Cor’Selu’taar, the Elven High Mage

Elves study magic with matchless passion, but even among the elves, the Cor’Selu’taars are regarded as obsessed with the accumulation of arcane power.Cor’Selu’taars are the master’s of magic knowledge. The learning of the secrets of the magical weave is the culmination of any arcanist’s career and the Cor’Selu’taar is the undisputed master in this. However, the elves are very secretive and extremely selective about who can learn such potent lore. Existing Cor’Selu’taars often observe Cor’Selu’taar candidates for a decade or longer, probing for the faintest hint of unworthiness. So far, their extreme secrecy has worked. Less then a dozen elves even know where the lore of elven high magic is even kept, much less how to actually cast it.

All Cor’Selu’taars are Elves of the surface races, and all are powerful wizards. No one else can learn the elves greatest magical secrets. In fact many spend all their time in guarding these secrets as well as adding to them with newly developed rituals and rediscovered lore of ages past.

Upon finishing they’re training in the High Magic and passing the first ten years of initiation, the new Cor’Selu’taar learns to manipulate magical energies in a raw state. They are presented to their fellows amid a private celebration. A ritual is performed for the initiate to welcome him as a Cor’Selu’taar, and the ritual adds 1d6x100 years to the end of the elf’s life. As a Cor’Selu’taar, the elf receives noble status within all elven communities.

Blessing of Arvandor

By attaining the highest possible understanding of mortal magic, and the flow of the weave, the Cor’Selu’taar, is blessed with the following benefits:

  1. The Cor’Selu’taar retains his former wizard abilities. In addition He may cast any spell he knows spontaneously and with superior effect now, due to a greater understanding of the Weave. All spells cast by a Cor’Selu’taar inflict a saving throw penalty of -2 on his targets. Spells also double in range and effects. In addition his knowledge of Metamagics is far more advanced and can be applied to any spell at will. The Metamagic Skills are as follows:
    • Enhanced Empower Spell: With this skill, spells can be made to cast to greater effect. Damage, beings affected and variable numerical values of like effect of the empowered spell is tripled.
    • Enhanced Enlarge Spell: With this skill, spells can be made to cast farther. Range and area affect are tripled.
    • Enhanced Extend Spell: With this skill, spell effects can be made to last longer. Spell duration is tripled.
    • Enhanced Maximize Spell: With this skill, spells can be cast to double maximum effect. Damage, beings affected and variable numerical values of like effect of the maximized spell do maximum effect.
    • Enhanced Quicken Spell: With this skill, spells can be cast at a moments thought. Casting time for an entwined spells is so fast the spell casting is considered a free action and not subject to initiative.
    • Enhanced Silent Spell: With this skill, spells can be cast Silently. Incantations necessary to cast spells become mental, no vocalization is necessary.
    • Enhanced Heighten Spell: With this skill, spells can be made to be cast as if they were of higher level. Spell effects dependent of spell level are calculated to the heightened level. Level of the spell is effectively tripled.
    • Spell Bounce: With the skill, the Cor’Selu’taar can use another creature or person as the focus of cast spells. The caster selects a primary target to act as the spell focus and casts the spell through the focus at the secondary target. The spell goes off as if cast by the primary target in regards to range and line of sight. The Cor’Selu’taar must still be able to either see or detect the secondary target but doesn’t necessarily have to have a direct line of sight.
  2. Astral Shield: The Cor’Selu’taar is 50% Resistant to all spells, and gains +4 bonus on saving throws against all magical effects.
  3. Cor’Selu’taar’s Step: The Cor’Selu’taar can step through any magical barrier of 6th level or lower as if it did not exist. This does not destroy the barrier; the Magister simply passes through it. He is also immune to all forms of magical writing (such as glyph of warding, explosive runes, sepia snake sigil, and symbol), and his presence does not trigger their effects.
  4. Mythal Invention: Cor’Selu’taar 25+5%/level Chance to create a Mythal
  5. Ritual Mastery: The main Hallmark of the Cor’Selu’taar, Ritual casting is where he truly shines, working together with others. This ability enriches the caster’s magical knowledge in two directions. First, he is able to assist even more in the casting of Ritual Spells, by applying more and more of the bonuses (added together) described at each Ritual Mastery level as a participant. He may not use these bonuses when he is casting a non-ritual Spell. Second, he learns the appropriate Rituals of Elven High Magic The primary ability of a Cor’Selu’taar is the casting of High Magic. Unlike traditional wizard spells, the rituals are taught only by a senior Cor’Selu’taar to a younger Cor’Selu’taar and are taught only when necessary. All High Magic Rituals are taught orally and are never recorded, to protect the knowledge from abuse.
  6. All Cor’Selu’taars, by their very close affinity for the Weave, develop a Magesight, which can see and detect magic in a manner akin to using their night vision (i.e., at will in darkness at 90’). The Cor’Selu’taar’s connection to the Weave allows him to sense wild magic or dead magic areas, spellcasting, gates, portals, and ongoing spell effects within 60 feet. These are sensed automatically without concentration, and magesight operates even when the Cor’Selu’taar is unconscious (awakening the Cor’Selu’taar if something new enters the range of her magesight). He also gains the following Spell-Like Abilities: At will - feather fall (automatic), levitate, read magic, true seeing; 6/day - dimension door, water walk. A Cor’Selu’taar can detect magic and identify magic at will. In a like manner, Cor’Selu’taars can see past illusions.
  7. Charge Magical Item: At will the Cor’Selu’taar can pour magical energy into a magic item and restore some of its charges. This only works with items that can store more than l0 charges. This ability is costly however as it requires that the Cor’Selu’taar must rest for 1 hour per charge replaced into the item.
  8. Entwine Spells: The Cor’Selu’taar can casts two wizard spells at the same time as if they were one. Both spells go off at the same time and, as their energies are combined, the target only gets to roll a single save throw, even though two spells are in effect.
  9. Crafting of Magic Items: Cor’Selu’taars are able to craft Items of magic of incredible power far beyond those that a wizard can craft. Each category of item has specific skill requirements as well as specific spells.
Item CreatedPrerequisites
Craft ArmourProper crafting skill, required High Magic Ritual & Spells
Craft Weapon Proper crafting skill, required High Magic Ritual & Spells
Craft Rod/WandProper crafting skill, required High Magic Ritual & Spells
Forge RingProper crafting skill, required High Magic Ritual & Spells
Craft StaffProper crafting skill, required High Magic Ritual & Spells
Craft Wondrous ItemProper crafting skill, required High Magic Ritual & Spells
The Skills and spells required to craft each item should be discussed with the Game Master as well as material costs and construction times.
  • Familiar Casting: The Cor’Selu’taar can cast any spell through his familiar, provided the animal is not farther then the spell’s range. This is not limited to touch spells as per a normal familiar ability. The spell goes off as if cast by the familiar in regards to range and line of sight and the Cor’Selu’taar does not need to be able to either see or detect the secondary target so long as the familiar can do so.
  • Halt Spell: Cor’Selu’taars understand magic workings so well that they are able to counter spells merely by hurling raw magical energy at them. The Cor’Selu’taar must roll a strike of 15 or better for the counter and if successful the incoming spell is completely dispelled regardless of the casters spell strength or ability.
  • Magical Discharge: The Cor’Selu’taar can hurl a bolt of raw magical energy, akin to a fireball only far more deadly. The bolt does incredible damage (2d6x10 damage per level) and can only be avoided with a dodge roll of natural 18 or better.

