The Ohtar`Akh, Elven Soldier

Of all the Races of Otara, none possess the grace, cunning, and deadly accuracy of the nimble Elves. The enchanted Cities of Aerithaene are legendary, and their collective feats, amassed over centuries-long lifetimes, are unparalleled. Within these Cities live some of the deadliest warriors ever known, the Elven Soldier. It has been said that "a Soldier is a Soldier is a Soldier" and in many respects that is true, however, combining supreme skill-at-arms, amazing dexterity and commitment of purpose with expertly fashioned wargear and tactics, the Elven soldier stands easily above the rest. They are armed with long, curved swords, tall shields and mighty bows (most of which enchanted), making the soldiers of the Woodland Realms a most formidable force.

Unnumbered years of training, innate Elven grace, and the keen sight of immortals make them deadly warriors. They are exemplified by speed, stealth, range, and damage dispensing capabilities. Elven Soldiers are not only trained to use the leaf-shaped shield as a defensive item but also as an offensive weapon to counter-attack. They have knowledge in the use of all weapons both hand-to-hand and ranged, and may wear any type of armour (often of magical nature). In battle, Elven Soldiers are graceful and deadly experts, often employing a superior strike-and-dodge technique of combat. Coming from a strong warrior tradition, albeit one that is usually more refined than most, Soldiers tend to wield elegant, graceful weapons (such as scimitars, rapiers, katanas, daggers, spears, and especially longbows) instead of large crushing weapons. On a wider scale, expect an elven fighting force to utilise mobility and stealth over brute force, with lots of magical backup. The Elven army is more skilled and disciplined than any other that march the lands of Otara. Fierce and brave, these Soldiers charge headlong into battle, seemingly oblivious to the dangers ahead. To outsiders, such fearlessness appears antithetical to disciplined tactics, but in truth the leaders of the Elven forces execute complex strategies honed from centuries of knowledge and experience.

The Elven soldiers value music for more than its beauty. It offers them a spiritual connection to the earth and one another. In battle, the Elven Battle Musisians (nick named Starlings) have the unique ability to use music as a tool to strengthen or clear the minds of soldiers, or relay instructions for units to perform specific tactics. A Tactical Starling is prepared to march at the front of the army’s lines. They are equipped with a much higher defensive armour than their brothers in arms, and their bravery inspires their units to fight all the harder.

The Starlings are not the only units dedicated to upholding the traditions of the Elves. The Elven standard bearers, the Heralds, know that the banners they carry into battle are not only a threat to their enemies, but a promise to the forces they lead. Their faith and their vow to never forget the Path that they tread unites the Elven armies so they may stand against any foe. A Warsong Herald aides their allies on the battlefield by bolstering morale and feeding into the battle frenzy with rousing songs and chants.

Elven Army And Ranks

  • Light Infantry Militia (Qa`Akl): The Elves employ various branches of infantry within their ranks. Chief among them are their Light Infantry. Best used to harass an enemy's weaker troops, Light Elven Infantry consist of Elves drawn from all corners of the common populace. Like most of their kind, these Elves have received a decent amount of training in sword play, and now, mustered together as a single unit, they can test their mettle in combat, working together as a swift and agile melee unit. Each is equipped with an Elven Sword or Glaive, Helm, Shield, and Light Plate Armour. These courageous Elves will charge to the front of any fight with a song on their lips and a fury in their hearts.
      • Aranthi (Unit)
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Akl`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Akl`Tu`Aranthi .
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Akl`Sa`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Akl`Di`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qa`Akl`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qa`Akl`Ku`Aranthi
      • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qa`Akl`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qa`Akl`Te`Aranthi.
    • Spearmen/Glaivemen: Taking their lessons from great battles of the past that changed the face of Otara, Elves know what it means to "hold the line." This proud legacy lives on in the ranks of Elven Spearmen/Glaivemen. Elven mail, reinforced by fine leather to cushion the blow, behind a sturdy leaf-shaped shield provides premium protection. On the offensive side, the almost 3 metres long razor sharp spear or Glaive with a slightly curved blade, suitable for slashing as well as thrusting, warns most enemies to keep their distance or perish. All this coupled with the Elves' determination to stand against the darkness makes the Elven Spear Wall one of, if not the most formidable battle line in all of Otara.
        • Aranthi (Unit)
        • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Akl'Do`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Tu`Aranthi .
        • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Sa`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Di`Aranthi
        • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Ja`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Ku`Aranthi
        • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Ti`Aranthi
        • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Te`Aranthi.
      • Infantry Ranks - {Qa`Akl'Do (Infantry captain would be Qa`Akl'Do`Ja`Aranthi)}

