The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad, The Royal Guard/Justicar

"I swear to ward the king with all my strength, and give my blood for his. I shall guard his secrets, obey his commands, ride at his side, and defend his name and honor."
~ Oath of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad ~

The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad is led by the Lord Commander, currently Ku`Kharasdain Shai`Tann Al`Aiel. The Lord Commander appears to have no marks on his armour to distinguish him from other members. Under normal circumstances, the Lord Commander sits on the council as one of the King's advisor in military matters.

The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad is an elite group of soldier/mages, supposedly the greatest and most skilled warriors in all of Aerithaene, who serve as the bodyguard of Royal family, the Nobility and the Kingdom. Their duty is to protect the Crown and the Royal Family from harm at all times. They swear the most holy of vows to fulfill their sacred duty, and are meant to be the living exemplars of the pinnacle of Elven virtues. They are hand picked by the King to undergo a greuling 40 years of a very strict regime of vigorous training and conditioning. The training of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad is to, first, forge his/her body and soul into a lethal weapon and so learns Elven Martial Arts Under Masters of the Querim`Hinuel and Valista`Kearelitae, to become a master of Unarmed Combat and the Staff. He then trains Under a Weapons Master of the Dragon school, with the Sword and the Glaive as these weapons will be used for the rest of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad's life. These weapons become an extension of his body.

Because of specialized training, Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad have access to fighting techniques usually restricted to other Men at Arms Classes. The training of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad teaches him to use his weapons in moves, actions and techniques not taught or capable by other fighting classes. The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad knows the capabilities, weight, balance and exact length of each of his weapons as well as he known his own body. He is always aware of this as he trains. Because of this he gains addition Strike, Parry and Dodge bonuses in combat. Various fighting techniques are acquired with experience. Knowing the weapon's capabilities allows the character to inflict more damage against a foe.

Training does not stop there as he then is trained in Magic from the College the Valant`Trael. The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Learn the arts of a Battle Mage, focusing on casting spells quickly, while merging them in with the attacks from their weapons. Their tactic is to dominate the battle field and win the fight before its properly begun. Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad as practice, often duel against wizards or champions of magic schools. Unlike their teachers, the Valant`Trael, they do not scorn learning. And while they may still focus on immediate problems and immediate solutions, they seek to balance this with their other training and duties. They have no time for scholarly pursuits or the deep secrets of high magic but they do seek to learn all aspects of Combat Magic and how it is best used with their martial skills.

The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad automatically know all spells of the levels he can cast, and can casts spells spontaneously with martial attacks. All spells are rays and require a ranged touch attack to hit and are manifested as a colored ray that emanates from the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad's weapon and affects the target if hit. All spells have a range of 20 ft +5 ft/ Caster Level, to a maximum of 120 ft. Resting 8 consecutive hours restores all spells. The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad may fire a ray of energy (dealing fire, acid, cold, or electricity damage) as an attack action that deals 1d6 damage/level of the chosen energy type. He may choose force or sonic damage, but the damage is reduced to 1d4 damage/level. Rays always manifest themselves as an appropriate color; fire rays are red, cold rays blue, acid rays green, electric rays yellow, and force and sonic rays white.

Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Spell List

Cantrip1st Level2nd Level3rd Level4th Level
Detect Magic
Ray of Enfeeblement
Colour Spray
Hideous Lafter
Ghoul Touch
Dispell Magic
Hold Person
Vampiric Touch
Dimensional Anchor
Solid Fog
Phantasmal Killer
5th Level6th Level7th Level8th Level9th Level
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Greater Dispel Magic
Flesh To Stone
Prismatic Ray
inger of Death
Reverse Gravity
Horrid Wilting
Drain Life
Mage's Disjunction
Dominate Monster
Kaleidoscopic Doom

The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad are referred to colloquially as the Glaive (named for their signature weapon the Double Bladed Glaive), and are usually additionally blessed with powerful magic items. Some of these items allow them, to teleport, cast elemental spells and magical protective barriers, and healing. The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad are sworn to serve and protect the Crown at all costs and to fight to preserve hope for the future even in a losing battle. They serve as well, as Law bringers, and have the full authority of the Crown when dealing out Justice. They can be found throughout the Kingdom serving in the various courts as well as in the cities of the kingdom. Units in the Cities act as support to the City guard (but do not take a leading roll unless it is called for), Judges, and Law enforcement Officers.

