Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar, the Crystalmancer

When mortal races were new to the world, they looked to many places for power. Some looked to the gods that created them, some to great spirits of the world that hold power and authority of the natural realm, a few, though, looked to the world itself for strength and power. Though many of these are the druids of our time, among them were the earliest "Crystalmancers", and they believed crystals and gems held many strange powers. They thought crystals could heal the wounded, cure the sick, and provide many other abilities. These early inventors of crystalmancy became known as shamans, or witch doctors. They brought many under their sway, and from ancient trinkets and stories most have come to think these first Crystalmancers led great tribes and clans of the earliest peoples. With the beginning of arcane study in the world came the end of these shamans and witch-doctors, for it was revealed that no true power came from these colorful rocks.

The early Crystalmancers did not change their beliefs quickly, and through great study on their part came the complete truth. Crystals and gems did not easily grant power to those that possessed them, but, in fact, could become conduits of power for those that knew how to channel arcane energies into them. This required both Magic and Psychic Energy. From this discovery came what the world knows of as the true Crystalmancers, Psionic and Arcane Casters of power that rivals any wizard or Mindmage. Some are egotistical spellcasters that look to the crystalline art for a way to fame and fortune, while others are mysterious seers looking deep into crystals of colors spanning the rainbow to scry upon others. Some can be vile tyrants using their powers to dominate the weak-willed, as well as great defenders of good and peace that fight against evil. All, though, learn and cast their spells in the same fashion; with word, and gems.

After years of quiet enlightenment and amassment of power these true Crystalmancers, finally came to the attention of others. The great guilds and schools of wizards and psionics were split on what to do about these masters of crystalmancy, some seeing them as brethren in the arts, while others felt they were imitators and charlatans, requiring magical trinkets to focus and express powers that came naturally or through study to the guilds. Those that thought the later quickly moved to bring about the end of the Crystalmancers, as insulters to the arts. An war broke out between the Crystalmancers and those that despised them. Either through cold words, or fiery spells, this war lasted for many decades. Innocents were killed, several cities nearly destroyed, and in the end both sides had lost many of its members. The Crystalmancers, severely lacking in number compared to their Wizard and Psionic rivals began to hide in the most secluded of regions and learned their spells in secret as the struggle continued. Seeing their eventual extinction the Crystalmancers bounded together and formed the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar. Led by Genafae Randamon, they went to their many enemies trying to call a truce to the arcane war. A truce was finally called between the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar and most of their enemies. For years after one could still see the occasional spell duel light up a night sky started by a Wizard or Mindmage who still believed that the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar were insulting their high art form, but this did not keep the art of crystalmancy from flourishing.

Although not as common as other casters types, Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar hold their own in terms of power and prestige. Some see them as show-offs, others as dealing with powers of evil, and others as users of odd and mysterious powers, but all give them the respect they deserve for the power they can wield with their crystals and gems. They are in many ways similar to the Psi-Mystics who too blend the Arcane with the Psychic, but are a far more studious lot.

How much power can a shining crystal or glistening gem hold? In the hands of a skilled Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar, the power is nearly limitless. The Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar trains in much the same manner as their arcane brethren and rival; the wizard, but specializes in the use of crystals and gems for their spells. Crystals and gems can be found nearly everywhere, and all are under this spellcaster's sway. Ice transformed into spikes, gems that burst into flames, and creating skeletons that are encased in gems are just a few of the powerful spells that Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar have created since their founding years ago.

Religion: Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar mostly revere gods of magic, spellcasters, or gems. Other possibilities include gods of colors, earth, aristocracy, wealth, nobility, or beauty. The belief in gods of any kind, though, is not required to be a Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar.

Background: The majority of Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar come from a wealthy background, as gems and crystals are very rare among those of lesser means. On very rare occasions, a Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar or two can be found teaching their trade among their normal spellcasting kin at a college of wizardry. However, most students wishing to learn the arts of crystalmancy have to find a Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar that is willing to teach through a master-apprentice relationship.