        • Private: Qa`Akl'Do`Aranthi (lst-3rd level)
        • Corporal: Qa`Akl'Do`Tu`Aranthi (2nd-3rd level)
        • Sergeant: Qa`Akl'Do`Sa`Aranthi (4th level)
        • Leiutenant: Qa`Akl'Do`Di`Aranthi (5th or 6th level)
        • Captain: Qa`Akl'Do`Ja`Aranthi (7th or 8th level)
        • Major: Qa`Akl'Do`Ku`Aranthi (8th or 9th level)
        • Colonel: Qa`Akl'Do`Ti`Aranthi (8th-10th level)
        • General: Qa`Akl'Do`Te`Aranthi (10th level and higher)
    • Swordsmen: These veterans of countless battles have witnessed unimaginable horrors and faced the greatest foes Otara has to offer. Their deep, timeless eyes recount the greatest joys and deepest sorrows of ages past and their burning hearts yearn for revenge. To that end all Elven Soldiers make an Oath, one that will result in Evil's utter annihilation. With their supremely crafted elven swords they will cut a swathe through enemy lines and strike a final blow to the heart of darkness itself.
        • Aranthi (Unit)
        • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Akl'Du`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Akl'Do`Tu`Aranthi .
        • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Akl'Du`Sa`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Akl'Du`Di`Aranthi
        • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qa`Akl'Du`Ja`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qa`Akl'Du`Ku`Aranthi
        • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qa`Akl'Du`Ti`Aranthi
        • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qa`Akl'Du`Te`Aranthi.
      • Infantry Ranks - {Qa`Akl'Du (Infantry captain would be Qa`Akl'Du`Ja`Aranthi)}

        • Private: Qa`Akl'Du`Aranthi (lst-3rd level)
        • Corporal: Qa`Akl'Du`Tu`Aranthi (2nd-3rd level)
        • Sergeant: Qa`Akl'Du`Sa`Aranthi (4th level)
        • Leiutenant: Qa`Akl'Du`Di`Aranthi (5th or 6th level)
        • Captain: Qa`Akl'Du`Ja`Aranthi (7th or 8th level)
        • Major: Qa`Akl'Du`Ku`Aranthi (8th or 9th level)
        • Colonel: Qa`Akl'Du`Ti`Aranthi (8th-10th level)
        • General: Qa`Akl'Du`Te`Aranthi (10th level and higher)
  • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): Standing in gleaming Plate Armour and armed with deadly Elven Bastard Swords or Glaives, these professional soldiers are a nightmare for their enemies to behold. They become a whirlwind of death cutting a path of blood and destruction to any who would stand before them and with the accompanyment of their Heavy Archer brethren form the backbone of the armed forces. Each is equipped with an Elven Sword or Glaive, Helm, Shield, and Heavy Plate Armour
      • Aranthi (Unit)
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Akl`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Akl`Tu`Aranthi .
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Akl`Sa`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Akl`Di`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qi`Akl`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qi`Akl`Ku`Aranthi
      • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qi`Akl`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qi`Akl`Te`Aranthi.
    • Spearmen: Taking their lessons from great battles of the past that changed the face of Otara, Elves know what it means to "hold the line." This proud legacy lives on in the ranks of Elven Spearmen. Elven mail, reinforced by fine leather to cushion the blow, behind a sturdy leaf-shaped shield provides premium protection. On the offensive side, the almost 3 metres long razor sharp spear with a slightly curved blade, suitable for slashing as well as thrusting, warns most enemies to keep their distance or perish. All this coupled with the Elves' determination to stand against the darkness makes the Elven Spear Wall one of, if not the most formidable battle line in all of Otara.
        • Aranthi (Unit)
        • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Akl'Do`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Tu`Aranthi .
        • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Sa`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Di`Aranthi
        • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Ja`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Ku`Aranthi
        • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Ti`Aranthi
        • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qi`Akl'Do`Te`Aranthi.
      • Infantry Ranks - {Qi`Akl'Do (Infantry captain would be Qa`Akl'Do`Ja`Aranthi)}

