Shamantic Spells

Level 1


Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) +20 feet (6 m) per level of experience.
Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Not applicable.
P.P.E.: 1
This spell will guide the spell caster to water if it is in the range of the spell, even if the water is below the ground. The spell is cast upon a small, supple stick that gently tugs the caster in the direction of the nearest water supply and points to it when he reaches the exact location. If the water is out of sight, the spell caster will have an excellent idea where it is (underground, in a cave, covered/concealed, etc.). The spell does not bring the water to the shaman.

Nose of the Wolf

Range: Self or two others by touch.
Duration: 5 minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 1
This spell gives the recipient the incredible sense of smell of a wolf. This gives him the ability to recognize and identify odors at 70%, track by smell alone at 60%, and recognize a specific person's scent at 50%, but that person must be very well known to the character. The spell can also be used to add +5% to the scent tracking abilities of a normal animal or Dog Boy.

Shape Plants

Range: Touch
Duration: Perm
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 1
The spell caster can reshape a tree limb or small planta t will. He can alter its position and even twist the trunk and branches of a small tree or plant. Large trees and intricate designs, such as sculpting a normal tree into a humanoid or animal shape, will take multiple castings (each casting causes one more effect). Affecting a large tree would take 8-12 castings. This power only works on living or freshly cut trees and plants.

Level 2

Animate Plant: Minor

Range: 60' (18.3m)/level
Duration: One melee round (15 sec) per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 2
The spell caster can cause one plant of average tree size or less to move. The plant will remain rooted to the spot but will move its limbs and stems around. Trees will make a lot of noise as they flail their limbs, rustling their leaves as if a strong wind was running through them. The character can also make a tree or branch bend to better reach a branch or to climb. The animated plants cannot attack or hinder people but can distract or even terrify foes (at the GM's discretion, seeing a large tree suddenly move its branches or bend as if to bow might call for a save vs a Horror Factor of 9 to 11).

Animal Speech

Range: Self; extent of voice and hearing, about 250 feet (75 m).
Duration: 5 minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 2
This spell allows the spell caster to converse with ordinary animals. He simply speaks, and the animal understands as if he had barked, chirped, growled, etc., in the animal's own tongue. Likewise, the spell caster can understand the animal as if it had spoken his language. Conversations are limited to the knowledge and intelligence of the animal, and the spell does not confer any kind of control over or cooperation from the animal, unless other magics are used (such as Call Totem Animal and Animal Companion). The spell only works on normal animals, or supernatural beings in an animal form. Only one animal per level of experience can be spoken to with this magic, and only the spell caster can so communicate — this spell cannot be cast upon others.

Contact Spirits

Range: Self or others by touch.
Duration: One question or one minute of conversation per level.
Saving Throw: None, but contacted spirits can refuse to talk to the spell caster.
P.P.E.: 2
When this spell is cast, the Shaman enters into a partially detached, dream-like state in which he can hear voices around him. The voices are those of the spirits in the Astral Realm of the gods. The general type of spirit to be contacted is decided when the spell is cast, and includes animal, plant, or ancestor spirits, Nunnehi or other specific spirit race, greater spirits, or the gods themselves. Once the spell is successfully cast (see below), the Shaman can ask one question or converse with the spirit for one minute per level of experience. The spirit can tell only what it knows and may be unable to answer certain questions. Furthermore, the spirit will usually answer with a story, fable or parable and may speak in riddles, speak in generalities, be vague, or give a somewhat convoluted answer (i.e., a long-winded answer to a simple question). Likewise, it may warn a character that the answer may be unpleasant or that he may not understand or want to know the answer. In this case, the Shaman must prod the spirit to continue, and greater spirits and gods may refuse to answer if they wish. Secrets, privileged information, and spell knowledge cannot be gained from the use of this spell; a spirit quest is necessary in such cases. The Contact Spirit spell is used to get general information or specific knowledge about common things such as farming, building a canoe, hunting, or trapping a particular animal, and relatively common information (past and present) about places, people, and events, or to get a story or piece of Native American history, law, beliefs, or culture from the spirits. The spirits cannot reveal the future, read minds, teach spells, or speak of things they do not know about. While they seem to prefer to tell stories and talk about the past, their stories often contain hints, clues, omens, and advice about the present and imminent future. When in contact with the spirit world, the character is oblivious to things occurring around him and cannot fight, cast magic, or defend himself without breaking contact with the spirits. Contact can be broken when the entranced Shaman is attacked (or he can ignore the attack and continue his talk with the spirits), or whenever he desires to do so. Only the character in contact with the spirits can hear them and ask them questions.
Success Ratio: The chance of successfully casting this spell depends on the caster's level and the type of spirit he desires to speak with. The following percentages are used just like skill ratings to determine the Shaman's knowledge and familiarity with the spell and the spirits.
Animal, plant, and ancestor spirits: 50% +5% per level.
Nunnehi and other lesser spirits: 35% +5% per level. Greater Spirits: 30% +3% per level of experience.
Great Elemental Spirits: 20% +3% per level
The gods (lesser and greater): 12% +3% per level of experience.
Note: There are specific fetishes made to augment this spell. They are considered level two fetishes for creation and other purposes, and they add +15% to the percentages for casting the spell.

