The Diabolist

The Diabolist is sometimes called the "Magic Scribe" because of his proficiency in language, the written word, and symbols.

He is also sometimes known as the "Silent Mage" because he is the most secretive and least flamboyant of the practitioners of magic — the use of wards does not require theatrics, spoken incantations or lengthy rituals, only the quiet making of written or carved symbols and their activation, often with only a few spoken words. The mage can be a person dedicated to the study of words, wards, runes, language, cryptography, history, and their application to magic. Their knowledge lies in dusty tomes, arcane symbols, wards, and circles. Diabolists are obsessed with the study of all symbols; a symbol being any shape, design, image, or sound that confers a specific meaning. Consequently, they are excellent linguists, cryptographers, and scholars.

Only Diabolists know the secrets of ward magic, runes, and all symbols. They also have a fundamental knowledge of circle magic which enables them to tell whether a circle is active and what it can do.

Arrogant and foolish men of arms often chide the Diabolist as being a helpless and puny adventurer who is more of a liability than an asset. He cannot cast spells like a wizard or warlock, nor command a demon minion like the Diabolist or witch, and most have only the most basic fighting skills. It is true that in a pitched battle, the Diabolist may be at something of a disadvantage, but on an adventure in foreign lands and ancient ruins (especially places of magic), or given the time to defend a strategic position, the Diabolist can be the most valuable member of any group. The character can recognize and read inscriptions, warnings, and instructions written in a number of languages —including ancient runes and mystic symbols; recognize dangerous or helpful magic circles, identify real wards and determine whether they are energized; identify real rune weapons and many magic items by the symbols inscribed on them; read books of magic and ancient tomes, locate secret passages, and speak a number of different languages — and these are his abilities that don't actually involve magic forces! The Diabolist can create and activate wards to set magical traps and alarms, for defending an encampment, strategic position, or valuable possessions, or to interrogate a prisoner. Furthermore, the Diabolist can read and use most magic scrolls as well as an activated circle!

Power Words

Power words are the basis behind all areas of magic study, whether they are weaved into a spoken incantation or used to activate a ward or circle. Only creatures of magic, gods, and other supernatural beings may possess innate magic powers, often in addition to the study of one or more of the mystic arts. When a power word is spoken, there is an invisible ripple of magic energy that transcends both space and time, allowing the person invoking the power word to tap directly into mystic energies. Where the magic energy that permeates from ley lines and emanates from most living beings originates, or why the speaking of a mere word (combined with force of will) enables the speaker to draw upon and direct the energy, is a mystery to even the most powerful wizards and oldest gods. If any being holds the answers, it is the Old Ones. Most practitioners of magic simply accept that it is true and use the energy as they see fit.

Those who oppose the practice of magic claim therein lies the danger: for no one knows what mysterious forces are put into action each time a spell is cast, or a ward activated. Is it harmless energy, does every use of magic contribute to some unforeseen force, building toward a disastrous chain reaction that could destroy the entire world? Some fear that magic energy is drawn from the slumbering Old Ones, and that the use of magic will one day awaken them from their enchanted sleep, signaling the world's end. If true (most practitioners of magic insist otherwise), then all sorcerers are the unwitting agents of Armageddon, for the Old Ones are the embodiment of all that is evil. Despite the fears harbored by some, magic proliferates in the world.

Power words are a guarded secret known only to practitioners of magic (see each specific magic O.C.C. to determine the full range of the mage's knowledge, and each specific ward description for the proper power word that activates it). Only the Diabolist and Summoner know all (known) power words. For the Diabolist, they are key components for the creation of wards, instilling the arcane symbols with mystic energy.

A Diabolist will not reveal power words to other people, including other magic O.C.C.s, and may even hesitate to teach them to an apprentice. Much like the wizard, Diabolists rarely preserve their secrets of magic in writing — it would be too easy for someone to steal. Although a Diabolist often keeps journals written in runes and full of enigmatic symbols and annotations, power words are not among them. Likewise, important notes and data are often written in code or combined with symbols that reveal little to those uneducated in the study of such things. Frequently, key portions of a magic ward or bit of information will be omitted from descriptive notes and formulas, having been committed to memory.


Simple Words

  • Acba: Invokes power/mystic energy.
  • Keron: Devil lord (?), symbolizes evil and darkness.
  • Pein: Demon lord (?), symbolizes evil and darkness.
  • Yin: A linking word like "and," "or" "also."

