
Multi-Classing Anyone can be multi-classed, so long as they meet the minimum attribute requirements for their desired O.C.C.s and someone to teach them, however alignment and race may preclude some combinations, so GM approval is always nessesary.

When the character opts to pause advancement in his or her old profession and become a new class, the character retains the number of hit points accrued due to character level in his or her original class. However, all other aspects of the original class are frozen until such time as the character becomes 1st level in his or her new class. Hitpoints for the new class are rolled on D6 from that point onward for both classes and D4s if a third class is later picked up.

The process of multi-classing is rather simple. The Character must go out and find a teacher to train him or her in the ways of the new class. This serves as an apprentiship and the character must earn 3000 exp if multiclassing in like character classes such as man at arms class to a man at arms class or 5000 if multiclassing into disimilar class types (see table below) such as from man at arms to man of magic, while only using the base skills being taught in the new class. The character is allowed to use old skills at the level he had previously achieved in the original class, but experience must be shared between the old and new classes, so in effect if the character uses his old class in unison with training the character would have to collect double the exp in total, as half is applied to the new training and half applied to the old class. The half applied to the old class is disregarded, as the old class does not get to advance until the new class has reached level 1. From that point all experience is shared equally between the classes and they progress as normal. This may seem a harsh method to multi-class but does reflect a more realistic time line approach as most apprentiships run from 4-6 years.

Required EXP required:

Original ClassMarshallMagicPsychicReligiousAlternative

The character may mix functions freely and still gain experience, although restrictions regarding armor, shield, and/or weapon apply with regard to operations particular to one or both classes as well as the formentioned experience sharing.

Example: A character with ability scores of PS: 15, IQ: 17, ME: 12, PP: 10, PE: 16, and MA: 7 is begun as a Soldier. After attaining 6th level, the player switches the character to Wizard since he meets the minimum stat requirements of I.Q.: 10, P.E.: 12 . This allows the character to retain hit points already accrewed but from this point forward a 6 sided dice is used to generate hitpoints instead of a D8. He or she is considered an apprentice and must gain 5000 exp to become a 1st level Wizard, using only the skill sets learned from the apprentiship or 10,000 if using previously learned skills from his first class as 5000 exp must be applied to it as well. When 1th level of experience is gained, however, the character gets a six-sided hit die for additional hit points for both classes. Furthermore, the character can now use armour and weapons not normally usable by Wizards, and resort to their use if the need arises and not be penalized in respect to experience as a Wizard, for he or she has become part of the new class as well as the former. Thus, no harm accrues to his or her experience as a Wizard.

Alternatively, A GM might allow the character to be multiclassed from the time of creation if he is willing to allow characters to begin at higher levels assuming that apprentiships were served for each class seperately or concurrently under a multiclassed Master.

For example, the Gm has decided to begin the game at 4th level giving players the option of playing 4th level single class characters or any possible compination of classes totalling 4 levels, such as: 2nd level Mercenary/2nd level Wizard, 3rd level Assasin/1st level Priest, 1st level Soldier/1st level Thief/1st level Illusionist Mage/1st level Shamman.

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