Certar`Biesera {Rune Etches}
- Adapted from materials created by Cheethorne's Design Factory and by Runes and Rune Words in Diablo II from Blizzard
Lesser Dwarven Runes
Lesser Elven Runes
Certar`Biesera Descriptions
Certar`Biesera`ethi Amulet Descriptions
Certar`Biesera`ethi Descriptions
Certar`Biesera`ethi Descriptions
Certar`Biesera`ethi Weapon Descriptions
Although true Dwarven Rune Magic has been lost and is now known to perhaps only the gods, there are many that know pieces of the ancient secrets. The Diabolists are
infamous for their use of runes as a written language even though they cannot use the
words in any other way. Alchemists also know more about Rune Magic then they commonly
claim, often using magical symbols associated with Rune Magic when they are enchanting
items, especially the most powerful items. In this same tradition, The Elves are becoming known for their use of what they call Certar`Biesera or Rune Etches.
Rune Etches at first appear similarin use if not appearance to ancient Dwarven Rune Magic and the runes that Diabolists use, but in fact are very different. Dwarven rune magic melds the living, or at least the life essence of the living, to empower lifeless, inorganic constructs. This is not the case with Rune Etches. Through a process known only to the elves, they meld the very essence of the magical weave, empowering each rune etch. These Rune etches are created from the Lesser Elven Runes. At this time only etches made of lesser runes have been succesful. It is assumed that the Lesser Dwarven rune set and the Human's Common runeset would also be effective for rune etching, though if any of the Elven Certar`Talar have experimented with these rune sets is still unknown. The Greater Runes of Elven, Dwarven and Dragonkind produce little to no effect in the etching process. Elven Mages speculate that the greater runes require more energy then their process produces thus making the greater runes magically ineffective
Multiple rune etches can be applied to the same item and the same rune etch
can even be placed multiple times, often stacking with the previous copies. However,
certain rune etches, applied in exactly the right order, can create special rune
patterns, called Certar`Biesera`ethi, that create a much more powerful item then the sum of
the individual rune etches would have created.
The Rune Diagrams often take the original powers of the rune etches and enhance them to
create a much more powerful item. However, simply getting the rune etches that make up
a rune diagram is not enough, the Elves must perform a special ritual to bring out the
true power of the rune etches. Of course, the rune etches are not cheap and the special
ritual is even more expensive, but for those that can pay, a proper rune diagram can
create just the right kind of magical item. Also like the rune etches, many believe
that as time goes on, the number of Rune Diagrams available will increase and become
even more powerful, maybe even rivalling the power of the original Rune Magic.
Although some have expressed concern that in the wrong hands the magic of Rune Etches
could prove dangerous, many believe that it is no more dangerous then already existing
magics. Although many believe that rune etches may be another rediscovered branch of Rune Magic, it is suspected by many that the elves may have retained this knowledge since the time of a thousand magics, claiming that the elven moon swords and other similar items are examples of such. It is also rumoured that a large number of Dwarves have been employed to study this elven art in an attempt to reclaim the lost Dwarven Rune knowledge, but most Dwarves rebuff this rumor claiming that no living dwarf would ever delve back into the black art of Rune Magic.
The number of rune etches that can be placed on an item varies from one item to
another and by the strength of the creator. A weapon has a 25+1%/lvl of the creator chance that it can hold 1D6 rune etches, and a 5+1% chance it can hold more. A suit of armor has a 20+1%/lvl of the creator chance that it can hold 1D6 rune etches, and a 5+1% chance it can hold more. A shield has a 15+1%/lvl of the creator chance that it can hold 1D4 rune etches, and a 5+1% chance it can hold more. An amulet has a 15+1%/lvl of the creator chance that it can hold 1D3 rune etches, and a 5+1% chance it can hold more. No one knows why some items can hold rune etches and why the maximum number of rune etches varies, but it usually believed to be some inherant property based on the
quality of the item when it was manufactured. It is known that all superior elven,dwarven and
kobold weapons and armor can hold rune etches and can hold the maximum number of etches
and that inferior orc weapons and armor that can hold rune etches (roll normally to see
whether they can hold rune etches) can only hold the minimum number of etches for that
type of item. The type of material used does not seem to have an impact either, as
wooden bows and metal swords can have rune etches equally. However, an item that is
already magical cannot have any rune etches placed on it. Only those that know how to
apply Rune Etches can determine whether an item can hold them and how many the item can
hold. A missile weapon, such as a bow, bestows its magical abilities, such as
additional damage, onto the ammunition it fires.
One of the more common abilities among the Rune Diagrams and a few of the Rune Etches
states "weapon inflicts 100% of its rolled damage as an additional damage bonus" or
some other percentage. What this means is that if a weapon normally inflicts 1D8 with
each attack, and the number rolled was a 4, then a 100% of that rolled number is 4 and
it is added as a damage bonus, so the final damage inflicted, assuming the attacker
had no other damage bonuses would be 8. If the wielder inflicted a critical hit, then
the final damage inflicted would be 12, because the damage bonus is not doubled, only
the rolled damage.
The listed rune diagrams are what the alchemists that can create Rune Diagrams refer
to the finished product and they use the name no matter what item the Rune Diagram is
applied to. The price listed below is just for the Rune Diagram and does not include
the cost of acquiring the Rune Etches, which must be paid for separately. Also, a
number of Rune Diagrams create items with abilities that vary in power, such as an
ability that states "wielder gains +1D6 to PS attribute". For these abilities, roll
when the Rune Diagram is created and the bonus never changes. For abilities that
include a dice roll for damage, roll each time damage is dealt.
Certar`Biesera Descriptions
- Common Rune Etches
- Uncommon Rune Etches
- Rare Rune Etches
- Aek:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Amn:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Each melee hit against a living creature heals
the attacker by 5% of the damage inflicted.
- Power - Armor: Melee attacks against the armor or the wearer
cause 1D4 points of magical damage of no particular type to the
- Power - Shield: Melee attacks against the shield cause 1D4
points of magical damage of no particular type to the attacker.
- Power - Weapon: Each hit by the weapon against a living creature
heals the attacker by 10% of the damage inflicted.
- Ber:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: All damage inflicted against the wearer is
reduced by 20%.
- Power - Armor: All damage inflicted against the armor or the
wearer is reduced by 20%.
- Power - Shield: All damage inflicted against the shield or the
wielder is reduced by 20%.
- Power - Weapon: Each attack that does not score a critical
strike has a 20% chance of inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an
additional damage bonus.
- Bwyn:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Cham:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wearer cannot be magically paralyzed or have his
movement impaired by any spell or psionic power, such as the Carpet of
Adhesion spell.
- Power - Armor: Wearer cannot be magically paralyzed or have his
movement impaired by any spell or psionic power, such as the Carpet of
Adhesion spell.
- Power - Shield: Wielder cannot be magically paralyzed or have
his movement impaired by any spell or psionic power, such as the Carpet of
Adhesion spell.
- Power - Weapon: Each attack from the weapon has a 25% chance of
casting Lesser Paralyze on the target of the attack. This spell is cast
at first level of experience.
- Chuk:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Dol:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Each hit by the weapon forces a living target to
make a saving throw vs. horror factor against a Horror Factor of 10.
- Power - Armor: Wearer regenerates at a rate of 1D4 points per
- Power - Shield: Each hit against the shield forces a living
target to make a saving throw vs. horror factor against a Horror Factor
of 8.
- Power - Amulet: Wearer regenerates at a rate of 1D4 points per
- Dwae:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- El:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wielder gains +1 to strike and +25% to their
maximum S.D.C. total and the amulet can be commanded at will to glow
like a normal torch.
- Power - Armor: Increase the armor's SDC by +25% and the armor
can be commanded at will to glow like a normal torch.
- Power - Shield: Increase the shield's SDC by +25% and the shield
can be commanded at will to glow like a normal torch.
- Power - Weapon: Wielder gains +2 to strike and +1 to parry with
the weapon and the weapon can be commanded at will to glow like a
normal torch.
- Eld:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wearer tires at half the normal rate and gains
+1 to PE attribute.
- Power - Armor: Wearer tires at half the normal rate and gains +1
to PE attribute.
- Power - Shield: Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +25%.