Personality: As diverse as any group can be, Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar run the gamut on ideologies and personalities. Those that usually flaunt their wealth and power are as outgoing and personable as any bard seen the day to be. Others, especially Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar of power or great age, are known to become extremely mysterious and thought to deal with strange and otherworldly powers, which, some times, could just be the case. Some can become tyrannical, others peace-loving and heroic, but all revere the great power crystals allow them to wield. These Elves see the crystal arts as an art form, in much the same fashion as they see wizardly studies. The Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar are widely known for their mastery of magic items fashioned into jewelry.

View of other Classes: Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar can commonly be found among the company of the warrior classes. Pouring over ancient books and studying crystals and gems leaves little time for exercise and combat training a fighter, ranger, barbarian, or paladin has received. Most see rogues as either useful or greedy thieves ready to take their lifeblood, their gems, however some see them as a very useful tool to acquire them instead. Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar will see wizards, and wizards them, as either kindred spirits or, like their ancestors did, as rivals and not being true spellcasters.

The Powers of the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar:

Crystal and Gemstone Magic

The abilities of the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar are a combination of psychic and magic powers.

  1. Psionic Powers: At level one the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar automatically has the power of exorcism, sense evil, sixth sense, meditation and mind block, plus he gets to select three powers from the sensitive category and two from either the physical or healing category. Additional psionic abilities: The character gets to select one additional psionic power from the categories of sensitive or physical at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
    I.S.P.: To determine the character's amount of Inner Strength Points, take the number of M.E. as the base, roll 2D4x10, and add it to the base number. The character gets another 10 I.S.P. for each additional level of experience, starting at level one. Considered to be a master psionic.
  2. Magic Powers: The Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar spends years studying the mysteries of life, his place in it, and how magic might help him find his place in the world. Like the Wizard, their primary ability is of course, the casting of Arcane Spells. As such the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar learns certain Common Knowledge Spells during his or her apprenticeship very similar to that of a Wizard. These spells are as follows:
    1. Cause fear
    2. Chaos bolt
    3. Cloud of Slumber
    4. Cloud of Smoke
    5. Decipher Magic
    6. Globe of Daylight
    7. Guiding hand
    8. Hand of radiance
    9. Infestation
    10. Magic Missile
    11. Primal savagery
    12. Puppet
    13. See Aura
    14. Sense emotion
    15. Sense Magic
    16. Snare
    17. Sudden awakening
    18. Toll the dead
    19. Tongues
    20. Unearthly chorus
    21. Virtue
    22. Wild cunning
    23. Zephyr strike

    Additional Spells: For game purposes, we will assume the character has learned a few additional spells. The player may select two spells of choice each level one and two, and one from level three and four. At each new level of experience, starting at level one, it may be assumed that the character has been able to figure out or learn one new spell -select one from any level up to the character's own level of achievement/experience (i.e. a 3rd level character can select one spell from either first, second or third level). Plus he can work out one new cantrip at each level starting at level two.
    Learning New Spells: Spells of any level can be learned and/or purchased at any time, regardless of the experience level, provided the character can find an instructor and pay the price (which is not always cash). This should be played as a role-playing element. See the Pursuit of Magic for more details.

  3. Additional Magic: The Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar will intuitively sense whenever he or she has reached a new metaphysical plateau (new level of experience). At each new junction in life (experience level), the character will find time to meditate on life, his goals and magic. As a result, he can select a total of two new magic spells from any level up to his own level of experience (i.e. a fourth level Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar can select his spells from levels 1-4).

