The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a non-playing character class (NPC), meaning that it is not an OCC available to players. However, this fellow can be a valuable and fun tool or the GM to spice up the game for the players.

Whether secreted away in a smoky basement laboratory or gleefully experimenting in a well-respected school of magic, the alchemist is often regarded as being just as unstable, unpredictable, and dangerous as the concoctions he brews. While some creators of alchemical items content themselves with sedentary lives as merchants, providing tindertwigs and smokesticks, the true alchemist answers a deeper calling. Alchemists’ lives are an adventure all on their own. The experiments they perform often have unexpected results, though occasionally a discovery will be made. The closest an alchemist is likely to come to an ordinary life is working as an herbalist or craftsman. Other alchemists spend their time in the halls of academia, where they discuss their findings and theories, serve as medics or bombardiers in military services, or pursue more unsavory lifestyles. But the lure of undiscovered knowledge, unexplained phenomena, and rare essences often calls even the most timid of alchemists out of the safety of their laboratories and workshops to explore dark caverns and ancient ruins. Most alchemists believe that by experiencing the world first-hand and by experimenting with the rarest of ingredients, they might discover an essence combination that could lead to a new age of alchemy.

The alchemist is a sort of magic specialist and broker, buying, making, and selling magic items including scrolls, potions, powders, magic armor, magic weapons, holy weapons, flaming swords, and all sorts of magic charms, fumes, herbs, poisons, and paraphernalia. Likewise, most alchemists are willing to teach wizards low level spells (for a price) and sell or exchange information, lore, ideas, theories and rumors about magic, magic items, local figures of importance and supernatural creatures. Powerful and elusive, complex and structured, the power of alchemy attracts those seeking to understand the order amid the chaos. By understanding the underlying principles that govern the multiverse, many seek truths that would yield god-like power. Through a particular process of blending and manipulating elements and materials, a modicum of the innate potential of the multiverse is revealed; sometimes taking years or lifetimes to uncover. Alchemists cling to these truths as they do their own lives, learning as they experiment and grow in experience.

In most parts of the world, Alchemists are few and far between, however most large cities are likely to have at least one alchemist shop or resident alchemist. The prices are often steep, but the product is well worth the price. Their scarcity makes their expertise valuable and their inventory of magical items even more important.

An alchemist is frequently an elf, changeling, metamorphized dragon, or another long-lived creature. A human alchemist will always be quite elderly. The prerequisites for becoming an alchemist are extremely taxing and usually requires decades of study in several fields of magic and scholarly pursuits. The study of racial histories, biology, mathematics, chemistry, medicine, herbology, the supernatural, all lore’s, literacy in Elven, Dwarven, Runes and ancient languages and tongues, the recording and study of legends, myths and rumors (especially when regarding magic abilities, artifacts and related), identifying and interpreting magic items and enchantments, and, most importantly, the combinations of magics (making components, potions, fumes, etc.), are all part of the alchemist’s decades of study, knowledge and skill. Most humans, wolfen and similarly short-live beings (under 100 years) don’t master alchemy until quite old (50+ years) and is way beyond the realistic aspirations of any “player” character.

The secrets of the alchemist are jealously guarded, as are his possessions, magic components, and magic items and weapons for resale. Diaries, notebooks, ancient writings (books and scrolls), difficult to come by components like dragon bones, rune weapons, holy swords and other special, rare or expensive item’s will ALWAYS be locked away and heavily warded. A standard ward combination is: alarm sound, followed by protection by infliction of blind, death, death, and death; all area affect and set to go off simultaneously or sequentially. In either case, players must roll for each individual ward. Of course, less lethal combinations are possible, but alchemists usually don’t fool around when it comes to protecting their special possessions.

Besides their wards, the alchemist is likely to have a totally loyal and powerful assistant like an ogre, troll, loogaroo, faerie, pixie, demon, high level warrior(s), practitioner of magic, etc., as a bodyguard and/or assistant. Many favor an invisible or unobtrusive watchdog such as an elemental, shadow beast or demon – and usually more than one. Something players forget is that if this character sells all this powerful magic stuff he’s probably wearing or using some powerful magic items himself and has some tough assistants and guardians quietly working in the back room. Consequently, it is pure folly to try to steal from, trick or attack an alchemist, especially in his own shop.

Special Abilities of the Alchemist:

In addition to the Powers, spells and abilities aquired in their journey to become an Alchemist they have the following special abilities which are cumulative to what they already can do.

