Shil`Mormhaor'Ess, The Shadow Assassin

More than just killers, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess or Shadow Assassins are masters of secret combat techniques focusing on light and exotic weapons, and tactics designed to single out and slay a single foe in direct confrontation, and of course a mystic connection to and manipulation of shadow. Traditionally trained in clans with histories going back millenia centur, Shil`Mormhaor'Ess try to conceal their existence from the common population. Shil`Mormhaor'Ess train for years in the same kinds of conditions monks and wizards do, and their path is a lifelong dedication to mastering the darkness and overcoming any lone target.

Shil`Mormhaor'Ess are masters of stealth, moving about the battlefield unseen and unsuspected. They are not the masters of traps that rogues are, nor as adept at combat as monks, but like both those classes they serve as useful support from an unexpected quarter. Their combat style is focused on selecting a specific foe and taking it down as quickly as possible, even if that requires a (brief) head-on confrontation. Shil`Mormhaor'Ess are particularly adept at manipulating shadowy terrain to serve their needs, though their skills are not without uses elsewhere as well.

Shil`Mormhaor'Ess’ primary focuses are mystically using shadow for utility and concealment rather than movement, and killing targets through weapon skill and mystic concentration rather than poison or careful study of a foe’s weaknesses.

Shil`Mormhaor'Ess Shadow Combat Styles

Though all Shil`Mormhaor'Ess focus on concealment, special weapon training and a mystic connection to the power of shadow, there are numerous specific paths that training can take. At 2nd level every Shil`Mormhaor'Ess selects one shadow style from the list below, to represent the direction his particular training takes him. At 5th, 9th, 12th and 15th level the shadow assassin may select additional shadow styles, which may continue his existing training (selecting the same style a second or in some cases a third time) or he may choose a new style. Each clan of shadow assassin has a specific style it trains all its members in, and the secrets of those styles are closely guarded secrets the clan kills to protect.

