Valant`Trael, The Spellslinger

The Valant`Trael or Spellslingers are rare practitioners of an ancient elven tradition. A Valant`Trael is a Battle Mage that focuses on casting spells quickly in combat. Their tactic is to cast first and win the fight before its properly begun. Valant`Trael are often dueling wizards or champions of magic schools.

Valant`Trael are arcane spellcasters that generally scorn learning, focusing instead on immediate problems and immediate solutions. They have no time for scholarly pursuits or the deep secrets of high magic. They learn what they must know as combat mages; to know their enemies, see them, hear them and be able to interpret the signs given by enemies and allies alike in order to react quickly and decisively. This gives them a somewhat menacing demeanor, which is actually useful. There is no formal organization among Valant`Tael, but there is an informal ranking among them; Valant`Trael keep track of each other, and a surefire way to gain recognition is to out-cast another Valant`Tael. Duels are sometimes held using such harmless spells as dazzle, just to find who is the fastest. Successful Valant`Trael have to be at least somewhat intimidating to keep incompetent challengers at bay, and famous Valant`Trael often have to watch their back for pretenders to their fame who would stalk and slay them just for the notoriety.

Regular spellcasters, especially learned wizards, often hold Valant`Trael in contempt as vicious brutes. But this contempt is tempered by fear; Valant`Trael have a well-deserved reputation for short temper with foolish scholars. Valant`Tael are deadly in combat as they are also skilled in the military arts as well as with weapons and fighting techniques.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Valant`Trael is proficient with melee weapons such as Swords and Bows, as well as light armours (Leather, Studded or Elven chain). Armours worn will always be of a magical variety as will most of their weapons.

Spells: The Valant`Trael automatically knows all spells of the levels he can cast, and casts spells spontaneously. All spells are rays and require a ranged touch attack to hit and are manifested as a colored ray that emanates from the Valant`Tael's index finger and affects the target if hit. All spells have a range of 20 ft +5 ft/ Caster Level, to a maximum of 120 ft. Resting 8 consecutive hours restores all spells. All spells on the spell list are manifested as purple rays. The Valant`Trael may also fire a ray of energy (dealing fire, acid, cold, or electricity damage) as an attack action that deals 1d6 damage/level of the chosen energy type. He may choose force or sonic damage, but the damage is reduced to 1d4 damage/level. Rays always manifest themselves as an appropriate color; fire rays are red, cold rays blue, acid rays green, electric rays yellow, and force and sonic rays white.

Valant`Trael Spell List

Cantrip1st Level2nd Level3rd Level4th Level
Detect Magic
Ray of Enfeeblement
Colour Spray
Hideous Lafter
Ghoul Touch
Dispell Magic
Hold Person
Vampiric Touch
Dimensional Anchor
Solid Fog
Phantasmal Killer
5th Level6th Level7th Level8th Level9th Level
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Greater Dispel Magic
Flesh To Stone
Prismatic Ray
inger of Death
Reverse Gravity
Horrid Wilting
Drain Life
Mage's Disjunction
Dominate Monster
Kaleidoscopic Doom

Special Abilities of the Valant`Trael

  • Blast Undead: A Valant`Trael that can turn or rebuke undead as a priest. Valant`Trael see undead as just another type of foe to quickly
  • Steely Stare: This is most commonly used in fast-cast duels, but can be used anytime two forces are marshalling for a confrontation. Before initiative is rolled, a Valant`Trael can attempt an opposed Intimidation roll against a single foe within 60 ft. as a standard action. The opponent must not be in combat, but must be aware of the Valant`Trael. On a success, that opponent's initiative roll suffers a -4 penalty if combat begins in the next minute. Regadless of the outcome the Valant`Trael must wait a minute before attempting a new steely stare against the same opponent. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
  • Uncanny Dodge: A Valant`Trael can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. Recieves an additional +4 to Dodge.
  • Quick Fingers: The Valant`Trael's combat reflexes react instantly to danger of all kinds. A Valant`Trael add a +4 bonus to initiative.
  • Evasion: If a Valant`Trael makes a successful saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the spellslinger instead takes no damage.

The Valant`Trael O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9, P.P. 12 or higher
Alignment: Any
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Elven or Half Elven
O.C.C. Skills:

    Wilderness Survival (+15%)
    Intelligence (+10%)
    Public Speaking (+10%)
    Choose 3 military skills of choice (+5%)
    Language: Native tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each).
    Literacy in two languages of choice (+10% each)
    Writing (+10%)
    History (+10%)
    Lore: Demons & Monsters(+10%)
    Lore: Undead (+10%)
    Land Navigation (+10%)
    W.P.: Select two of choice
    Hand-to-Hand: Basic Hand to hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts for the cost of one "other" skill.

O.C.C. Related Skills:Choose 3 other skills from the Espionage skill category and five other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Any (+10% each)
    Domestic: Any (+10%)
    Espionage: Any
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5%)
    Labour: Any
    Medical: First Aid only (+5%)
    Military: Heraldry (+10%), Falconry, Recognize Weapons Quality and Surveillance only.
    Naval: Any
    Performing Arts: Any (+10% each)
    Physical: Any (+5% when applicable)
    Rogue: Any (+5%)
    Science: Math only.
    Scholar & Technical: Any (+10% each)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any
    Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelMagic CombatSpell Use/levelExperience
1+1 vs. Spell Magic 20-1,930
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards41,931-3,860
3+1 Spell Strength63,861-7,720
4Sence Good/Evil 40% 87,721-15,200
52 Spell Att/Melee1015,201-23,300
6Recognize Enchantment 30%1223,301-36,666
7+2 vs. Spell Magic1436,667-56,666
8+2 Spell Strength 1656,667-86,666
9+2 vs. Circles/Wards1886,667-111,666
10Sence Good/Evil 65%20111,667-135,666
11+2 vs. Circle/Wards 22135,667-166,666
12Recognise Enchantment 50%24166,667-216,666
13+3 vs. Spell Magic26216,667-266,666
14Recognize Enchantment 71%28266,667-316,666
15+3 vs. Circle/Wards30316,667-386,666

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