Velu`Drathin, The Blade-Dancer

The Bladedancers are masters of the Elven Martial Art of the Dance of Blades - Querim`quaril. Although the Bladesong style is open to any elf, it tends to see more female practitioners than male. Nobody remembers who founded the Bladedance style, but the truth remains that it has more popularity among elven females, although any warrior with more speed and agility than strength can greatly benefit from this style.Not to be confused with the legendary Bladesong sword style, the less well-known Dance of Blades is no less effective. The Bladedance resembles the bladesong as they both consider battle to have its own rhythm and music, but where Bladesingers impose their song, the Bladedancers follow combat's natural rhythm, skirting along the field without missing a step or pausing once until every foe has fallen or fled.Some sages speculate that the Dance of Blades style came from the Drow, brought back to the Elven nations by a sympathetic good drow as a gift. Some among the elven nobility say the Drow stole this style from the Elven people. More than one bloody conflict has erupted in an attempt to settle such arguments.

The Dance of Blades emphasizes its predilection for the use of scimitars and more exotic weaponry, seeking to gain an advantage by the rarity of their weapon's inherent style, as well as the use of fluid yet deceptively aggressive attacks. The goal is to exhaust opponents, forcing them to reveal openings in their defense. Bladedancers spin with a whirling dance, their blades cutting through the air with tremendous speed and power. With graceful twists and turns, Bladedancers keep their blades in constant motion. Opponents find it difficult to draw a line of attack, giving Bladedancers a strong defense on all quarters.

Bladedancers are not elite warriors, working much better as infiltrators and assassins traveling under the guise of entertainers. It is not rare, then, to find many rogues and bards and even the occasional sajorte adopting this style.

Special Abilities:

  • Initiate (Sheltering Tornado): Bladedancer can keep enemies away by virtue of their dancing weapons. Owners of skirt blades rotate on their own axis as they hold two of the blades at the ready, while users of a spiked chain twist it around in a wide arc.
    Benefit: By taking a -5 penalty to strike rolls, the Bladedancer gains the +7 to parry/dodge bonus to create a dangerous, nearly impenetrable arc of twirling blades around her. Any opponent who misses an attack that round must roll a dodge of 18 or better or suffer 2d6 points of automatic damage from one of the twirling blades.
  • Outer Spiral (Lightning-Twice): The practitioner who dances the Outer Spiral gains an increased control of her exotic weapons, making them come alive in her hands as if they were arcs of lightning... or iron snakes.
    Benefit: The Bladedancer rolls her normal attacks for that melee and, if at least two attacks hit, she gains a free attack that can be used to disarm, trip or feint the opponent. A roll of 17-20 indicates a successful attempt.
  • Middle Spiral (Passing Storm): Bladedancers move like a tornado and with the Middle Spiral, they move like a storm, cutting through their enemies as they pass near them.
    Benefit: When performing the passing storm, the practitioner doubles her attacks she can use in that melee, although she is at a -2 to strike.
  • Inner Spiral (Hail Dance): The Inner Spiral holds the secret of attacking outwards, each step of the dance meaning one attack going off at an enemy, no matter the distance.
    Benefit: Using this ability, the Bladedancer can throw 2 daggers (or other throwing type blades) for each attack during a Whirlwind Attack at enemies no farther than 30 feet.
  • Center Spiral (Eye of the Hurricane): The Bladedancer becomes truly the eye of a hurricane as she spins, weaves and dodges in place, untouchable and deadly. She seems to use all of her blades with deadly accuracy, combining the knowledge of all the previous levels of ability into one deadly attack form.
    Benefit: In addition to her own attacks, the Bladedancer can turn each parry she makes into an additional attack.
  • Bladedancer O.C.C.

    Attribute Requirements: SPD.: 13, P.P.:15, and P.E.:13
    Alignment: Any, but usually Honourable
    Gender: Male or Female
    Race: Elves or Halfelves onlyonly
    O.C.C. Skills:
      Hand to Hand: Expert
      W.P. Sword {Scimitar}
      W.P. Dagger
      W.P. Chain
      W.P. Paired Weapons
      Dancing (+30%)
      Singing (+15%)
      Court Etiquette
      Blind Fighting (+15%)
      Languages: Native tongue at 98% plus 2 of choice (+15%)
      Literacy: Native Language (+20%)
      Play Musical Instrument

    O.C.C. Related Skills:Choose 2 other skills from the Espionage skill category and five other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

      Communications: Any (+5%)
      Domestic: Any (+5%)
      Espionage: Any (+10%)
      Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
      Labour: Any
      Medical: First Aid Only.
      Military: None
      Naval: None
      Performing Arts: Any (+15%)
      Physical: Any
      Rogue: Any
      Science: Math Only
      Scholar/Noble: Any (+15% on language & Literacy skills only)
      Technical: Any
      Weapon Proficiencies: Bow only.
      Wilderness: Any

    Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. oneproficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

    OCC Related Bonuses:

      +3 to strike and damage with weapon of specialization only
      +10% chance bonus per every 4 levels of being able to preform unusual manuvers.
      Receive a defensive adjustment of their level divided by 2 plus 1 (eg. Level 6 divided by 2 equals 3 plus 1 give a defensive AR bonus of 4)

    Experiance and Combat Table:

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