- Power - Weapon: Wielder gains +2 to strike undead creatures and
+1 to parry attacks from undead creatures with the weapon and the
weapon inflicts 75% of its rolled damage as an additional damage bonus
against undead creatures.
- Eth:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: PPE and ISP regenerates 25% faster then normal,
including from meditation and sleep.
- Power - Armor: PPE and ISP regenerates 25% faster then normal,
including from meditation and sleep.
- Power - Shield: Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +25%.
- Power - Weapon: Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4
when hit by the weapon.
- Etha:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Fal:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Increase wielder's PS attribute by +3.
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's PS attribute by +3.
- Power - Shield: Increase wielder's PS attribute by +3.
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's PS attribute by +3.
- Frel:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Gul:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wearer gains a bonus of +4 to save vs. all types
of toxins.
- Power - Armor: Wearer gains a bonus of +4 to save vs. all types
of toxins.
- Power - Shield: Wielder gains +6 to parry with the shield.
- Power - Weapon: Wielder gains +5 to strike and +2 to parry with
the weapon.
- Gyn:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Hax:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Hel:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: All Hand-to-Hand combat skills and weapon
proficiencies function as if the wielder was two levels higher.
- Power - Armor: All skills, except Hand-to-Hand combat skills and
weapon proficiencies, function as if the wearer was two levels higher.
- Power - Shield: All Hand-to-Hand combat skills and weapon
proficiencies function as if the wielder was two levels higher.
- Power - Amulet: All skills, except Hand-to-Hand combat skills
and weapon proficiencies, function as if the wearer was two levels
- Io:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's PE attribute by +3.
- Power - Shield: Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's PE attribute by +3.
- Ist:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's MA attribute by +25%.
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's MA attribute by +25%.
- Power - Shield: Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- Power - Weapon: Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- Ith:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Each non-magical attack against the wearer
causes the wearer to regain PPE or ISP. The wearer regains 15% of the
damage taken to either PPE or ISP (wearer's choice), however, the
damage is still inflicted normally.
- Power - Armor: Each non-magical attack against the wearer, not
the armor, causes the wearer to regain PPE or ISP. The wearer regains
15% of the damage taken to either PPE or ISP (wearer's choice),
however, the damage is still inflicted normally.
- Power - Shield: Each non-magical attack against the wielder,
not the shield, causes the wearer to regain PPE or ISP. The wearer
regains 15% of the damage taken to either PPE or ISP (wearer's choice),
however, the damage is still inflicted normally.
- Power - Weapon: Wielder gains +3 to damage with this weapon.
- Itha:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Jah:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's hit points by 4D6 and SDC by
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's hit points by 25% and SDC by
- Power - Shield: No effect.
- Power - Weapon: When attacking with this weapon, ignore any
natural armor rating a target may have.
- Jer:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Kidl:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Ko:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Increase wielder's PP attribute by +2 and Spd
attribute by +1D4.
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's PP attribute by +2 and Spd
attribute by +1D4.
- Power - Shield: Increase wielder's PP attribute by +2 and Spd
attribute by +1D4.
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's PP attribute by +2 and Spd
attribute by +1D4.
- Lem:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Wielder has excellent haggling ability, reduce
cost of items purchased from a merchant by 15% when the wielder
attempts to haggle.
- Power - Armor: Wearer has excellent haggling ability, reduce
cost of items purchased from a merchant by 10% when the wielder
attempts to haggle.
- Power - Shield: Wielder has excellent haggling ability, reduce
cost of items purchased from a merchant by 15% when the wielder
attempts to haggle.
- Power - Amulet: Wearer has excellent haggling ability, reduce
cost of items purchased from a merchant by 10% when the wielder
attempts to haggle.
- Lo:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Reduce damage inflicted by energy attacks
against the wearer by 20%.
- Power - Armor: Reduce damage inflicted by energy attacks against
the armor or the wearer by 20%.
- Power - Shield: Reduce damage inflicted by energy attacks
against the shield or the wielder by 20%.
- Power - Weapon: Double the range that this weapon inflicts a
critical strike. For example, requiring a 19 to 20 to score a critical
is a range of two, so when doubled it becomes four, and therefore 17
to 20. Any critical strike inflicted by this weapon has a 20% chance
of inflicting triple damage instead of double, or quadruple damage
instead of triple, and so on.
- Lum:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Increase wielder's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Power - Shield: No effect.
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Lut:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Mal:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Damage from all non-magical physical sources
against the wearer is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Armor: Damage from all non-magical physical sources
against the armor or the wearer is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Shield: Damage from all non-magical physical sources
against the shield is reduced by 4 points.
- Power - Weapon: Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only
be healed at a maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE
- Marl:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Nef:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: The wearer gains +6 to dodge but only against
long range attacks.
- Power - Armor: The wearer gains +6 to dodge but only against
long range attacks.
- Power - Shield: The wielder gains +6 to parry but only against
long range attacks.
- Power - Weapon: Each hit by the weapon causes the target to
move back 5' (1.5 m) if the wielder's PS attribute is high enough to
push the target.
- Neth:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Ohm:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Reduce damage inflicted by cold attacks against
the wearer by 20%.
- Power - Armor: Reduce damage inflicted by cold attacks against
the armor or the wearer by 20%.
- Power - Shield: Reduce damage inflicted by cold attacks against
the shield or the wielder by 20%.
- Power - Weapon: Weapon inflicts 50% of the rolled damage as an
additional damage bonus.
- Oqu:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Ort:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Damage from all energy attacks against the
wearer, magical and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Armor: Damage from all energy attacks against the armor
or the wearer, magical and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Shield: Damage from all energy attacks against the
shield, magical and non-magical, is reduced by 5 points.
- Power - Weapon: Each attack from the weapon causes +1D6 points
of energy damage.
- Pedu:
- Type: Common
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Pul:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Wielder gains +5 to strike supernatural
creatures with the weapon and the weapon inflicts 100% of its rolled
damage as an additional damage bonus against supernatural creatures.
- Power - Armor: Increase the armor's SDC by +50%.
- Power - Shield: Increase the shield's SDC by +50%.
- Power - Amulet: Wearer gains +3 to strike supernatural creatures
and all attacks inflicts 50% of their rolled damage as an additional
damage bonus against a supernatural creature.
- Qued:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Ral:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Damage from all fire attacks against the wearer,
magical and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Armor: Damage from all fire attacks against the armor or
the wearer, magical and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Shield: Damage from all fire attacks against the shield,
magical and non-magical, is reduced by 5 points.
- Power - Weapon: Each attack causes +1D6 points of fire damage.
- Rugi:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Shael:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wearer gains +2 to parry and +1 to dodge.
- Power - Armor: Wearer gains +2 to parry and +1 to dodge.
- Power - Shield: Wielder gains +3 to parry with the shield.
- Power - Weapon: Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but this
extra attack must be used for this weapon.
- Slurn:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Sol:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Wielder inflicts +5 damage with the weapon.
- Power - Armor: Damage from all magical or psionic attacks
against the armor or the wearer is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Shield: Damage from all magical or psionic attacks
against the shield is reduced by 5 points.
- Power - Amulet: Damage from all magical or psionic attacks
against the wearer is reduced by 3 points.
- Sur:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Increase wearer's maximum PPE by +1D6x10.
- Power - Armor: Increase wearer's maximum PPE by +20%.
- Power - Shield: Increase wearer's maximum PPE by +20%.
- Power - Weapon: Target becomes blind for 1 melee round when hit
by the weapon.
- Tal:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wearer gains +1 to save vs. all types of toxins
and reduce the effects of toxins by half (damage and penalties).
- Power - Armor: Wearer gains +1 to save vs. all types of toxins
and reduce the effects of toxins by half (damage and penalties).
- Power - Shield: Wielder gains +1 to save vs. all types of toxins
and reduce the effects of toxins by half (damage and penalties).
- Power - Weapon: After each hit, the target must make a saving
throw vs. lethal poison. A successful roll means the target takes no
damage, but a failed roll means the target takes 1D4 points of poison
damage immediately and at the beginning of each melee of 1D4 melees.
- Thul:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Damage from all cold attacks against the wearer,
magical and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Armor: Damage from all cold attacks against the armor or
the wearer, magical and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Power - Shield: Damage from all cold attacks against the shield,
magical and non-magical, is reduced by 5 points.
- Power - Weapon: Each attack causes +1D6 points of cold damage.