        • Private: Qi`Akl'Do`Aranthi (lst-3rd level)
        • Corporal: Qi`Akl'Do`Tu`Aranthi (2nd-3rd level)
        • Sergeant: Qi`Akl'Do`Sa`Aranthi (4th level)
        • Leiutenant: Qi`Akl'Do`Di`Aranthi (5th or 6th level)
        • Captain: Qi`Akl'Do`Ja`Aranthi (7th or 8th level)
        • Major: Qi`Akl'Do`Ku`Aranthi (8th or 9th level)
        • Colonel: Qi`Akl'Do`Ti`Aranthi (8th-10th level)
        • General: Qi`Akl'Do`Te`Aranthi (10th level and higher)
    • Swordsmen: These veterans of countless battles have witnessed unimaginable horrors and faced the greatest foes Otara has to offer. Their deep, timeless eyes recount the greatest joys and deepest sorrows of ages past and their burning hearts yearn for revenge. To that end all Elven Soldiers make an Oath, one that will result in Evil's utter annihilation. With their supremely crafted elven swords they will cut a swathe through enemy lines and strike a final blow to the heart of darkness itself.
        • Aranthi (Unit)
        • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Akl'Du`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Tu`Aranthi .
        • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Sa`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Di`Aranthi
        • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Ja`Aranthi
        • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Ku`Aranthi
        • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Ti`Aranthi
        • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qi`Akl'Du`Te`Aranthi.
      • Infantry Ranks - {Qi`Akl'Du (Infantry captain would be Qi`Akl'Du`Ja`Aranthi)}

        • Private: Qi`Akl'Du`Aranthi (lst-3rd level)
        • Corporal: Qi`Akl'Du`Tu`Aranthi (2nd-3rd level)
        • Sergeant: Qi`Akl'Du`Sa`Aranthi (4th level)
        • Leiutenant: Qi`Akl'Du`Di`Aranthi (5th or 6th level)
        • Captain: Qi`Akl'Du`Ja`Aranthi (7th or 8th level)
        • Major: Qi`Akl'Du`Ku`Aranthi (8th or 9th level)
        • Colonel: Qi`Akl'Du`Ti`Aranthi (8th-10th level)
        • General: Qi`Akl'Du`Te`Aranthi (10th level and higher)
  • Light Archers Militia (Qa`Ytri): Proud hearts of the Elves yearn to nurture and protect Arethane's beauty so much that they themselves, like their ancestors, fight hard to safeguard what was created and preserved. In honor of that sacrifice these oldest citizens of Arethane, they take up sword and bow to do their part in the struggle against those who would threaten their homes. Only a fool would dismiss these archers and their elven short bows as a non-factor on the battlefield. As every elven life is precious, these light troops are kept in supporting positions unexposed to cavalry or heavy infantry assaults. Each is equipped with an Elven Long Bow, Short Sword, Helm, and Light Plate and Chain Armour
      • Aranthi (Unit)
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Ytri`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Ytri`Tu`Aranthi .
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Ytri`Sa`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Ytri`Di`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qa`Ytri`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qa`Ytri`Ku`Aranthi
      • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qa`Ytri`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qa`Ytri`Te`Aranthi.
    • Archer Ranks- {Qa`Ytri (Archer Captain would be Qa`Ytri`Ja`Aranthi)}