The deeds of every member who has ever served in the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad are kept in a large book called The Book of the Glaive. It is two foot tall and one foot and a half wide book with thousands of pages, and is stored in the Round Room of the Royal Library in the King's Palace. Each member of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad is given one page on which his personal history and a record of his deeds are written. The top of the page contains the Symbol the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Warrior, and the bottom of the page contains the Red Shield of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Order. In between the shields are the exploits of the individual. The drawings are done by Elven Artist three times a year. It is the responsibility of the current Lord Commander to update the entries in the book.

Members of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad wear plate armour, with matching cloaks and helmets and identified by their flame red colour. There are two styles:

  • Light Plate Armour
    A.R.: 17
    S.D.C.: 200
    Enchantment: Weightlessness
    Description: A somewhat robe like appearance for court and Legal duties

  • Heavy Plate Armour
    A.R.: 18
    S.D.C.: 400
    Enchantment: Weightlessness
    Description:Heavier highly decorative helmeted armour for when on Guard or Military Duty.

Their main weapon, is the Double Bladed Glaive, or Daubicell in the Elvish tongue. At the end of training, the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Initiate will spend time in seclusion, then enter the School Forge. Here he will craft his Glaive. This is a time of great reflection and almost a religious experience for the Initiate. When the weapon is crafting is complete, the initiate markes it with the symbols of the Dragon School, the Training Masters, the Symbol of the King and the Initiate's own Symbol. A Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Warrior can identify the symbols on another Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad's or Weapons Master's weapons, telling him of the school etc. of that Warrior. The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Warrior is never without his Glaive and to touch their weapon, without permission is an insult, unless it is done with Lack of knowledge, intent to harm. Apon graduation from training the Glaive is then heavily enchanted by the King himself, formally making the initiate into a full Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Warrior.

  • Double Bladed Glaive

    The Daubicell is an enchanted Glaive that can be seperated in the middle of the shaft to become 2 swords. It is considered an exotic weapon due to its diversity of use as both paired swords or as a glaive.
    Type: Exotic Two-Handed slashing or piercing
    Range: Melee. When in Glaive form it can hit a target up to 10 ft away, but, only with one attack. When in Sword form or in Normal attacks it can hit creatures up to 5 ft away.
    Construction: Blades of Steel, Adamantite, or Mytril mounted on a fixed or split shaft of enchanted oak or metal
    Cost: 20000 Gold
    Damage: 2d6/2d6
    Weight: 10 lbs.
    Magical Bonuses: Vorpal Blades +5 to strike and parry

  • Hierarchy

    The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad receives its orders from King Rhysanus, the Various Princes, or Dukes (unless they contradict the Kings laws or commands) and Ku`Kharasdain Shai`Tann Al`Aiel, the Lord Commander of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad. They follow a strict ranking system guided by Military Discipline and Rule.

    Guard Ranks:

    • Raedain (Private): lst-3rd level
    • Tu`Kharasdain (Corporal): 2nd-3rd level
    • Sa`Kharasdain (Sergeant): 4th level
    • Di`Kharasdain (Lieutenant): 5th or 6th level
    • Ja`Kharasdain (Captain): 7th or 8th level
    • Ku`Kharasdain (Major): 8th or 9th level
    • Ti`Kharasdain (Colonel): 8th-10th level
    • Te`Kharasdain (General): 10th level and higher
    • Ku`Kharasdain (Lord Commander): Appointed by the King from the Members of the Te`Raedain.