- Tir:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE
available when a creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but
they cannot absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Power - Armor: Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE
available when a creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but
they cannot absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Power - Shield: Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE
available when a creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but
they cannot absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Power - Weapon: Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE
available when a creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but
they cannot absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Tis:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Um:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Weapon: Each attack by the weapon has a 25% chance of
causing a bleeding wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1
point of damage at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the
target regenerates, receives magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is cumulative.
- Power - Armor: Wearer gains a bonus of +1 to all saving throws.
- Power - Shield: Wielder gains a bonus of +1 to all saving throws.
- Power - Amulet: Wearer gains a bonus of +1 to all saving throws.
- Unae:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Vex:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Reduce damage inflicted by fire attacks against
the wearer by 20%.
- Power - Armor: Reduce damage inflicted by fire attacks against
the armor or the wearer by 20%.
- Power - Shield: Reduce damage inflicted by fire attacks against
the shield or the wielder by 20%.
- Power - Weapon: Each attack by the weapon reduces target's PPE
and ISP by 5% (rounding up) and the attacker regains the same amount
of PPE and ISP. The wielder can only gain points if the target lost at
least one point.
- Vin:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Wase:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Xye:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Yird:
- Type: Common
- Price: 10,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
- Zod:
- Type: Rare
- Price: 100,000 gold
- Power - Amulet: Increase the wearer's SDC by +50%.
- Power - Armor: Increase the armor's SDC by ten times.
- Power - Shield: Shield is indestructible.
- Power - Weapon: Weapon is indestructible.
- Zun:
- Type: Uncommon
- Price: 50,000 gold
- Power - Amulet:
- Power - Armor:
- Power - Shield:
- Power - Weapon:
Certar`Biesera`ethi Amulet Descriptions
- Lore:
- Item Type: Amulet capable of holding two runes.
- Rune Order: Ort + Sol
- Price: 60,000
- Powers:
- Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Damage from all energy attacks against the wearer, magical and
non-magical, is reduced by 3.
- Damage from all non-magical physical sources against the wearer
is reduced by 3 points.
- The amulet can be commanded at will to glow at twice the strength
of a torch.
- All class abilities function as if the wearer was one level
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionic
powers and it does not give access to abilities that are not
already possessed.
- Nadir:
- Item Type: Amulet capable of holding two runes.
- Rune Order: Nef + Tir
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Increase the wearer's SDC by +50%.
- The wearer gains +6 to dodge but only against long range weapons.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Increase wearer's PS attribute by +2.
- Wearer has terrible haggling ability, increase cost of items
purchased from a merchant by 20% when the wielder attempts to
- Decrease the light generated by anything the wearer is holding or
created by 75%.
- The amulet can cast Shadow Meld (forth level invocation) at tenth
level of experience. Casting this spell takes only one melee attack,
but it can only be used 9 times before the amulet permanently loses
this ability.
Certar`Biesera`ethi Armor Descriptions
- Bramble:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding four runes.
- Rune Order: Ral + Ohm + Sur + Eth
- Price: 220,000
- Powers:
- Wearer gains +2 to parry and +3 to dodge.
- Increase the armor's SDC by +300%.
- Increase wearer's PPE by +5% (rounding up).
- PPE and ISP regenerates 25% faster then normal, including from meditation
and sleep.
- Damage from all cold attacks against the wearer, magical and non-magical, is
reduced by 1 point.
- Damage from all fire attacks against the wearer, magical and non-magical, is
reduced by 3 points.
- Wearer is immune to all types of toxins, magical and non-magical.
- Each time the wearer kills a living creature, the wearer is healed 2D6 points
of damage.
- The armor can activate an ability that causes 4D6 points of magical feedback
damage of no particular type each time the armor or the wearer is hit by a
melee attack. Activating this ability takes only one melee attack, but it can
only be used 33 times before the armor permanently loses this ability and it
only lasts for one melee round each time it is activated.
- All poisons used or created by the wearer, such as from normal sources or spells
that create magical poisons, inflict 50% more damage or have their duration
increased by 50% if they do not inflict damage.
- The wearer is constantly surrounded by a cloud of fast moving thorns. These small
thorns circle the wearer and normally avoid touching other objects, but if
something hits the wearer with a melee attack, then a swarm of thorns
immediately attacks the attacker. These thorns cannot be dodged or parried and
inflict 2D6 points of damage to the attacker.
- Chains of Honor:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding four runes.
- Rune Order: Dol + Um + Ber + Ist
- Price: 300,000
- Powers:
- Increase the armor's SDC by +75%.
- Weapons used by the wearer inflicts 200% of the rolled damage as
an additional damage bonus against supernatural creatures.
- Weapons used by the wearer inflicts 100% of the rolled damage as
an additional damage bonus against undead creatures.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the wearer by 10% of the
damage inflicted.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +6.
- Wearer regenerates at a rate of 1D4 points per minute.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- All damage inflicted against the armor or the wearer is reduced by 20%.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- All class abilities function as if the wearer was two levels higher.
Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics and it does
not give access to abilities that are not already possessed.
- Delirium:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Lem + Ist + Io
- Price: 200,000
- Powers:
- Increase the armor's SDC by +250%.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- Wearer has excellent haggling ability, reduce cost of items purchased from a
merchant by 20% when the wielder attempts to haggle.
- All class abilities function as if the wearer was two levels higher. Class
abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics and it does not give access
to abilities that are not already possessed.
- The armor can cast Charm (fifth level invocation) at tenth level of experience.
Casting this spell takes only one melee attack, but it can only be used 60 times
before the armor permanently loses this ability.
- Each attack on the armor or the wearer has a 1% chance of casting Armor of Ithan
(third level invocation) on the attacker. This spell is cast at fifteenth level of
experience and will replace any active version of Armor of Ithan already in place.
- Each attack on the armor or the wearer has a 6% chance of casting Mind Bolt
(super psionic power) that inflicts 6D6 points of damage on the attacker. This
psionic power is cast at fifth level of experience.
- Each attack on the armor or the wearer has a 14% chance of casting Horrific
Illusion (fifth level invocation) that only the attacker can see. This spell is
cast at fifth level of experience.
- Each attack from the wearer has an 11% chance of casting Wisps of Confusion
(eighth level invocation) on the target of the attack. This spell is cast at
fifth level of experience.
- Dragon
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Sur + Lo + Sol
- Price: 250,000 gold
- Powers:
- Each attack on the wearer has a 20% chance of casting Sickness (8th level
Invocation spell) on the attacker at fourth level of experience.
- Each attack the wearer makes has a 12% chance of casting Breathe Fire (5th
level Fire Elemental spell) on the target of the attack at fourth level of
- While wearing the armor, the wearer is constantly under the effect of the
Fire Sponge spell (7th level Fire Elemental spell).
- Increase the armor's SDC by +6D6x10.
- The wearer gains +13 to dodge but only against non-melee weapons.
- Increase wielder's PS, PP, PE, and Spd attributes by +1D4.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +2 per level of experience.
- Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +5%.
- Damage from all energy attacks against the wearer, magical and
non-magical, is reduced by 5%, with a minimum of 1 point.
- Damage from all non-magical physical sources against the wearer is
reduced by 3 points.
- Duress
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Shael + Um + Thul
- Price: 70,000
- Powers:
- Wearer gains +2 to parry and +2 to dodge.
- Wearer inflicts 10% of the rolled damage from any attack as an additional
damage bonus.
- Each attack by the wearer causes +3D6 points of cold damage.
- Each attack by the wearer that does not score a critical strike has a 15%
chance of inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Each attack by the wearer has a 33% chance of causing a bleeding wound in a
living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage at the first of each
melee for 2D6 melees or until the target regenerates, receives magical
healing, or medical attention from any medical skill. The damage inflicted
by these wounds is cumulative.
- Increase the armor's SDC by +200%.
- Increase the length of time of an activity determined by a PE attribute by 20%.
- Damage from all cold attacks against the wearer, magical and non-magical, is
reduced by 50%.
- Damage from all energy and fire attacks against the wearer, magical and
non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Wielder gains +1 to save vs. all types of toxins.
- Enigma:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Jah + Ith + Ber
- Price: 210,000
- Powers:
- Increase the armor's SDC by +750%.