Plant Virtual Sight

Range: 100' (30.5m)/level
Duration: 1 melee round (15 sec)
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 2
The spell caster can mystically "see" from the vantage point of any plant from a blade of grass low to the ground to the tallest treetop. For instance, a character needing to see past a jungles heavy canopy could use this spell to magically move his eyesight to the top of a tree. The caster must specify the angle and direction he will be looking at.

Spirit Quest

Range: Self or other within 20 ft (6 m)
Duration: Until canceled or the quest is fulfilled.
Saving Throw: None. Spell only works on willing targets.
P.P.E.: 2
The Spirit Quest spell is a kind of minor Astral Projection that enables the Shaman to journey to the doorstep of the Spirit Realm of the Native American gods and spirits in order to seek new spell knowledge or the answers to questions. If a Shaman does not have this spell, he will have to physically journey to a sacred spirit cave to physically enter the Spirit Realm each new level to gain his new spells. It is a second level spell, and Game Masters may consider restricting its availability, requiring the Shaman to travel to the spirit caves for his first few levels, instead of having him start with the spell early on. It also provides the basis for small adventures involving the Shaman and perhaps his companions. The spell can be cast on other people, even non-Shamans. This way, the entire group could participate in an Astral Quest for whatever reason. The spirits will welcome the group's eagerness to work together, and will use the opportunity to start molding them into heroes. The actual quests change from visit to visit, and commonly require the shaman to trek through the woods to a remote location where an elder awaits with the spell knowledge he requires. Higher level spells or quests for lost or important information may require numerous tests and obstacles to challenge the quester, or he may be required to visit several elders, each in a more remote location than the last. A separate quest is not required for each new spell to be learned by the mystic, but the quest will likely contain elements of the spells sought (i.e., searching for the knowledge of a Fear spell might place the shaman in a frightening situation or require him to do the frightening, and a quest for a healing spell will definitely require attending to an injured person or animal). Once the quest is complete, the spirits bestow the spell knowledge upon the shaman.
The GM can use this opportunity to run the wildest dream adventures he can think of, or they can seem as normal as any adventure the characters might have in the real world. One thing is always the same. Time flows differently in the realm of the gods. A character who spends three days on an astral quest will return to find that only three minutes or so have passed in his reality. It is rare, but the effect can also work in reverse. In that case, three minutes in the quest could be three hours or days in the real world (a useful game device for advancing a storyline or creating tension).

Weave Plants

Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 2
The character can take portions of a plant (never a whole plant, but small pieces from bushes and trees like leaves, vines, and so on) and reshape them into a vegetable fiber that is lightweight, resilient, and waterproof; reminiscent of plastic with a cotton-like texture. Color is manipulated by the selection of the base material. Fabric made of bark, branches and roots will be shades of brown, leaves provide shades of green, grains give yellow and orange, while flower petals and fruits offer an array of colors.
As the caster creates the fiber, he or she can reshape it into clothing, belts, bags, baskets, rope or any article that can be made out of fabrics or weaves. The sewing/tailor skill is necessary to make a functional set of clothing (any style). Characters without a sewing or tailoring skill can only make simple cloaks, robes, blankets, sheets of material, sacks, rope and similar simple articles. Each casting creates three square feet (0.3 sq meters) of material per level of experience.
SDC armor can be made by using bark or roots and layering and interlacing several layers of heavy cloth. The maximum protection such armor will provide is 45 SDC with an AR of 13.

Level 3

Animal Companion

Range: Varies
Duration: Indefinite
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 4
The spell summons an animal of the desired species to the caster, typically canines, felines, horses and similar. When the animal arrives, it will act as if it were a devoted, life-long companion to the caster. Unlike the Familiar Link spell, there is no mental or magical bond other than the friendship. The animal summoned is normal in every way, and it will act accordingly (see Monsters & Animals, 2nd Ed.). Giant animals (buffalo, elephants, dinosaurs, etc.) cannot be summoned. If the animal is treated well, it will remain with the spell caster indefinitely (minimum of 1D4 weeks) and may even risk its life for him. The animal is considered intelligent for its breed and arrives with a sense of friendship and devotion toward him, but the spell caster must nurture that trust and devotion, or it will fade. The spell can be cast repeatedly, but only once per month, or when the Shaman has two or less animals companions.

Accelerate Plant Growth

Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 4 for a small plant, 10 for at tree, 20 for a large tree.
The Shaman can speed up the normal growth of a plant. Full-grown plants will sprout a full year's worth in a melee round and a sapling with grow up into a full sized adult plant. Adult trees will grow another 4d6% of their current size. A seed needs two castings, one after planting to create a sapling and another spell to make the plant reach full size.

Call Totem Animal

Range: Varies
Duration: 4 hours per level of the spell caster's experience.
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 4
This spell simply summons a single, ordinary animal that is representative of the character's animal Totem. The animal will arrive within 4D6xlO minutes (double or half the time depending on the environment and the probability of the animal species living there, i.e., it will take a long time for a bear to find its way into a city, but only a short time when summoned in a forest). The animal will be friendly and helpful, but unless the summoning character has the Animal Speech spell, it will be little more than a highly trained animal, i.e., will understand such commands as attack, run, stop, guard, carry, come, stay, follow the trail (applicable only to predatory animals who can track by scent or sight), etc. The animal will react as a normal, although loyal, animal in respects to risking its life and/or fighting the supernatural or magic. If the duration of the spell exceeds 24 hours, and the animal is well treated during its stay, it may remain with the spell caster for some period (a few hours to several days, but not indefinitely) after the spell duration has elapsed (G.M.'s option).

