The Actor

An actor is a very highly trained professional, with the versatility and skill needed to put on an entire theatrical production. They have to be able to perform dozens of separate roles, as well as understanding all the basic elements of stagecraft, including casting, directing, promoting, make-up, etc. Unlike modern day actors, who are specialists simply in the art of performance, the actor cannot rely on the talents of directors, stage managers, prop specialists, costume designers and lighting technicians. No, the actor has to be able to do all that, and much, much, more. Most actors travel individually or in small troupes.

By necessity, they perform all the functions of an entire theater company on their own. They make their own signs, props, and, often as not. their own stages. Not only do they play most of the parts, they also create their own plays. Many performances are customized for each specific region and audience, for example, a play given for the benefit of nobility is likely to be more sophisticated and classier, while a play for peasant villagers (or nonhumans) is likely to be more exaggerated, bawdy, and simplistic. Having to work with enthusiastic, but unskilled locals, actors usually have to modify any existing scripts to compensate for specific talents, or lack thereof.

Many actors are also well versed in a variety of lore and are good Storytellers. Actors travel a great deal and are often invited by the gentry (from Merchants and scholar to nobility), who like to associate with these attractive, Talented, and "amusing" men and women. This means that actors often hear a great many rumors and news and may even get involved with the intrigues and goings-on of court, politics or the wealthy. This can also lead to trouble if Ihe character is not discreet on many levels. They are frequently regarded as spies, prostitutes, and low life when trouble arises.

The Actor O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 10, P.P.: 12 or higher.
Alignment: Any
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
O.C.C. Skills:

  • Public Speaking (+25%)
  • Imitate Voices & Impersonation (+15%)
  • Disguise/Make-Up (+10%)
  • Dance (+15%; professional quality)
  • Mime
  • Horsemanship: General
  • Basic Math (+ 10%)
  • Language: Native tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15%).
  • Literacy: One language of choice (+ 10%) Sign Language (+10%)
  • Writing (+10%: mostly prose. but can also put together lines of poetry).
  • Carpentry (+5%)
  • Stage Carpentry
  • Lighting and Assembly (+10%)
  • Sewing (+5%; the character knows how to create stage costumes out of just about any kind of material. While the character can make clothing and costumes that look good. they will not stand up to any kind of serious wear or stress, such as fighting or adventuring. Also includes the ability to alter ready-made costumes to fit a variety of different performers - "Oh no! Little Inelina is sick! Hand me that bridal gown so I can change it to fit Olaf... Yes. I know it's not nearly big enough. just tell him not to tum his back to the audience.)
  • W.P. Sword (In learning to be an actor. the character must also learn the art of sword fighting on stage. This is not an easy thing to do. and the character must actually be just as skilled as any "real" swordsman, so as to avoid injuring the other actors.) Hand to Hand: Basic (actors have to learn to put on a good show in their make-believe fights. and many of them have actually learned fighting skills. Note: Hand to hand: basic can be changed to hand to hand: expert pen for the cost of one "other" skill. or Martial Arts for two other skills or assassin, or even Gladiator combat for the cost of three other skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select five other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

  • Communications: Any (+10% each)
  • Domestic: Any (+10%)
  • Espionage: Only Escape Artist and Intelligence, other than O.C.C. skills.
  • Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
  • Labour: Any
  • Medical: First Aid only.
  • Military: Heraldry, Surveillance and Recognize Weapon Quality only.
  • Naval Skills: Any
  • Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
  • Physical: Any
  • Rogue: Any (+2%)
  • Science: Anthropology and Mathematics skills only.
  • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10% on all Lore and Language skills)
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Siege.
  • Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 6 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: The character starts with a small, two wheeled cart, and one horse trained for both riding and pulling, worth 800 gold. Stowed in the cart are a dozen costumes, stage weapons and armour, one cloth backdrop (on one side it's an outdoor meadow, on the other side it is the interior of a castle), a variety of brightly colored cloth banners (36, in various colours), treated torches (32), and eight metal lantern/torch holders (when assembled. each is 8 feet, 4 m tall). Tools include a decent wood saw, a hammer, nails (100 large. 50 small), a plane, an awl, a pair of pliers, and a crowbar. Among the actor's personal gear are four duplicate books of popular plays. an assortment of hand-scribed plays (dramas, comedies, short vignettes, and some operas), plus sufficient paper, pen and ink. Clothing includes several outfits. including an ordinary set of street clothes (well-to-do peasant style), the outfit of a mercenary soldier, a noble, and a couple of uniforms. The character's make-up kit is well stocked, and able to put together anything from a troll face (complete with beard, wig, fake nose and false fangs), to the exaggerated make-up of a fairy-tale princess. The character also has a full set of cooking gear, a couple of travelling bags, a sewing kit, a couple of water skins, an oil lantern, and a tinder box.

Armour: Unlike any of the other entertainers, the actor is frequently called upon to use armour. NOt just in combat, but in all kinds of difficult stage feats and tricks. While actors prefer not to use helmets, they are perfectly comfortable in even the heaviest suits. Starts out with a full suit of chain mail (14 A.R. 44 S.D.C.)

Weapons: The character starts out with a good quality long sword (kobold or dwarven, worth 150 gold, 2D6+1 to damage). a quarter-staff, and a dagger.

Money: In addition to 200 gold in cash, the character may also have a "letter of credit," redeemable at banks or merchant houses, for another 600 gold. Many entertainers tend to be more interested in fame and glory than fortune. Thus, while they can make a good to excellent living, and amass a nice nest-egg, few ever become truly wealthy and many spend their money on expensive clothes, costumes, jewelry, and good times.

48,601 - 15,600

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