      • Private: Qa`Ytri`Aranthi (lst-3rd level)
      • Corporal: Qa`Ytri`Tu`Aranthi (2nd-3rd level)
      • Sergeant: Qa`Ytri`Sa`Aranthi (4th level)
      • Leiutenant: Qa`Ytri`Di`Aranthi (5th or 6th level)
      • Captain: Qa`Ytri`Ja`Aranthi (7th or 8th level)
      • Major: Qa`Ytri`Ku`Aranthi (8th or 9th level)
      • Colonel: Qa`Ytri`Ti`Aranthi (8th-10th level)
      • General: Qa`Ytri`Te`Aranthi (10th level and higher)
  • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): The Heavy Archers form the core of the elves' standing armies and are rightfully admired by their allies while feared by their enemies, having earned their reputation over the course of millennia. Mortal peoples can barely match their skill with the bow, even after a lifetime of practice, while their elven mail and swords provide them with acceptable close combat endurance. These soldiers are the living proof that their fierce passion for life and beauty endures. It is said that Heavy Archers are the Rain of Death that precedes the Whirlwind unleashed by their sword wielding comrades. With keen eyes, ages worth of experience, and arrows capable of piercing dragon scales, Heavy bowmen can decimate the ranks of their foes before the battle is even properly joined. Despite their supporting role in the army, battlefields are littered with corpses of enemies who foolishly believed that getting into melee range of these warriors would provide them with sufficient advantage. The benefit of skill, craftsmanship, and spirit ensures that these archers will not be easily routed even when properly countered. Each is equipped with an Elven Long Bow, Elven Scimitar, Helm, and Light Plate Armour
      • Aranthi (Unit)
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Ytri`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Ytri`Tu`Aranthi .
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Ytri`Sa`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Ytri`Di`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband): 10 Ja`Nai lead by a Qi`Ytri`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nevae (Brigade): 4 Ja`Leha lead by a Qi`Ytri`Ku`Aranthi
      • Ja`Noresh (Battalion): 4 Ja`Nevae lead by a Qi`Ytri`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Kiird (Legion): 2 Ja`Noresh lead by a Qi`Ytri`Te`Aranthi.
    • Archer Ranks- {Qi`Ytri (Archer Captain would be Qi`Ytri`Ja`Aranthi)}