Shrink Plant

Range: Touch
Damage: See Description
Duration: 1min/level or permanent
Saving Throw: Standard; supernatural plants get a +6 to save.
PPE: 4 temporary or 60 for permanent shrinking.
This spell will shrink any plant by as much as 90%, reducing a 30' (9.1m) tree to a mere 3' (0.9m). The caster can determine the degree of shrinking in gradations of 10% up to 90%. Once shrunk, the spell cannot be used on that plant again to make it any smaller. Expending 200 PPE points will cause a permanent reduction of the plant.


Range: 60 feet (18.3 m) +10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.
Duration: One hour per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 4
When this spell is cast, it causes a thick wall of sturdy thorn branches to rise up before the spell caster. The mass of thorns appears as a cube or square that is 10x10x10 feet (3 m) per level of the spell caster's experience. Each cube can be strung together to create a long wall; straight, weaving or curved, but not a complete circle. In the alternative, a single cube can be increased in size (20 ft/6 m, 30 ft/9 m, 40 ft/12.2 m, etc.). In this case, the spell caster can either be on the other side of the cube or located in a small area in the center.
The depth and mass of tightly woven thorn branches is thick enough to completely stop anyone from going threw. The branches are S.D.C. and can be cut, chopped, or smashed through, but unarmored people take 3D6 S.D.C. damage per melee round as they force their way through. It requires four melee rounds to cut through each 10 feet (3 m) of thickness. Charging or fast-moving opponents who suddenly find a wall of thorns in front of them can roll a dodge of 16 or higher to stop in time to avoid a collision. A failed roll results in 6D6 S.D.C. of damage.
Note: The thorn cube can be augmented with the Spirit Blessing spell, making it twice as dense and requiring twice as much time.

Level 4

Create Arrows

Range: Touch Damage: See Description Duration: Indefinite Saving Throw: Not applicable. P.P.E.: 8 or 16 for greater fetish arrows. The casting of this spell causes 1D4+1 arrows per level of the spell caster to magically appear! These are normal, S.D.C. arrows. The spell can alternately create one fetish arrow per level of the Shaman. Fetish arrows inflict 40 points of S.D.C. Shamans of eighth level or higher can elect to create one additional fetish arrow for each level beyond seventh (i.e. two arrows at 8th level, three at 9th, four at 10th, etc.); each doing 40 points of S.D.C. , However, an 8th level (or higher) Shaman can elect to create one superior fetish arrow that inflicts 80 points of S.D.C., but each superior fetish arrow costs 25 P.P.E. to create (300 P.P.E. for a dozen).

Ears of the Wolf

Range: Self or others by touch.
Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 8
This spell magically gives the recipient the sensitive hearing of a canine. Can hear into a higher range of sound and can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations per second compared to 20,000 in humans and 25,000 in cats (can hear dog whistles and other high-pitched sounds). They can also shut off their inner ear to filter the general din of noise to zero in on the sound they want to concentrate on. It also allows the recipient to recognize voices he has heard before, even if they are disguised (01-40% chance).
Bonuses: +2 to initiative and +1 to dodge and parry.

Forest Camouflage

Range: Self
Duration: Two min (8 melees)/level
Savin Throw: None
PPE: 8
The mage can blend into any plant-covered landscape, becoming totally invisible! Unlike the chameleon spell, the mage can move around without disturbing the spell. Not even the see invisible spell, or creatures with that ability, are able to see the camouflaged character as long as he stays among vegetation. While the spell is in effect, the character has an effective prowl skill of 60% (or adds 10% to an existing prowl skill, whichever is greater). The only way to attack the character is to shoot or strike wildly, but all such attacks are -5 to strike and the magically camouflaged character has the initiative. Area effect magics are more likely to hit the concealed target.
The character will only reveal its hiding place if he calls attention to himself by shouting, making noise, or attacking. Even then attackers are -2 to strike and he is vulnerable only during the melee(s) in which he performs the foolish action. He can also reveal himself by stepping out of vegetation, like moving onto rocks or a paved street. By retreating into the woodlands and remaining silent, the character will once again become invisible and undetectable. Remember, the spell only works in places where trees and plants are numerous: forests, jungles, city parks, grasslands (but then the character must crawl or remain crouched).

Shared Spirits

Range: Self or two others by touch.
Duration: 5 minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 8
When a mage casts this spell on himself or someone else, it causes animals to regard that person as if he was another animal of their species. This will go a long way toward protecting or concealing those affected from that animal, but it must be remembered that the subject of this spell is not invisible, nor is the animal charmed into being docile or friendly. Even though the person is regarded as another of their kind, the animals may impose dominance and/or a pecking order on the "new" animal(s) and will flee or fight if this "new animal" is aggressive/threatening. Depending on the animal(s) involved and how the character conducts himself, the person could be in just as much trouble as he would be without this magical disguise.

Spirit Paint

Range: Touch
Duration: Two days per level of the spell caster's experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 8 hunting, or 16 for war.
There are two versions of this spell, a minor one normally applied for hunting, and a more powerful one for war. The spell is cast on normal pigments used to adorn the face and body, making them into a kind of minor fetish of limited duration. The paint's potency lasts for two days per level after the spell is cast to paint that has already been applied to the body. Hunting paint costs 10 P.P.E. to cast and gives the wearer +1 to strike and dodge, plus a +5% bonus to the track animal and prowl skills. War paint costs 20 P.P.E. and provides the bonuses of +2 to initiative, strike, pull punch, roll with impact, and save vs horror factor.