    Special Abilities of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad

      The Discipline of the Elements- Valista`Kearelitae

      This Discipline is an ancient Martial Art that teaches the student discipline, and the control of the inner self. This combat is fast yet deceptive, with blows that appear to be little more than pushes or gentle slaps and taps that render foes blinded, paralyzed, deeply wounded. The students of this discipline constantly experiment and practice, allowing them to learn the weakest points of humanoid anatomy. This discipline is fought either Unarmed or with a staff.

      Students of this discipline retreat into the deepest parts of the forest, looking for the inner energy in the environment where they are most comfortable. The truths that they have discovered in this way led them to develop this martial art, drawing power from their links to the primordial energies of nature. They move and fight like the elements themselves, moving like the winds and striking with the strength of the earth. They live ascetically in the wilderness, with great oak trees serving as the walls to their monasteries, where they do not have to try to imitate nature's balance in elaborate gardens, since it is all around them.

      Style Restrictions:

        Race: Elf or Half-Elf.
        Required Weapons: W.P. Unarmed, W.P. Staff
        Required Armour: Light or none.
        Equipment: Superior Quality Staff
        Skills: Hand to Hand Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Dance.
      Special Abilities:
      • Earth Form Defense (Level 1): be as steadfast as the earth.
        Benefit: The character can forgo a later attack action in the melee, and apply as much as 5 on his P.P. modifier and gain the same number (up to 5) as a damage reduction rating.
      • Rock Strike (Level 3): The student by training to take a hit, now learns to attack using the same forces applied to defense
        Benefit: Each attack made by the student does an additional dice damage.
      • Water Form Defense (Level 5): The student flows like water around the battlefield.
        Benefit: By taking a-3 penalty to his attack rolls during a round, the character has a chance to avoid damage. When he takes damage from a melee attack, he can roll against his Reflex at +3 and, if successful, takes no damage. If unsuccessful he takes only half damage and takes a 5-foot step in any direction away from his attacker, effectively moving out of attack range. This roll is made only if the character is to take damage (ie: he has failed to dodge or parry a successful attack) and he must declare at the beginning of the round that he is taking the penalty to his strike for that round.
      • Wave Attack (Level 7): The student learns to use the momentum of the opponent's strength against him, similarly to how a wave can be used to propel someone in water by floating with its momentum.
        Benefit: Once per round, the character can choose not to do a normal attack and instead use his opponent's strength against him. The character must be attacked first, meaning that he has to delay his action in the initiative order if he rolled high. He then rolls against his Reflex and, if successful, he trips his attacker, projecting him past the student and off balance.
      • Wind Form Defense (Level 9): The best way to defend from an attack is not to be there.
        Benefit: Once per day per three levels, the character can become incorporeal for one round, letting all attacks pass through him harmlessly. He can still be damaged by + 1 or better magical weapons as well as by spells or psionics.
      • Fire Form Defense (Level 11): The student has learned enough about channeling the energy of nature that he can cause this energy to combust around him.
        Benefit: Once per day, the student can surround his body with a fiery nimbus that deals a number of points of fire damage equal to his M.E. score to any creature attacking him with natural weapons. This damage is reduced by half if the opponent is attacking with normal melee weapons, and negated if the weapon has a reach of 10 feet or more. The primordial spirit can keep this aura up for a number of rounds equal to his P.E.
      • Flaming Fist (Level 13): The student has learned enough about channeling the energy of nature that he can harness this energy as a weapon.
        Benefit: Three times per day, the Student can imbue his unarmed attacks with the raw energy of nature. His attack can harm creatures with fire damage. His hands or feet are counted as magical weapons with a bonus equal to the character's M.E. bonus. This bonus applies for the purpose damage and does not apply to strike rolls. The energy discharges when the character hits successfully.
      • The Bladesong - Querim`Hinuel

        The most famous martial tradition of the elven nations, the Bladesong is also one of its most cherished. The bladesong is a legendary style taught only to elite elven warriors. The style relies on speed and agility, with a special emphasis on slashing attacks dealt with dizzying accuracy. The style receives its name because of the particular sound the fighter makes when whirling the sword in wide arcs, and because of his disquieting tendency to sing to the rhythm of his thrusts and parries. Seen as an art as well as a means of cultural preservation, the Bladesong style descended from what was once purely a warrior tradition in the days when the elven people first picked up arms to defend themselves. Nothing in elven culture remains untouched by the need for beauty, and this inevitably includes their war arts. The natural grace and internal resolve of the elves turned this technique into an art unto itself. The original form of the Bladesong was created when elven warriors combined their love of dance and song with their beautiful fighting and preternatural grace. Their dancing attacks and the fluid motions of their slim long swords, coupled with their haunting war songs, provided economy of motion and confused enemies in combat.

