Kalhkari`Doraiven, The Unicorn Rider

Resplendent in shining elven armor, armed with tall, white lances and enchanted elven swords, and mounted on their shining, horned steeds, the Kalhkari`Doraiven, or Unicorn Riders inspire awe the hearts of any who see them. They are comprised mainly of the Paladins, Knights and Soldiers of the Checkered Shield, a fighting order dedicated to the goddess Larani, and are renowned for their individual and collective military prowess and for upholding the ideals of their Goddess. Only the finest elven warriors are chosen to serve. The Kalhkari`Doraiven are a small but nigh-invincible handful of defenders, each worth a dozen ordinary warriors. Chivalry, honor, and duty are characteristics of this order and they are treated with near-religious awe by other elves. Their sacred duty is the defense of the elven homelands and they are available for instant mobilization should their Goddess require it. Some unicorn riders have been known to visit the Otaran mainland, either as adventurers or on missions from the church.

Kalhkari`Doraiven follow a strict code of honor (see below). They must defend any elf they see in need and must fight any orcs, goblins, enemies of the Seldarine, or other evil creatures whom they encounter. Several hundred Kalhkari`Doraiven serve Larani as elite cavalry, but some also remain on the Otaran mainland acting as adventurers, mercenaries, or agents of Ačrithačnč. As they can be practioners of one of three classes they mainly follow the OCC description for the class they belong to but gain the following in addition:

  • Hand to Hand: Kalhkari`Doraiven replaces the Base Occ Hand to Hand Combat at no extra skill cost
  • Required Weapon Proficiencies: Lance (any), Sword (any), Longbow are added to the Base OCC Skills (if already in skill set they count as a Weapon's Speciality)
  • Detect Lie at will
  • Know Alignment at will
  • Kalhkari`Doraiven receive +1 bonus to hit with a mounted lance, and an additional +1 bonus with bow and sword for every three levels they gain. This is in addition to normal elven bonuses with these weapons.
  • Kalhkari`Doraiven receive an additional +1 bonus to hit all enemies of the Seldarine.

Code of the Kalhkari`Doraiven

In the name of Our Lady, Larani, Guardian of Truth, Protector of the Brave, the Reluctant Warrior; and of the gods of the Seldarine; and of Her Primate of the Elven Isles; and of the Valishar of the Kingdom of Ačrithačnč; let it be said amongst all the lands of Otara that this Code is the Code of the Kalhkari`Doraiven, and that all Kalhkari`Doraiven shall abide by it unto death.

