Nilranare`Doraiven, The Gryphon Flyer

Throughout history, people have fought on top of their loyal steeds, however, there is that rare warrior who goes beyond the standard land- or sea- based steeds. Thus, we find the Nilranare`Doraiven or Gryphon Flyers. The gryphon riders are the elite combat force of the Elves that inhabit the Golden Gryphon Keep, a massive fortification located in the Draedan Mountains in the kingdom of Ačrithačnč. Their courage and stamina are legendary. A gryphon rider must be an Elf. They are handpicked from the most skilled of the Elven infantry and then linked to both their weapon and their gryphon in a magical ritual. The stormbow, a rider's devestating weapon, is crafted by an Elven Master Bowmaker. The entire thing, including the handle, is made of a special type of wood that is gifted from the tree. It symbolizes the Elves relationship to the land. Many characters seek to become a Nilranare`Doraiven for a wide variety of reasons, some seeking to use their aerial ability to escape from the law while others seeking to use the help of their Gryphon to gain an advantage in battle or to adventure where no other man (or Gryphon) has trod before. Regadless of the reasons bonding with the gryphon changes one for ever. Nilranare`Doraiven are the Scout's of the air and Ranger's of the mountains. Flyer's are men or women of the forest that have bonded with a gryphon for a shared purpose. Nilranare`Doraiven are typically used as supporting units with an army, keeping flying foes off their backs and dive bombing the enemies on the ground. They also make for excellent scouts and can also help their allies break into fortresses or escape from danger. Nilranare`Doraiven are ferocious fighter's, combining both the savage fighting of a mount and the deadly hail of arrows from the Flyer's bow, they are surely the champions of the air. Gryphons can be useful for hit-and-run attacks on enemy expansions by taking advantage of trees and water to hover over where ground units cannot reach them. They are master's of the wilderness and mountains, often living nomadic lifestyles alone or with the pride their gryphon lives.

Often these men and women are wild elves of the forest, who form a mental link with the Gryphon or more civilized elves that had them trained as fledgelings. A Nilranare`Doraiven may have only one Gryphon at a time. Should the Nilranare`Doraiven’s servant die, may replace it with another one after 3 months of preparing the new Gryphon, however the bond formed between the Nilranare`Doraiven and Gryphon can often become so strong that one cannot survive the loss of the other. The gryphons used as mounts have been bred for strength and intelligence by the Elves for thousands of years. They are handled in huge aviaries by air warlocks. The gryphons are also trained near the aviaries. After the ritual, the gryphon gains a telepathic link to the rider and becomes a powerful ally. The bonding ritual includes not only the Elf rider, the gryphon, and the stormbow, but also an air warlock, an earth warlock and the Master Bowmaker that originally shaped the stormbow that the gryphon rider would use. The ritual also requires three gems, of all the same type and color. All participants are gathered in the gryphon aviary, and must chant ancient melodies for hours. This continues for half a day, when both warlocks and the Master Bowmaker take the three gems and infuse them with PPE. Then, at the height of the magic, the earth warlock presses a gem into Elves forehead, the air warlock presses a gem into the gryphon's forehead, and the Master Bowmaker presses a gem into the stormbow. The ritual finishes, and the three are linked. The gems press into the flesh and stone without damaging either. They become imbedded there and impossible to remove. The ritual provides the Elf with greater S.D.C as well as increases the SDC of the gryphon. They are also telepathically linked. They can sense each others thoughts and respond accordingly, making them a lethal team. One of the biggest changes is to the stormbow. Although the rider's strength is only minimally increased by the magic, he can now wield the bow as if it were perfectly balanced and the bow is also imbued with other special properties.

Nilranare`Doraiven Special Abilities:

  1. Attribute bonuses: +5 PS, +3 PE, +1 PP, +1 attack per melee
  2. Telepathic link with their gryphon. This link allows the rider to command the gryphon and to read the gryphon's thoughts. However, there are some limitations. The range of the link is 3 miles.
  3. The stormbow. The stormbow, is now a deadly weapon in the hands of the Elf that it is linked with. The bow also becomes indestructible. The bow inflicts 5d6 SDC when used to physically hit something by the Elf. The bow can also throw two lightning bolts per melee, each doing 4d6 SDC, to a range of 1000 feet. The bow is useless and non-magical to anyone except the Elf it's linked with.
  4. Through the ritual, the Elf gains 4D6 physical SDC and his gryphon mount gains 6D6. This amount does not change with experience. He also bio-regenerates at rate of 1d6 x 5 SDC per hour.
  5. Nilranare`Doraiven can use their weapons to deflect arrows while in flight (treat this as an automatic parry).
  6. Aerial Archer: Similar to mounted archery, except it allows the Nilranare`Doraiven to take no negatives on all mounted attacks while flying. The Nilranare`Doraiven can also put the momentum of his Gryphon into a ranged attack, adding extra range to the shot equal to the Gryphon's flying speed (10 meters/point of speed).
  7. Power Shot: The manipulation of a Gryphon to gain advantage has become second nature to the Nilranare`Doraiven, and on a successful Horsemanship: Exotic check the Nilranare`Doraiven can add his Gryphon's Dexterity modifier to all attacks while in flight.
  8. Aerial Evasion: The Nilranare`Doraiven is capable of evasion as long as he is riding his Gryphon. The Gryphon's Prowess Bonuses to Dodge are added to that of the flyer.
  9. Pounce: The Nilranare`Doraiven works in excellent conjunction with his Gryphon, and when the Gryphon does an attack, the Nilranare`Doraiven can also attack that same target with an extra +4 melee attack in addition to his standard attack action.
  10. Momentous Cleave: When doing a full attack or a charge against another aerial target or a reachable land-based target(like someone on a tower or another position a Gryphon can swoop to attack with the Nilranare`Doraiven being able to reach his sword there) the Nilranare`Doraiven and Gryphon can attack in such a way as to put all of their force and momentum in to a single cleaving attack on an enemy. This attack adds both the Gryphon flyer's and the Gryphon's damage bonus from P.S. plus per every 20ft the Gryphon gains on the charge, up to 200ft, to the attack. All of this damage is added on top of the weapon damage, and all weapon effects or character bonuses(and minuses) gained from powers or spells still apply. This attack deals critical damage based on the weapons critical range. This attack however requires so much focus on the single target that it leaves the Nilranare`Doraiven and his Gryphon open to an attack (no chance to parry or dodge). The Nilranare`Doraiven also must make a Horsemanship: Exotic check to continue riding on the Gryphon after the attack or else he will fall from the Gryphon.
  11. Aerial Sneak Attack:This ability is like the thief ability Sneak Attack. The extra damage increases by +1d6 every third level beyond 1st (4th, 7th and 10th). If a Nilranare`Doraiven or his Gryphon gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack. However, this bonus is only gained when the sneak attack is done from the air and the enemy is caught flat-footed (either by surprise or any method which removes his P.P). Standard flanking does not grant this bonus.
  12. Gryphon Speech: The Nilranare`Doraiven has become so well in tune with Gryphons that he can converse with them.
  13. Hive Mind: The Nilranare`Doraiven and his Gryphon share the same thoughts and can share their senses up to a distance of 2 miles apart. They can share an empathic link up to 20 miles apart.
  14. Silent Flight: The Nilranare`Doraiven's Gryphon is well tuned with the need to be quiet and can be stealthy while flying in the air, allowing the Gryphon to be able to move silently upon an enemy without them hearing (60% prowl).

Alignment: Nilranare`Doraiven are generally good aligned. In rare cases will there be a neutral Nilranare`Doraiven. There have been no known reports of evil Gryphon Flyer though it does remain a possibility.

Armor: Nilranare`Doraiven rarely wear any armor heavier then studded leather or Elven Chain (unless magically enchanted to be weightless). Most prefer simple tooled leather armor. Griffons can also have armour specially designed for them, but at a very expensive price. Griffon armour can be purchased for about 1500 gold and give A.R. of 16 with 300 SDC.

Weapons: In addition to the Stormbow the Nilranare`Doraiven are equiped with one to two bladed weapons. Bola's and Javelins are also popular weapons among the sparse ranks.

Nilranare`Doraiven O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: P.S.: 10, P.P.: 13, P.E.: 10. At least minor psionics are nessesary with the telepathy ability.
Alignment: Any except Evil
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Elves only
O.C.C. Skills:
    Horsemanship: Exotic (+20%)
    Wilderness Survival (+5%)
    Land Navigation (+5%)
    Languages: Native Elven at 98%, Common
    W.P. Long Bow
    W.P. One of Choice
    Hand to Hand Martial Arts

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 8 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Sign Language Only
    Domestic: Any
    Espionage: All but Pick Pocket's, Streetwise (+5%)
    Horsemanship: Any
    Labour: None
    Medical: Only Animal Husbandry, Herb Lore, Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry
    Military: All but Falconry, Field Armourer, Forced March, Seige Engineer (+5%)
    Naval: None
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: All but Drugs, Pick Pockets, Streetwise
    Science: None
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any but Boat Building, Falconry, Carpentry

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

OCC Related Bonuses: +3 to strike and damage with weapon of specialization only +10% chance bonus per every 4 levels of being able to preform unusual manuvers.

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelExperianceHand to Hand: Gryphon flyer
10-2,4002 Attacks per Melee, +3roll
22,401-4,800+3 to parry/dodge, +2 strike, and Disarm
34,801-9,600Kick Attacks: Karate style kick (2d4 dam) and 4 of choice except jump kicks
49,601-17,000+1 attack/melee
517,001-25,000Jump Kicks (all)
625,001-35,000Critical Strike 18,19 or 20
735,001-50,000+2 Damage
850,001-70,000Leap attack (critical Strike)
970,001-95,000+1 attack/melee
1095,001-135,000Body throw/flip and +1 initiative
11135,001-177,000additional +4 to damage
12177,001-227,000additional +2 to parry/dodge
13227,001-277,000knockout/stun on 18,19 or 20
14277,001-327,000+1 attack/melee
15327,001-377,000Death Blow natural 20

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