to be too much trouble, or the Circle Maker wants to replace it with a different creature, he must release it from his control and send it back to whatever place it came from. The smartest thing a Circle Maker can do is to use his enslaved being for a brief period of time, perhaps a few months maximum, and release it. This way it never builds up many bonuses to challenge his will. The longer it is kept, the more likely it is to break free and extract revenge. To safely send a creature away or back to its own dimension, the Circle Maker must make the appropriate circle of protection around him and then command it to leave, saying something like, "Return to your home and be free of my will." At that moment the being is free and the dimensional portal that brought it to him magically appears. Whether the creature actually goes home or not is the problem. 1-70% will leave immediately, never to return, even if it has been treated badly. The others may challenge the Circle Maker to combat, strike at him from the shadows or simply leave the area, but stay in the world while it explores other avenues of adventure and mischief. While the freed creature is present, the Circle Maker cannot leave the circle of protection without fear of being attacked. For this reason, a mage often has powerful friends, assistants, or magic to kill or drive his one-time slave away. The remaining 20% will pretend to leave, but return to maim, kill or plague the Circle Maker until it is killed, summoned again or leaves of its own accord. The absolute safest, sure-fire way to release an intelligent being, especially demons and devils, is to make a deal with them when they are first summoned, even if the Circle Maker wins the battle of wills. Such initial promises are binding on the creature and most will accept short periods of servitude (a few weeks or months), or one specific job, with little resistance, particularly if it's something the creature will enjoy or if he's receiving some sort of payment/reward. In this way, the being becomes a willing slave and, as long as the Circle Maker lives up to his end of the deal, will leave without trouble when asked (and paid). Lesser demons and devils are most likely to accept such arrangements. Greater ones and lords, who are powerful, cruel and maniacal, are much more resistant to deals with lowly mortals, unless the pay-off is big. Furthermore, payment for such a deal is likely to be in blood rather than gold. A typical arrangement might call for the sacrifice/murder of an innocent person or numerous people, the destruction of an enemy, making hundreds or thousands of people tremble in pain or fear, or the monster may want a piece of the Circle Maker. As grisly as this may sound, demons and devils often request (and usually eat) a part of the Circle Maker, such as a finger, hand, toe, ear, eye, etc. Some will settle for breaking or mangling a limb, such as a hand, arm, foot or leg. To make such a heinous agreement, a person must be desperate, obsessed, evil or insane; many Circle Makers bear the scars from their deals with dark forces. This is another example of why most people fear the Circle Maker, for a person who has little regard for his own welfare is likely to have no regard for others. If the Circle Maker is killed, the creatures under his control are instantly free to do as they please. They will not obey any of the Circle Maker's servants or associates, and they are not obligated to complete the last command of their master. Many will loot the home and even the body of their dead master before returning to their own dimension. Returning home requires the power of dimensional teleportation — an ability possessed by all greater supernatural beings and demon lords. Those without such an ability must find another way home or make do with life on this World, which is acceptable to most. Elementals will always leave immediately.

A Note About Summoned Creatures:

Remember, any being summoned is limited by its natural physical, mental, magical and learned abilities. The creature cannot do something that it has no skill or capability of doing. For example, a human can't perform a skill he doesn't know or lift a weight beyond his P.S. limit. A wolf cannot travel as fast as a horse at full gallop for more than a few minutes (they run at great speeds in bursts; its best prolonged running speed is around 12 mph/19 km). Likewise, while a Circle Maker can command his animal, mortal or demon slave to stay awake and stand guard all night, there is no guarantee it can do so. The poor creature will try to do as it's told, but he may fall asleep from exhaustion no matter what (normal limitations of that creature; G.M discretion — use common sense).

Requirements, Effects, & Notes Regarding Summoning Circles:

  1. Basic Protection: Same as protection circles: beings which the circle protects against are magically held at bay and cannot enter the circle unless they make a successful saving throw (16 or higher). However, they can attack from a distance outside the perimeter of the circle with range weapons, magic or psionics. Unlike the protection circle, the area of protection in a circle of summoning is limited to a 25% pie slice section of the circle at the bottom.
  2. Further Circle Protection: The type of being summoned is held outside a magic circle, but may try to save vs circle magic to break the magic barrier and attack the Circle Maker inside the circle. All rolls to save, conditions, penalties and damage are the same as the protection circle. This is in addition to any damage the occupant(s) of the circle may inflict!
  3. Saving Throws vs Circle Magic: Same as the protection circle. Mystic circles are created via ceremonial magic, thus the base save vs circle magic is 16. A Circle Maker gets +1 circle strength at levels seven and fourteen. Most lesser demons, deevils and animals won't even try to enter a circle, but most greater beings will - and frequently succeed.
  4. Attacking from within a Summoning Circle: The Circle Maker and/or other occupants of the circle are free to use long-range weapons, throw things, or cast magic or psionics from inside the circle at those outside it without penalty.
  5. Time Requirements: It typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to create and activate a summoning circle, unless otherwise noted.
  6. Range: The typical summoning circle has a 20 mile (32 km) radius of summoning or magically plucks a creature from another place or dimension and brings it to the Circle Maker via a dimensional portal! Magic protection applies only to those within the circle's small area of safety (see diagram).
  7. The Summoning Portal: A dimensional portal appears a few feet in front of the circle where the creature(s) being summoned appears. The portal disappears after the creature(s) steps through it, and reappears when the Circle Maker is ready to send the creature(s) back to where it came from, unless it resists being sent back or it won the battle of wills. In the latter case, the being can only be sent back to its native world via the summoning circle only if it agrees to let the mage do so.
  8. Duration: Permanent until destroyed or deactivated by the circle maker. Once activated, the magic circle remains functioning indefinitely; all components are magically kept fresh. This means anybody who knows how, can enter the circle and use it, unless it's "sealed." To use an active circle of any kind, the user must know the power words and pump in five P.P.E. points. These simple requirements mean even a person without magic knowledge can use an active circle provided he or she has proper instructions and five P.P.E. points available to him/her. The desire to use the circle is enough to focus and allow the release of the P.P.E. Note: Most summoning circles (90%) are sealed to prevent their use by others.
  9. Components: Each description will indicate the components necessary to draw the circle with and those needed to be placed inside the circle. Metals needed to draw the circle can be melted and used as a liquid or ground into powder/dust and sprinkled or combined with a binding agent (same as the Circle Maker). Gemstones should be of a good quality, but don't have to be the biggest or best; gem chips or stones of terrible quality are not acceptable. See the circle diagrams for exact circle designs, symbols needed and placement of components.
  10. Deactivation of Summoning Circles: The circle maker can deliberately deactivate a perfectly good, undamaged circle by willingly expending half the P.P.E. it took to make it. Removing one or more key components will effectively shut the circle off, but replacing the component and placing 60 P.P.E. points into it will reactivate the circle. Removing the components and washing or scraping away 50% or more of the circle pattern will destroy it.
  11. P.P.E. & Circle Activation: Unless otherwise noted, a summoning circle costs 100 P.P.E. to create and requires a blood sacrifice. Once created, the circle remains activated until it is destroyed. Anybody not restricted by the nature of the circle itself can enter it at any time to enjoy its protection, unless it is "sealed."
  12. Blood Sacrifice: All summoning circles require a blood sacrifice in order to activate it, even if the mage has more than enough P.P.E. on his own. This is the foul nature of summoning magic. Sacrifices are made at the center of the circle.
  13. Sealed Circles: Same as protection circles. Most summoning circles (90%) are sealed to prevent their use by others and to prevent enemies from entering the circle.
  14. Using more than one circle simultaneously is impossible unless they are connected with the power matrix (see circles of power).

What kind of beings can be summoned:

There are two categories of creatures the Circle Maker can summon: lesser and greater beings. Lesser beings include insects, animals and all mortal beings, such as humans, elves, orcs, goblins, giants, wolfen, etc.; as well as lesser demons and devils, sub-demons like gargoyles, minor/lesser elementals, ghosts, spirits and faerie folk.

Greater creatures include all greater devils and demons, Gargoyle Lords, Gargoyle Mages, Lizard Mages, scarecrow, sphinx, sivan, waternix, Za, undead (vampires), major elementals, sea serpents, and angels.

Creatures which cannot usually be summoned include, demon and devil Lords, godlings, demi-gods, gods and alien intelligences. The Circle Maker can try to summon any of them, but they will appear only if they want to and there is NO battle of wills; they are free to do as they please, so watch out!

The number of creatures summoned: Unless stated otherwise, only one being is summoned per summoning.

True Names:

Words have power. Thus, a character's true name (the name given to him by his parents or guardians) has great significance and magical power. Knowing a character's "true name" allows others to use a variety of magic against (rarely for) that person, including wards, circles and rituals. As a result, most characters have a public name which most people know them by and a secret "true name." Names of notoriety can be titles, Lord James, Erick the Destroyer, Martin the Black, Butcher MacKree, Mickey High Pockets, Zandar, and so on. Frequently, all or part of the name is really a nickname, so the entire "true name" remains unknown. Some may even adopt a normal sounding name like Zanthin De`Troit or Bolick Adell with part of the name really being the name of the city, village, or neighborhood that the character grew up in, or a place or name he's always liked. Some gods, dragons, supernatural beings, and other Circle Makers may require a character to reveal or swear on his true name (requiring the character to reveal it) in order to get their assistance, make a deal/pacts or use a particular magic. Note: A true name cannot be revealed through psionic probes, except by mind bond.