Elemental Words of Power

  • Ariel-Rapere-kyn: earth
  • Cherubot-kyn: air
  • Seraph-mytyn: fire
  • Tharsis-mycn: water

Power Words of Force

  • Agu: An Old One; the word symbolizes life, birth, and rebirth.
  • Erva: An Old One; symbolizes death and darkness.
  • Kym-nark-mar: A dragon; symbolizes wisdom, power, and strength.
  • Lictalon: An Elven wizard; symbolizes duality and knowledge.
  • Lo-kum: An angel; symbolizes transition, dimensions, and change.
  • Netosa: An Old One; symbolizes suffering, undead, and eternity.
  • Tao-bo: An angel; symbolizes love, peace, and serenity.
  • Tarm-kin-toe: An Old One; symbolizes pain, hate, and treachery.
  • Xy: The Great Old One! The word symbolizes power incarnate.
  • Ya-ahk-met: An Old One; symbolizes power and light.
  • Ya-blik: An Old One; symbolizes fear, betrayal, and pestilence.

The Secrets of Runes

Literacy: Runes: Even at first level, the Scribe Mage is proficient at reading, understanding and writing in the ancient rune alphabet; 88% +1% per level of experience. This knowledge also enables the character to identify authentic rune weapons and whether it's a lesser, greater or greatest weapon.

According to the Tristine Chronicles and other writings, runes were created by the dread Old Ones. Once the greatest of all magics, the secrets of rune magic now lost. According to most historians, the dwarves were the last Rune Masters, and even they held only the coveted knowledge of making the fabled rune sword and other incredible rune weapons. Even at the end of the Elf-Dwarf War, ten thousand years ago, many of the secrets of rune magic were already lost, although their legends persist. It is known that runes were used to enslave living beings to create the indestructible rune weapons, but according to legends, runes were not limited to the creation of weapons alone. It is said that magic helmets and entire suits of rune armor once existed. Other weapons and devices were also said to have been empowered by runes. Legends claim that Xy built a megalithic throne cut from the wall of a mountain and covered it in runes — whomever sits on the throne (and survives) commands the powers of the gods (the throne has never been found). There are even tales of living magic circles devised by the Old Ones, inscribed with runes, and said to be empowered by the entrapped life essences and souls of living beings (no such circle has ever been discovered).

Over the millennia, the few remaining secrets of rune magic have been systematically destroyed and are believed to be lost forever, or so the Tristine Chronicles proclaims. This is the result of the efforts of the dwarven and elven survivors of the Great War, who spent decades purging the world of all "dark" magics. They believed rune magic to be detrimental to all life, so not only were its secrets destroyed and its practitioners eliminated, but tens of thousands of the ancient weapons were destroyed, hidden, buried, and magically transported to desolate places on other worlds.

Today, it is impossible to make a rune weapon. All remaining rune weapons and devices are ancient and fetch prices well into the tens of thousands in gold. The most powerful weapons can cost a king's ransom and are coveted not only by powerful warriors, knights, and kings, but by demon lords, ancient dragons, and the gods! Only the rune alphabet and a few rune symbols have survived into the present age of man. Even these fragments are closely guarded secrets known only to the Diabolist, and the occasional god and ancient creature of magic. To most others, they are meaningless dots and scratches. The best most other practitioners of magic can do is recognize a true rune when they see it. The Diabolist, on the other hand, can read and write in the rune alphabet with genuine expertise. Consequently, the rune alphabet is used by Diabolists as a secret language.

Although the magic secrets behind the runes remain a mystery, Diabolists have made several discoveries (which they keep to themselves). Even the simple act of writing runes invokes some sort of magic. Like power words, the rune letters and symbols are things of magic in and of themselves! All runes, whether written or carved in any substance, possess a magic aura. Consequently, any runic writings will radiate with weak magic energy, although no expenditure of P.P.E. is necessary to create/write them. Even words scratched in the dirt will radiate of magic until they are wiped away.

One of the greatest discoveries has been that writing runes in pure silver on parchment paper will make the runes and the parchment they are written on completely indestructible! Not blade, fire or force can destroy parchment written in silver runes. Books written thus are impervious to the ravages of time. Yet, writing silver runes on any other substance, object or person does not make it invulnerable — only parchment.

Diabolists dream of the day they can unlock the ancient secrets of these magic symbols and become the new experts in rune magic. However, it seems apparent that its secrets are not concealed in the letters and symbols of the rune alphabet; literally hundreds of thousands of people of all races have tried to unravel their secrets without success for thousands of years. Dwarves insist the world is better without this magic; elves agree.