  4. Bonuses: As a master psionic, the Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar needs to roll a 10 or higher to save versus psionic attack (plus any M.E. attribute bonuses). +2 to save vs mind controlling drugs, potions, and magic charms, +4 to save vs possession, and +2 to save vs horror factor.
  5. See and Use Ley lines: The wizard can see powerful magic energy emanating from the earth in a straight line. These lines of energy are known as ley lines. Where two or more ley lines intersect is a more powerful ley line nexus. The wizard recognizes these lines and junctions as places of power where he or she can draw on additional magical energy and where spells and powers are increased. A Wizard standing on a Ley Line will have twice the amount of mystical energy to use for his spells. Ley lines are natural lines of mystic energy that crisscross parts of the planet and bind together all things in the Megaverse. The ley lines are not visible to the average person. Only practitioners of magic and most creatures of magic can see the gentle flow of magic energy.
    The wizard can also see mystic energy radiating from incredibly powerful creatures, such as ancient dragons, demon and devil lords, and godlings and gods, as well as the most powerful magic items, like the weapons of the gods and greater rune weapons.
  6. Ley line Drifting: The wizard can open himself to the ley line energies and walk or float through the air along the length of a ley line. The maximum speed is a mere Spd 10, but it is relaxing and does not cause exertion or fatigue. Applicable only to the wizard; he cannot magically enable others to float along with him.
  7. Ley Line Rejuvenation: When standing on a ley line or nexus, the wizard can absorb ley line energy to double the rate of natural healing. To do this, the character must concentrate on healing while relaxing on a ley line. The wizard can also use a ley line or nexus to perform an instant rejuvenation as often as once every 24 hours. After about 10 minutes of concentration, 2D6 hit points and 2D6 S.D.C. are magically restored.
  8. Recognize enchantment: Just as a doctor can recognize flu symptoms and disease, the wizard can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes, or otherwise causes mind control (including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc.). This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience.
  9. Recognize magic: The wizard has a certain percentage chance to recognize a magic item by shape, inscription, magic symbols or intuition (gut feeling). It's important to understand that while the character may know something has magical properties, he does not know what powers the item may have or how to use it. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience.
  10. At first level, a crystalmancer has in their spellbook 25 cantrips plus Detect Gems and Crystals, as well as three 1st levels spells. For each bonus modifier I.Q., the crystalmancer's spellbook can hold an additional spell. Half of the first level spells, rounded down, must come from crystalmancer spells. For example, a 1st level crystalmancer with an I.Q. of 16 would have 4 first level spells, and three of which must be crystalmancy spells. Each time the crystalmancer gains a level, the crystalmancer gains two new spells that can be cast. These new spells can be of any level, according to the new level gained. The crystalmancer can also learn spells found in other spellbooks, which can be a wizards or crystalmancers (exactly how a wizard does). Likewise, wizards can learn spells found from a crystalmancer's spellbook.
  11. Trinkets: Starting at 2nd level, the crystalmancer can create and wear minor magic items called trinkets. These items cost a certain amount of gold to create (see list of trinket abilities below), but some have a minimum required crystalmancer level to construct. A trinket has to be composed of mostly gems or crystals, meaning they have to equal three fourths of the gold piece value to construct. Trinkets take one day of construction time to complete. The total number of trinkets a crystalmancer can wear is equal to the crystalmancer's class level divided by two (rounded down). For example, a 10th level crystalmancer can wear a total of five trinkets. The crystalmancer can construct as many trinkets as they want to, as long as they have the gold piece value in gems or crystals.
  12. Sence Magic: At Third Level Wizards can sence magic as per the wizards spell at will.
    Magical Enhancement Skills: As a wizards knowledge of magic grows, he can learn to cast spells in ways slightly different from how the spells were originally designed or learned. A wizard can learn to cast without having to say it's magical words, to cast a spell for greater effect, or to cast without anything but a moment's thought. Preparing and casting a spell in such a way is harder then normal, but thanks to the Magical Enhancement skills, at least it is possible. Any spell so adjusted through a Magical Enhancement skill is considered to be a spell of the next higher level in difficulty to learn or teach (ie: A third level spell would be considered a 4th level spell etc...). There are several Magical Enhancement skills that can be applied to a spell. Each skill that is used changes the spell complexity as stated above cumulatively. (ie the 3rd level spell is modified with 3 Magical Enhancement skills and so becomes a 6 level spell in terms of complexity). The Magical Enhancement Skills are as follows:
    • Empower Spell: With this skill, spells can be made to cast to greater effect. damage, beings affected and variable numerical values of like effect of the empowered spell are doubled. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Enlarge Spell:With this skill, spells can be made to cast farther. Range and area affect are doubled. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Extend Spell: With this skill, spell effects can be made to last longer. Spell duration is doubled. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Heighten Spell: With this skill, spells can be made to be cast as if they were of higher level. Spell effects dependent of spell level are calculated to the heightened level. Level of the spell is effectively doubled. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Maximize Spell: With this skill, spells can be cast to maximum effect. damage, beings affected and variable numerical values of like effect of the maximized spell do maximum effect. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Quicken Spell:With this skill, spells can be cast at a moments thought. Casting time for a quickened spell is so fast the spell casting is considered a free action and not subject to initiative. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Silent Spell: With this skill, spells can be cast Silently. Incantations nessesary to cast spells become mental, no vocalization is nessesary. 5% per level chance of success.
    • Still Spell: With this skill, spells can be cast without gestures. Incantations nessesary to cast spells become totally mental or vocal. 5% per level chance of success.
  13. Crafting of Crystal Magic Items: Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar as they progress in their skills and reach 10th level, are able to craft Items of magic. Each category of item has specific skill requirements and prerequisite ability of the mage to be able to accomplish, as well as specific spells.