All characters inside a summoning circle are magically able to communicate with the creature(s) that has been summoned.

Summon Angels

Angels, Spirits of Light, Wing Tips and Ki-lin can be summoned with this magic circle. While the Circle Maker remains in the protected area of the circle, he is +6 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled against him by these beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: Drawn with gold and requires the sacrifice of a live butterfly (a moth cannot be substituted).
Power Words: Acba yin Tao-bo
P.P.E.: 150

Summon Animals

Any kind of animal can be summoned with this magic circle. While the Circle Maker remains in the protected are of the circle, he is safe from even the most aggressive beast (the animal will not attack). Wild predatory animals are -2 to save vs the battle of wills and domesticated animals and non-predators are -4 to save.
Range: 20 mile (32 km) radius or dimensional portal.
Components: Drawn in the blood of the animal desired and requires the sacrifice of any living animal, from a mouse to an elephant.
Power Words: Acba yin Acba yin Agu
P.P.E.: 60 to summon an animal from the surrounding area or 100 to dimensionally "pop" one in from another land.

Summon Lesser Demon or Devil

All lesser supernatural creatures known to be members of the Devil and Demon pantheon/family (beings from the plane of Hel and Hades) as well as the Dar'ota, Dimensional Ghoul and Malignous can be summoned via this magic circle. As long as the Circle Maker stays in the area of protection, he is +6 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled at him by these beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: Drawn in the blood of a goat and requires the sacrifice of a goat or sheep.
Power Words: Pein yin keron
P.P.E.: 100

Summon Greater Demon or Devil

All greater members of the Devil and Demon pantheon/family (beings from the plane of Hel and Hades), can be summoned via this magic circle. As long as the Circle Maker stays in the area of protection, he is +4 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled at him by these beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: Drawn in the blood of doves and requires the sacrifice of three doves.
Power Words: Xy yin Pein yin keron
P.P.E.: 250

Summon Dragon

All supernatural creatures known to be members of the Dragon family (This includes near Dragons like the Wyvern or Dragonlings), are summoned by this magic circle. As long as the Circle Maker stays in the area of protection, he is +4 to save against any Breath, magic or psionic attacks leveled at him by these beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: Drawn in Dragon Blood and requires the sacrifice of 3 live lizards.
Power Words: Acba yin Kym-nark-mar
P.P.E.: 250

Summon True Elemental

All supernatural creatures known to be elementals are summoned by this magic circle. As long as the Circle Maker stays in the are of protection, he is +3 to save vs elemental magic or psionic attacks leveled at him by elemental beings.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) maximum radius or Dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn with charcoal and requires the following components: an platinum, emerald, onyx, ruby and a sapphire (symbolizing the five elements). The sacrifice is that of fruit, cut in half with a sword or smashed.
Power Words: Acba yin Lo-kum
P.P.E.: 100
Note: Creatures of Light, also known as angels, cannot be summoned with this circle.

Summon Elemental Forces

This incredible circle summons elemental forces equal to the following wizard and warlock spells but with double the radius of affect and duration (per level of experience). They include:
  • change wind direction
  • northwind
  • call lightning
  • ball lightning
  • fire ball
  • cloud of ash
  • extinguish fire
  • darkness
  • darken the sky
  • calm storm
  • calm waters
  • whirl pool
  • circle of rain
  • rain dance
  • create fog
  • summon fog
  • summon rain
  • summon storm
  • sand storm
  • snow storm
  • tornado
  • rainbow
  • atmosphere manipulation
  • drought
  • earthquake
Each spell is equal the level of the circle maker. ONE elemental magic can be cast every minute (4 melee rounds). Several long-lasting elemental spells can be in effect at the same time as others as long as they don't contradict each other (i.e. rain storm and drought). As many as one elemental force per level of the circle maker can co-exist with others. Immediate spells like fire ball and call lightning, which only exist for a moment, require one available slot to be cast. This circle is ideal for use outdoors against large groups, armies and villages. Characters within the area of the circle's protection are +3 to save vs all elemental magic, and those who fail to save suffer half damage and the magical duration and effects are half as potent. Plus they are impervious to the elemental forces summoned by the circle.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) maximum radius.
Components: The circle must be drawn in iron dust (can be combined with an adhesive), and platinum, emeralds, onyx, topaz, and sapphire are the key components. A hawk must be sacrificed.
Power Words: Ya-ahk-Met
P.P.E.: 150