Strengthen Plant

Range: One tree or 10' (3m) area/level
Duration: 1 min/level or permanent
Saving Throw: None.
PPE: Temporary effect: 8, Permanent effect 80.
This spell transforms normal trees and plants into structures with the strength of steel. A blade of grass would be like stepping on a nail, pointed end up). Some Shamans use rituals and leyline energy to permanently transform whole forests in this way. This is especially effective in foiling logging operations, Forest fires, and other types of damage. The transformed plants are also immune to disease and insects. Once a Strengthened plant or tree is cut down/killed, however, it reverts back to normal wood, so people trying to exploit the capabilities of the strengthened plants get nothing for their troubles.

Stockade Sprouts

Range: Affects a 90-foot radius
Duration: 1 Hour
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 8
Causes four trees to magically sprout at points on the ground within a 90’ radius, growing upward and forming cages with their branches. Each creature in a space where a tree sprouts must make a saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a creature is trapped by the branches of the tree as it rises into the air. They are lifted up to 20 feet into the air, grappled by the tree until the spell ends, and restrained while they are grappled in this way. On a successful saving throw, a creature moves up to 5 feet to an unoccupied space adjacent to the newly sprouted tree.
You can choose to grow individual trees to lift targets less than 20 feet but no less than 5 feet up. The tops of the trees, including the spaces of grappled targets, are lightly obscured by leaves, and grappled targets have cover from the branches. The trunks have a diameter of 3 feet, and the trees can be climbed. The insides of the branches have poisonous thorns. When a grappled target makes a weapon attack or fails an attempt to escape the grapple, they must make a poison saving throw, taking 4d6 damage on a failed save. A creature can only take this damage once per turn. When the grapple ends on a target, they fall if they cannot fly or climb the tree using a climbing speed. The trees last until the spell ends, even with no prisoners inside. When the spell ends, the trees disintegrate into leaves, soil, and slime.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can conjure one additional tree for each slot level above 5th.

Level 5

Animate the Forest Floor

Range: Affects a 35-foot (10.4 m) radius per level of the spell caster and can be cast up to a 50 foot (15.2 m) distance per level.
Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of the spell caster.
Saving Throw: Special
P.P.E.: 16
This spell has an effect almost identical to the Carpet of Adhesion spell, but instead of a magical adhesion, it causes vegetation to animate, and grab hold of the targets. The spell is limited by the need for adequate vegetation to effectively immobilize the target, so it cannot be cast in a desert, indoors, and so on, but can be cast on the prairies and in forests. It works best in woodlands with tree roots, vines, and undergrowth. A 35-foot (10.4 m) radius is affected by the spell. Creatures caught in the spell are held until the duration elapses or the Shaman cancels the effect. It takes a P.S. of 25 or greater and 1D4+2 melee actions to pull free, but as long as the character remains in the radius of affect and on the ground, he will be instantly ensnared again. Note that it is the feet that are entangled (hands only if the captive puts his hands below his knees or touches the ground), so the character can still use his arms and hands to fire weapons and can cast spells and use psionics.
Saving Throw: If a saving throw is successfully made, the character must constantly keep moving (never stopping for more than a second or two) and it still takes 1D4 melee rounds per level of the spell caster who animated the plants to fight his way out of the zone of animated plants. Those failing saving throws are held fast for the duration of the spell, or may pull free for an instant, only to become stuck again. The effectiveness of this spell is based on the strength of the vegetation it uses. The potential victims suffer the following penalties when faced with the following types of vegetation:
Sage Brush and Scrub: -2 to save
Light Forest or dense, tall grassland: -1 to save
Deciduous, Coniferous or Mixed Forest: -2 to save
Rain Forest/Jungle: -4 to save

Metamorphosis: Plant

Range: Touch
Duration: 5 min/level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 16
The Shaman can transform himself into a plant. The size can range from a shrub to a tree. While in this state, the magician cannot move, attack, or use magic (except to end the spell), but remains in control of all his senses other than speech. Turning into a shrub or tree temporarily gives the character 60 additional SDC; a large tree will grant the character an additional 200 SDC.

Metamorphosis: Totem Animal

Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 16
This is a specialized metamorphosis spell; in that it allows the Shaman to turn into one specific animal as represented by his animal totem. So, if the Shaman's animal totem is a crow, he can only turn into a crow, not a hawk, dog, horse, or any other type of animal. Other than that restriction, it is identical to the level seven spell, Metamorphosis: Animal.
Note that a Shaman in animal form will not be affected by a Spirit's Blessing spell but can still benefit from the Totem Gift spell.

Spirit's Blessing (Plant)

Range: 75 feet (22.5 m)
Duration: Varies with the different magical effects; some permanent, others temporary. The doubled S.D.C. lasts only five minutes (20 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 16
This spell can only be used on one plant at a time, whether it is a small house plant or an ancient tree. This blessing will instantly rid the plant of any disease, blight, or poison, restore it to its normal full strength/health, and temporarily double its S.D.C. This spell cannot be cast on intelligent vegetation aliens, plant spirits or plants that are mega-damage creatures. Nor can it be used to animate the forest floor because multiple plants are involved. However, it can be cast upon a (single) animated tree and the Thornwall because both are a single plant.