      • Private: Qi`Ytri`Aranthi (lst-3rd level)
      • Corporal: Qi`Ytri`Tu`Aranthi (2nd-3rd level)
      • Sergeant: Qi`Ytri`Sa`Aranthi (4th level)
      • Leiutenant: Qi`Ytri`Di`Aranthi (5th or 6th level)
      • Captain: Qi`Ytri`Ja`Aranthi (7th or 8th level)
      • Major: Qi`Ytri`Ku`Aranthi (8th or 9th level)
      • Colonel: Qi`Ytri`Ti`Aranthi (8th-10th level)
      • General: Qi`Ytri`Te`Aranthi (10th level and higher)
  • Light Lancers Militia (Qa`Rohandi): Elvish lancers are light cavalry and are highly mobile. they are used for flanking and sqirmishes. Each is equipped with an Elven Warhorse barded in leather, Lance, Elven Scimitar, Helm, Shield and Heavy Plate Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Rohandi`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Rohandi`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Rohandi`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Rohandi`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qa`Rohandi`Te`Aranthi.
    • Militia Cavalry Ranks- {Qa`Rohandi`Aranthi (Cavalry Captain would be a Qa`Rohandi`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Horseman: Qa`Rohandi`Sa`Aranthi (lst-4th level)
      • Lancer: Qa`Rohandi`Ja`Aranthi (5th-8th level)
      • Lancer Qa`Captain: Rohandi`Ti`Aranthi (9th-12th level)
      • Lancer Qa`General: Rohandi`Te`Aranthi (13th and higher)
  • Heavy Lancers (Qi`Rohandi): The Elven Calvary Heavy Lancer and his entourage will call to the Gods as they charge, Lances lowered, as they ride into the ranks of the enemy, to look upon them in their hour of glory and sacrifice. Under the bright gaze of their most beloved gods, death can be faced without fear and moments of greatest valor may be born amidst the direst of circumstances, as the entire elven host becomes inspired and their spirit rekindled. These elite heavy cavalrymen never leave their Commander's side and will shield him with their very bodies, dying with his name on their lips if need be. They make up for their relative lack of mobility with the shock of their charge. Each is equipped with an Elven Warhorse barded in plate, Lance, Elven Scimitar, Helm, Shield and Heavy Plate Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Rohandi`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Rohandi`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Rohandi`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Rohandi`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qi`Rohandi`Te`Aranthi.
    • Cavalry Ranks- {Qi`Rohandi`Aranthi (Cavalry Captain would be a Qi`Rohandi`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Horseman: Qi`Rohandi`Sa`Aranthi (lst-4th level)
      • Lancer: Qi`Rohandi`Ja`Aranthi (5th-8th level)
      • Lancer Qi`Captain: Rohandi`Ti`Aranthi (9th-12th level)
      • Lancer Qi`General: Rohandi`Te`Aranthi (13th and higher)
  • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): Scouts are Skilled hunters and trackers who offer their Services to the Military. They hunt wild game, serve as guides, or provide Military reconnaissance. Each is equipped with a Short Bow, Short Sword, Helm, and Chain Mail Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Ernthye`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Ernthye`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Ernthye`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Ernthye`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qa`Ernthye`Te`Aranthi.
    • Scout Ranks-{Ernthye`Aranthi (Master Scout would be a Qa`Ernthye`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Scout: Qa`Ernthye`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advance Scout: Qa`Ernthye`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite Scout: Qa`Ernthye`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master Scout: Qa`Ernthye`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • Scout Master General: Qa`Ernthye`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): These Scouts are skilled hunters and trackers who serve in the Military. They hunt wild game, serve as guides, or provide Military reconnaissance. Each is equipped with a Short Bow, Short Sword, Helm, and Chain Mail Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Ernthye`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Ernthye`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Ernthye`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Ernthye`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qi`Ernthye`Te`Aranthi.
    • Scout Ranks-{Qi`Ernthye`Aranthi (Master Scout would be a Qi`Ernthye`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Scout: Qi`Ernthye`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advance Scout: Qi`Ernthye`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite Scout: Qi`Ernthye`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master Scout: Qi`Ernthye`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • Scout Master General: Qi`Ernthye`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): These trained siege engineer and can deal with traps and other obstacles given plenty of time.A sapper is able to quickly breach obstacles using a combination of engineering, Magic, alchemical reagents, and sheer bloody-mindedness. Each is equipped with a Elvish war shovel (can be used as an axe as well), Sapper gear,Short Sword, Helm, and Chain Mail Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Karlea`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Karlea`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Karlea`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Karlea`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qa`Karlea`Te`Aranthi.
    • Engineer/Sapper Ranks-{Qa`Karlea`Aranthi (Master Engineer/Sapper would be a Qa`Karlea`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Engineer/Sapper: Qa`Karlea`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advance Engineer/Sapper: Qa`Karlea`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite Engineer/Sapper: Qa`Karlea`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master Engineer/Sapper: Qa`Karlea`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • Engineer/Sapper Master General: Qa`Karlea`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): These trained siege engineer and can deal with traps and other obstacles given plenty of time.A sapper is able to quickly breach obstacles using a combination of engineering, Magic, alchemical reagents, and sheer bloody-mindedness.Each is equipped with a Elvish war shovel (can be used as an axe as well), Sapper gear,Short Sword, Helm, and Chain Mail Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Karlea`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Karlea`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Karlea`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Karlea`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qi`Karlea`Te`Aranthi.
    • Engineer/Sapper Ranks-{Qi`Karlea`Aranthi (Master Engineer/Sapper would be a Qi`Karlea`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Engineer/Sapper: Qi`Karlea`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advance Engineer/Sapper: Qi`Karlea`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite Engineer/Sapper: Qi`Karlea`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master Engineer/Sapper: Qi`Karlea`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • Engineer/Sapper Master General: Qi`Karlea`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): In battle, the Starlings use music to strengthen or clear the minds of soldiers, and to relay commands for units to perform specific tactics. The Starling is marches before his brethren, fearless and bold, and their bravery inspires their units to fight all the harder. Each is equipped with a Elvish War Instrument (Drum, Flute, Harp, or Bugle), Sword, Helm, and Full Plate Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Alunre`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Alunre`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Alunre`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Alunre`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qa`Alunre`Te`Aranthi.
    • War Musician Ranks-{Qa`Alunre`Aranthi (Master War Musician would be a Qa`Alunre`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • War Musician: Qa`Alunre`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advance War Musician: Qa`Alunre`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite War Musician: Qa`Alunre`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master War Musician: Qa`Alunre`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • War Musician Master General: Qa`Alunre`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): In battle, the Starlings use music to strengthen or clear the minds of soldiers, and to relay commands for units to perform specific tactics. The Starling is marches before his brethren, fearless and bold, and their bravery inspires their units to fight all the harder. Each is equipped with a Elvish War Instrument (Drum, Flute, Harp, or Bugle), Sword, Helm, and Full Plate Armour Each is equipped with a Elvish War Instrument (Drum, Flute, Harp, or Bugle), Sword, Helm, and Full Plate Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qi`Alunre`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Alunre`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Alunre`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Alunre`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qi`Alunre`Te`Aranthi.
    • War Musician Ranks-{Qi`Alunre`Aranthi (Master War Musician would be a Qi`Alunre`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • War Musician: Qi`Alunre`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advance War Musician: Qi`Alunre`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite War Musician: Qi`Alunre`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master War Musician: Qi`Alunre`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • War Musician Master General: Qi`Alunre`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): Usually drawn from long-serving champions, it is a singular honour to carry the army standard into battle. Bearing the ancient enchantments of protection, the standards of the Elven Lords are a blessing to their warriors and an anathema to the forces of evil. The Qi`Ulunde also serve as administrative staff for the Militia. Each is equipped with an Elvish War Horse, Elvish War Banner mounted on a long spear or Lance, Sword, Helm, and full Plate Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): 5 Qa`Ulunde`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qa`Ulunde`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qa`Ulunde`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qa`Ulunde`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qa`Ulunde`Te`Aranthi.
    • Standard Bearer Ranks-{Qa`Ulunde`Aranthi (Master Standard Bearer would be a Qa`Ulunde`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Standard Bearer: Qa`Ulunde`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advanced Standard Bearer: Qa`Ulunde`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite Standard Bearer: Qa`Ulunde`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master Standard Bearer: Qa`Ulunde`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • Standard Bearer Master General: Qa`Ulunde`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): The goal of a standard bearer is to lead, or to inspire others to lead when they cannot, and in such cases to provide support to this new leader and those under his command. The Qi`Ulunde also serve as administrative staff for the Army. Each is equipped with an Elvish War Horse, Elvish War Banner mounted on a long spear or Lance, Sword, Helm, and full Plate Armour
      • Ja`Lani (Hand): Qi`Ulunde`Sa`Aranthi lead by a Qi`Ulunde`Di`Aranthi
      • A Ja`Shan (Fist): 2 Ja`Lani lead by a Qi`Ulunde`Ja`Aranthi
      • Ja`Nai(Cohort): 2 Ja`Shan lead by a Qi`Ulunde`Ti`Aranthi
      • Ja`Leha(Warband) 10 Ja'Nai lead by a Qi`Ulunde`Te`Aranthi.
      Standard Bearer Ranks-{Qi`Ulunde`Aranthi (Master Standard Bearer would be a Qi`Ulunde`Ti`Aranthi)}