Summon Faerie Folk

All creatures of magic known to be members of the Faerie race (collectively known as Faerie Folk) can be summoned via this magic circle. This includes the goblin, faerie, brownie, leprechaun, bogie, puck, spriggan, nymph, kinnie ger, and kelpie, among others! Characters within the area of the circle's protection are +4 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled at them by faerie folk.
Range: 20 mile (32 km) radius or via dimensional portal
Components: Drawn in flower petals or honey and requires the sacrifice of a lamb
Power Words: Acba yin Lictalon
P.P.E.: 100

Summon Gargoyles & Sub-Demons

All creatures of magic known to be members of the Gargoyle race, as well as other sub-demons, including bug bears, boogiemen, Brodkil, and worms of Taut. Characters within the area of the circle's protection are +4 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled at them by these beings
Range: 20 mile (32 km) radius or via dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn with or in mud and requires the sacrifice of a lizard
Power Words: Pein yin Ariel-Rapere-Kyn
P.P.E.: 100

Summon Ghosts & Entities

All types of ghosts, entities, ghost-like spirits of nature like the Willo-the-wisp, nymphs, and similar beings can be summoned with this magic circle. Unlike the protection circle, it does not include astral beings, energy beings or the fragmented essences of supernatural/alien intelligences (see summon spirits)! Characters within the protective area of the circle are +4 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled at them by such beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn in owl's blood and two toads must be sacrificed
Power Words: Agu yin Netosa
P.P.E.: 100

Summon Insects

This magic circle can be used to summon ordinary insects and arachnids (1D4x10 small insects, or 1D6 giant insects, per level of experience; poisonous or not), including bees, wasps, gnats, beetles, flies, ants, spiders, scorpions and so on. The insects are directed and attack enmasse. They can only follow simple commands and instructions. This magic does not work on sentient insect beings or supernatural insect beings like the demon locust or laesae demon.
Range: 20 mile (32 km) radius or via dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn with the mangled bodies of the general type of insect desired. A giant cave or timber spider must be sacrificed.
Power Words: Yablik Yin Acba
P.P.E.: 50

Summon the Jinn

All types of Jinn (greater demons) can be summoned with this magic circle. Characters within the circle's area of protection are +4 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled against them by these beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn in a black color of any substance (typically ink, paint or charcoal). Four rats must be sacrificed.
Power Words: Pein yin Erva
P.P.E.: 250

Summon Mage

This circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are not affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must write the race and type of mage person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle, or if he knows the individual, he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The battle of wills must occur to make the person succumb to the Circle Maker's will and serve him as a slave. (player characters are +3 to save).
Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the Circle Maker's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Lictalon Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: 75

Summon Man

This circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid Man such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are not affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must write the race of person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle with blue chalk, or if he knows the individual, he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The battle of wills must occur to make the person succumb to the Circle Maker's will and serve him as a slave (player characters are +3 to save).
Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the Circle Maker's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Pein Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: 75

Summon Pawn

The pawn circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must know the true name of the person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle, or he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The pawn circle can be used in a number of different ways.
  1. The classic summoning and battle of wills to make a person succumb to the Circle Maker's and serve him as a slave (player characters are +3 to save).
  2. To summon a person to discuss a deal or situation, without any attempt to subvert that one person's will via the circle magic, or to harm him. However, the Circle Maker may use his words, gold and promises of power or wealth to influence the summoned character to betray a confidence, reveal information, plot against a companion or to strike at an ally (the mage's enemy). When the Circle Maker decides the conversation is over (no longer than one hour) the character is magically sent back to the exact location from which he was plucked away when summoned. The Circle Maker may defend himself, but any attacks leveled against the summoned character will automatically send him back from whence he came.
  3. To communicate with a subservient minion created through a battle of wills, or a servant or ally who has entrusted the Circle Maker with his true name. The Circle Maker stands in the activated circle, scrawls the character's name in chalk or charcoal (so it can be wiped away later) and begins to talk. The message is similar to the wizard spell of Calling. Only the pawn hears his master's words and the message is limited to a short sentence that summons the character to his master or a particular place; i.e. "Bartold, I need you to come to me immediately" or, "Alex, I have need of your skills, meet me at (so and so) at 8:00 pm," and so on. The name of the person or the message will keep repeating itself until the character responds verbally. A simple, "Yes, I'll be there" or, "I understand." will do the job and stop the summoning call Likewise, a negative response, like, "I cannot. I'm being followed;" or "I can't make it," or "go to hell!" are also possible and likely to garner a response like, "find a way," or "I said be there. Do not disappoint me." Elaborate details or lengthy conversation is not possible, and the subject must be summoning/calling and a brief answer/response. Even after the brief exchange of words, the pawn will feel inexorably drawn to his master; roll to save vs circle magic to fight the sensation (but be prepared for punishment).
    Note that the Circle Maker does not see his pawn or hear the words and sounds of those around him, nor does he know the character's location. The magic is limited to a simple means of direct communication

Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the person's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: #1 and 2 require 100 P.P.E.; #3 (communication) 50 points.

Summon Priest

This circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are not affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must write the race and type of priest person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle, or if he knows the individual, he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The battle of wills must occur to make the person succumb to the Circle Maker's will and serve him as a slave (player characters are +3 to save).
Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the Circle Maker's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Lo-kum Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: 75

Summon Serpents

This powerful magic circle can be used to summon ordinary snakes (4D6 per level of experience; poisonous or not) or snake and worm-like creatures of magic, including the Worms of Taut, Eye Killers, Serpent of the Wind (dragon), Kukulcan (dragon), and sea serpents (if near a large body of water). This magic does not work on sentient reptilian or snake-like beings.
Range: 20 mile (32 km) radius or dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn in the blood or scales of a snake and requires the sacrifice of a poisonous snake.
Power Words:Ya-blik for snakes and Worms of Taut, Ya-blik yin Kym-Nark-Mar to summon a Serpent of the Wind or Kukulcan.
P.P.E.: 50 points to summon ordinary snakes, 100 P.P.E. for the Worms of Taut, Eye Killers and sea serpents, and 200 P.P.E. to summon the two dragons listed above

Summon Soldier

This circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are not affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must write the race and type of soldier person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle, or if he knows the individual, he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The battle of wills must occur to make the person succumb to the Circle Maker's will and serve him as a slave (player characters are +3 to save).
Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the Circle Maker's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Erva Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: 75

Summon Spirits

Beings, monsters and travelers from the astral plane (in astral form), ethereal plane, energy beings and the fragmented essences of supernatural/alien intelligences can be summoned with this circle. Characters within the protective area of the circle are +3 to save against any magic or psionic attacks leveled at them by such beings.
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: The circle must be drawn in lamb's blood, have a dead butterfly (wings will do) placed on the magic symbol of the butterfly and a ram must be sacrificed
Power Words: Agu yin Erva
P.P.E.: 200

Summon Thief

This circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are not affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must write the race and type of thief/assasin person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle, or if he knows the individual, he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The battle of wills must occur to make the person succumb to the Circle Maker's will and serve him as a slave (player characters are +3 to save).
Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the Circle Maker's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Ya-blik Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: 75

Summon the Undead

Vampires of all types and in any form, a dybbuk possessed corpse, and all other types of undead can be summoned, excluding undead servants like zombies, mummies, maxpary shamblers, and yema (their will is not their own). There is always a 1-20% chance of inadvertently summoning a fragmented essence of a vampire intelligence whether it is desired or not. Characters within the protected area of the circle are +4 to save vs any magic or psionic attacks leveled at them by these creatures, plus they are impervious to the mind control/calling of the vampire, and +4 to save vs horror factor
Range: Dimensional portal.
Components: A silver cross and a clove of garlic. The circle can be drawn in any substance (holy water, ground or powdered garlic, sawdust and silver are most commonly used to make the circle).
Power Words: Netosa yin Erva
P.P.E.: 100

Summon Woman

This circle can be used to summon any mortal humanoid Woman such as humans, elves, wolfen, trolls, etc. Creatures of magic like faerie folk, scarecrows, syvan, and other magical beings are not affected. To use this circle, the Circle Maker must write the race of person being summoned and inscribe it in the circle with pink chalk, or if he knows the individual, he must place a lock of the person's hair (or a body part) with a fresh drop of the person's blood (dry blood won't work) in the circle as its components. The battle of wills must occur to make the person succumb to the Circle Maker's will and serve him as a slave (player characters are +3 to save).
Range: Dimensional portal or 1000 mile (1600 km) radius per level of experience
Components: The circle must be drawn in silver, requires the Circle Maker's true name inscribed with chalk or charcoal and the sacrifice of a lamb.
Power Words: Agu Tarm-Kin-Toe
P.P.E.: 75

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