Faer`Delimbiyra, The Arcane Archer
Master of the elven warbands, the Arcane or Elven Archer is in many respects like Archer's of other races and in other respects far different. The Arcane Archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement their combat prowess. Beyond the woods, arcane archers gain renown throughout entire kingdoms for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and their ability to imbue their arrows with magic. In a group, they can strike fear into an entire enemy army. They, like all Archers, are highly skilled in the expert use of all bows and especially the longbow. They can be found as adventurers in search of fame or wealth, offer themselves as mercenaries for hire, or enlist as soldiers, but are most often found in service to the Elven Race as protectors and guardians. The character is skilled in hand to hand combat, weapons and wilderness travel. Generally speaking, the Arcane Archer is very quick and agile, exhibiting exceptional dexterity when it comes to the use of the bow weapons.Unlike short bows, the long bow is not a common weapon, and requires special training to develop expertise. Those who master it can become one of the deadliest, long distance fighters in the world. The long bow is a very effective weapon, having nearly double the maximum range of a short bow, and does twice as much damage. Those skilled with it tend to be extremely accurate and usually develop a staggering rate of fire. Because of this Arcane Archers are much sought after men of arms, commanding 4 to 5 times the normal mercenary salaries when hired by the military, and can generally get paid even twice that if high level (seventh or higher). Exceptional marksmen (and high level characters) can often dictate the terms of enlistment, special bonuses and/or a percentage of booty.
Special Abilities of the Arcane Archer Superior Bowmanship: The Arcane Archer is dedicated to the Discipline of Winterlight (Valista`hrive`sintheuse). At one with their bows, practitioners of the Winterlight tradition are said to be able to strike a falling leaf at more than 200 paces. The culmination of thousands of years of intermittent warfare against invaders, the Winterlight style cultivates speed, precision, and accuracy through heightened awareness. Every aspect of learning this art is governed by a master who instructs his student in all aspects of archery including the delicate and painstaking crafting of the bow and arrows themselves. Practitioners of Winterlight must swear to protect the elven nations and revere all life. The taking of life with their deadly and mysterious art is considered the most serious of responsibilities, carried out with grim determination when necessary. Members of the Order of the Winter Moon, as the cadre of Winterlight practitioners is known, believe that their weapons take life in order to maintain life. Their creed: One arrow, one life. - Rate of Fire with a Bow: Three shots at level one, + 2 at levels two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve and fourteen. Use these in place of the W.P. Archery numbers when using a bow; don 't combine them.
- Superior Range with a Bow (special): 150 feet further then the ranges given in W.P. Archery +25 feet per level of experience.
- Trick Shooting: All bonuses are in addition to W.P. Archery and applicable to Aimed shots only. Half bonus for shooting wild.
- The Trick Shooting Aimed Shot: +4 to strike with a P.P. 16 and +1 every additional five (5) P.P. points above 16.
- The Trick Shooting Called Shot: The aimed shot bonuses are NOT applicable when using this special "Trick Shooting called shot." Instead, the Archer uses the following bonuses: +4 to strike with a P.P. 18 and +1 for every additional three (3) P.P. points above 18, but the bonuses are only applicable when a Bow type weapon is used.
- Quick Draw: +2 to initiative with a P.P. 18 and every additional four (4) P.P. points above 18, but the bonuses are only applicable when a Bow type weapon is used.
- Trick Shots:
- Can fire multiple arrows (up to 3) as if firing one and each can be fired on a seperate target at the same time.
- Can shoot over his shoulder by looking at a reflective surface and aiming at the reflection seen.
- Accurately shoot while riding a horse or moving rapidly, but strike bonuses are -2.
- Shoot accurately from ackward attack positions, such as standing on head or hanging upside down, rolling from a somersault, sliding from a slope, or dropping from a height. All bonuses are applicable.
- Can shoot from a hiding place and remain hidden, enjoying the benifits of suprise (+4 to strike). Opponents must make a Perception check at -2 to see the direction of the Arcane Archer's attack.
- Can make a Curving Shot, by altering the fletchings of an arrow and aiming carefully so that the arrow curves around to ignore a target's cover. Apply a penalty of -2 to strike.
- Can make a Knock Shot, by targeting a weapon or object being held by the opponent. The Arcane Archer used his bonuses from the special called shot. If he hits the weapon or object the opponent is effectively disarmed. Apply a -4 penalty if the weapon or object is being held with two hands.
- Can make a Pin Shot, by targeting the opponent's clothing instead of body. An opponent pinned is such way must either remove the clothing or spend one action ripping it away.
- Can make a Spinning Shot, by altering the fletchings of an arrow so that it spins as it travels to the target. The spinning action causes an extra 1d4 of damage but applies a penalty of -4 to strike.
- Can make a Subduing Shot, by removing the arrow head in such a way as to maintain the arrows balance, the Arcane Archer can deal subdual damage with the altered arrow if he does not have blunted arrows already. Altered arrows at -2 to strike.
- Can make a Ricochet shot, by bouncing arrows, sling bullets and other fired projectiles off of one surface and angle the shot in such a way that the projectile ricochets/bounces off and hits a different/ second target (inflicts only one pint of damage to the first surface and full damage to the second).
Dodge & Parry Arrows: The Arcane Archer can try to dodge or parry attacks from arrows, crossbow bolts, thrown spears and similar thrown or fired projectile weapons/attacks. Such attempts are done with a penalty of only -3; normally, a character is -10 to parry or dodge projectile weapons. As always, a dodge counts as one melee action/attack. Note: This special parry and dodge bonus does not apply to energy blasts, like magical fire balls, lightning, and dragon's breath.