Totem Gift

Range: Self
Duration: 2 melees per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 16
When a Shaman casts this spell, he infuses himself with the power of his totem. The spell caster does not change into the totem animal but does gain the Totem Warrior bonuses listed under his totem for the duration of the spell. The character does not become a supernatural creature, and all bonuses are S.D.C. unless some other form of magical augmentation is in effect. For example, if a Shaman of the hummingbird totem casts this spell, he would add +2 attacks per melee, +2D6 to P.P., +1D6x10 to Spd., +3 to strike, +4 to dodge, and damage from physical attacks would be reduced by 1D6. All of the bonuses are applied, even though he does not turn into a bird and cannot fly! Special abilities like digging and tunneling can be performed if the totem has them, but the human hands are not well suited for such tasks so their speed is reduced by half.

Level 6

Magic Stick

Range: Single club-sized stick
Duration: 12 hours.
Magic Effect & Limitation: When Duration is up, the weapon becomes an ordinary S.D.C. item again. Cannot be cast upon branches from a Tree of life or finished, hand-carved wooden weapons and can only be cast on the same item twice.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 30
Damage: Generally, such simple weapons do 1D6, 2D4, or 2D6 damage.
The Magic Stick spell must be cast upon a branch, not a manmade club or pole, that is either cut from a tree or found on the ground. The branch can be the size of a club or as long as a staff, but cudgel-types are most common. The item will serve as an S.D.C. weapon of its type (club, staff, etc.) until the "magic stick" spell is cast upon it. When enchanted, each successful strike of the "magic stick" (wood weapon) does triple damage and will hit creatures only effected by magic weapons! Thus, a cudgel or club-styled weapon that normally does 2D4 S.D.C. now inflicts 6D4 S.D.C. under the Magic Stick spell. Remember that Shamans rarely cast their spells for others. A plant Shaman would not hand out enchanted Magic Sticks to his Spirit Warrior buddies unless the group were truly in trouble and will never enchant a weapon held by somebody he does not trust. An attack with a magic stick can be parried.

Nourish Plants

Range: Area of Affect: 60 ft (9 m) diameter sphere.
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 30
Provides plants (including trees) within the area of effect with all of the required nutrients and equivalent sunlight for an entire day. In addition, the spell will continue to provide the plants with the same nourishment for one day per level of the spell caster. It does not actually create the sunlight, but magically provides the nourishment it would normally get from the sun and water. Consequently, it can even be cast on plants indoors or in total darkness. Sickly or undernourished plants (from lack of sufficient sunlight, drought or poor soil) will return to full health within 24 hours. Physical breaks or cuts are not healed by this spell, but it will make the plant healthy enough to heal itself.

Plant Travel

Range: Self or two others by touch.
Duration: One hour per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard, but only for unwilling targets.
P.P.E.: 30
When this spell is used, it causes the plants around the spell caster to bear him aloft and move him along by passing him from plant to plant. Whether it is hundreds of blades of grass or a single tree, the spell caster is passed from one to the next, in the direction he desires at a constant speed of approximately 6 mph (9.6 km). The speed may not seem impressive, but when you consider that the mage can travel without stopping, nearly 150 miles (240 km) can be covered in 24 hours, provided the character has the necessary amount of P.P.E.! He can sleep while being transported, and the soft rippling of the hundreds of leaves provides enough massaging action to prevent sore muscles.
Eating can also be done while moving by this method. The only real drawbacks are the slow speed, obvious means of travel, and the need for vegetation. It will not function in the desert, and travel across grasslands/prairies is halved (3 mph/4.8 km), while jungle travel speed is nearly doubled (10 mph/16 km). The spell can also be used in an offensive manner. If it is cast upon a target who fails its saving throw, the target can be carried off in a direction determined by the spell caster. The victim of this effect is allowed an additional saving throw every 30 minutes. A successful save means the spell is broken.

Tree Teleport

Range: 200' (61m) per level
Duration: Inst
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 30
The Shaman can temporarily transform himself and up to 150 lbs. (68kg) of equipment into bio-energy and "jump" to a nearby tree. The tree acts as a lightning rod for the bio-energy and enables the caster to disappear, move and reform himself. The effect is just like a teleport spell, enabling the character to pop in, out and around an area without leaving tracks or to surprise an enemy. The spell needs a tree to "ground" itself and to give the spell caster a fixed target location; he appears right next to the target tree.
If a foolish character attempts the spell when there are no trees in range, he cannot re-materialize! Instead, the character will temporarily turn into energy and drift randomly for 1d5 days, after which time he will finally reappear next to a tree 1d4x10 miles (1d4x16km) from his jump point (or the next closest tree if none are within that range).