        Traditionally, the Bladesong is practiced only by elves that have sworn to uphold the virtues of elven society. Few non-elves learn this style because most other races lack lifespan long enough to allow an apprentice to earn the absolute trust of a Bladesong master.Ordinary practitioners of the bladesong style do not receive the name of 'bladesinger', as this title is reserved for the arcane practitioners who combine steel and magic to deadly effect. Bladesong warriors are elite shock troops or bodyguards for elven nobility, but also function as wandering trouble-shooters. While not bound by the arcane practitioners' oath to defend elven ideals, they nonetheless feel obliged to champion their kin no matter where or when.

        Required Weapons: W.P. Glaive, W.P. Sword (Bastard Sword, Long sword or short sword)
        Required Armour: Light or none.
        Equipment: Superior Quality Bastard Sword, Double Bladed Glaive, Long sword or Short Sword.
        Skills: Acrobatics, Dance, Sing, WP: Double Bladed Glaive.

      Special Abilities:

      • Initiate (Singing Sword) (Level 1): The first ability a bladesong warrior learns is to trust in the movements of his Sword or Glaive. He lets it go its way at the end of his arm (or arms in the case of the Glaive), letting its own weight trace arcs as he spins and moves in the first intricate steps of the bladesong dance.
        Benefit: As long as the warrior fights with only a Sword in one hand (or both hands if using the Glaive), he gains a competence bonus to his parry equal to his pp bonus.
      • Note (Discordant Note) (Level 3): The practitioner has learned to sing to the rhythm of his fighting, not fight to the rhythm of his singing. The constant humming can lull an enemy into complacency, leading him to expect a thrust when singing a certain note. The bladesong practitioner can then sing an attack when one does not come and vice versa.
        Benefit: While singing and fighting with a sword in one hand, the bladesong warrior can make a Singing skill roll to perform a feint as a move-equivalent action, instead of as a standard action. A successful feint negates the opponent's PP bonus to parry/dodge for the next attack.
      • Chord (Sustained Tempo) (Level 5): The rhythm of the warrior's blade as it flashes around is a dizzying spectacle that, once it strikes, enemies find it hard to avoid again. The warrior flicks his wrist in a way that the sword appears to move away, but instead just wins momentum for another strike.
        Benefit: On a critical hit, the warrior adds an extra dice of damage equal to his weapons die (1d8 for long swords, ld6 for short swords) in addition to the critical hit's double damage.
      • Bar (Metal Rhythm) (Level 7): The bladesong warrior that reaches Bar status is a true beauty to behold in combat. Not only does the whistling of his sword complement his own singing, but also his movements synchronize perfectly with his attacks, and even the blocking of an enemy's attacks is part of the song. The warrior can then mark the rhythm of the battle, striking at his enemy's weapon on purpose in order to maintain the song and counterattack with greater effect,
        Benefit: By taking a full melee round attack action, the warrior can sacrifice all of his attacks for the round to automatically parry any enemy attack in that round, Then in the next melee round the bladesong warrior gains a +4 strike bonus to all attacks for that melee, The bladesong warrior can sacrifice the attacks for the second round in the same way to gain a +8 to strikes in the third melee but can not do so for a third melee.
      • Chorus (Requiem) (Level 9): The blade song practitioner is a deadly melody on the field of battle, striking fast and true in his lethal dance as he steps closer to his opponent in order to devastate them with a song of a hundred swords,
        Benefit: At the end of the melee round opponent is denied his PP bonus to Parry/Dodge, and his AR is counted at 4 lower, the bladesong warrior gains a free extra attack.