  1. Scroll Conversion (to spell invocation): 98%.
  2. Power Words: Knows all known power words (as previously described). According to myth and legend, other power words may exist, but have been forgotten or lost to antiquity.
  3. Literacy: Runes: The Alchemist is proficient at reading, understanding and writing in the ancient rune alphabet; 93% +1% per level of experience. This knowledge also enables the character to identify authentic rune weapons and whether it's a lesser, greater or greatest weapon.
  4. Mystic Symbology: Mystic symbology is the study of ancient and modern magic symbols, most of which are known or used by secret organizations, sects, and societies. These secret symbols include mystic symbols, swords, arrows, animals, stones, and colors (see illustrations). Alchemists recognize, understand and use all of these symbols. Mystic symbols are particularly significant as they are the magic symbols used in the creation of magic circles. However, mystic symbols are also used by the Alchemist and other practitioners of magic as a pictographic secret language. Frequently, practitioners of magic mark a place of magic or danger with a mystic symbol as a warning of what lays ahead. Incorporating mystic symbols with runes and other symbols can create an effective alphabet similar to hieroglyphics. Or they can be combined with other written languages and cryptography to create a writing impossible for most people to read — a common approach used by Alchemists who keep journals or diaries. Neither mystic symbols or most other symbols (including ward symbols) possess any inherent magical properties; they are simply a method of communication. Only runes are inherently magic in nature.
  5. See and Use Ley lines: The Alchemist can see powerful magic energy emanating from the earth in a straight line. These lines of energy are known as ley lines. Where two or more ley lines intersect is a more powerful ley line nexus. The Alchemist recognizes these lines and junctions as places of power where he or she can draw on additional P.P.E. and where spells and powers are increased. Ley lines are natural lines of mystic (P.P.E.) energy that crisscross parts of the planet and bind together all things in the Megaverse. Only practitioners of magic and most creatures of magic can see the gentle flow of magic energy. See the Magic section for more details. The Alchemist can also see mystic energy radiating from incredibly powerful creatures, such as ancient dragons, demon and deevil lords, and godlings and gods, as well as the most powerful magic items, like the weapons of the gods and greater rune weapons.
  6. ley line Drifting: The Alchemist can open himself to the ley line energies and walk or float through the air along the length of a ley line. The maximum speed is a mere Spd 10, but it is relaxing and does not cause exertion or fatigue. Best of all, the mage does not need to expend any personal P.P.E. to do this, but draws on the ambient P.P.E. of the ley line. Applicable only to the Alchemist, he cannot magically enable others to float along with him.
  7. Ley Line Rejuvenation: When standing on a ley line or nexus, the Alchemist can absorb ley line energy to double the rate of natural healing. To do this, the character must concentrate on healing while relaxing on a ley line. The Alchemist can also use a ley line or nexus to perform an instant rejuvenation as often as once every 24 hours. After about 10 minutes of concentration, 2D6 hit points and 2D6 S.D.C. are magically restored; no personal P.P.E. is expended to do this. Ley line rejuvenation restores P.P.E. at the normal rate.
  8. Recognize Enchantment: Just as a doctor can recognize flu symptoms and disease, the Alchemist can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes, or otherwise causes mind control (including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc.). This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 60% +5% per level of experience.
  9. Recognize Magic: The Alchemist can recognize a magic item by shape, inscription, magic symbols or intuition (gut feeling). It is important to understand that while the character may know something has magical properties, he does not know what powers the item may have or how to use it, unless it is written in runes or mystic symbols.
  10. Recognize & Understand Magic Circles: As scholars of symbols and mysterious languages, Alchemists are naturally curious about magic circles. Highly knowledgeable in regard to symbology and skilled in cryptography, a Alchemist has a good chance of deciphering the exact function and operation of a circle. Whenever a magic circle is discovered, a clever ALchemist will draw a diagram of it in his note book, paying special attention to components and clues that will hint at its purpose. By studying the symbols, he is likely to discern the circle's purpose and function. Consequently, all Alchemists have a comprehensive knowledge of circle magic. This means they can identify magic circles, tell what the circle is supposed to do, whether or not the circle is active, and how to use it.
  11. Ward knowledge: All wards in addition the ALchemist is so attuned to wards that he can sense magic energy radiating from them. This enables the Alchemist to tell whether or not a ward or ward phrase is active and waiting to be triggered or powerless. Base Skill: 98%
  12. Crafting of Magic Items: The ALchemist is a master in the crafting and enchantment of items. Base Skill: 75% +5% per level of experience.
  13. Alchemy: As a student of alchemical science, the Alchemists ingenuity and skill as a craftsman drive his power. The power of alchemy is not solely derived from magic, but from the underlying structures and principles that govern the multiverse. Using these principles, he can combine components of the world into alchemical creations and has the skills and talent necessary to develop magical chemicals. With creativity, spells, occult texts, and his scientific skills the character can develop magic potions (or powders, foods, or poisons) based one of his spells or special magic formulas. The alchemist need only prepeare the magically receptive substance, then channel the proper kind of magic energy into it! He can also use this skill to analyze something both magically and chemically, and even learn how to recreate it. It is also possible to invent new kinds of potions and compounds with this skill.
    • Duration of effects: Almost all extended- effect potions have a duration of ten melees (two and a half minutes) per level of experience. An alchemist can purposely make a potion with a shorter duration than is maximally possible. Sleep, pain relief, aphrodesiacs, etc. should last about 1d6 hours or possibly two hours per level of the alchemist.
      Analyzing a magic potion: Both for informational purposes and for determining an alchemal formula. This takes a skill roll at -2% per level of the spell(s) in the potion. Failure means the formula has a flaw and won't work properly, or that the information gotten is misinterpreted. Analysis takes a hour per level of the spell(s) in the potion or compound. Each attempt to get information about something (duration, effect, type of magic, etc.) requires one analysis attempt.
    • Developing a new potion formula: There is a -5% penalty imposed for each level of the spell(s) being made into a potion, plus some spells may not be able to be put into potion form (like most illusion spells, for example). Again, failure means the formula has a flaw and doesn't work properly. Original creations (a mixture spells and effects) are possible, but obviously more difficult. It takes a week of research per level of the spell being transmuted into potion form to get the alchemal formula.
    • Creating a single potion or compound: This requires four hours of work per level of the spell (so three first level potions could be made in a day, and one 15th level potion in a week's time). The magic energy cost to enchant the potion should be equal to the total P.P.E. needed to cast all the spells in the potion. The creation of a potion based on a spell the character knows generally costs 100 gold (or credits) per level in components, maybe more depending on the GM's decisions. Developing a unique potion or compound: Eventually, a player will want to make something that isn't based on spell magic. It isn't a requirement that alchemal substances be specific spells , but itis a little easier to work with. If possible, find whatever spells are most similar to the desired potion's effect and base the costs and success rolls from them. Unique alchemal formulas will obviously require unique ingredients. An Agony potion could need venom from a poisonous supernatural creature, an Impervious to Fire potion might need powdered fire dragon scales or fire worm juice, etc.
    • Altering an existing alchemal formula: Increasing the damage and extending the duration are the usual ways of improvement. Modifying the alchemal formula for 25% more damage/ healing/ penalties or 50% more duration than the basic formula imposes a -15% penalty (so getting 50% more duration and 50% more penalties from that Agony potion would cause a -60% to the skill roll). Reducing the alchemal formula for 25% less damage/ healing/ penalties or 50% less duration than the basic formula has a +3% bonus per alteration attempted. It is possible, though difficult, to make a potion last longer and hit harder than the alchemist is normally capable of.
    Base Skill: 65% , plus 5% per level.
  14. Magic Bonuses: +24 to save vs magic plus +1 at level four , ten and, fifteen; +4 to save vs horror factor,+2 to save vs horror factor at levels two, four, seven and ten, +3 to save vs possession and mind control of all kinds. and is impervious to their own wards. Spell strength 14 +1 at levels two, four, eight, twelve and fifteen. Ward strength: 15: +1 at levels five, ten and fifteen. Circle Strength:16. The Summoner can add +1 to his circle strength at levels four and eleven.
  15. P.P.E. Base: In addition to whatever PPE they have already aquired add 6D6x10+40 +3d6 per level thereafter. The Alchemist can also draw on P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, blood sacrifices and other people whenever they are available.

