The Acolyte

The Acolyte is not a wielder of magic, per se. Perhaps this is because s/he is a natural skeptic or cynic, or because s/he lacks the mental discipline to cast magic. However, while the character can never personally manipulate magic energy greater then that of a cantrip, s/he understands that there are those with powers far greater and that the only way to learn is to serve those powerful beings. Thus, the Acolyte is a dabbler and assistant to sorcerers, supernatural beings, cults and Brotherhoods. As a skilled aide, the Acolyte may help in preparing, cataloging, and storing components, organize libraries and data bases, help in rituals and aid in research. S/he also knows enough about the arcane to recognize magical objects and texts (see Peripheral Magic Knowledge), and can be invaluable as a diplomat, servant, assistant, researcher, spy, scout and/or bodyguard. Unlike a Wizard, the Acolyte has not spent years and years learning to deal with magic, so while s/he has a rudimentary understanding and respect for the mystic arts, the character's strengths lay in other areas.

O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses

  1. Spellcasting: The acolyte is an extremely weak spellcaster and is only capable of casting Cantrips and only so many of those. The acolyte canknow 2 plus his IQ bonus of cantrips at level 1 and can learn 1 addition cantrip /level of experiance. Cantrips for an acolyte have a high cost in P.P.E 20 P.P.E. each. The Acolyte can never learn any or use spells above that of Cantrip.
  2. Magic Bonuses: +1 to save vs magic at levels two, five, ten and fifteen; +1 to save vs possession, +1 to save vs mind control, and +1 to save vs horror factor at levels one, four, seven, ten and thirteen.
  3. Peripheral Magic Knowledge: The Acolyte has a rudimentary understanding of how magic works, including preparations for spells and rituals, the basic purpose/function of the ritual, incantations, and paraphernalia, as well as legends and rumors concerning spells, rituals, people, places and monsters associated with magic. This enables the Acolyte to distinguish between fake "occult" materials and genuine articles, recognize enchantments, how to handle and prepare materials for rituals, guess at the basic (and most obvious) meaning/purpose for a magic circle, ritual or component; and some idea of the supernatural forces involved. Base Skill for Principles of Magic: 50% +2% per each additional level of experience. In addition, an Acolyte may select semi-magical skills such as Divination (in place of any O.C.C. Related Skill) and any of the lores.
  4. P.P.E.: The Acolyte starts with the regular P.E. attribute number +2D6 P.P.E., but only gains an extra 1D4 points per each subsequent level, starting with level two.
  5. Psychic Powers: All Acolytes are considered a minor or latent psychic. However s/he does not necessarily start with any psychic powers. Any one psychic ability may be selected in place of any one Secondary Skill, but only when the character is first created (as many as all six of the skills can be traded in for psionics). Additionally, instead of learning a new O.C.C. related skill at later levels, s/he may choose to develop a new psychic ability instead. Initial I.S.P. is limited to M.E. attribute number plus 2D6. The Acolyte gets +1D6 per additional level of experience.

Acolyte O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: M.E. 9 or higher. An I.Q. of 9 or higher is handy, but not required.
O.C.C. Skills:

  • Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20% each)
  • Literacy: Two of choice (+ 15%)
  • Research:(+20%)
  • Lore: Magic (+20%)
  • Lore: One of choice (+15%)
  • Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
  • W.P. One of choice
  • Hand to hand: basic can be selected at the cost of one "other" skill, or hand to hand: expert for the cost of two "other" skills or to Martial Arts for the cost of 3)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose 6 other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    Communications: Any (+15%)
    Domestic: Any (+10%)
    Espionage: Any (+10%)
    Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
    Labour: Any
    Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
    Medical: Any (+15%)
    Military: Any
    Naval: Any
    Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
    Physical: Any
    Rogue: Any
    Science: Any (+10%)
    Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+10%)
    Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Large Axes, Pole Arms and Lance.
    Wilderness: Dowsing, Identify Plants & Fruits, Preserve Food and Wilderness Survival only.

Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a robe or cloak with a hood, boots, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, a medium-sized to large purse/satchel, two small sacks, a water skin, 3D4 sheets of parchment paper, a 100 page notebook, three crow quill pens, two bottles of ink (each may be a different color), 1D4 sticks of graphite, 1D4 sticks of chalk, 1D4 candles, a wooden cross, small mirror, and a tinder box.

Armour: Starts with soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).

Weapons: A knife and one additional weapon of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of Medium quality. Magic weapons and additional items must be acquired later. Favorite weapons among acolytes include the knife, short sword, staff, blunt weapons, sling and cross bow.

Money: The character starts with 100 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty.

Experiance And Magic Combat:
LevelMagic CombatExperience
1+1 vs. Spell Magic0-2,240
2+1 vs. Circles/Wards2,241-4,480
3+1 Spell Strength4,481-8,960
42 spell attacks/melee 8,961-17,920
5+1 vs. Spell Magic17,921-25,920
6+1 vs. Circles/Wards25,921-35,920
7+1 Spell Strength35,921-50,920
8+1 Fae Magic50,921-70,920
9+1 vs. Circles/Wards70,921-95,920
10+1 vs spell magic95,920-135,920
11+1 spell strength135,921-185,920
12+1 vs Fae Magic185,920-225,920
13+1 vs. Spell Magic225,920-275,920
14+1 vs circles/wards275,920-335,920
15+1 spell strength335,920-375,920

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