Shil`Faerna, The Shadowmage

The Shadow Weave is a force of magic similar to the Weave only a dark distorted version of it, and it is said to lie in between the strands of the Weave. Only through the Shadow Weave is Shadow magic possible. Shadow Magic is an ancient mystic art that had been practiced during the Time of a Thousand Magicks, but went into serious decline after the Elf-Dwarf War, as its greatest practitioners were all slaughtered in the fighting of that terrible age. Though Shadow Magic has existed for quite some time, ancient texts only speak of Shadow Magic in a few passages, and always in an unfavorable light. Based on these old writings, some believe Shadow Magic was regarded as a “dangerous, dark magic,” even a “curse” by those who dared to use it. There are references to it leading to the “corruption of the soul,” “self-destruction,” and as being “useful only in matters most foul.” Shadow Magic was never very popular with the ancient elven mages. In part, because it did not further the Elven goal of self-enlightenment, so the magic was eventually abandoned and forgotten by all but a few. Only in recent years has it has been re-discovered as only a handful of Wizards kept the knowledge of this art alive, passing what they knew to hand-picked apprentices. Today, only the tiniest handful of Elven historians have ever heard of Shadow Magic, and they know of it only in passing. While the use of Shadow Magic was forsaken by Elven society, it never completely vanished. The dark art was kept alive by a few, who used it to further their own gain and over the years, these practitioners of Shadow Magic have mutated the craft and themselves to what we now know as the Shadowmage.

Shadowmages are rare magic users who concentrate and focus not on the destructive powers of dark energies granted through conjuration and demonic pacts but rather in the destructive power of raw entropy. This involves a significantly different path of study than learning most arcane magic, and requires a dedicated mind. Shadow magics secrets are closely guarded, so book learning is often not possible—shadowmages are often chosen very selectively and then taught everything they know on the subject. As well as dark evocations, shadowmages enjoy spells that weaken other's minds and bodies and of course those that create darkness. Shadow magic is used with the utmost discretion and is secretly passed down from generation to generation among only the most gifted, elite and discreet practitioners. At one point, probably fewer than two dozen individuals held onto the secrets of Shadow Magic. In the last century that has changed. Most notably, the “Shadow Arts,” as they are known among the Shadow Elves, have quietly reemerged within the secretive society of the Elven sub-race. The use of this ancient, dark magic is one more secret weapon to further the Shadow Elven agenda and breaks the mold of the typical Elven mage and adds an additional layer of mystery as well as further distances the Shadow Elves from any connection to their Grey Elven kin.

The Shadow Mage is not a traditional Wizard. They are more like agents of chaos who function among the Shadow Elves as magic-wielding spies, saboteurs and support personnel. They use their magic in subtle ways to harm or work against their enemies from behind the scenes, and to support other Shadow Elves in the field from the shadows. Shadow Mages are excellent for intelligence gathering, quiet insertions and extractions of Shadow Elven operatives, rescue operations, jailbreaks, hiding and concealing operatives, acts of intimidation and all manner of covert operations. Shadow Mages are quickly becoming spy-masters who lurk in the shadows and use their magic to cover the trail of Shadow Elven Assassins who wait, hidden, until ready to strike down their enemies or any fool who may threaten their agenda. Shadow Magic is ideal for ambushes and other acts of treachery for which the members of the Shadow Elven secret society are famous.

Darkness is Power (special): In theory, Shadow Magic spell invocations can be learned by any practitioner of magic. However, Shadow Mages rarely share their secrets with other magic users, which is why Shadow Magic is largely a forgotten and lost art. When it does surface, its sinister reputation and connection to the Shadow Realm keep most sorcerers from learning Shadow Magic. Some practitioners of magic insist they can sense a darkness and danger even when learning just a few Shadow spells. It is enough to prevent them from learning more. These sorcerers report they feel a sinister influence or supernatural presence within the magic itself. Most demons and demon worshipers also avoid Shadow Magic, giving credence to the belief held by some that the Shadow Lords and denizens of the Shadow Dimension may be ancient Chaos Demons no longer in favor with mortals and said to be dangerous and unpredictable agents of entropy. Archaic Chaos Demons are rivals to modern demonkind, so their magic is discouraged among their worshipers.