Some silly notes about indestructible paper:

Although runes are ideal for preserving or protecting books only other Diabolists can read rune writings. Of course, a single silver rune letter will make the parchment page indestructible (there must be at least one letter on every page of a book). The indestructible page can be written on with ordinary ink, paint, and graphite. However, these ordinary materials will age, fade and crumble with the ravages of time and can be physically marred, burnt off, scraped, or scrubbed away, etc.

Recognize Rune Etches: The Diabolist has a certain percentage chance to recognize recognise the Lesser Rune etches of the Elves and Dwarves. Note Although considered to be lesser runes the etches are vastly different. Rune magic melds the living, or at least the life essence of the living, to empower lifeless, inorganic constructs. This is not the case with Rune Etches which are melded the very essence of the magical weave, empowering each etch. This process does not work on the greater Runes as these require far more energy and sacrifice. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience (+20% if the Diabolist is Elven). See Rune Etch descriptions and illustrations in the magic section.

Inevitably, some brain surgeon in the player group will produce the ingenious idea of weaving, molding and gluing parchment adorned in silver runes into indestructible, lightweight armor. However, such clever schemes simply do not work. The parchment still has the consistency and mass of ordinary paper, so it is soft and flexible. Consequently, as armor, this soft, flimsy substance cannot protect somebody from the force of a blow. Although the paper itself is not damaged, stabbing attacks will jab and puncture the person behind the paper armor (half damage), while blunt weapons, whips, and even ordinary punches and kicks will inflict full damage! Furthermore, while the magic parchment does not burn, the intense heat of fire still hurts and burns the person clad in the paper armor (half damage for the first 1D4 melee rounds, full damage thereafter).

Another problem is with the materials used to bind the sheets of parchment together and which are not transformed into indestructible materials. This means the glues and threads are vulnerable to heat, cold, fire, water, solvents, wear, cutting, and all the usual things that damage or tear them apart. Thus, a book (or an idiot's paper armor) should be sewn and/or glued together before the silver rune is inscribed on the page. Once the parchment is transformed, it is impossible to cut or poke a hole in the material, and glues are not as effective (half as durable). Furthermore, paper armor or clothing is stiff, uncomfortable, and extremely noisy as the paper crunches with every movement (-1 to strike, parry, and dodge, -15% to prowl, -5% on climb, swim, gymnastic and acrobatic skills).

As mentioned previously, the armor offers no protection against flame/heat or cold and looks ridiculous. No self-respecting diabolist will consent to making such a suit unless he/she is paid a great deal of money (30,000 in gold or more, for a suit that is effectively useless). Layering sheets of rune paper underneath a suit of armor is equally ineffective, uncomfortable, and noisy. Sails and paper barriers have the same problem with the vulnerability and weakness of the binding agents, and the stiffness of the paper does not catch the wind like can- vas sails. Likewise, an indestructible sheet of paper cannot be used to cut, scrape, or be rolled in a funnel or tube and used to strike or stab an opponent (no damage).

Literacy - Runes: Even at first level, the Scribe Mage is proficient at reading, understanding, and writing in the ancient rune alphabet; 88% +1% per level of experience. This knowledge also enables the character to identify authentic rune weapons and whether it's a lesser, greater or greatest weapon.

Mystic Symbology:

Mystic symbology is the study of ancient and modern magic symbols, most of which are known or used by secret organizations, sects, and societies. These secret symbols include mystic symbols, swords, arrows, animals, stones, and colors. Diabolists recognize, understand and use all of these symbols. Mystic symbols are particularly significant as they are the magic symbols used in the creation of magic circles. However, mystic symbols are also used by the Diabolist and other practitioners of magic as a pictographic secret language. Frequently, practitioners of magic mark a place of magic or danger with a mystic symbol as a warning of what lays ahead. Incorporating mystic symbols with runes and other symbols can create an effective alphabet similar to hieroglyphics. Or they can be combined with other written languages and cryptography to create a writing impossible for most people to read — a common approach used by Diabolists who keep journals or diaries. Neither mystic symbols or most other symbols (including ward symbols) possess any inherent magical properties; they are simply a method of communication. Only runes are inherently magic in nature. See the illustrations of the symbols in the Magic Section. Base Skill: 90% +1% per level of experience.