Level 7

Animate Tree

Range: 120 ft (36m)
Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 40
This spell animates the branches and gives life-like qualities to a normal tree. The tree cannot walk or talk, but it can move its branches and limbs like arms to lift, hold, attack, or entangle. The spell caster can affect approximately a 10-foot (3 m) section of tree per level of experience. The Game Master should apply this as an overall height restriction and not a general length. Thus, a fourth level caster could animate a 40-foot (12.2 m) tall tree, or two 20-foot (6 m) tall saplings, or the lower 40-foot (12.2 m) section of a taller tree.
For each 10 ft (3 m) of height (or width), a tree will have the following statistics: The equivalent of 3 points of supernatural P.S. for damage determination and 4 points for lifting, 100 S.D.C., 2 attacks per melee round, and +1 to A.R. (begins with an A.R. 6). This means trees of 40 feet (12.2 m) tall have a supernatural P.S. of 12, 8 attacks per melee, 400 S.D.C., and an A.R. of 10! Trees 50 feet tall (or wide) or larger entangle with the same capabilities and effect as the animate the forest floor spell. Characters under attack by an animated tree are -1 to all combat bonuses per each 10 feet of the tree's height beyond 50 feet (15.2 m). Attacks can be directed at one or two opponents or divided among several different ones (typically in pairs, i.e., two attacks against Bob the Paladin, two against Shining Eagle the Shaman, and so on). The maximum reach of the tree is typically half that of its overall height.

Plant Growth

Range: 60 ft (18.3m)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Standard, but at -4.
P.P.E.: 40
The casting of this spell instantly ages a plant by 3D6 months per level of the caster (the mage can stop the age/growth period at any point he desires). It can be used to grow a barrier of vegetation, to cover tracks, to produce fruit out of season, or to replace damaged woodlands. The spell caster can either age the plant to the extent of the spell or state a specific period of aging, such as one season. The spell caster has no control over the growth of the plant, so it will spread and/or branch upward or outward in its natural manner (i.e., vines will cling and climb, not grow straight up into a net or barrier, but if the mage had time, he could weave them into such upon the spell's completion). Casting this spell does not subject the plant to normal weather, pests, and/or disease, and it will grow fuller and healthier than normal. Plants will not die off in this manner, unless it is part of their life cycle (like plants which grow from a bulb, such as day lilies.).

Spirit's Blessing (Animal)

Range: One by Touch.
Duration: 2 minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 40
Spirit's Blessing can only be cast upon a normal (S.D.C.) animal, and when it is, it fills the animal with magical strengths. The animal, be it a dog, cat, horse, pet bird, etc., is given a limited 150 SDC, increased speed, supernatural P.S., and immunity to horror factor. It is best applied to loyal and controllable animals. Animals protected by this spell will willingly fight for the spell caster or its owner if they are so inclined, either by spell or friendship, but it does not impart an ignorance of injury or death, and the animal will not fight any more than it would normally. When the spell wears off, half of any damage taken is transferred to the animal's S.D.C. and hit points, but the rest is negated. This is a great spell to augment a horse or canine companion during combat, or when they have to face supernatural menaces. Bonuses from the spell:
+150 SDC to the Animal’s normal amount
Supernatural Strength: The animal does 24D6 S.D.C damage from bites and claw attacks.
Supernatural Speed: Double the animal's natural speed. That's up to 70 mph (112 km) for wolves and as much as 80 mph (128 km) for horses!
Immunities: Impervious to horror factor, fatigue and poison while magically enchanted.

Level 8

Summon Game Animals

Range: Varies
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 50
The casting of this spell magically leads/brings one large or 2D4 small game animals into the caster's immediate area. Its purpose is to provide a hungry spell caster and his companions with food. However, they must take advantage of the opportunity by catching/killing the animal(s) or it will run away. The magic only brings animals into hunting range and confers no control over them, so they react as they would to any human and flee at the first hint of danger. The advantage of the spell is that it allows the spell caster to be prepared for the animal(s) when it arrives. Small game animals include most fowl (ducks, quail, pheasants, etc.), rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, and similar small critters, while large game animals include all types of deer, elk, moose, wild pigs, and buffalo.

Tree Warrior

Range: Immediate area
Damage: See Description
Duration: 30 min/level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 50
This spell enables the Shaman to animate a tree and imbue it with supernatural strength and endurance. The tree will pull itself up by the roots, follow the Shaman and fight his enemies. At the end of the spell, the tree will root itself in the nearest convenient spot (if possible, its original position) and return to normal. The tree can serve as a bodyguard, spy, or scout. Three warriors are ideal for ambushes because they can remain immobile like an ordinary tree until an unsuspecting victim is within reach and then strike. Shamans who carelessly cause the death of a tree with this spell, however, have a 10% chance of losing their Shaman powers until they can somehow redeem themselves! This 10% chance is cumulative.

Tree Warrior
- SDC: 200
- 8 to 15' (2.4 to 4.6m) tall, PS: 25, PP: 17, IQ: 7, Speed: 16, +3 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, bio-regenerate 2d6 SDC per melee round, and SD fire and plasma does half damage
- Can shoot bio-energy bolts inflicting 3d6 SDC, doubled against vampires and the undead; range: 100' (30.5m).
- Four physical attacks or bio-bolts per melee. Punch inflicts 2d6 SDC, power punch does 4d6 SDC (counts as two attacks).
- The Tree Warrior will obey only the person who summoned it.

