The Noble

Members of the noble class use their intelligence and natural charisma to make their way in the world. True royalty and nobility, elected officials, merchants so wealthy that they effectively function as nobles, military commanders and even crimelords, the types of people who belong to the class are varied and numerous. Some bring honour to the name, others are sly, treacherous, and dishonourable to the core. With a winning smile, a golden tounge, or a powerful message the noble commands respect, make friends, and inevitably influences people. Nobles often feel responcible for others, though most consider themselves to be better then others as well.

The noble fosters feelings of good will and honesty, or at least the illusion of such, to succeed. Where other classes charge into a fight, the noble starts out asking questions and hopes to finish by negotiating a deal, or by exploiting the respect others feel for his position to get things done. Most believe they can accomplish more with words and deeds than violence, though they will quickly draw a sword when push comes to shove.

The noble character is typically taught the rudimentaries of combat, weapons and horsemanship, as well as educated in courtly matters and etiquette. Most nobles end up in politics, business, administration and similar occupations, but some are struck by wanderlust or a desire for adventure. Others become adventurers to make a name for themselves or to boost a sagging family fortune. Some are foppish or sissified, or pampered, selfish, and arrogant snobs. Others are dignified, proper and honorable, some are friendly and compassionate, and some are as heroic and generous as the best knights in the land.

Nobles & Armour: The character can use all types of armour. Some prefer ornated scale or plate armour, others less conspicuous leather or plate and chain. The usual penalties apply.

Family Background & Family Skills: Note: Make a random roll (fun) or select one of the following. Then select corresponding skills as described in the next table.
%Family Background
01-10 Old nobility; a member of the ruling class dating back1D6xlOO years (2D6x1000 for elves). The family is well known and is either a major political force or a major landowner.
11-15A member of an old and respected family with a long line of valiant knights, warriors and noble patriots. Minor landowners with a farming or military background.
16-20 A member of new nobility and wealthy landowners with abackground in farming and raising cattle. This family is quickly making a name for itself.
21-25 A member of a noble family and minor landowners with abackground in farming.
26-40 A mere peasant (farmer or laborer) who took up arms and proved to have the soul of a warrior born. Family is considered noble farmers who have earned a tiny portion of land. This ignoble knight may be looked down upon by arrogant aristocrats, while others look upon him with great respect because he is living proof that nobility and honour are not a birthright but a virtue that can be acquired from any station in life.
41-47 A member of an old family of noble lineage with a military background.
48-54A member of an old family of noble lineage with a scholastic background; teachers, scholars, historians, arts and entertainment, etc.
55-62A member of the new nobility with a background as a business owner.
63-69A member of the new nobility with a political background; wealthy landowners.
70-77A member of the new nobility with a strong religious background; priests, monks and champions of light associated with gods, clergy or religious organizations are part of the family. May be an ardent follower of a religion or god.
78-84A member of an old family with a background in science and/or magic.
85-00New Nobility! A warrior who has risen through the ranks to prove himself a noble and honourable warrior from humble beginnings. Family background includes farmers, fishermen, trappers, laborers, or craftsmen.

Family Skills Note: Select three skills from the categories listed, in addition to O.C.C. skills; all get a + 10% bonus.

  • Old Nobility/Ruling Class/Administrators: Make selections fromcommunications, military and/or technical categories
  • Minor Landowner, Farmer, Laborer, Peasant: Make selections from wilderness or physical categories, or may select botany and two skills from the previously listed categories.
  • Wealthy landowner and farmer or breeder of livestock: Make selections from math and botany from the science category and/or any from the technical or domestic categories.
  • Military: Make selections from the espionage and/or military categories.
  • Scholar/Teacher/Historian: Make selections from the science or technical skill categories.
  • Business Owner: Make selections from the technical and/or domestic categories.
  • Politics: Make selections from the communications and/or the domestic categories.
  • Religious: Make selections from lore, language, and literacy, skills under the technical skill category and/or any from the science category.
  • Science/Magic: Make selections from the science and/or medical categories.
  • New Nobility: Make selections from the rogue, physical or weapon proficiency categories.

The Noble O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: None
Alignment: Any, Noble birth and education are not indicative of one's inner spirit, integrity or compassion.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any

O.C.C. Skills:

    Dance (+15%)
    Heraldry (+15%)
    Horsemanship: General
    Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus one of choice (+20%)
    Literacy: One language of choice (+15%)
    Military Etiquette (+5%)
    Court Etiquette (+15%)
    Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
    Play Musical Instrument (+15%; pick one)
    Sing (+10%)
    W.P.Two of choice
    Hand to Hand: Basic(Hand to hand: basic can be changed to hand to hand: expert for the cost of one "other" skill, or martial arts (or assassin, if evil) for the cost of two "other" skill selections.)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 6 other skills at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. Don't forget about the three family skills.

    Communications: Any (+5%)
    Domestic: Any
    Espionage: None
    Horsemanship: None, other than O.C.C. skill above.
    Labour: Any
    Medical: First Aid Only.
    Military: Falconry and Recognize Weapon Quality only (+10%)
    Naval Skills: Any
    Preforming Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: None
    Science: Any (+10%)
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start atLvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: A set of traveling clothes, a set of fine clothing, boots, a pair of gloves, cape or cloak, hat, belt, bedroll, tent, purse, backpack, three small sacks, a water skin, a bottle of fine wine or brandy, pocket mirror, comb, a tin of snuff, and a tinder box.Plus a riding horse of good quality. The horse has 30+2D6 S.D.C., 6D6 hit points, running speed 33, and a value of ID6xl000 gold!

Armour: Starts with a suit of chain mail (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44).

Weapons: Starts with a knife and two additional weapons of choice; all are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. Magic weapons and additional items must be acquired later.

Experiance Table:

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