The Sajorte

Sajorte is elven for willing servant. A Sajorte is a person who feels within themselves a strong desire to help and serve the people around them. A Sajorte's willingness to help others even before attending her own needs makes her one of the most treasure and valued people in Arethane. Some Sajorte are servants but many of the most skilled become pleasure concubines, advisors and companions to some of the mightest folk in the Land. There are three major distinctions among Sajorte; The first type of Sajorte devotes herself to serving one person fully. The second type devotes herself to serving one limited group of people, often a village or town, but occasionally an adventuring party, palace or inn. The third type feel called to serve all people in general; these sajorte often wander. They seek out someone to serve, and once they feel their service to that person is complete, they move on.

Background - Sajorte can come from any background. Many peasants become sajorte to advance their station, as sajorte are often close companions of the nobility but Sajorte also come from the nobility who feel their role is to serve society not to dominate it. Some become Sajorte as a method of repaying their debts; when someone has harmed another it is viewed as being to strongest act of contrition to serve the injured party to make amends for the harm inflicted. Some Sajorte learn their skills in their towns, serving the village people while others learn their skills in Silk Houses, academies where the sajorte learns social skills and grace, become a refined debutante. Many Sajorte view their profession as more than an occupation; to them it is a calling, a deep desire to serve others freely, asking nothing in return.

Alignment - Sajorte can be of any alignment. Good Sajorte are fired by the desire to serve others. Neutral Sajorte serve willing for the personal enjoyment and satisfaction they receive. Evil Sajorte serve out of a desire for status; they desire the easy lifestyle, comfort and luxury afforded to Sajorte as well as the influence of being close to the highest nobility of the land.

Weapons/Armour - Sajorte almost never use weapons or armour; their credo of serving others leads to a strong prohibition against deliberately causing harm or engaging in violence. Also, because sajorte are treasured for their beauty and grace, many sajorte feel it would be foolish to be cover themselves in heavy, ugly armour. Sajorte are limited to a dagger for self defense and work, and at most a suit of light supple leather for defense.

Races - Elves, drow, half-elves and humans can all become Sajorte. Many Nymphs and Dryad, who wander outside the forest are Sajorte. Faeries and orckind lack the cultural background or calling to serve requisite to become a Sajorte.

Gender - The overwhelming majority of Sajorte are female. Male Sajorte are hypothethically possible, but so rare as to be virtually non-existant.

Sajorte Handbook

The Sajorte O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: M.A.: 12, P.P.: 14, P.B.: 18,
Race: Elven, Drow or Halfelf only
Alignment: Any, but most tend to be Principled, Beneficent, or Aberrant
Gender: Male or Female
O.C.C. Skills:

    Dancing (+20%)
    Singing (+20%)
    Writing (+20%)
    Playing Musical Instrument (+15%)
    Court Etiquette
    Massage (+10%)
    Ritual Knowledge
    Language - Native (98%), plus 1 other (+20%)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 2 other skills from communications, 2 skills from Domestic, and 5 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Any (+10%)
    Domestic: Any (+5%)
    Espionage: None
    Horsemanship: general only
    Labour: None
    Military: None
    Medical: Any except Surgery
    Naval: None
    Performing Arts: Any (+25%)
    Physical: any
    Rogue: Any except Intimidate
    Science: Any (+5%)
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+5%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Knife, Sword (**Swords are often used in dances**) only
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Special Abilities:

  1. Inspire -
      A Sajorte is in some ways a muse. At 5th level, the sajorte gains the ability to help others by inspiring them. They gain +1 on all their rolls, or +5% on percentile rolls. This ability increases at the 7th level to +2 or +10%, and increases again at every odd level after that to a maximum of +5 or +25%. These bonuses can be given to one person or distributed amongst a group of people. For instance, a 9th level Sajorte could give one hero +3 on his rolls, or 3 heroes +1. Or, she could give her one special knight +2, and his loyal companion +1.
  2. Healing -
      A Sajorte learns how to comfort others, soothing their pains and troubles away. At fourth level, the Sajorte gains the ability to heal 2d6 HP. This ability increases to 4d6 at Level 8 and a maximum of 6d6 at level 12. This ability differs from magical healing in that it requires uninterrupted concentration from the sajorte to use; it takes some time and cannot be used it battle. This ability can take many forms; sometimes binding wounds, but also massage, acupuncture, sex, or even a special ceremony designed to cure imbalances in the target's body.
  3. Charm -
      The Sajorte becomes an expert in seduction and subtly guiding others. At 10th level, the sajorte can attempt to charm or implant a suggestion in another person. At 13th level this ability increases so that the victim suffers a -2 on his save against it. It is extremely difficult for the subject of this target to shake off it's holds; some legends tell of kings who's kingdoms wear shattered due to the wicked influences of evil Sajorte; these tragic heroes sometimes couldn't shake off the affects of the Sajorte's manipulation until it was too late to save his kingdom.

Experience Table:

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