Herbal Magic

Herbs, Teas, and Potions

An herbal tea is created by drying the herbs, grinding them into a powdered form, and then adding boiling water to the ground herb. The desired potency can be obtained by adjusting the amount of water added, which is determined by trial and error. Once hot water has been added to the ground herb, it must be imbibed before it cools off; otherwise, its potency is dramatically reduced. Dried or ground herbs can usually last for at least 12 months, and in many cases, two to four years (although potency may be affected).

The more common teas can be created by just about anyone since they usually only require one key ingredient: a specific herb, leaf, berry, or bark from a tree or plant. The herb/tree/plant is usually turned into a tea that can be digested quite easily. In some cases, however, the tea form is poisonous, and the herb must be transformed into an ointment or body salve.

The potency of herbs can be affected by several factors, such as when the herb was planted, when it was cultivated, whether it was ripe or not, and when it was used. Some people insist that certain herbs' potency seems to be affected by the Sun, while others are affected by the Moon. Ley lines also seem to have an effect upon the potency of potions, as well as herbs found near mystical mounds or places.

A potion is simply a tea or similar liquid brew created by an herbalist or druid. A potion is more potent than a mere tea and, in some cases, has additional benefits and characteristics. Magic potions are made from enchanted fruits, roots, bark, flowers, or herbs. They instill temporary magic powers or cures.

Notes About Herbs & Plants

Herb Magic

Herb magic operates similarly to wizardry, where mystical energy is summoned and infused into otherwise ordinary herbs, plants, fruits, or branches to imbue them with magical properties. Just as wizards imbue crystals and devices with magic to create enchanted weapons and items, druids or herbalists use enchanted plants for magic and healing purposes. These magic plants and herbs can be consumed or used to create magic powders, teas, potions, and balms. Branches can also be fashioned into magic wands and staves.

Creating magical herbs often requires a significant amount of P.P.E. (Potential Psychic Energy), frequently more than what the druid or herbalist possesses themselves, especially for crafting wands and staves. Therefore, druids gather at places of magical power such as ley lines and nexus points to harness additional energy. Ceremonies at ley line nexus centers typically coincide with times of peak energy, such as during summer and winter solstices. Druids or herbalists can also draw energy from willing participants involved in these ceremonies.

When a nexus isn't available, druids or herbalists may resort to sacrificing animals to tap into doubled P.P.E. at the moment of death. Despite legends suggesting otherwise, they generally do not engage in human sacrifice, reserving such practices for evil or deranged individuals. An exception exists with a group of necromantic creatures known as the Blood Druids, who actively pursue blood sacrifices and torture of intelligent beings (further details elsewhere).

The duration of enchantments varies depending on the herb, wood, and magical potency. Some magical effects require more energy to sustain than others. Once an herb has been magically empowered, it retains its magic until it is consumed or otherwise expended. The urgency to use an herb often depends on its natural freshness; some must be used within days, while others can be dried or preserved indefinitely. Magic poisons, for instance, can remain potent for years. Wands and staves typically retain their magical properties until they are destroyed.

Wands & Staves

Unless stated otherwise, the typical wand or staff can unleash its power three times a day (within 24 hours). A wand has a structural damage capacity of 20, a staff 50. The creation of magic wands is a power exclusive to the druids; the herbalist cannot make them. Only one wand or staff can be created at a time to keep the number of magic items low. Furthermore, the druids are very careful about what they make and to whom they give it.

The P.P.E. Cost indicates the amount of mystic energy needed to instill the herbal magic or to create a magic wand or staff. The Market Value is the average cost in GP to purchase these magic herbs, potions, ointments, wands, and staves. Prices may vary dramatically from place to place by as much as 200% higher or 30% lower.

Herbs Used in Magic: The following herbs must be prepared by an herbalist or woodland druid in order to draw out or instill their special magical properties:

  1. Alder Tree: Native to many parts of Otara growing in wet woods and by lakes and streams. It is common throughout the British Isles. As a medicinal herb, it is used to treat diarrhea, fever, aches from fever, and colds. The fresh crushed leaves can soothe chapped lips and skin.
    Magical Properties: The leaves and wood can be instilled with magic. Burning three enchanted leaves will summon forth a lesser air elemental, "whistling up the wind." A magic alder wand allows the character to command the summoned lesser air elemental and holds lesser elementals at bay, protecting the wielder. The wand is ineffective against greater air elementals. P.P.E.: 450 points to enchant the wand (20 S.D.C.) and 20 P.P.E. per leaf. Market Value: 10,000 GP. per leaf. The wand costs 6,000 GP. and up.
  2. Amaranth (Lady Bleeding): A rare herb imported from the Harak. Medicinally, it stops internal hemorrhaging and excessive menstruation, and treats diarrhea and dysentery.
    Magical Properties: Symbolizes immortality, constancy, and fidelity. Can be made into a potion of youth, making the drinker appear 4D4 years younger, restoring hair loss and color, and providing bonuses to saving throws. The effects last three months, but the potion is addictive. P.P.E.: 100 points per dose. Market Value: 450 GP. per dose.
  3. Ash Tree: Ash grows throughout the British Isles in rich lime soil. Medicinally, its leaves and bark are used as a laxative, to expel stomach parasites, and to cure urinary, bladder, and kidney disorders.
    Magic Properties: Magic ash leaves heal wounds and restore hit points or S.D.C. when used in compresses. A magic ash wand heals additional hit points or S.D.C. and can be used three times per day. P.P.E.: 350 points to enchant the wand or staff and 15 P.P.E. per leaf. Market Value: 5,000 GP. per leaf. A healing wand costs 3,500 GP. and up.
  4. Ash: Rowan (Mountain Ash): Originates in Rhyanne and scattered throughout the Elven Isles. Known in legends, it symbolizes life around Avendesora.
    Magical Properties: The bark has regenerative powers similar to a restoration spell, healing injuries and restoring small missing limbs magically. P.P.E.: 750 points to enchant up to five pounds of bark. Market Value: 100 GP. for a pinch, 3000 GP. for a magic tea or potion, 10,000 GP. for the salve.
  5. Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Found in woodlands and thickets throughout the Elven Isles, and many other places on Otara. Medicinally used as a sedative, analgesic, and antispasmodic.
    Magical Properties: Potions induce paralysis and temporary magical poison. P.P.E.: 30 points per potion (paralysis), 55 points per potion (poison). Market Value: 600 GP. and 1,500 GP. respectively.
  6. Blackthorn (Sloe): A spiny shrub throughout Arethane and other forested areas, medicinally used for stomach, kidney, and bladder disorders.
    Magical Properties: Enchanted berries provide bonuses against magic and psionic attacks from "evil" beings and horror factors. P.P.E.: 15 per berry. Market Value: 500 GP. per three berries or potion.
  7. Black Hellebore: Found throughout Otara, used medicinally for neurological disorders.
    Magical Properties: Incense or potions induce relaxation and enhance mental clarity. P.P.E.: 15 points per leaf. Market Value: 30 GP. per leaf.
  8. Protection Elixir: Potion protects against psionic attacks and magic. P.P.E.: 65 points per dose. Market Value: 1,000 GP. per dose.
  9. Insanity Cure: Potion cures magical curses of insanity. P.P.E.: 115 points per dose. Market Value: 4,000 GP. per dose.
  10. Carline Thistle: Grows throughout Otara, predicting storms.
    Magical Properties: Wand predicts weather changes. P.P.E.: 175 points to create. Market Value: 12,000 GP.
  11. Castor Oil (Bean): Common throughout Otara, used medicinally for constipation and cramps.
    Magical Properties: Potions reveal invisible entities or restore sight. P.P.E.: 100 points per potion or lotion. Market Value: 3,000 GP. each.
  12. Catnip: Found wild across Otara, medicinally used as a sedative.
    Magical Properties: Flowers enhance combat abilities or repel felines. P.P.E.: 50 points per flowering stem. Market Value: 1,000 GP. per flower.
  13. Cedar Tree: Grows throughout Otara.
    Magical Properties: Staff grounds against lightning and energy. P.P.E.: 350 points to create. Market Value: 20,000 GP. and up.
  14. Clover (Red & White): Found across Otara, medicinally used for teas and as an antiseptic.
    Magical Properties: Ointment heals burns or provides nourishment. P.P.E.: 10 points per clover flower. Market Value: 300 GP. for an ounce of ointment or 100 GP. per flower.
  15. Clover (White): A vine weed across Otara.
    Magical Properties: Four-leaf clovers protect against curses and invisibility. P.P.E.: 210 points for three leaves, 290 points for four leaves. Market Value: 3,000 GP. and 5,000 GP. respectively.
  16. Dwarf Elder (Danewart): Native to Most of Otara it is used medicinally for dropsy.
    Magical Properties: Berries prevent drunkenness. P.P.E.: 25 points per sprig. Market Value: 1,000 GP.
  17. Elder (Black Elder): A shrub native to most of Otara, found throughout the Elven Isles. All parts of the plant are used medicinally: flowers, fruits, leaves, and bark. It is used as a circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory agent, fever reducer, aspirin-like pain reliever, and to fight the common cold and flu. It can also be made into a wine with hypnotic qualities, inducing relaxation.