- Increase wearer's Spd attribute by +50%.
- Increase wearer's PS attribute by +2 per level of experience.
- Increase wearer's hit points by 15% and SDC by 25%.
- All damage inflicted against the armor or the wearer is reduced by 20%.
- Each time the wearer kills a living creature, the wearer is healed 3D4
points of damage.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +1 per level of experience.
- Each non-magical attack against the wearer, not the armor, causes the
wearer to regain PPE or ISP. The wearer regains 15% of the damage taken
to either PPE or ISP (wearer's choice), however, the damage is still
inflicted normally.
- All class abilities function as if the wearer was two levels higher. Class
abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics and it does not give
access to abilities that are not already possessed.
- Decrease the PPE cost of all teleport spells cast by the wearer by 50%.
- Fortitude
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding four runes.
- Rune Order: El + Sol + Dol + Lo
- Price: 210,000 gold
- Powers:
- Each attack on the wielder has a 20% chance of casting Armor of Ithan (3rd
level Invocation spell) on the wielder at third level of experience. Once
cast, the spell is not cast again until the previous spell's duration has
expired or dispelled or its S.D.C. has been depleted.
- Wearer can cast one additional spell per melee round.
- All weapons inflict 300% of their rolled damage as an additional damage
- Increase the armor's bonus to parry by +200%.
- Increase the armor's S.D.C. by +3D6.
- Increase the wearer's hit points by +2 per character level.
- Wielder regenerates at a rate of 1D4 points per minute.
- Damage from all energy attacks against the wearer, magical and
non-magical, is reduced by 5%, with a minimum of 1 point.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- Damage from all non-magical physical sources against the wearer is
reduced by 3 points.
- 15% of all damage inflicted against the wearer is added to the wearer's
PPE. However, the wearer cannot possess more PPE than his normal
- The weapon can be commanded at will to glow like a normal torch.
- Gloom:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Fal + Um + Pul
- Price: 150,000
- Powers:
- Wearer gains +1 to parry and +1 to dodge.
- Wearer inflicts 200% of the rolled damage from any attack as an additional damage
- Increase wearer's PS attribute by +3.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- Each non-magical attack against the wearer, not the armor, causes the wearer
to regain PPE or ISP. The wearer regains 15% of the damage taken to either
PPE or ISP (wearer's choice), however, the damage is still inflicted normally.
- Decrease the light generated by anything the wearer is holding or created by 75%.
- All spells or psionics powers that impair the wearer's movement, such as Carpet
of Adhesion, have their duration reduced by half.
- Each attack against the armor or the wearer has a 15% chance of casting Blinding
Flash (first level invocation) on the attacker (and only the attacker). This spell
is cast at fifth level of experience.
- Lionheart:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Hel + Lum + Fal
- Price: 150,000
- Powers:
- All weapons inflict 20% of their rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- All skills, except Hand-to-Hand combat skills and weapon proficiencies,
function as if the wearer was two levels higher.
- Increase wearer's PS attribute by +8.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +6.
- Increase wearer's PP attribute by +4.
- Increase wearer's hit points by 5D6 and SDC by 1D6x10.
- Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- Prudence:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding two runes.
- Rune Order: Mal + Tir
- Price: 110,000
- Powers:
- Wearer gains +1 to parry and +1 to dodge.
- Increase the armor's SDC by +150%.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- Damage from all non-magical physical sources against the wearer is reduced
by 2 points.
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the wielder is reduced
by 10 points.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a creature dies
within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot absorb more PPE then
their normal maximum.
- The armor can be commanded at will to glow at twice the strength of a torch.
- Armor repairs damage at a rate of 1 S.D.C. per minute.
- Radiance:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Nef + Sol + Ith
- Price: 70,000
- Powers:
- Increase the armor's SDC by +75%.
- The wearer gains +6 to dodge but only against long range weapons.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +3.
- Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- 15% of all damage inflicted against the wearer is added to the
wearer's PPE. However, the wearer cannot possess more PPE then
their normal maximum.
- Increase wearer's PPE by +1D4x10.
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the armor or
the wearer is reduced by 1 point.
- Damage from all non-magical physical sources is reduced by 3 points.
- The armor can be commanded at will to glow at five times the
strength of a torch.
- Smoke:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding two runes.
- Rune Order: Nef + Lum
- Price: 60,000
- Powers:
- Increase the armor's SDC by +75%.
- The wearer gains +18 to dodge but only against long range weapons.
- Wearer gains +2 to all saving throws.
- Wearer gains +2 to parry and +1 to dodge.
- Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Decrease the light generated by anything the wearer is holding or created
by 25%.
- The armor can cast Sickness (eighth level invocation) as if from a tenth
level character. Casting this spell takes only one melee attack, but this
spell can only be used 18 times before the armor permanently loses this
- Stealth:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding two runes.
- Rune Order: Tal + Eth
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the armor or the
wearer is reduced by 1 point.
- Increase wearer's PP attribute by +2.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +1.
- Increase wearer's Spd attribute by 25%.
- Wearer gains +2 to save vs. all types of toxins.
- PPE and ISP regenerates 25% faster then normal, including from meditation
and sleep.
- Wearer can cast one additional spell per melee.
- Wearer gains +2 to parry and +1 to dodge.
- Stone:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding four runes.
- Rune Order: Shael + Um + Pul + Lum
- Price: 160,000
- Powers:
- Wearer gains +3 to parry and +3 to dodge.
- Increase the armor's SDC by +1D4x10+240%.
- The wearer gains +15 to dodge but only against long range weapons.
- Increase wearer's PS attribute by +5.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +5.
- Increase wearer's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +1 to all saving throws.
- The armor can cast Fireball (sixth level invocation) at tenth level of
experience. Casting this spell takes only one melee attack, but it can
only be used 80 times before the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- The armor can instantly create a basic Stone Golem (see revised
Create Golem ritual) that will obey
the commands of the wearer and will disappear after one hour if it is not
already destroyed. Activating this ability takes only one melee attack,
but it can only be used 16 times before the armor permanently loses this
ability and only once per week.
- Wealth:
- Item Type: Armor capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Lem + Ko + Tir
- Price: 110,000
- Powers:
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a creature dies
within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot absorb more PPE then their
normal maximum.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +3.
- Wearer has excellent haggling ability, reduce cost of items purchased from a
merchant by 75% when the wielder attempts to haggle.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +100%.
Certar`Biesera`ethi Shield Descriptions
- Ancient's Pledge:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Ral + Ort + Tal
- Price: 30,000
- Powers:
- Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +50%.
- Damage from all energy, fire, and cold attacks against the shield,
magical and non-magical, is reduced by 5 points.
- Wielder gains +2 to save vs. all types of toxins and reduce the
effects of poison by half.
- 10% of all damage inflicted against the shield is added to the
wielder's PPE, up to the wielder's normal maximum.
- Dragon
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Sur + Lo + Sol
- Price: 250,000 gold
- Powers:
- Each attack on the wielder has a 20% chance of casting Sickness (8th level
Invocation spell) on the attacker at fourth level of experience.
- Each attack the wielder makes with the weapon has a 12% chance of casting
Breathe Fire (5th level Fire Elemental spell) on the target of the attack
at fourth level of experience.
- While wielding the weapon, the wielder is constantly under the effect of
the Fire Sponge spell (7th level Fire Elemental spell).
- Increase the armor's SDC by +6D6x10.
- The wearer gains +13 to dodge but only against non-melee weapons.
- Increase wielder's PS, PP, PE, and Spd attributes by +1D4.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +2 per level of experience.
- Increase wearer's PPE by +2D4x10.
- Damage from all energy attacks against the wearer, magical and
non-magical, is reduced by 5%, with a minimum of 1 point.
- Damage from all non-magical physical sources against the wearer is
reduced by 3 points.
- Dream:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Io + Jah + Pul
- Price: 200,000 gold
- Powers:
- Each attack on the wielder has a 10% chance of casting Befuddle (2nd level
Invocation spell) on the attacker at fourth level of experience.
- Attackers take 1D6 energy damage each time they hit the wielder.
- Wielder gains +2 to strike and +2 to dodge.
- Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +25%.
- Increase the shield's SDC by +4D6x10.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Increase wielders's hit points by +5D6 and SDC by +1D6x10.