  1. Let all Brothers and Sisters of the Kalhkari`Doraiven keep faith with our Lady of Larani, and Her Church; and let any Brother or Sister who fails to so keep faith be stripped of their shield and tabard; and let no excommunicate of Larani’s Church hold office in or have dealings with this holy Order.
  2. Let no-one enter this Order who has not achieved adulthood, that is to say, the age of twenty-five years; and though younger men and women may squire to Knights of the Order, they should not take the Order’s vows until they are of age.
  3. The Order shall be be open to men and women equally, and to gentle and common equally, so long as they are of the Laranian faith. But those who wish to serve as Palladin or Knight must bring to the order a Unicorn bonded to them and to be trained for battle, two lances, one sword, and armour suitable to a knight, or silver sufficient to purchase those things; and if a petitioner cannot provide those things, then let them serve as Man-at-Arms to the glory of Larani, and let them be satisfied with that role, and not envy their knight-brothers and knight-sisters.
  4. All Palladins and Knights are within the Order equal, save those granted the rank of Knight-Captain, Knight-Commander, Master or Grand Master, who shall have the benefit of those ranks; and a Knight of common birth shall have the same status as a Knight of gentle birth; but a Knight sworn for life to the Order shall have privileges beyond a Knight serving the Order for only a period of time . And only a sworn Knight may serve as a Knight-Captain, Knight-Commander, Master, or Grandmaster of the Order. And all Man-at-Arms are within the Order equal, as befits the social order beloved of Larani.
  5. Let the Order be divided into Chapters, each of which being, wherever possible, 4 palladin, one for each season of the year, twelve Knights, one for each month of the year; and thirty Man-at-Arms, one for each day of each month; to symbolize our Order’s constant readiness. In instances where a Chapter is not warranted, let there be half-Chapters of 2 palladin, six Knight and fifteen Man-at-Arms, wherever possible. And let one of the Palladin of each Chapter be Knight-Captain, as chosen from among and by the Palladins and Knights of that chapter; and let the other palladin be Knight-Sergeants. And there be two Knight-Commanders for each Bishopric in Ačrithačnč, who shall command in the field; and one Master for each Bishopric in Ačrithačnč, who shall administer to the needs of the Order; and finally, let there be a single Grandmaster who has authority over all the Order.
  6. It is the duty of each member of rank to maintain order amongst those in their charge, and to mete out justice amongst and for those in their charge as necessary, and to use their best conscience in dealing with the concerns facing themselves and those in their charge, with guidance from the dictates of the Church of Larani and by this Code.
  7. Palladins, Knights and Man-at-Arms should not have wives or husbands save with the approval of a Master or the Grandmaster; for family can distract from our Order’s holy purpose, and marriage should be undertaken only with great caution.
  8. Paladins and Knights should bear a shield of red and white, checkered, as a symbol of their fealty to the Order; and Palladins, Knights and Man-at-Arms should wear a tabard of red and white, as a symbol of their fealty to the Church. And wherever possible, the shield should be polished and the tabard clean, to honour our Lady. And let no member of the order have other ornamentation on their person or their garments or their belongings, save for a single symbol of Larani which may be of any material, even silver or gold.
  9. Within the Order generally, let both Man-at-Arms and Knights hold firmly to the communal life, and uphold order within the Order, as Larani would wish; and take only what is needed to sustain themselves from the Order; and care for the sick and wounded and invalid among them, that they may in turn be cared for should misfortune strike them. And let all members of the Order, including those of rank, share equally in the labours necessary to sustain the Order and its Chapters.
  10. And those sworn to the Order should refrain from inciting anger from their brothers and sisters, and should endeavour to keep the peace within the Order; and if they find fault with another in the Order, they should not confront them in anger, but rather in a spirit of fraternity. But nor should brethren turn from fault, for to leave a fault uncorrected is foolhardy; and it is the duty of the Knight-Captain or other officer of the Order to ensure that correction is undertaken.
  11. And further, let no member of the Order take up arms against any other member of the Order, nor strike them in anger whether with weapon or without, for unity is beloved of Larani and strife beloved of Her Enemies.
  12. Let no member of the Order retreat from or yield in battle except when the Order’s banner is withdrawn from the field, or by order of a member of greater rank within the Order; but nor shall any Knight or Man-at-Arms surrender to followers of the Enemy, under any circumstance, for it is better to die than to be so dishonoured.

Kalhkari`Doraiven, The Unicorn Rider O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: As per Base OCC of Palladin, Knight or Soldier
Alignment: Principled only
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Elves only
O.C.C. Skills: As per Base OCC of Palladin, Knight or Soldier

O.C.C. Related Skills: As per Base OCC of Palladin, Knight or Soldier

Secondary Skills: As per Base OCC of Palladin, Knight or Soldier

OCC Related Bonuses: +3 to strike and damage with Lance; +20% to Horsemanship: Exotic

Experiance and Combat Table:
LevelExperianceHand to Hand: Kalhkari`Doraiven
010-2,400Three attacks per melee round. +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punch
022,401-4,800+3 to parry and dodge, +2 to strike, and disarm
034,801-9,600Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any four of choice, except jump kicks
049,601-17,000One additional attack per melee round
0517,001-25,000Jump kicks (all)
0625,001-35,000Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20
0735,001-50,000One additional attack per melee round, Paired weapons
0850,001-70,000Leap attack (critical strike)
0970,001-95,000Body throw/flip and +1 on initiative
1095,001-125,000One additional attack per melee
11125,001-160,000An additional +4 to damage
12160,001-200,000An additional +2 to parry and dodge
13200,001-245,000Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20
14245,001-295,000One additional attack per melee round
15295,001-350,000Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired)
16350,001-410,000An additional +2 to strike and disarm
17410,001-475,000One additional attack per melee round and +1 on initiative
18475,001-545,000Disarm on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired)
19545,001-620,000An additional +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact
20620,001-700,000One additional attack per melee
21700,001-785,000An additional +3 to pull punch
22785,001-875,000An additional +2 to parry and dodge
23875,001-970,000An additional +2 to strike and disarm
24970,001-1,070,000One additional attack per melee
251,070,001-1,175,000An additional +1 on initiative
261,175,001-1,285,000An additional +2 to parry and dodge
271,285,001-1,400,000An additional +4 to damage
281,400,001-1,520,000Death Blow on a roll of a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (if desired)
291,520,001-1,645,000One additional attack per melee.
301,645,001-1,775,000An additional +1 on initiative, +2 to strike

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