A dark influence, some claim the pursuit of Shadow Magic casts a smoldering darkness over the hearts of those who use it. Making its practitioners cold, ruthless masters of lies and treachery. Perhaps this is why Shadow Magic has forever been relegated to death cults and assassins, and those who work in secret from the shadows. Indeed, Shadow Mages are so attuned and devoted to the Shadow Arts, they learn few spells that are not Shadow Magic. Among the ones they do learn outside their discipline are spells used to torture, dominate and kill, such as Agony, Blind, Forcebonds and Desiccate the Supernatural.

Over time, it is said that the darkness of their magic becomes a part of the spell caster’s essence and the way he thinks. It erodes their sense of right and wrong, and makes it difficult for them to trust anyone other than their shadow Mage brethren. Most Shadow Mages believe the end justifies the means and that one must fight fire with fire. All keep their cards close to their vest, guard secrets carefully, lie and cheat without hesitation, are suspicious and distrusting of everyone, and are ruthless in dealing with enemies and rivals. It also means the best possible alignment for these spell casters is Unprincipled, with the majority being Anarchist and Aberrant evil. With their connection to shadow, shadow beasts are shadow mages' preferred companion.

Most often found working for the churches of deities who grant access to the darker magics, shadowmages tend to be solitary individuals who face persecution from paladins and good-aligned clerics regardless of their actual actions and intentions, due to a belief that anyone so closely linked to the plane of shadow and the shadow weave must be inherently evil, a sentiment that does not fall very far from the truth. Shadowmages are tied to the Shadow Weave and fearlessly reach out to the Shadow Weave and grab for power and knowledge that takes others years longer to achieve. Shadowmages make great sacrifices in order to gain great power from the Shadow Weave and hone disciplined minds in order to be able to master the bizarre power available from it.

As they grow more powerful, they unlock mysteries - thought processes and powers known to few outside the plane itself due to their alien nature - much like a warlock would learn from elementals. The further a shadowcaster progresses, the easier they find their mysteries to manipulate.

Shadow Mage Special Abilities:

  1. Enhanced Night Vision: The Shadowmage has nightvision of 300 feet.
  2. Base P.P.E. of the Shadow Mage: 2D4x10+45 +P.E. attribute number. Add 2D6 P.P.E. points for each level of experience starting at level one. Note: The Shadow Mage can also draw energy from ley lines and nexus points.
  3. Increased P.P.E. Recovery: The Shadow Mage replenishes P.P.E. at the rate of 20 points for every hour of meditation, rest or sleep, but only when recovery is done within a shadow larger than the mage or in a completely dark area. If there is bright artificial light, overcast sunlight or bright sunlight and no suitable shadow in which to sit and meditate, the Shadow Mage only recovers 5 P.P.E. per hour. Darkness is always a welcomed friend.
  4. The link they form with the Shadow plane and Shadow Weave sustaines their bodies with dark energy, lessening their need to eat, drink or rest as well as negating the effects of poisons and diseases.
  5. Mastery of Shadow Magic (Spell Casting Bonuses): 5. Mastery of Shadow Magic (Spell Casting Bonuses): Shadow Magic is the overriding specialty of this practitioner of magic. No body knows it better, except for the demonic Shadow Lords. As such a Shadowmage learns certain Common Knowledge Spells during his or her apprenticeship. These spells are as follows:
    • Animate Shadows
    • Cloud Shadow
    • Ethereal in Shadows
    • Shadow Clone
    • Shadow Mask
    • Shadow Meld
    • Shadow Puppet
    • Shadow Senses
    • Shadow Shift
    • Shadow Stalker
    • Shadow Tentacles
    • Shadow Walk
    • Summon Denizens of the Shadow Plane
    • +5 additional Shadow Spells of choice (levels 1-4)
    In reality, common knowledge spells are not so common, unless you happen to be a Shadowmage fresh out of apprenticeship. All Shadowmagess begin with these spells. They are the rewards of 7 to 20 years of demanding work as an apprentice. While under the tutelage of their master, the young spell caster gains a rudimentary knowledge of magic, a basic education, learns to read and write his native language and one other, and at the end of the period, is given the common knowledge spells. It is said that with these spells and determination, the secrets of greater shadow magic are attainable.
  6. Additional Spells: At each new level of experience, starting at level two, it may be assumed that the character has been able to figure out or learn 2 new spell -selected from any level up to the character's own level of achievement/experience (i.e. a 3rd level character can select one spell from either first, second or third level).
  7. Learning New Spells: Spells and ritual magic of any level can be learned and/or purchased at any time, regardless of the wizard's own experience level, provided the character can find an instructor and pay the price (which is not always cash). This should be played as a role-playing element. See the Pursuit of Magic for more details.
  8. O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 on perception rolls pertaining to hiding, escape, shadow magic, and shadow beings. +1 to dodge, +3 save vs. horror factor, and +1 save vs all types of magic at levels 5 10 and 15. (this is in addition to any magical combat bonuses). Attribute bonuses from training are +1D4 to M.A., +1D4 to M.E. or I.Q. (pick one) +3D6 S.D.C. in addition to possible skill bonuses due to the brutal nature of the Shadow denizens and learning to assosiate with them. In addition the Shadowmage is considered a friend of shadows (much like the Warlock is with elementals, shadow denizens see the shadowmage as one of their own and will not attack them unless commanded to do so by a shadow lord or shadow wraith or if the shadow mage attacks first.
  9. Shadow Bonuses: +2 to perception rolls while in shadows or darkness, +1 to strike, parry , dodge while in shadows or darkness, +3 to save vs shadow magic, Impervious to insanities that involve darkness or shadows. Never afraid of the dark and in fact feels at home there.
  10. Vulnerability and Penalties: The Shadowmages strong bond to shadows and darkness they represent imposes a number of penalties upon them. WHen exposed to sunlight with no shadows for the mage to find comfort in all spell effects, range and damage and duration are cut in half ( no penalty if there is a shadow to cast from. Further they are -2 on spell strength, perception rolls and initiative. Shadowmages are vulnerable to silver and any kind of silver weapon will do double damage.