- Increase wielder's PPE by +4 per level of experience.
- Wielder gains +1 to all saving throws.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +20%.
- Exile:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding four runes.
- Rune Order: Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol
- Price: 350,000
- Powers:
- Each attack from any melee weapon by the wielder casts Lesser
Paralyze on the target of the attack. This spell is cast at first
level of experience.
- Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +250% and add +6 to parry.
- Reduce damage inflicted by cold attacks by 20%.
- Reduce damage inflicted by fire attacks by 20%.
- Wielder regenerates at a rate of 1D4 points per minute.
- Shield repairs damage at a rate of 1D4 points per melee.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- Each attack from the wielder has a 15% chance of casting Life Drain
(seventh level invocation) on the target of the attack. This spell
is cast at fifth level of experience and cannot affect the same
target more then once per day.
- While holding the shield, the wielder cannot be physically touched
by supernatural creatures (cannot be attacked by by physical attacks),
is impervious to possession, and gains +5 to save vs. all magic and
psychic attacks and +8 to save vs. horror factor.
- All offensive spells function as if the wielder were two levels higher.
- Rhyme:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Shael + Eth
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +25% and add +4 to parry.
- Wielder gains +1 to all saving throws.
- PPE and ISP regenerates 25% faster then normal, including from meditation
and sleep.
- Wielder cannot be magically paralyzed or have his movement impaired by
any spell or psionic power, such as Carpet of Adhesion spell.
- Wielder has excellent haggling ability, reduce cost of items purchased
from a merchant by 25% when the wielder attempts to haggle.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- Sanctuary:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Ko + Ko + Mal
- Price: 200,000
- Powers:
- Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +25% and add +4 to parry.
- Increase the shield's SDC by +1D4x10+120%.
- Wielder gains +2 to dodge.
- The wearer gains +12 to dodge but only against long range weapons.
- Increase wielder's PP attribute by +6.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +3 to all saving throws.
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the shield or
the wielder is reduced by 3 points.
- The shield can activate an ability that allows the wielder to
automatically dodge any incoming long range attack for 1D4 melee
rounds whenever the wielder attempts to dodge the incoming attack.
Activating this ability takes only one melee attack, but it can only
be used 60 times before the shield permanently loses this ability.
- Spirit:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn
- Price: 40,000 gold
- Powers:
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were two levels
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics
and it does not give access to abilities that are not already
- Wielder can cast one additional spell per melee.
- Wielder gains +4 to parry and +2 to dodge.
- The wearer gains +18 to dodge but only against non-melee weapons.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +6.
- Increase wearer's PPE by +3D4x10+40.
- Damage from all energy and cold attacks against the wielder, magical
and non-magical, is reduced by 3 points.
- Wearer gains +2 to save vs. all types of toxins.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Melee attacks against the shield or the wielder cause 2D6 points of
magical damage of no particular type to the attacker.
- Splendor:
- Item Type: Shield capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Eth + Lum
- Price: 60,000
- Powers:
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were one level higher.
Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics and it does
not give access to abilities that are not already possessed.
- Wielder can cast one additional spell per melee.
- Increase the shield's bonus to parry by +50% and add +2 to parry.
- Increase wielder's PPE by +25 and ISP by +15.
- PPE and ISP regenerates 15% faster then normal, including from
meditation and sleep.
- Wielder has excellent haggling ability, reduce cost of items purchased
from a merchant by 25% when the wielder attempts to haggle.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +25%.
- The shield can be commanded at will to glow at three times the strength
of a torch.
Certar`Biesera`ethi Weapon Descriptions
- Beast:
- Item Type: Axe, Scepter, or Hammer capable of holding five
- Rune Order: Ber + Tir + Um + Mal + Lum
- Price: 310,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 250% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Each attack that does not score a critical strike has a 20% chance
of inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Each attack by the weapon has a 25% chance of causing a bleeding
wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage
at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target
regenerates, receives magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +1D6+7.
- Increase wielder's PPE and ISP by +10%.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- All Metamorphosis spells used by the wielder or cast on the wielder
have double the normal duration and require only half of the normal
PPE to cast.
- The weapon can instantly summon either six Black or Brown Bears or
three Jungle Kodiak or Northern Grizzly Bears, all with maximum S.D.C.
and Hit Points. These animals are under the control of the wielder,
but they can only understand simple commands, such as attack this
target or attack anyone that enters this area besides me. Using this
ability takes one melee round of concentration, but the summoned
bears will remain for 12 hours before disappearing. If a bear is
killed before the duration is over, its body will instantly
disappear. This ability can only be used 10 times before the weapon
permanently loses this ability.
- The wielder gains the ability to fly into a merciless rage. While in a
rage, the wielder receives a bonus of +1D6 to their PS attribute, which
becomes Supernatural, and their Spd attribute triples, to a minimum of
40. The wielder also gains +1 attack per melee, +1 to initiative, +4 to
strike, +1 to all other offensive actions, +2 to save vs. mind control
and possession, +4 to save vs. horror factor, and +2 to save vs. pain.
Unfortunately, the wielder also becomes much more aggressive in combat,
becoming merciless towards enemies, is unable to cast spells or use
skills of any type besides combat-related skills, and receives a
penalty of -6 to parry and dodge. This rage lasts for four melee rounds
and this ability can be activated up to six times per day, but only once
per hour.
- Black:
- Item Type: Mace, club, or hammer capable of holding three runes.
- Rune Order: Thul + Io + Nef
- Price: 70,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 150% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Each attack that does not score a critical strike has an additional 40%
chance of inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Wielder gains +4 to strike and +1 to parry with the weapon.
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of cold damage.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Wielder gets +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be used to attack
with this weapon.
- Each hit by the weapon causes the target to move back 5' (1.5 m) if the wielder's
PS attribute is high enough to push the target.
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the wielder is reduced by 5
- The weapon can cast Animate and Control Dead (seventh level invocation) at tenth
level of experience. Casting this spell takes only one melee attack, but it can
only be used 12 times before the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- Breath of the Dying:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding six runes
- Rune Order: Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth
- Price: 380,000
- Powers:
- The weapon is indestructible.
- Wielder gains +3 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 400% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Weapon inflicts 200% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
bonus against undead creatures.
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4 when hit by the weapon.
- Wielder gains +2 to strike and +1 to parry with the weapon.
- Wielder gains an additional +2 to strike undead creatures and +1
to parry attacks from undead creatures with the weapon.
- Each attack by the weapon reduces target's PPE and ISP by 5%
(rounding up) and the attacker regains the same amount of PPE and
ISP. The wielder can only gain points if the target lost at least
one point.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 15% of
the damage inflicted.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Increase wearer's PS, PP, PE, and Spd attributes by +10.
- The weapon can be commanded at will to glow as a torch.
- All Hand-to-Hand combat skills and weapon proficiencies function
as if the wielder was two levels higher.
- Their is a 50% chance that each time you kill an enemy you cause all
opponents within a 20' (6.1 m) radius to make a saving throw vs. lethal
poison. A successful roll means the targets take no damage, but a failed
roll means the targets takes 3D6 points of poison damage immiediately and
at the beginning of each melee for 1D6 melees.
- Call to Arms:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding five runes
- Rune Order: Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm
- Price: 320,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 300% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of fire damage.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 10% of
the damage inflicted.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Wearer regenerates at a rate of 2D4 points per minute.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +30%.
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were one level
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics
and it does not give access to abilities that are not already
- The wielder gains the ability to deliver a frightening battle cry
that can be used once per minute. When used, this cry mimics the
effects the second level invocation spell Fear on all opponents
with a 20' (6.1 m) radius. Using this ability requires one melee
action and this spell is cast at fifth level of experience.
- The wielder gains the ability to inspire courage and passion in all
allies within a 30' (9.1 m) radius, as long as the wielder can speak
and the allies can hear the wielder. While using this ability, all
allies and the wielder gain +1 attack per melee, +4 to strike, +2 to
parry, +2 to dodge, and +1 to all other combat rolls. These bonuses
last for 2D6 melee rounds but immediately disappear if the wielder
can no longer speak or be heard. This ability can only be used once
per hour.