    Crystal and Gemstone Magic
    Item CreatedPrerequisites
    Create Spell Crystal Skill of Literacy, required spells and 1st level
    *note: Spell Crystals will take 1 day/level of spell to create
    Cystal TrinketSkill of Crafting, required spells and 2nd level Crystalmancer.
    Craft Crystal ArmourProper crafting skill, required spells and 13th level Crystalmancer.
    Craft Crystal WeaponProper crafting skill, required spells and 13th level Crystalmancer.
    Craft Crystal Rod/WandProper crafting skill, required spells and 13th level Crystalmancer.
    Forge Crystal RingProper crafting skill, required spells and 13th level Crystalmancer.
    Craft Crystal StaffProper crafting skill, required spells and 13th level Crystalmancer.
    Craft Wondrous Item of CrystalProper crafting skill, required spells and 15th level Crystalmancer.
    Wonderous items include Crystal ships, Fortresses, Palaces, Golems, Goblets, and Gateways.
    The Skills and spells required to craft each item should be discussed with the Game Master as well as material costs and construction times.

Kiiratrel`Selu`Taar, the Crystalmancer O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: None, however a high I.Q.: 12, P.E.: 12 and M.E.: 12
Alignment: Any
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Elf or Half Elf
O.C.C. Skills:
    Jewelry Making (+5%)
  • Crafting (+5%)
  • Weapons Making (+5%)
  • Mathematics- Basic (+20%)
  • Gemology (+25%)
  • Geology (+10%)
  • Appraisal (+15%)
  • Lore: Magic (+10%)
  • Spellcraft
  • Land Navigation (+10%)
  • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15% each)
  • Wilderness Survival (+10%)
  • Horsemanship: General (+16%)
    Lore: Magic
  • W.P.: Two of choice
  • Hand to Hand: Basic (Hand to hand: basic can be improved to expert at the cost of two "other" skills, or martial arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) for the cost of three "other" skills.)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 4 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

  • Communications: Any (+10%)
  • Domestic: Any
  • Espionage: None
  • Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
  • Labour: Any
  • Medical: First Aid only
  • Military: Any
  • Naval: Any
  • Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
    Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics and Wrestling.
  • Rogue: Any
  • Science: Any (+5%)
  • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+15%)
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a nice cloak or cape (with or without hood), leather boots, belt, blanket, backpack, two medium- sized sacks, two small sacks, a water skin, food rations for 1D4 weeks, a pocket mirror, hair comb and a tinder box.

Armour: Starts with a suit of studded leather (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38); most prefer light, magic armor, but can wear any type of armor except a full suit of plate (too psychologically confining and reliant on technology).

Weapons: Starts with a silver coated dagger, and two other weapons of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of fair to good quality. Magic weapons and other equipment must be acquired later. They love magic and exotic weapons and items.

Money: The character starts with 120 in gold, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment for special services and booty. Most Kiiratrel`Selu`Taars eventually amass a fortune in works of art, books and magic.

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell Magic 20-1,930
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards41,931-3,860
3+1 Spell Strength63,861-7,720
4Sence Good/Evil 40% 87,721-15,200
52 Spell Att/Melee1015,201-23,300
6Recognize Enchantment 30%1223,301-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell Magic1436,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1656,667-86,666
9+2 vs. Circles/Wards1886,667-111,666
10Sence Good/Evil 65%20111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 22135,667-166,666
12Recognise Enchantment 50%24166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell Magic26216,667-266,666
14Recognize Enchantment 71%28266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards30316,667-386,666