Will of the Earth

Range: Varies
Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
Area of Effect: Either a specific target (person or object) or an area that has a spherical radius of 10 feet (3 m). If the spell is cast on a person or item, only that person or item is affected. If cast on an area, all who enter the area are subject to its effects.
Saving Throw: None if cast on an inanimate object, area or self. Standard if targeting an unwilling victim.
P.P.E.: 50
This spell allows the spell caster to manipulate the forces of gravity. The spell can reduce, increase, or cancel gravity in a given area of effect. The character must announce which aspect of the spell he will be employing before it is cast. When a character enters into an area of effect, he must save or suffer the magical effects. A successful save means the magic has no effect. Reduced Gravity is used to lighten the weight of an object or person. It can be cast up to 140 feet (42.6 m) away and will affect one object per casting. If cast on an item, its weight is divided by 50. A 150-pound (67.5 kg) person would weigh a mere three pounds (1.4 kg)! If the spell is cast upon a living being, he is +2 to dodge and can leap three feet (0.9 m) for each P.S. point possessed by that character. Increased Gravity is used to make items or people heavier (actually the weight is not increased, but gravitational pull is). The weight of a person or item can be increased by up to 30 times. If a person is not strong enough to support his increased weight, he is immobilized. Speed is reduced by five points for every 200 pounds of weight. Canceling Gravity totally negates the effects of gravity within a 10-foot (3 m) radius. Anything not held down or secured, including people and wildlife, will suddenly find themselves floating around in the spherical area of effect. To get out, they must be tethered and pulled out. While weightless, all characters are -3 on all combat rolls and -1 melee action/attack as they float, bob, and spin 6-10 feet (1.8 to 3 m) above the ground.

Level 9

Spirit Walk

Range: Self or two others by touch.
Duration: Indefinite.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 60
The Spirit Walk spell is a form of specialized Mystic Portal that allows a Shaman to form a dimensional connection between the P.P.E. of a large tree and the Realm of the Gods. Once this is done, he seems to walk into the tree and is gone. In actuality, he has created an invisible, one-way portal on the tree that disappears behind him. The spell is cast as the Shaman walks into the tree, and does not have a set duration. The Gods section details the Spirit Realm and gives information on its defenses. If the Shaman overcomes these defenses, usually by gaining permission to enter the Realm through the use of a Call Spirits spell, he can remain within the Realm until he wishes to leave or is asked to go. Unlike the second level Spirit Quest, this spell actually transports the spell caster's physical body to the Astral Plane (no silver cord).

Universal Balance

Range: 90 ft (27 m)
Duration: One melee action (roughly 3 seconds) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard.
P.P.E.: 60
This powerful spell causes the innate magical energies of supernatural creatures to warp and ebb, changing them into near mortal creatures! The target retains use of all natural abilities and spells, but the physical structure is momentarily weakened (SDC divided by 10!) Any creature affected by this spell will instantly know what has happened and is likely to flee (if not in fear, at least through wisdom). The duration is very short, but a creature that suddenly becomes so weak in the middle of battle is not going to last long if it stays to fight. The victim still has magical energies coursing through its veins, and even if reduced, i.e. a 4000 S.D.C. dragon would still have 400 S.D.C., But now it can be damaged by normal weaponry.

Level 10

Absolute Darkness

Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience.
Area of Effect: 5-20 foot (1.5 to 6 m) spherical radius.
Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 70
This spell is the exact opposite of the Globe of Daylight spell. It creates a comparable globe of complete darkness. Only radar, keen olfactory and hearing abilities, feelers, and supernatural sight will work; night vision, passive light amplification, infrared and thermal vision are useless. Those inside the globe of darkness cannot see at all (as if blind, -9 on all combat maneuvers, likely to stumble, trip, and fall, no sense of direction, etc.); even vampires are blinded by the unnatural darkness. Those outside the area of effect cannot see anything inside the magical blackness. Any shots into or out from the sphere are equal to shooting wild.

Sphere of Negation

Range: Self
Duration: One minute (4 melees) per level of experience, or disappears the moment the spell caster steps out of the sphere, whichever comes first.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 70
The pinnacle of the Shaman's mastery over the forces of balance, this spell brings all of the forces acting on a given object or energy into complete balance, negating any effect it might have. This action/reaction nullification causes arrows to drop from the air, spell effects such as lightning to disperse, and falling objects to float gently down to earth. The sphere is roughly eight feet (2.4 m) in diameter and protects the spell caster, although two people can huddle against his sides and also be protected. The sphere simply negates any object or attack, even punches and claw attacks that pass through it. It likewise prevents the effects of magical spells from affecting those inside the sphere. The sphere works both ways, however, and the character(s) inside is unable to attack, use magic items, cast spells, or sense magic while inside it. Even psionics are affected. Psionics directed into the sphere, and those who use psychic powers while in the sphere, use them at half their usual potency (half range, duration, damage, etc.). The spell is defensive and is often used in instances where hostile parties must be negotiated with.

World Tree

Range: 60 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: N/A
P.P.E.: 70
You plant a seed into ground that has been fertilized with dirt of at least one different location (at least 50 miles away). The more casters partake in casting this spell, the more lands can be connected to the tree. Each caster must have traveled to and gathered a natural part of any given location for the world tree to form a connection with.
Over the spell's casting, the seed germinates and grows rapidly from the ground. The tree grows as high as 30 feet per caster. Once the spell is finished, any creature can willingly touch any part of the tree and transport itself to one of the locations connected to the tree. If a creature takes with them a leaf from the tree and burns it once transported, the world tree calls them back to where it is planted. Every thousand years, one land at random is disconnected from the world tree, until all have been severed, and the tree slowly withers and dies.