- The wielder gains the ability to lead and direct all allies within a
40' (12.2 m) radius. This ability only works on allies that choose to
follow all of the wielder's orders exactly. All allies, but not the
wielder, that do so gain +10 to their PS attribute, which becomes
supernatural, their Spd attribute triples, and they gain +2 attacks
per melee, +6 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, and +1 to all
other combat rolls. In addition, all allies become immune to mind
control, possession, awe factor, and horror factor while under the
direction of the wielder. Unfortunately, all allies that follow the
orders of the wielder take 50% more damage from all attacks that hit
them. These bonuses last for 3D6+2 melee rounds but immediately
disappear if the wielder can no longer speak or be heard. This ability
can only be used once per day.
- Chaos:
- Item Type: Slashing weapon capable of holding three runes
- Rune Order: Fal + Ohm + Um
- Price: 200,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 300% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Each attack causes +1D6x10 points of magical damage of no specific type.
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be used to
attack with this weapon.
- Each attack by the weapon has a 25% chance of causing a bleeding wound in
a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage at the first of
each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target regenerates, recieves magical
healing, or medical attention from any medical skill. The damage inflicted
by these wounds is cumulative.
- Increase wearer's PS attribute by +3.
- Each time the wielder kills a supernatural creature, the wielder is healed
3D6 points of damage.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 9% chance of casting Ice Bolt (third level
Ice Magic, from the Library of Bletherad) on the target of the attack. This
spell is cast at fifth level of experience.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 11% chance of casting Energy Bolt (third
level invocation) on the target of the attack. This spell is cast at fifth
level of experience.
- Doom:
- Item Type: Axe, Hammer, or Polearm capable of holding five runes
- Rune Order: Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham
- Price: 400,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be used to
attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 350% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Everything within 50' (15.2 m) of the wielder, but not including the
wielder, takes 50% more damage from any cold attack, magical or non-magical.
- Double the range that this weapon inflicts a critical strike. For example,
requiring a 19 to 20 to score a critical is a range of two, so when doubled
it becomes four, and therefore 17 to 20. Any critical strike inflicted by
this weapon has a 20% chance of inflicting triple damage instead of double,
or quadrouple damage instead of triple, and so on.
- Each attack by the weapon has a 25% chance of causing a bleeding wound in a
living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage at the first of each
melee for 2D6 melees or until the target regenerates, recieves magical
healing, or medical attention from any medical skill. The damage inflicted
by these wounds is cumulative.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a maximum rate
of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 25% chance of casting Lesser Paralyze on
the target of the attack. This spell is cast at first level of experience.
- All Hand-to-Hand combat skills and weapon proficiencies function as if the
wielder was two levels higher.
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were two levels higher. Class
abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics and it does not give
access to abilities that are not already possessed.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 5% chance of casting Earthquake (eighth
level Earth Elemental) on the target of the attack. This spell is cast at
fifth level of experience.
- All opponents that come within 10' (3 m) of the wielder must make a saving
throw vs. magic spell or take 1D6 points of magical cold damage immediately
and at the beginning of each melee that they remain close to the wielder.
- Eternity:
- Item Type: Melee weapon capable of holding five runes
- Rune Order: Amn + Ber + Ist + Sol + Sur
- Price: 360,000
- Powers:
- Weapon is indestructible.
- Weapon inflicts 250% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Wielder gains +5 to damage with the weapon.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 10% of the damage
- Each attack that does not score a critical strike has a 20% chance of
inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Target becomes blind for 1D4 melee rounds.
- Each attack decreases the target's Spd attribute by 33% and the target
receives a penalty of -1 to parry and dodge. These penalties last for 2D6
minutes and are cumulative.
- PPE and ISP regenerates 25% faster then normal, including from meditation
and sleep.
- Wearer regenerates at a rate of 1D6 points every other melee.
- Wielder cannot be magically paralyzed or have his movement impaired by any
spell or psionic power, such as Carpet of Adhesion.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +30%.
- The weapon casts Resurrection on the wielder if the wielder is killed while
holding the weapon. This ability can only be used once per day and only 88
times before the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- Famine:
- Item Type: Axe or Hammer capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah
- Price: 260,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 350% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Ignore any natural armor rating a target may have when attacking
with the weapon.
- Each attack causes +1D4x10 points of magical damage of no specific
type, or +1D6x10 points of fire damage, or +2D4x10 points of
energy damage, or +1D6x10 points of cold damage.
- Each hit by the weapon against a living creature heals the
attacker by 15% of the damage inflicted.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +3.
- Fortitude
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding four runes.
- Rune Order: El + Sol + Dol + Lo
- Price: 210,000 gold
- Powers:
- Each attack on the wielder has a 20% chance of casting Armor of Ithan (3rd
level Invocation spell) on the wielder at third level of experience. Once
cast, the spell is not cast again until the previous spell's duration has
expired or dispelled or its S.D.C. has been depleted.
- Wearer can cast one additional spell per melee round.
- Weapon inflicts 300% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Wielder gain +6 to damage with this weapon.
- Wielder gains +2 to strike and +1 to parry with the weapon.
- Double the range that this weapon inflicts a critical strike. For example,
requiring a 19 to 20 to score a critical is a range of two, so when
doubled it becomes four, and therefore 17 to 20. Any critical strike
inflicted by this weapon has a 20% chance of inflicting triple damage
instead of double, or quadrouple damage instead of triple, and so on.
- Each hit forces a living target to make a saving throw vs. horror factor
against a Horror Factor of 8.
- Increase the wielder's SDC by +200%.
- Increase the wearer's hit points by +2 per character level.
- Wearer gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- 15% of all damage inflicted against the wearer is added to the wearer's
PPE. However, the wearer cannot possess more PPE than his normal
- The weapon can be commanded at will to glow like a normal torch.
- Fury:
- Item Type: Melee weapon capable of holding three runes
- Rune Order: Jah + Gul + Eth
- Price: 210,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 200% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Each attack by the weapon has a 66% chance of causing a bleeding
wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage
at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target
regenerates, recieves magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is
- Double the range that this weapon inflicts a critical strike. For
example, requiring a 19 to 20 to score a critical is a range of
two, so when doubled it becomes four, and therefore 17 to 20. Any
critical strike inflicted by this weapon has a 20% chance of
inflicting triple damage instead of double, or quadrouple damage
instead of triple, and so on.
- Ignore any natural armor rating a target may have when hit by the
- Weilder gains +4 to strike with this weapon.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 10% of
the damage inflicted.
- Each time the wielder hits a target, the wielder receives a
cumulative bonus of +1 to strike and +1 to damage against that
- Hand of Justice:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo
- Price: 310,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Wearer inflicts 300% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Ignore any natural armor rating a target may have.
- Each hit by the weapon against a living creature heals the
attacker by 10% of the damage inflicted.
- Everything within 50' (15.2 m) of the wielder takes 25% more
damage from any fire attack, magical or non-magical.
- Double the range that this weapon inflicts a critical strike. For
example, requiring a 19 to 20 to score a critical is a range of
two, so when doubled it becomes four, and therefore 17 to 20. Any
critical strike inflicted by this weapon has a 20% chance of
inflicting triple damage instead of double, or quadrouple damage
instead of triple, and so on.
- Target becomes blind for 1D4 melee rounds.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 25% chance of casting Lesser
Paralyze on the target of the attack. This spell is cast at first
level of experience.
- All opponents that come within 10' (3 m) of the wielder must make a saving
throw vs. magic spell or take 1D6 points of magical fire damage immediately
and at the beginning of each melee that they remain close to the wielder.
- Weapon casts Fireball (sixth level invocation) at fifteenth level of
experience on all opponents within 30' (9.1 m) of the wielder when the
wielder dies.
- Heart of the Oak:
- Item Type: Staff or Mace capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul
- Price: 210,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 75% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
bonus against supernatural creatures.
- Weapon inflicts 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
bonus against undead creatures.
- Wielder gains +3 to strike supernatural creatures and +2 to parry
attacks from supernatural creatures with the weapon.
- Wielder can cast one additional spell per melee.
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of cold damage.
- Each attack by the weapon reduces target's PPE and ISP by 5%
(rounding up) and the attacker regains the same amount of PPE and
ISP. The wielder can only gain points if the target lost at least
one point.
- Wielder regenerates at a rate of 1D4 points per melee.
- Increase wielder's PP attribute by +3.
- Increase wielder's PPE by +15%.