Alchemical Academies

While the study of alchemy is ancient. there are very few places dedicated to its complex study. Though the effects are magical, the process of alchemy is quite different from spellcasting and makes cooperation difficult with certain scholars of the arcane. In some Kingdoms, academies have been established where an alchemist might study. In others a university or another institution may offer studies geared to the craft, though their focus of study nearly always falls within the realm of more traditional scientific endeavours.

The Alchemist O.C.C.

Class Requirements: The alchemist is a multiple OCC character. To become one, the character MUST be at least a 10th level Wizard, 10th level Diabolist/Summonerand 10th Level in some other form of Magic before studying the finer arts of alchemy, medicine, herbology, math, etc.
Attribute Requirements: A minimum of IQ 14, ME: 14, PP: 12 and PE: 12; higher is better and commonplace among these mages
Alignment: An alchemist can be of any alignment, but most tend to be anarchist, miscreant and aberrant.
Gender: Male or Female
Race: Any
Religion: The character can be a follower of any religion or god(s), but most are not very religious.
Affiliations: The alchemist is likely to have powerful friends and enemies. Kings, lords, merchants, palladins, knights, priests, healers, other practitioners of magic, dragons, demons, creatures of magic and adventurers may be included in both categories. Most of these mages are generally obsessed with amassing great fortunes, magic and knowledge. They seldom concern themselves with politics, churches, or causes, good or evil.
Money: The Alchemist starts with 14,000- 30,000 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty. Availability of Alchemists & Magic Items: These magic brokers are comparatively uncommon with rarely more than one or two alchemists in a city or town. There are seldom more than 1-4 alchemists in the largest cities. As for the availability of magic items in any given campaign, that will depend on the wealth or luck of the player characters, geographic location (there aren't any magic shops in the middle of a wilderness or at a peasant farm community), and the Game Master.

Price Note: Most alchemists hate to dicker and will seldom reduce a price more than 5-10%. Those who pester, criticize or complain will find themselves magically removed from the store, and may not be welcomed back — being removed each and every time, or worse. Exceptions may be considered for characters known to be heroes facing some terrible danger that the alchemist sympathizes with, or when the characters are doing a service for the mage. Under these circumstances, there may suddenly be a greater discount, as much as 40% below list price.

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