Enchanting of Arrows- Enchant Arrow: At 1st level, the arcane archer can enchant non-magical arrows, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus. For every two levels of arcane archer the character advances past 1st level, the magic arrows created gain +1 greater potency. Each arrow takes 2d6 minutes of meditation to prepare and enchant. The Arcane Archer may enchant a number of arrows equal to his or her P.E. per day. The enchantment will last 1d4 days on each arrow.
At 2nd level, and each level gained there after, an arcane archer gains one new spell-like ability, that can be embued upon an arrow. The Archer can select 2 spells from the following list at each level. (See spell descriptions here)
Archane Archer Spell List:
- Acid Arrow
- Arrow Eruption
- Color Spray
- Corrosive Touch
- Crushing Despair
- Dancing Lights
- Detonate
- Dispel Magic
- Dragon’s Breath
- Fireball
- Flaming Sphere
- Fog Cloud
- Glitterdust
- Grease
- Gust of Wind
- Invisibility Sphere
- Ki Arrow
- Lightning Bolt
- Magic Circle
- Minor Image
- Obscuring Mist
- Shatter
- Silent Image
- Sleep
- Sleet Storm
- Stinking Cloud
- Summon Swarm
- True Strike
- Web
- Whispering Wind
- Wind Wall
- Seeker Arrow: At 4th level, the arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the end of the arrow’s range prevents the arrow’s flight. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. This is a spelllike ability. Use of this ability takes up all the Arcane Archers attacks for that melee round.
- Phase Arrow: At 6th level, the arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any nonmagical barrier or wall in its way. (A wall of force, a wall of fire, or the like stops the arrow.) This ability negates cover, concealment, and even armor modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Use of this ability takes up all the Arcane Archers attacks for that melee round.
- Hail of Arrows: In lieu of regular attacks, once per day the 8th-level arcane archer can fire an arrow at each and every target within range, to a maximum of 2 target for every level he has earned. Each attack uses the Arcane Archer’s primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow. Use of this ability takes up all the Arcane Archers attacks for 2 melee rounds.
- Arrow of Death: At 10th level, the Arcane Archer can enchant an arrow of death that forces the target, if damaged by the arrow’s attack, to make a save vs. Magic or be slain immediately. If the save is made the arrow inflicts 2d6x10 damage. It takes one full day to create an arrow of death, and the arrow only functions for the arcane archer who created it. The enchantment lasts no longer than one year, and the archer can only have one such arrow in existence at a time.
Armour & Arcane Archers: Arcane Archers can wear any type of armor, light or heavy, but most prefer studded leather, chain mail, plate and leather, or plate and chain. Light to medium weight armour offers them the best mobility and the least restriction of movement, necessary for accuracy and speed.
The Arcane Archer O.C.C.
Attribute Requirements: P.S. 10, P.P 14 and Per 12 or higher. Alignment: Any, but usually Honourable. Gender: Male or Female Race: Elf or Half Elf Only O.C.C. Bonus: Bonuses: +1 to pull punch, and + 1 to save vs horror factor at levels 1,3,7, l0 and 13. O.C.C. Skills: Acrobatics Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus one of choice (+10%) Bowyer/Fletcher(+25%) Sniper Wilderness Survival (+10%) W.P. All Bow Types W.P. Targeting W.P. One of choice Hand to Hand: Archer Spell Casting O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency Communications: Sign language only (+5%). Domestic: Any. Espionage: Any (+5%). Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5%). Labour: Any. Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Military: Any (+10%). Naval: Any. Performing Arts: Any. Physical: Any, except Acrobatics. Rogue: Any. Science: Mathematics only. Scholar/Technical: Any (+5%). Weapon Proficiencies: Any. Wilderness: Any. Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus. Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, hooded cape or cloak, boots, a pair of gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, one large sack, two small sacks, a quiver for arrows, sharpening stone, a water skin, Armour: Starts with a suit of studded leather (A.R. 13,38 S.D.C.)or Elven Chain (A.R. 15, 90 S.D.C.). Weapons: Starts with a knife, long bow, quiver with 32 long bow arrows, and one other weapon of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. Magic weapons and other items must be acquired later.
Experiance and Combat Table:
Level | Experience | Hand to Hand: Archer | 1 | 0-2,400 | 2 Attacks per melee,+2 roll, disarm: 19-20 | 2 | 2,401-4,800 | +1 to Damage | 3 | 4,801-9,600 | +2 Dodge | 4 | 9,601-17,000 | +2 Parry | 5 | 17,001-25,000 | Kick attack: 1D6 damage | 6 | 25,001-35,000 | Critial Strike with Bow 17-20 | 7 | 35,001-47,000 | +1 additional attack per melee | 8 | 47,001-67,000 | +1 to damage | 9 | 67,001-92,000 | +2 Parry/Dodge | 10 | 92,001-130,000 | +1 damage | 11 | 130,001-167,000 | +1 additional attack per melee | 12 | 167,001-225,000 | Deathblow 18-20 | 13 | 225,001-295,000 | +1 damage/parry/dodge | 14 | 295,001-365,000 | +2 Strike | 15 | 365,001-430,000 | +1 attack/melee | Return to Occupations and Skills Return to Arèthane |