- Wielder gains a bonus of +2 to all saving throws.
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were three levels
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or
psionics and it does not give access to abilities that are not
already possessed.
- The wielder gains the ability to increase his defensive abilities.
When used, this ability grants the wielder a natural AR of 15 or if
they already possess natural AR, then it increases it by +2 or to
15, whichever is higher. In addition, the wielder gains +4D6x10
temporary S.D.C. that is depleted before they lose any of their
personal S.D.C. or hit points, even if an attack damages hit points
directly. This natural armor and temporary S.D.C. last for one hour,
but the temporary S.D.C. cannot be healed and does not regenerate
even if the wielder possesses amazing regenerative abilities. Using
this ability requires one melee action and it can be used up to four
times per day, but no more then once per hour.
- The weapon can instantly summon one Condor, two Booted Eagles, or
three Red Tailed Hawks, all with maximum S.D.C. and Hit Points.
These animals are under the control of the wielder, but they can
only understand simple commands, such as attack this target or
attack anyone that enters this area besides me. Using this ability
takes one melee round of concentration, but the summoned birds will
remain for 12 hours before disappearing. If a bird is killed before
the duration is over, its body will instantly disappear. This
ability can only be used 60 times before the weapon permanently
loses this ability.
- Holy Thunder:
- Item Type: Rod or mace capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal
- Price: 40,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Wielder gains +3 to damage with this weapon.
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of fire damage or +3D6 points of energy
- After each hit, the target must make a saving throw vs. lethal poison of
16. A successful roll means the target only takes 1D6 points of poison
damage, but a failed roll means the target takes 5D6 points of poison
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4 when hit by the weapon.
- Damage from all energy attacks against the wielder, magical and
non-magical, is reduced by 5 points.
- The weapon can cast Call Lightning at tenth level of experience. Casting
this spell takes only one melee attack, but it can only be used 60 times
before the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- All spells related to energy and lightning function as if the wielder was
one level higher.
- Honor:
- Item Type: Melee weapon capable of holding five runes
- Rune Order: Amn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol
- Price: 90,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 150% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Wielder gain +6 to damage with this weapon.
- Double the range that this weapon inflicts a critical strike. For
example, requiring a 19 to 20 to score a critical is a range of
two, so when doubled it becomes four, and therefore 17 to 20. Any
critical strike inflicted by this weapon has a 20% chance of
inflicting triple damage instead of double, or quadrouple damage
instead of triple, and so on.
- Weilder gains +6 to strike with this weapon.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the wielder by 10% of
the damage inflicted.
- Wielder regenerates at a rate of 1D6 points per minute.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +3.
- The weapon can be commanded at will to glow like a normal torch.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were one level
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or
psionics and it does not give access to abilities that are not
already possessed.
- King's Grace:
- Item Type: Sword or Rod capable of holding three runes
- Rune Order: Amn + Ral + Thul
- Price: 30,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 100% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Weapon inflicts 100% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
bonus against supernatural creatures.
- Weapon inflicts 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
bonus against undead creatures.
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of fire damage or +1D6 points of
cold damage.
- Weilder gains +3 to strike with this weapon.
- Weilder gains an additional +2 to strike supernatural creatures
with this weapon.
- Weilder gains an additional +2 to strike undead creatures with
this weapon.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 10% of
the damage inflicted.
- Kingslayer:
- Item Type: Sword or Axe capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Mal + Um + Gul + Fal
- Price: 300,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +2 attacks per melee, but the extra attacks must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 250% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4 when hit by the
- Wielder gains +4 to strike and +1 to parry with the weapon.
- Each attack that does not score a critical strike has a 33% chance
of inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Each attack by the weapon has a 50% chance of causing a bleeding
wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage
at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target
regenerates, recieves magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +3.
- Wielder has excellent haggling ability, reduce cost of items
purchased from a merchant by 20% when the wielder attempts to
- Each time the wielder is hit by an attacker, the wielder receives a
cumulative bonus of +1 to strike that target and +1 to parry against
attacks from that target.
- Leaf:
- Item Type: Staff capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Tir + Ral
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of fire damage.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a creature
dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot absorb more PPE
then their normal maximum.
- Wielder gains +1 to dodge for every other level of experience starting at
level 2.
- Damage from all cold attacks against the wielder, magical and non-magical,
is reduced by 3 points.
- All Fire Elemental spells and spells related to fire function as if the
wielder was five levels higher.
- Malice:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding three runes
- Rune Order: Ith + El + Eth
- Price: 30,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 33% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Wielder gain +3 to damage with this weapon.
- Each attack by the weapon has a 100% chance of causing a bleeding
wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage
at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target
regenerates, recieves magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4 when hit by the
- Each hit permanently decreases target's natural armor rating by -1.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a
maximum rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Wielder gains +2 to strike and +1 to parry with the weapon.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 10% of
the damage inflicted.
- Melody:
- Item Type: Missile weapon capable of holding three runes
- Rune Order: Shael + Ko + Nef
- Price: 70,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 50% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Weapon inflicts 300% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus
against undead creatures.
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be used to
attack with this weapon.
- Increase wielder's PP attribute by +3.
- Each hit by the attacker causes the target to move back 5' (1.5 m) if
the wielder's PS attribute is high enough to push the target.
- Wielder gains +4 to dodge.
- Wielder automatically gains W.P. Archery at a level equal to their own
level of experience. If the wielder already had this skill, then increase
their effectively level of experience in this skill by four levels. In
addition, the wielder gains an additional +2 to strike and all critical
hits from this weapon inflict x4 damage instead of x2.
- All missile weapons, but not magical spells, fired by opponents that pass
within a 30' (9.1 m) radius of the wielder are considerably slowed,
providing a bonus to the target of the attack of +10 to dodge.
- Memory:
- Item Type: Staff capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Lum + Io + Sol + Eth
- Price: 160,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gain +5 to damage with this weapon.
- Increase wielder's PPE by +30% and ISP by +10%.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Increase the wielder's SDC by +50%.
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4 when hit by the weapon.
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the wielder is
reduced by 3 points.
- Wielder can cast one additional spell per melee.
- All spells and psionic powers function as if the wielder were three
levels higher.
- Wielder can cast Armor of Ithan and Impervious to Energy at tenth
level of experience. Each spell can be cast three times per day and
casting one of these spells takes only one melee attack.
- Moon:
- Item Type: Axe, Sword, or Polearm capable of holding three
- Rune Order: Shael + Um + Tir
- Price: 70,000
- Powers:
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Weapon inflicts 200% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Ignore any natural armor rating a target may have.
- Everything within 50' (15.2 m) of the wielder takes 25% more
damage from any energy attack, magical or non-magical.
- Each attack by the weapon has a 25% chance of causing a bleeding
wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage
at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target
regenerates, recieves magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the wielder is
reduced by 1D6+6 points and each magical and psionic attack heals
the wielder by this same amount. Roll for each incoming attack.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 10% chance of casting Call Lightning
(sixth level invocation) on the target of the attack. This spell is
cast at tenth level of experience.
- Each attack from the weapon has a 7% chance of casting Energy Bolt
(third level invocation) on the target of the attack. This spell is
cast at fifth level of experience.
- The weapon can instantly summon three Northern Timber Wolves, all
with maximum S.D.C. and Hit Points. These animals are under the
control of the wielder, but they can only understand simple
commands, such as attack this target or attack anyone that enters
this area besides me. Using this ability takes one melee round of
concentration, but the summoned wolves will remain for 12 hours
before disappearing. If a wolf is killed before the duration is
over, its body will instantly disappear. This ability can only be
used 30 times before the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- Passion:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem
- Price: 120,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 200% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Weapon inflicts 75% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus
against undead creatures.
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be used to
attack with this weapon.
- Wielder gains +1D4+2 to strike and +2 to parry with the weapon.
- Wielder gains +3 to strike undead creatures and +1 to parry attacks by
undead creatures with the weapon.
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of energy damage.
- Each hit by the weapon has a 10% chance of causing the target to become
blind for 1D4 melee rounds.
- Each hit by the weapon forces a living target to make a saving throw vs.
horror factor against a Horror Factor of 8.
- Wielder has excellent haggling ability, reduce cost of items purchased
from a merchant by 50% when the wielder attempts to haggle.