        The Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad, the Royal Guard/Justicar O.C.C.s

        Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9, P.S.: 12, P.P.: 13, P.E.:12 (plus any special requirements of the schoolpicked)
        Alignment: Principled or Abberant
        Gender: Any
        Race: Elven or Half Elven Only.
        O.C.C. Bonus: +5 to Strike, +3 bonus to parry/dodge, +1 Damage and gain the ability to cast 1 extra spell/day. The deadliness, Intelligence and mystic nature of the Dragon is reflected in the fighting stances of the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Warrior.
        O.C.C. Skills:

        • Sing
        • Dance
        • Acrobatics
        • Language: Native tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each)
        • Diplomacy (+10%)
        • Heraldry
        • Court Etiquette
        • Military Etiquette
        • Law (+10%)
        • Interrogation (+10%)
        • Lie Detection (+5%)
        • Surveillance (+5%)
        • Weaponsmith (+15%)
        • Armourer (+15%)
        • Armour/Weapons Decoration
        • Horsemanship: General
        • Blind Fighting (+10%)
        • Land Navigation (+10%)
        • W.P. Double Bladed Glaive (Specialized Weapon Style)
        • W.P. Paired Weapons
        • W.P. Unarmed
        • W.P. Sword
        • Hand-to-Hand: Weapons Master Dragon School

        O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 4 other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

        • Communications: Any (+7%)
        • Domestic: Any (+5%)
        • Espionage: Any (+5%)
        • Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5%)
        • Labour: Any
        • Medical: First Aid only (+5%)
        • Military: Any (+15%)
        • Naval Skills: Any (+15%)
        • Performing Arts: Any (+5%)
        • Physical: Any(+5% Where Applicable)
        • Rogue: None
        • Science: Math only.
        • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
        • Weapon Proficiencies: WP Dagger, Wp Staff and Wp Shield Only
        • Wilderness: Any

        Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

        Starting Equipment: Backpack, Belt with 2 Pouches, Boots, 2 sets of Clothing, a Robe, Cape or Cloak, Grooming Utensils, Bed Roll, Tinder Box, 2 Large Sacks, 2 Small Sacks, Horse, Tack and Barding. Any other equipment can be bought at the Valish`Vaellmar'Nalad Warrior's expense.

        Armour: 2 Sets of Plate Armour (see above)

        Weapons: Daubicell (see above), Weapons to match W.P.s (excellent quality and often Enchanted).

        Money: At 1st level begins with 5d6 x 100 gp, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment for jobs.

        Combat and Experiance:
        LevelExperianceHand to Hand:DragonMagic CombatSpell Use/level
        10-2,4002 Attacks per melee, +3roll+1 vs. Spell Magic2
        22,401-4,800+3 toStrike/Parry/Dodge+1 vs. Circles/Wards4
        34,801-9,6003 Attacks per Melee+1 Spell Strength6
        49,601-17,000Disarm Opponent: 17 to20Sence Good/Evil 40% 8
        517,001-25,000+1 to Damage2 Spell Att/Melee10
        625,001-35,000Critical Strike: 17 to 20Recognize Enchantment 30%12
        735,001-50,0004 Attacks per Melee+2 vs. Spell Magic14
        850,001-70,000Stun Opponent: 17 to 20+2 Spell Strength 16
        970,001-95,000+2 to Strike+2 vs. Circles/Wards18
        1095,001-135,000 Death Blow: 19 or 20Sence Good/Evil 65%20
        11135,001-177,0005 Attacks per Melee+2 vs. Circle/Wards22
        12177,001-227,000+3 to StrikeRecognise Enchantment 50%24
        13227,001-277,000+4 Damage+3 vs. Spell Magic26
        14277,001-327,0006 Attacks per MeleeRecognize Enchantment 71%28
        15327,001-377,000+4 toStrike/Parry/Dodge+3 vs. Circle/Wards30

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