  • Exotic Weapon Style: Any Shil`Mormhaor'Ess ability the character has that is normally limited to light weapons may also be used with any exotic weapon the character is proficient with. This ability does not grant proficiency with any additional exotic weapon, it just allows such weapons the character is proficient with to count as light weapons for class abilities. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess also gain the benefits of the weapons specialization with any exotic weapon with which he is proficient. At 6th level, the complex and confusing movements of the shadow assassin’s exotic weapon also grant him an additional +2 bonus to strike whenever he is wielding an exotic weapon he is proficient with. At 10th level this increases to a +4 bonus. If this shadow style is selected a second time, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess treats any exotic weapon he is proficient with as if it had a x3 critical multiplier.
  • Shadowblade: As an action the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can create a weapon made of solid shadows (this can be any light weapon with which he is proficient). This weapon is treated as magic, and has an enhancement bonus to attack and damage equal to +1 for every three full levels of the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess. It has the same hardness and hit points as a normal magic weapon of its type, and dissipates at the end of any round it is not held in the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess' hand. A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess may dissipate the weapon at will. If this shadow style is selected a second time, the weapon can be formed as a free action.
  • Shadowglide: A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess with this style never treats any terrain in dim or worse lighting conditions as difficult terrain. At 6th level he may, when in dim or less lighting, move with Prowl at 98% and at 12th level, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess gains a 30 foot fly ability that only functions in dim or darker lighting conditions. If selected a second time, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess is able to master his own shadow to allow him to fly even further, granting a +10 foot bonus (even in normal or bright lighting).
  • Shadow Poison: The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can create umbral venom, a poison distilled from the shadows themselves. One dose of the poison can be create and added to a weapon as a swift action, and lasts until the weapon successfully strikes a target or the beginning of the next round, whichever comes first. Umbral venom is an injury poison with no onset time, a frequency of 1/round for 6 rounds, and a PE save. On the first failed saving throw, the poison victim’s sight dims so that it suffers a -2 on all attack rolls (unless it has a nonvisual sense that can compensate, such as blind fighting). On a second failed save, all creatures have concealment against the poison victim’s sight (normally resulting in a -4 on all attack rolls). On a third failed save, the poison victim is blinded. The effects of umbral venom last until the next dawn, or until the victim has a light or daylight spell cast upon it. A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess must have skill with poison and be at least 9th level to select this shadow style.
  • Shadow Sensor: When in conditions of dim or less light, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess adds half his level to Perception check made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). Also, a Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps in dim or worse lighting. If selected a second time, whenever the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess in dim or worse lighting comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception check to notice the trap. (This check should be made in secret by the DM.) If selected a third time, it takes the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess half the normal amount of time to disable a trap in dim or worse lighting using the Disable Device skill (minimum 1 round).
  • Shuriken Style: A favored weapon of many shadow assassins, shuriken are not particularly effective as ranged weapons unless they are used to deliver poison. This shadow style instead imbues each shuriken thrown with a bit of solid shadow, increasing the amount of damage done by any shuriken the shadow assassin throws by +1d6. This increases to +2d6 at 6th level, and to +3d6 at 10th level. The additional damage is treated as being normal piercing weapon damage. Thus a 2nd level Shil`Mormhaor'Ess deals 1d2+1d6 damage with a shuriken attack. If selected a second time, the shadow assassin increases the enhancement bonus to attack and damage of any shuriken he throws by +1 for every six full class levels. If selected a third time, the shadow assassin may forgo granting part or all of the additional enhancement bonus to instead give his thrown shurikens the following magic abilities for the listed cost:
    1. distance (+1 enhancement)
    2. frost (+1 bonus)
    3. seeking (+1 bonus)
    4. speed (+3 bonus).
  • Spell Style: A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess with this style learns a very small number of arcane spells from the necromancy or shadowmage spell list. He gains the ability to learn and prepare two 0-level spells (which he may then cast as often as desired, as a wizard does with cantrips). At 6th level the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess may select a third 0-level spell, and learns a single 1st level spell he may cast twice a day. At 12th level, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess learns a second 1st level spell he may cast twice a day, and a single 2nd level spell he may cast twice per day. A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess caster level is equal to his class level once he has taken this style. The save of any shadow assassin spell he casts is a save vs ME. If this style is selected a second time, the shadow assassin gains a +2 bonus to his ME save and if selected a third time, he increases the save by +4.
  • Two-Weapon Style: If the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess is fighting with two light weapons he can cause ribbons of shadow to flow from his off-hand weapon, concealing his movements and forming complex, confusing patterns. This both makes it more difficult to strike the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess, and aids him in efforts to perform combat maneuvers. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess gains a +1 dodge bonus and a +2 strike bonus whenever he is wielding two light melee weapons. This bonuses increase to +2 dodge and a +4 strike at 6th level, and +3 dodge and a +6 strike at 10th level. If selected a second time, the shadow assassin gains a weapons speciality bonus when he wields two light weapons.