- The wielder gains the ability to inspire courage and passion in all allies
within a 30' (9.1 m) radius, as long as the wielder can speak and the
allies can hear the wielder. While using this ability, all allies and the
wielder gain +1 attack per melee, +3 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge,
and +1 to all other combat rolls. These bonuses last for 1D6 melee rounds
but immediately disappear if the wielder can no longer speak or be heard.
This ability can only be used once per day.
- The wielder gains the ability to fly into a passionate rage. While in a
rage, the wielder receives a bonus of +2D6 to their PP attribute, and
their Spd attribute triples, to a minimum of 50. The wielder also gains
+2 attacks per melee, +6 to initiative, +3 to strike, +1 to all other
offensive actions, +3 to save vs. mind control and possession, +4 to save
vs. horror factor, and +1 to save vs. pain. Unfortunately, the wielder
also becomes much more aggressive in combat and is unable to cast spells
or use any skill that is not combat-related. This rage lasts for four melee
rounds and this ability can be activated up to four times per day, but only
once per hour.
- The wielder gains the ability to automatically deliver a critical strike
with this weapon, which includes automatically hitting the target unless the
target rolls a natural 20 to dodge or has a modified dodge roll of at least
20 plus the the wielder's total strike bonus, with a minimum of 26.
Unfortunately, when the wielder uses this ability, the wielder receives a
penalty of -6 to dodge and parry, loses the auto-dodge ability if they have
it and must use their attacks per melee even if they want to parry incoming
attacks. If the target dodges the attack, the wielder still suffers the
penalty for using this ability. This ability can only be used six times per
day and only once per melee round.
- Silence:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding six runes
- Rune Order: Dol + Eld + Hel + Ist + Tir + Vex
- Price: 320,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 200% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Weapon inflicts 75% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
bonus against undead creatures.
- All Hand-to-Hand combat skills and weapon proficiencies function
as if the wielder was two levels higher.
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Wielder gains +2 to strike undead creatures and +1 to parry
attacks from undead creatures with the weapon.
- Wielder gains +2 to all saving throws.
- Wielder gains +2 to parry with the weapon and +1 to dodge.
- Each attack by the weapon reduces target's PPE and ISP by 10%
(rounding up) and the attacker regains the same amount of PPE and
ISP. The wielder can only gain points if the target lost at least
one point.
- Each hit forces a living target to make a saving throw vs. horror
factor against a Horror Factor of 8.
- Each attack has a 33% chance of blinding the target for 1D4 melee
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Increase wielder's MA attribute by +30%.
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were two levels
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or
psionics and it does not give access to abilities that are not
already possessed.
- Spirit:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding four runes
- Rune Order: Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn
- Price: 40,000 gold
- Powers:
- All class abilities function as if the wielder were two levels
higher. Class abilities do not include skills, spells, or psionics
and it does not give access to abilities that are not already
- Wielder can cast one additional spell per melee.
- Wielder gains +4 to parry and +2 to dodge.
- Each attack causes +2D6 points of energy damage.
- Each attack causes +1D6 points of cold damage.
- After each hit, the target must make a saving throw vs. lethal poison
of 16. A successful roll means the target only takes 1D6 points of
poison damage, but a failed roll means the target takes 5D6 points of
poison damage.
- Each hit against a living creature with the weapon heals the attacker
by 10% of the damage inflicted.
- The wearer gains +18 to dodge but only against non-melee weapons.
- Increase wearer's PE attribute by +6.
- Increase wearer's PPE by +3D4x10+40.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Steel:
- Item Type: Sword, Axe, or Mace capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Tir + El
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 20% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Wielder gain +4 to damage with this weapon.
- Wielder gain +2 to strike with this weapon.
- Each attack by the weapon has a 25% chance of causing a bleeding
wound in a living creature. This wound causes 1 point of damage
at the first of each melee for 2D6 melees or until the target
regenerates, recieves magical healing, or medical attention from
any medical skill. The damage inflicted by these wounds is
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be
used to attack with this weapon.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- The weapon can be commanded at will to glow as a torch.
- Strength:
- Item Type: Melee weapon capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Amn + Tir
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 25% of the rolled damage as an additional damage
- Each attack that does not score a critical strike has a 25%
chance of inflicting 50% of the rolled damage as an additional
damage bonus.
- Each hit against a living creature heals the attacker by 10% of
the damage inflicted.
- Wielder automatically absorbs 10% of the PPE available when a
creature dies within 20' (6.1 m) of the wielder, but they cannot
absorb more PPE then their normal maximum.
- Increase wielder's PS attribute by +6.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Venom:
- Item Type: Weapon capable of holding three runes
- Rune Order: Tal + Dol + Mal
- Price: 160,000
- Powers:
- Each hit forces a living target to make a saving throw vs. horror factor
against a Horror Factor of 8.
- Rolled damage inflicted by this weapon can only be healed at a maximum
rate of 1 point per day per point of PE attribute.
- Ignore any natural armor rating a target may have.
- Each attack by the weapon reduces target's PPE and ISP by 5% (rounding up)
and the attacker regains the same amount of PPE and ISP. The wielder can
only gain points if the target lost at least one point.
- After each hit, the target must make a saving throw vs. lethal poison. A
successful roll means the target takes no damage, but a failed roll means
the target takes 4D6 points of poison damage immiediately and at the
beginning of each melee for 1D6 melees.
- The wielder can create a large cloud of magical poisonous gas that covers
a sphere with a radius of 20' (6.1 m) up to 100' (30.5 m) away that lasts
for 1D6 minutes and remains immobile through magic. Any living creature,
except the wielder, caught within this cloud or entering the cloud must
make a saving throw vs. lethal poison. A successful roll means the targets
take only 1D6 points of damage, but a failed roll means the targets take
3D6 points of poison damage immiediately and at the beginning of each
melee for 1D6 melees. Activating this ability takes only one melee attack,
but it can only be used 27 times before the weapon permanently loses this
- The wielder can cause all opponents within a 50' (15.2 m) radius to make a
saving throw vs. lethal poison. A successful roll means the targets take
only 1D6 points of damage, but a failed roll means the targets takes 5D6
points of poison damage immiediately and at the beginning of each melee for
1D4 minutes. Activating this ability takes only one melee attack, but it
can only be used 11 times before the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- White:
- Item Type: Wand capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Dol + Io
- Price: 100,000
- Powers:
- Each hit forces a living target to make a saving throw vs. horror factor
against a Horror Factor of 8.
- Increase wielder's PE attribute by +3.
- Damage from all magical or psionic attacks against the wielder is reduced
by 2 points.
- Wielder can cast one additional spell per melee.
- Increase wielder's PPE by +4D6.
- All Necromancy spells function as if the wielder was four levels higher
and increase spell strength for all Necromancy spells by +1.
- Wind:
- Item Type: Melee weapon capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Sur + El
- Price: 110,000
- Powers:
- Each attack has a 10% chance of casting Tornado (seventh level Air Elemental)
on the target at fourth level of experience.
- Increase wearer's Spd attribute by 20%.
- Wielder gets +2 attack per melee, but the extra attacks must be used to
attack with this weapon.
- Wielder gains +1 to parry with the weapon and +1 to dodge.
- Weapon inflicts 150% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by half when hit by the weapon.
- Wielder gains +3 to strike with this weapon.
- Each attack blinds the target for 1D4 melee rounds.
- The weapon can be commanded at will to glow like a normal torch.
- The weapon can cast Tornado at eighth level of experience. Casting this
spell takes only one melee attack, but it can only be used 127 times before
the weapon permanently loses this ability.
- Zephyr:
- Item Type: Missile weapon capable of holding two runes
- Rune Order: Ort + Eth
- Price: 20,000
- Powers:
- Weapon inflicts 33% of the rolled damage as an additional damage bonus.
- Wielder gains +3 to strike and +1 to parry with the weapon.
- Each attack causes +2D6 points of energy damage.
- Decrease target's natural armor rating by -4 when hit by the weapon.
- Increase wielder's SDC by +4D6.
- Increase wielder's Spd attribute by +25%.
- Wielder gains +1 attack per melee, but the extra attack must be used to
attack with this weapon.
- Each attack has a 7% chance of casting Tornado (seventh level Air Elemental)
on the target at tenth level of experience.