The Herald

The Court Herald, occupying a distinguished and esteemed role both within and outside the royal court, is a consummate expert in the intricate arts of communication, protocol, and information dissemination. Tailoring a refined skill set to the nuances of the courtly environment, the Herald assumes the pivotal role of principal messenger and official announcer, shouldering responsibilities that are integral to the seamless functioning of the kingdom.

Excelling in the delivery of speeches and announcements with eloquence, the Herald commands the attention of both the court and the populace. Endowed with diplomatic finesse, the Herald adeptly navigates the complexities of courtly interactions, fostering goodwill and ensuring effective communication with dignitaries and court members alike. Proficient in both written and spoken language, the Herald is well-versed in the subtleties of the native tongue and additional languages, thereby facilitating effective communication in diverse situations. The oratorical prowess of the Herald extends beyond mere announcements, allowing for the narration of stories, conveyance of historical accounts, and the captivation of audiences during courtly gatherings. Although not a primary focus, the Herald possesses a basic proficiency in a musical instrument, introducing an artistic touch to specific announcements or events. The ability to employ song as a form of expression enhances the Herald's communication arsenal, rendering announcements more memorable and resonant.

Mastery of courtly etiquette ensures that the Herald conducts official announcements and ceremonies with the utmost dignity and adherence to established traditions. By comprehending and employing heraldic symbols, the Herald adds a layer of symbolism to their announcements, thereby reinforcing the regal nature of the communication.

Functioning as the direct link between the ruler and the general populace, the Herald bears the voice and commands of the monarch to the people, fostering a sense of connection and unity. Entrusted with the timely and accurate dissemination of information, the Herald ensures that royal proclamations, important announcements, or updates on courtly matters reach the intended ears. Clad in distinctive courtly garb and often bearing the heraldic tabard, the Herald becomes a symbol of the monarchy. Their presence imparts a touch of regality to courtly events, emphasizing the authority and continuity of the royal line. Adaptable to various situations, whether delivering joyous news during celebrations or conveying somber messages during times of crisis, the Herald exercises discretion with paramount tact and discernment.

In essence, the Court Herald transcends the role of a mere messenger; they emerge as a cultural ambassador, a master of ceremonies, and a symbol of the monarchy's continuity and authority.

Herald O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: P.P. 10 or higher
Alignment: Any
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
O.C.C. Skills:

  • Public Speaking (+25%)
  • Diplomacy (+20%)
  • Read/Write: Native Language (+20%)
  • Recognize Language: Dialects and Accents (+15%)
  • Oratory (+15%)
  • Singing (+15%)
  • Musical Instrument: Choose one (+10%)
  • Court Etiquitte (+20%)
  • Heraldry (+15%)
  • Native Language (+20%)
  • Additional Languages: Choose two (+10% each)
  • Horsemanship: General
  • WP Spear
  • WP Lance
  • Hand to Hand: Basic

    O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    • Communications: Any (+5% each)
    • Domestic: Any (+5%)
    • Espionage: None
    • Horsemanship: Exotic Only.
    • Labour: Any
    • Medical: first aid only
    • Military: Heraldry only
    • Naval: None
    • Performing Arts: Any (+5%)
    • Physical: Any, except boxing and acrobatics.
    • Rogue: Any.
    • Science: Math only (+5%)
    • Scholar/Technical: Any (+ 10%)
    • Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Siege.
    • Wilderness: Any (+5%)

    Secondary Skills: Choose 6 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the O.C.C. bonus.

    Starting Equipment: The Herald's most valued possession is an ornate scroll case, symbolizing their role in communication. Clothing suitable for courtly occasions, including a distinctive heraldic tabard. 2 other outfits, each includes a large hat, cloak or cape, jacket, vest, shirt, pants, leggings, belt and shoes or boots. Also a lantern, a bedroll, a backpack, shoulder bag, tinder bolt, wine skin (and wine) and a water skin.

    Armour: The Herald is trained in the use of armor. Wearing anything heavier than chain reduces speed by half and imposes a -2 penalty to strike, dodge, and parry. The starting armor is a finely crafted courtly garb (6 A.R., 10 S.D.C.). Chainmaille Shirt and a Leather Heraldic Surcoat

    Weapons: Trained in the Use of Lance and Spear but any other weapon can be used with additional training.

    Money: The character starts with 500 in Gold, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment for jobs.

    Experiance and Combat Table:


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