Level 11

Call Forest Guardian

Range: Distance is not applicable, but this spell only works in forested or jungle areas.
Damage: See Description
Duration: 24 hours.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 80
This spell calls to the service of the Shaman a powerful spirit of the woods. The spirit arrives within 1D6 minutes and will aid the Shaman for 24 hours. It can answer questions, perform tasks, and/or engage in combat. The Forest Guardian has all of the Shaman's O.C.C. abilities and knows all plant spells (all its plant spells are cast at 6th level strength). It appears as a large (8’) dark skinned, humanoid covered with fetishes and green tattoos. Most of them carry staffs, but all have wooden weapons that are charged with Magic Stick spells.
The Forest Guardian has the following stats:
Attributes: All physical attributes are 22 and supernatural. Other attributes are 12.
P.P.E.: 100+4D6x10
S.D.C.: 80
Attacks: Four per melee; damage: 4D6 S.D.C. normal punch or kick.
Bonuses (includes attribute bonuses): +4 to strike, parry, and dodge, +4 vs magic and psionics, +5 vs horror factor, and +6 vs mind control of any kind.

Call Totem Spirit

Range: Not applicable.
Duration: 24 hours, no longer.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 80
This spell summons a single, ordinary-looking animal that appears to be the normal animal that represents the character's totem but is actually supernatural. The animal has a human intelligence but speaks only in its animal tongue. Full communication with it requires the Animal Speech spell, psionic powers, or other suitable magic. Otherwise, it responds the same as the animal summoned with the Call Totem Animal spell, except it can understand and follow complex requests and tasks (i.e., find so and so, and help him to escape, and so on). The Totem Spirit Animal will serve the shaman who called it forth completely and faithfully. It will do everything it can to carry out its given tasks, even fighting to the death to save the life of the Shaman or innocent or important people. Summoned Totem Spirit Animals have the following base stats, modified by the spirit warrior bonuses listed in the Totems section under the specific animal type.
Attributes: All attributes are 12 or higher; modified by the animal species' natural bonuses.
S.D.C.: 80
Attacks: 3 per melee round.
Damage: 4D8 S.D.C. point plus any additional damage from super strength and/or claws.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge, +4 vs magic and psionics, +5 vs horror factor, and immune to mind control.

Little Force

Range: Self
Duration: One melee round (15 seconds) per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 80
The name is actually misleading. This impressive spell creates an aura around the spell caster that redirects nonmagical force and energy directed at it, and returns it in the direction it came at double its original force! This includes punches, kicks and strikes with weapons (the force of the attacker's blow is instantly sent back at him; no chance to dodge or parry), as well as arrows and thrown weapons are sent rocketing back from whence, they came. Magical spells (including magical lightning, fire balls, etc.) and magical weapons cut through the aura as if it wasn't there. Psionic attacks are also unaffected by this magic. Meanwhile, the spell caster's own physical attacks do half their normal damage, unless magic or psionic in nature, which do full damage and effect.

Level 12

Metamorphosis: Totem

Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 90
Like the other metamorphosis spells, this one changes the human into something else, in this case, a supernatural animal of his totem type. The character becomes his totem animal, but 150% bigger and with supernatural P.S. and attributes and 4x SDC. Like the other metamorphosis spells, the mage leaves behind all of his clothes and equipment and will be naked when he/she returns to human form.

Spirit Wall

Range: 100 square miles (160 sq. km) per level.
Duration: Two days per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard (see below)
P.P.E.: 90
This powerful spell creates an invisible, magical wall of energy that encloses the area of effect as desired by the caster, i.e., it can meander along the bank of a river and wind back to form an irregular shape, or it can form a precise geometric shape. The wall is 40 feet (12m) high and is invisible and undetectable unless a creature can detect magic or see the invisible. The wall is also insubstantial and allows all creatures to pass unhindered, but when they do so, the true effect of the wall is activated. Rather than contain, as the name implies, the Spirit wall is a kind of security and warning device. Each creature that passes through it is subject to the following spells: See aura, see the invisible, sense evil, and sense magic. The spell caster instantly knows that the wall/fence has been breached and receives the above information on every creature that passes through it. Only if a group or herd of a dozen or more creatures pass through at the same time or quickly, one after another, will the information be sketchy and incomplete, but the maker of the spirit fence will still know that numerous creatures passed through, and whether or not there was a presence(s) of magic and/or evil. For example, an evil, invisible, 9th level dragon in human form passes through the fence. The Shaman that cast it will immediately know (unless the dragon had a mind block in effect) that an evil, invisible, high level, nonhuman creature possessing magic and psionic abilities with lots of P.P.E. has just entered or left his Spirit Fence. Note: The Shaman must be within the area enclosed by the spell to receive this information. Normal animals trigger the fence and send weak signals, but if the shaman concentrates (using all melee attacks), he can sense the movements of normal animals across the range of the magical fence, it is designed to detect intelligent, supernatural, evil and magical life forms.

Level 13

Call Totem

Range: 60 ft (18.3m)
Duration: One minute per level or until a specific task is completed.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 90
This spell actually summons the Shaman's Totem Spirit! The species-specific protector will arrive at the ritual site within 1D6 minutes. Once summoned, the totem spirit can be asked to engage in combat for one minute per level of the summoner, or it can be asked to perform one task. The request must be truly needed and worth the attention of such a powerful being, plus it must further the circle of life. The spirit can refuse to accept the task if the request is not worth its attention, but it cannot leave until the duration of the spell elapses.

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