Abilities of the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess is proficient in all simple weapons, all light weapons, as well as bolas, net, repeating crossbow (light only), shuriken, spiked chain, and whip. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess is proficient with light armor and small shields, but not heavy shields or tower shields.
  • Deadly Focus: Once per day a Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can call on his mystic training to focus all his power, agility, determination and training with light weapons on the effort to kill a single target. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess chooses one target within sight to be the target of his deadly focus. When attacking with a light weapon, bolas or shuriken the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess adds a bonus to his attack and damage rolls made against the target of his deadly focus. This bonus is equal to the shadow assassin’s ME bonus. The deadly focus effect remains until the target of the deadly focus is dead or the next time the shadow assassin rests and regains the uses of his daily abilities. If the target of a Shil`Mormhaor'Ess deadly focus dies, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess may clear his mind and regain the use of his deadly focus. Such focus requires fifteen minutes of rest and quiet contemplation. Refocusing ends his deadly focus bonus against any previous target, even if that target should somehow be restored to life and attack on the same day. If the target of a Shil`Mormhaor'Ess deadly focus does not die, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess cannot regain the use of this ability until he rests and regains all his daily abilities.
  • Shadowmeld: A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess is trained to be one with the shadows, wrapping himself in mystic cloaks of darkness. The effects of shadowmeld work only in areas of dim or less light. Even a single square of dim light is enough, as long as the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess is in it, as is an area concealed by dust or smoke. Occasional shadows scattered around areas considered normally or brightly lit does not qualify. As the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess gains levels, his shadowmeld grants the powers listed below.
    • Stealth Bonus: At second level and above a Shil`Mormhaor'Ess adds his class level (in %) to all prowl skill checks made in conditions of dim or darker lighting. This bonus does not stack with any bonus to stealth gained from invisibility effects, and works even against targets with darkvision, scent, or similar senses.
    • Skill Bonus: At 4th level and above the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess comfort within and mastery of shadows allows him to add half his class level (in %) to any Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist or Sleight of Hand skill checks made in conditions of dim or darker lighting.
    • Camouflage: At 8th level and above the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can physically wrap himself in the shadow from dim or less light, using it as camouflage and making him more difficult to see even for targets with darkvision. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess gains 20% concealment in dim or less lighting, even from creatures with darkvision or non-visual senses. (Normally dim light provides 20% concealment only against targets with normal vision).
    • Produce Shadow: At 12th level and above, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can carry shadow with him, and produce it when areas of dim light are needed. This functions as the spell darkness, except it drops all light conditions to dim light (and has no effect in dim light or darkness). Produced shadows negate any light spell of a level equal to or less than half the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess class level, and are themselves only negated by a light spell of higher level than half the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess class level. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can produce shadows for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus ME modifier each day. The duration need not be used consecutively. The shadow assassin may produce shadows numerous times a day, as long as the total rounds used does not exceed his maximum. A Shil`Mormhaor'Ess may only have one shadow produced at a time, however. If a new shadow is produced, any older shadow dissipates.
    • Living Shadow: At 16th level and above, the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can become a living shadow. This functions as the gaseous form spell, except the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can still make attacks with light weapons, bolas, and shuriken (though such attacks deal only half damage), and the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can attack insubstantial targets without any miss chance or reduction in damage done. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess must be in an area of dim or less lighting to become a living shadow, but may then travel freely into bright light while maintaining the form. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can maintain the living shadow form for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus ME modifier each day. The duration need not be used consecutively. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess may assume this form numerous times a day, as long as the total rounds used does not exceed his maximum. Living shadow requires a standard action to activate and a free action to dismiss.
    • Death Shadow: At 20th level the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can become a death shadow. This functions as the ethereal jaunt spell, except the Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can still make attacks with light weapons, bolas, and shuriken against targets in the material plane if those targets are in an area of dim or less lighting. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess must be in an area of dim or less light to become a death shadow, but may then travel freely into bright light while maintaining the form. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess can maintain the death shadow form for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus ME modifier each day. The duration need not be used consecutively. The Shil`Mormhaor'Ess may assume this form numerous times a day, as long as the total rounds used does not exceed his maximum. Death shadow requires a standard action to activate and a free action to dismiss.

Shil`Mormhaor'Ess, The Shadow Assasin O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: M.E.-12, P.P.-12, and I.Q.-10
Alignment: Anarchist(Selfish) or Evil.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Shadow Elf or Drow
O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 attack/action per melee at levels two and eight (this is in addition to hand to hand and other combat skills), +4 to save vs. horror factor, +1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch.
O.C.C. Skills:

    Climb/Scale Walls (+10%)
    Concealment (+15%)
    Prowl (+20%)
    Disguise (+10%)
    Surveillance (+10%)
    Math: Basic (+20%)
    Tracking (+10%)
    Languages: Native Toungue at 98% plus two others of choice (+10%)
    Streetwise (+15%)
    Four W.P. of Choice
    Hand to Hand: Assasin

O.C.C. Related Skills:Choose 2 other skills from the Espionage skill category and five other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Any (+10%)
    Domestic: Any
    Espionage: Any (+10%)
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
    Labour: Any
    Medical: Biology, herbology, Brewing and First Aid Only.
    Military: Any (+10%)
    Naval: Any (+5%)
    Performing Arts: Any
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: Any (+10%)
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+15% on language & Literacy skills only)
    Science: Math Only
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.
Level Experience Hand to Hand: Assasin
10-1,8502 Attacks per melee, +2 strike
21,851-3,700+1 attack per melee
33,701-7,400+3 roll with/pull punch
47,401-13,000+4 Damage, Disarm 17-20
513,001-22,000+1 attack per melee
622,001-33,000+3 to parry/dodge, Body flip/throw
733,001-47,000Knock out/Stun 17-20
847,001-66,000+1 attack per melee
966,001-91,400Kick Attacks: Karate style kick (2d4 dam) and 2 of choice except jump kicks
1091,401-131,500Critical Strike: 17 to 20
11131,501-171,600+2 Strike
12171,601-221,700Death Blow: 19-20
13221,701-272,800+1 attack per melee
14272,801-326,900+2 damage
15326,901-378,000+2 to strike/parry/dodge

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