    As stated, the true power of a Cor’Selu’taar comes from his use of the High Magic Rituals, either in solitude or when together with other Cor’Selu’taars. By combining their efforts and abilities a circle of Cor’Selu’taars can cast magics that are powerful enough to effect the entire elven population and lands, as well as creating near godlike creations. (See Elven High Magic for further details)

    The Cor’Selu’taar & Armour:

    Cor’Selu’taars like wizards and other practitioners of magic tend to prefer leather armour because it offers excellent maneuverability, stealth (no jingling or clunking of metal parts) and because it is more comfortable.

    Cor’Selu’taars: Circles & Symbols:

    Cor’Selu’taars have a complete understanding of magic circles and can use circles already activated and can create or activate most magic circles. This however is not their area of study, so they are limited in the knowledge of circle magic. However, a Cor’Selu’taar is able to recognize a real magic circle from a phony and knows that entering a magic circle often results in death or worse and knows enough to tell exactly what a circle is fully capable of or how to use it.

    A Cor’Selu’taar's knowledge of symbols and wards is equal to that of a diabolist and as such he can create and activate them.

  • The Cor’Selu’taar O.C.C.

    Attribute Requirements: I.Q.- 18, M.E.- 18, P.E.-18
    Class Requirements: 15th Level Wizard
    Alignment: Any
    Gender: Male or Female
    Race: Elf Only
    O.C.C. Skills:

      Language: Ancient Elven 98%
      Language: Mystic 98%
      Literacy: Ancient Elven (+ 15%)
      Literacy: Mystic (+15%)
      Cryptography (+15%)
      Meditation (+15%)
      Lore: Magic (+20%)
      Lore: Geomancy/Ley Lines (+10%)
      Lore: Ritual (+20%)

    O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 6 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

      Communications: Any (+5%)
      Domestic: Any (+5%)
      Espionage: Forgery, Escape Artist and Intelligence only (all +5%).
      Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
      Labour: Any
      Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
      Medical: Any (+15%)
      Military: Any
      Naval: Any
      Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
      Physical: Any
      Rogue: Any
      Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
      Science: Any (+10%)
      Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Large Axes, Pole Arms and Lance.
      Wilderness: Any

    Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

    Experiance and Combat Table:
    LevelMagic CombatRitual Use/level
    1+1 vs. Spell Magic 3/2/10-2,240
    2+1 vs. Circles/Wards4/3/22,241-4,480
    3+1 Spell Strength5/4/34,481-8,960
    4+1 Fae Magic6/5/48,961-17,920
    5+1 vs. Spell Magic 7/6/517,921-25,920
    6+1 vs. Circles/Wards8/7/625,921-35,920
    7+1 Spell Strength9/8/735,921-50,920
    8+1 Fae Magic10/9/850,921-70,920
    9+1 vs. Spell Magic 11/10/970,921-95,920
    10+1 vs. Circles/Wards12/11/1095,920-135,920
    11+1 Spell Strength13/12/11135,921-185,920
    12+1 Fae Magic14/13/12185,920-225,920
    13+1 vs. Spell Magic15/14/13225,920-275,920
    14+1 vs. Circles/Wards16/15/14275,920-335,920
    15+1 vs. Spell Strength 17/16/15335,920-375,920

    *Rituals of Elven High Magic (Rituals of Solitude(RS), Myriad(RM), Complement(RC)).

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