Circle Magic

Understanding, creation and use all types of circles: The Diabolist is an expert in circle magic and knows all protection and summoning circles. However, the Diabolist starts with no power circles. These powerful magic devices must be acquired over time. Power circles can be occasionally purchased from an alchemist, provided as a reward from a king, sorcerer, demon lord or god, or forced out of a supernatural being or other Diabolist. However, most power circles are learned by finding drawn circles or ancient drawings or text of circles that the Diabolist can study and decipher into a working circle.

Deciphering Circles:

Whenever a previously unknown magic circle is discovered, a Diabolist will draw a diagram of it in his notebook, paying special attention to components and clues that will hint at the circle's function. By studying the symbols, he is likely to discern the circle's purpose and the components needed, but formulating exactly how it works is much more difficult and dangerous. Once the Diabolist believes he has unravelled the mystery of the circle, he can find out if he is correct only by creating it and invoking the power words he believes are necessary. It is the determination of the power words which is the most difficult pieces of the puzzle in deciphering a circle, because they must be surmised from the circle's purpose, symbols and components. Each time a player wants to discover if his character has deduced the correct creation/invocation of a circle, he must actually create the circle and attempt to activate it with his power word sequence. Then and only then does the G.M. allow the player to roll percentile dice for a successful deciphering of the circle. Base Skill: 20% +4% per level of experience. If the roll is a success, the circle will function exactly as it should. If the roll is unsuccessful, the character has not deciphered the correct circle invocation and must roll on the following table for likely reactions.

Incorrect Circle Invocation Table
01-10 Small explosion, 3D6 damage to every person in the circle.
11-20 Big explosion, 6D6 damage to a 20 foot (6 m) radius.
21-25 The Diabolist is drained of all P.P.E. and feels physically drained; -10% on skill performance and -1 on initiative.
26-30 Teleports the Diabolist 50 miles (80 km) away.
31-35 Temporarily blinds the Circle Master for 3D6x10 minutes.
36-40 Suffers from a terrible hallucination that lasts for 6D6 minutes.
45-50 Summons a gargoyle, gurgoyle or lesser entity.
51-55 Summons a lesser demon who is not happy to be called upon.
56-60 Summons a lesser deevil who is not happy to be called upon.
61-65 Memory loss! For 1D4 days, the Diabolist cannot remember who he is or anything about circles and symbols, but he will be able to perform other skills as normal.
66-70 The Diabolist (and anybody else in the circle) is struck by paralysis for 2D4x10 minutes.
71-75 Turns self invisible or into mist and cannot turn back to normal for 1D4 hours.
76-80 Berserker rampage! The Diabolist attacks everyone encountered over the next 6D6 minutes.
81-00 No reaction whatsoever. Wrong power words or components (or insufficient P.P.E.); keep trying to decipher its secrets.

Circle Strength: The base save against magic circles (ritual magic) is 16. The Diabolist can add +1 to his circle strength at levels seven and fourteen.

Note: Incorrect circle invocations will react differently each time the character tries to use the circle.

It is often asked if players or G.M.s can add new circles and symbols to the ones presented. Of course you can, but be extremely careful to maintain game balance. The ones presented in the Palladium Fantasy RPG have been carefully designed and thoroughly play-tested for balance. The inclusion of a new circle could very easily imbalance a good game. Also remember that circle magic is a lost art. This means that there is likely to be a number not generally known even by these Circle Masters, but it also means that circle magic is uncommon and a previously unknown circle is an extremely rare find. One will NOT discover a new circle in every ancient temple or ruin he visits!

Identify Energized Wards: The character is so attuned to wards that he can sense magic energy radiating from them. This enables the Diabolist to tell whether a ward or ward phrase is active and waiting to be triggered or powerless. Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience; half when trying to sense which wards in a ward sequence are still potent and dangerous. The character gets only one try. A failed roll means he is not sure whether the ward is energized.


All practitioners of magic are living batteries of mystic energy. The character draws from this energy to create and use magic circles. Permanent P.P.E. Base: 3D6x10 plus the P.E. attribute number. Add 2D6 P.P.E. per each level of experience, starting at level one. The Diabolist can also draw on P.P.E. from ley lines, nexus points, blood sacrifices and other people whenever they are available. See the Magic section for details.