      • Standard Bearer: Qi`Ulunde`Sa`Aranthi (lst-3th level)
      • Advanced Standard Bearer: Qi`Ulunde`Di`Aranthi (4th-7th level)
      • Elite Standard Bearer: Qi`Ulunde`Ja`Aranthi (8th-11th level)
      • Master Standard Bearer: Qi`Ulunde`Ti`Aranthi (12th-14th level)
      • Standard Bearer Master General: Qi`Ulunde`Te`Aranthi(15th)
  • Arethane Army Command {Kingdom Armed Forces}(Qi`Valish):
      • Ri`Qi`Valish`Vi`Aranthi: These are the High Generals and command the forces Lead by the various Te`Aranthi that form the Armies in their respective Principalities and Duchies. They form the Valishar's Privy Council.
      • Ri`Qi`Valish(Kingdom Armed Forces) All are lead by the Valishar. The Valishar is advised by his staff of Ri`Qi`Valish`Vi`Aranthi of the Privy Council.

The Elves have a very well organized military with a strict set of codes and regulations. The Military of the entire Kingdom is composed of a standing Army of professional Soldier, nearly 1000000 strong which forms approximately 40% of the entire army. The Remaining 60% is built up of militia. It goes against Elven philosophy to require someone to fight against their will, so for this reason it has remained on a volunteer basis. There are no Elven Drafts. There are always a number of young males and females available that want to prove their skills as warriors, some because they don't know how else to help out their people, some to continue a long family or clan tradition of military men, and some as a matter of honour for one reason or another. Regardless of personal reasons, all volunteers are welcomed, trained, and stationed where their level of skill can be of most use.