The Shadowmage O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 13, M.E. 12
Alignment: Any selfish or evil alignment.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Shadow Elf or Drow
O.C.C. Skills:
    Concealment (+10%)
    Land Navigation (+10%)
    Language & Literacy: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each)
    Language: Whisper (the language of the shadow plane) at 78% + 2% per level
    Lore: Demon/Devil(+20%)
    Lore: Magic(+10%)
    Lore: Shadow Realm (+20%)
    Lore: One of choice (+10%)
    Mathematics: Basic (+40%)
    Wilderness Survival (+20%)
    W.P. 2 of choice
    Hand-to-Hand: Basic but can be changed to hand to hand expert at the cost of 2 Skills

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select four other skills of choice at level one, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Any (+10%)
    Domestic: Any (+10%)
    Espionage: Escape Artist, Impersonations, Prowl and Intelligence only (all +10%).
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
    Labour: Any
    Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
    Medical: Any (+15%)
    Military: Any
    Naval: Any
    Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: Any
    Science: Any (+10%)
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any except Lance.
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: A set of traveling clothes, a traveling robe with hood, a ceremonial black robe, moccasins, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt, backpack, a medium-sized to large purse/satchel, four small sacks, a water skin, a sprig of mistletoe, a clove of garlic, a wooden or silver cross, eight wooden spikes, a small mallet, 30 feet (9 m) of rope, small mirror, and a tinder box. Starts with soft leather armour(A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).

Weapons: Start with one weapon of good quality for each proficency chosen.

Money: The character starts with 140 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty. Practitioners of magic are often sought after by royalty, merchants, wealthy travelers, and the military as mercenaries or special freelance agents, or infiltrators for special assignments. Pay can be excellent, varying from 50-150 gold for the simplest task, to 3000-12,000 for dangerous assignments. Salary is often equal to that of the long bowman for low level shadowmages (under 5th level) and equal to that of an officer for experienced shadowmages (5th level and higher). Many military operations like to use shadowmages as "inteligence" units who strike at the enemy from the shadows as well as gather vital informations. However, most shadowmagesfind military-life to be too restrictive and mundane. Furthermore, many don't trust shadowmages and feel uncomfortable around them, unless the mage has proven himself in several battles.

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell/Essence Drain 50-1,666
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards71,667-3,666
3+1 Spell Strength 93,667-8,666
42 Spell Att/Melee 11 8,667-16,666
5Recognize Enchantment 36%1316,667-25,666
6Recognize Magic Items 20% 1525,667-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell/Essence Drain17 36,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1956,667-86,666
9Recognize Magic Items 40%21 86,667-111,666
10Recognize Enchantment 56%23 111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 25 135,667-166,666
12+3 Spell Strength 27 166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell31216,667-266,666
14Recognize Magic Items 60%35266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards39316,667-386,666

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