    Magic Properties: Enchanted berries and leaves can be turned into foul potions similar to magic spells: minor curse, sickness, and luck curse. Fortunately, the effects of these bad luck potions last only 1D6 hours. P.P.E.: 25 points per each sprig of leaves and/or berries. One sprig is needed to make the potion. Market Value: 1,000 GP.
  18. Ergot Fungus: This fungus is found on rye during damp weather or poor harvesting conditions. When ergot-poisoned grain is baked into bread, it becomes the hallucinogenic LSD, causing vivid and often horrific hallucinations of monsters and demons.
    Magic Properties: The fungus-infected grain can be magically enchanted to create three magic potions. One causes the drinker to hallucinate (same as the magic spell) and combat illusionary monsters for 3D4 minutes. Another allows the drinker to see through magic illusions for 2D4 minutes. The third, named the Mind's Eye, grants psychically sensitive powers for 2D4 melees: see aura, see the invisible, sixth sense, and clairvoyance. P.P.E.: 100 each. Market Value: Hallucinogenic - 500 GP, other two - 2000 GP per dose.
  19. Foxglove (Faerie Caps, Dead Men's Bells, Digitalis): An herb that grows in woodlands throughout the British Isles and Europe. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous if eaten, causing severe stomach cramps, convulsions, and heart palpitations. Victims suffer 2D4 x 10 S.D.C./H.P. damage and cannot attack or defend themselves while convulsing. Convulsions last for 1D6 minutes. Extracts from the herb are used medicinally to regulate heartbeat and control heart disease.
    Magic Properties: Ironically, this magic herb is used to create potions that negate poison. P.P.E.: 35 points per each sprig of leaves and/or berries. One sprig is needed to make the potion. Market Value: 1,000 GP.
  20. Ginseng: Ginseng plants are imported worldwide and are occasionally found in the Elven Isles. The root is used medicinally to cure arthritis and rheumatism. An extract is also used to boost stamina and combat motion sickness.
    Magic Properties: The magic herb can be used to create magic potions that prevent fatigue or increase speed.
    Magic Potion - Impervious to Fatigue: The drinker can work tirelessly for 1D4 + 1 hours. P.P.E.: 60 points. Market Value: 1,000 GP per dose.
    Magic Potion - Super-speed: Increases running speed by 40 points, +1 initiative, and +2 to dodge for ten minutes per level of the potion maker. P.P.E.: 60 each. Market Value: 4,000 GP per dose.
  21. Holy Thistle (Blessed Thistle): An herb found in woodlands across the Elven Isles and Laridian Continent. The leaves cure the plague, stomach disorders, indigestion, and cramps.
    Magic Properties: Chewing on a magic leaf or drinking tea brewed with a magic thistle leaf eliminates food poisoning, cramps, and hangovers. P.P.E.: 20 points per leaf. Market Value: 100 GP.
    Magic Potion - Cure Magic Sicknesses/Diseases and/or Alien Diseases: P.P.E.: 200 points per dose of potion. Market Value: 30,000+ GP.
    Magic Potion - Instill Supernatural Strength: Temporarily transforms the drinker's normal P.S. attribute into supernatural strength for 4D4 minutes. P.P.E.: 140 points per dose of potion. Market Value: 30,000+ GP per dose.
  22. Horsetail: A fossilized plant found among coal deposits. Medicinally, it helps heal lungs, aids general healing, and heart disease.
    Magic Properties: Used to make two different magic potions:
    1. Impervious to magic and toxic gases of all kinds.
    2. Breathe without air.
    Each potion lasts for 20 minutes. P.P.E.: 100 each. Market Value: 5000 credits each per dose.
  23. Jimsonweed (Thornapple): An herb native to Laridian Continent, introduced into the Elven Isles before the Retreat. The leaves and seeds are used medicinally to relieve muscle spasms in asthma and Parkinson's disease. All parts of the plant are poisonous if eaten, causing damage, temporary paralysis, nausea, and vomiting.
    Magic Properties: A dried magic leaf smoked in a pipe or cigarette keeps faerie folk away and grants +1 to save vs faerie magic. Chewing it enables the character to see the invisible until nausea sets in after 20 minutes, causing poisoning. P.P.E.: 15 points per leaf. Market Value: 500 GP per leaf.
    Magic Potion - Negate/Reverse Effects of Faerie Foods and Drinks: P.P.E.: 136 points per potion. Market Value: 25,000 to 50,000 GP.
  24. Mandrake Root: A perennial herb, poisonous medicinal narcotic, and aphrodisiac. The narcotic dulls senses, reducing initiative, strike, parry, dodge, and attacks per melee by half.
    Magic Properties: Chewing or brewing tea with magic mandrake root grants dowsing or a glimpse of the future, with narcotic effects. P.P.E.: 50 points per root. Market Value: 500 GP per bit.
    Magic Potion - Befuddle: Same as the spell, lasts 2D4 minutes. P.P.E.: 50 points per potion. Market Value: 1,000 GP.
    Magic Potion - Empathy: Same as psionic power, lasts 3D4 minutes. P.P.E.: 40 points per dose. Market Value: 5,000 GP.
    Magic Potion - Telepathy: Same as psionic power, lasts 3D4 minutes. P.P.E.: 50 points per dose. Market Value: 10,000 GP.
  25. Bio-manipulation Voodoo Doll: A whole mandrake root transformed into a magic weapon, inflicting bio-manipulation (same as psionic power) on a victim within line of sight up to 100 feet. P.P.E.: 300 points to create. Market Value: 150,000 GP.
  26. Mistletoe: A perennial shrub widespread in the Elven Isles and Laridian Continent. Medicinally, it lowers blood pressure, stimulates the heart, and fights heart disease. Eating the berries or too much mistletoe causes nausea and vomiting, reducing attacks per melee and combat bonuses by half.
    Magical Properties: Mistletoe has many magical properties.