With so many volunteering to be soldiers it would typically leave a void in the place of other positions such as healers, blacksmiths, farmers, and so forth. For this reason, the Militia Soldiers only serve for short periods of time, usually during seasons when their craft is least required, and then rotate as not to affect the production of the community, with only career military serving all year long. Then, when a threat arises, all the volunteers can be called into action for a large and unified force. This allows the Kingdom to have a large and well trained military force without affecting their economy too severely.

Military Organization

Each branch of the Arethane military is divided up into the following unit structure with each of the Principalities of Aerithaene have the following Army Units at their disposal:

  • Lorien:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 8 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 6 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 1920 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 128 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 64 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 64 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde):32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Jordaine:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Laemurae:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Aevermaeth:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Falanore:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Units of Militia (Light Infantry, Light Archers and Light Cavalry) vary from Principality to Pricipality but as stated make up 60% of the entire Military force.

Each of the Duchies of Aerithaene have the following Standing Army at their disposal:

  • Teirvaneth:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 7 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 4 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 6 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 1920 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 128 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 64 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 128 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde):32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Raithaeme:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Khandae:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Atlan`ysse:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Eavermysst:
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Ithildin::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Hrive`Liuothol::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Quathentear::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Thurraeln::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Erathia::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Eavermysst::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Ithildin::
    • Light Infantry (Qa`Akl): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Infantry (Qi`Akl): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Archers (Qa`Ytri): 3 Ja`Kiird
    • Heavy Archers (Qi`Ytri): 2 Ja`Kiird
    • Light Cavalry (Qa`Rohandi): 96 Ja`Leha
    • Heavy Cavalry (Qi`Rohandi): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout Militia (Qa`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Scout (Qi`Ernthye): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper Militia (Qa`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Engineer/Sapper (Qi`Karlea): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician Militia {Starlings} (Qa`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • War Musician {Starlings} (Qi`Alunre): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers Militia {Warsong Heralds} (Qa`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
    • Standard Bearers {Warsong Heralds} (Qi`Ulunde): 32 Ja`Leha
  • Units of Militia (Light Infantry, Light Archers, Light Cavalry, Scouts Militia, Engineers/Sapper Militia, War Musicians Malitia and Standard Bearers Malitia) vary from Duchy to Duchy but as stated make up 60% of the entire Military force.

The Ohtar`Akh, Elven Soldier

Attribute Requirements: P.S. 10, P.E. 12, pp 13 or higher.
Alignment: Any
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Elf
O.C.C. Bonuses: + 2 Strike and Parry, +3 Dodge, +1 to pull punch, and + 1 to save vs horror factor at levels 1,3,7, l0 and 13.
O.C.C. Skills:

  • Climb/Scale Trees and Walls (+15%)
  • Running
  • Forced March (+5%)
  • Swimming
  • Body Building & Weight Lifting
  • Basic Math (+15%)
  • Horsemanship: Paladin
  • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus one of choice (+10%)
  • Military Etiquette (+30%)
  • Intelligence (+15%)
  • Land Navigation (+10%)
  • Heraldry
  • Wilderness Survival
  • W.P. Sword
  • W.P. Glaive
  • W.P. Spear
  • W.P. Long bow (Archers Only)
  • W.P. Lance (Lancers and Standard Bearers only)
  • W.P. Two of choice
  • Hand to Hand: Martial Arts

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select Four additional skills from the category of Military or Espionage, and seven other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency

    Communications: Sign language only (+5%).
    Domestic: Any
    Espionage: Any (+10%)
    Horsemanship: Exotic only (+5%)
    Labour: Any
    Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
    Military: Any (+15%)
    Naval: Any
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: None
    Science: Mathematics only.
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+5%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any (+10%)

Secondary Skills: Choose 6 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Level. One proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Uniform, set of civilian clothing, boots, a pair of gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, two small sacks, a water skin, two weeks' worth of food rations, and a tinder box, Lancers and Standard Bearers will also have a horse with barding as above

Armour: As Above. All of Superior Elven Quality. Officers will also have enchated Armour

Weapons: As Above. All of superior quality. Officers will have Enhanted weapons (+2 to parry and +4 to damage, or a minor holy weapon), one additional weapon of choice, splint or plate annor and a horse with barding.

Money: Elven Soldiers are very well paid. The character starts with 1000 in gold, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment.

Experiance Table:

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