To empowered circles with magic, the proper power words must be spoken and sufficient P.P.E. points expended. Because most circles require high amounts of P.P.E., the Diabolist must often make his circles at or near ley lines and nexus points, or use blood sacrifices. The problem often becomes that the creature being sacrificed must have a great deal of P.P.E., such as a supernatural being or creature of magic. Remember, the P.P.E. momentarily doubles at the moment of death, so a creature with 30 P.P.E. will have 60 at the moment of death. Common animals with high P.P.E. used for blood sacrifice include the catoblepa (1D4x10 P.P.E.), chimera (3D4x10), and gryphon (1D6x10). Intelligent beings commonly used for sacrifice includes the cockatrice (5D6x10 P.P.E.), drakin (1D4x10), dragon wolf (2D4x10), emirin (1D4x10), faerie folk, loogaroo (1D4x10 plus those gained from a magic O.C.C.), Maxpary (1D4x10), pegasus (2D4x10), sphinx (3D4x10 plus P.P.E. gained from a pursuit of a magic O.C.C.), Sun Devil (2D4x10), unicorn (4D6x10 P.P.E.), Wing Tips (1D4x10) as well as the occasional dragon hatchling, ki-lin, sphinx, lesser demons and practitioners of magic!

Read Scrolls:

Diabolists cannot decipher scrolls to learn spell magic, but they can read and use most scrolls.

Use Wards: Diabolist learns the ward symbols and power words during a four to six year apprenticeship with an established Diabolist. The apprentice is taught the fundamentals of cryptography, study habits, how to read and write, and the manufacturing of adhesives and components. The apprentice in return, cooks, cleans, prepares components, and performs any other chores, labors and responsibilities his teacher may impose. Long, hard hours of exhaustive work followed by extensive studies are the apprentice's daily regimen. As a reward, one new ward symbol is taught to him every month or two and one power word every three months, starting with the simplest — colors, numbers, alarms, etc. Most major ward symbols are learned last

Identify Energized Wards: The character is so attuned to wards that he can sense magic energy radiating from them. This enables the Diabolist to tell whether or not a ward or ward phrase is active and waiting to be triggered or powerless. Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience; half when trying to sense which wards in a ward sequence are still potent and dangerous. The character gets only one try. A failed roll means he's not sure whether or not the ward is energized.

Recognize Enchantment:

Just as a doctor can recognize flu symptoms and disease, the Diabolist can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes, or otherwise causes mind control (including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc.). This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience.

Recognize Magic: The mage has a certain percentage chance to recognize a magic item by shape, inscription, magic symbols, or intuition (gut feeling). It is important to understand that while the character may know something has magical properties, he does not know what powers the item may have or how to use it, unless it is written in runes or mystic symbols. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience (+20% if magic symbols or runes are involved).

Magic Bonuses: +1 to save vs magic at levels two. five. ten. And fifteen; +3 to save vs horror factor and is impervious to their own wards. Ward strength: The number others must save against when they activate one of the character's wards: +1 at levels five, ten and fifteen Starts at 14. The number of wards or "ward phrases" that can be energized:

  1. First level: One per P.E. attribute point per 24-hour period.
  2. Third Level: Two per P.E. attribute point per 24 hours.
  3. Ninth Level: Three per P.E. point per 24 hours.
  4. Fifteenth Level: Four per P.E. point per 24-hour period.

Diabolists & Armor Like the wizards and most characters who are not men at arms, the use of heavy armor is uncomfortable and awkward: -15% to prowl and -20% to climb/scale walls or swim in full splint or plate armor, -10% t prowl, swim or climb in chain or scale mail, and -5% in studded leather. However, unlike the wizards, the magic of the Scribe Mage is not hampered by wearing armor, provided that the character touches each ward with his bare hand when energizing it and invoking the power words.

The Diabolist O.C.C.

Alignment: Any

Attribute requirements: I.Q. 12 or higher. A high P.E. is also strongly recommended but is not a requirement.

O.C.C. Skills:

  • Art (+10%)
  • Cryptography (+20%)
  • Languages: Native Tongue at 98%
  • Language: Three of choice (+20% each)
  • Literacy: Elven 98%
  • Literacy: Two of choice (+20%)
  • Lore: One of choice (+15%)
  • Mathematics: Basic (+25%)
  • Sculpt & Whittling (+20%)
  • W.P. One of choice
  • Hand to hand: basic can be selected at the cost of one "other" skill, or hand to hand: expert for the cost of two "other" skills. Martial arts and assassin are not available to this O.C.C.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills at level 1 , plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency.

    • Communications: Any (+15%)
    • Domestic: Any
    • Espionage: Forgery (+10%) and Intelligence (+5%) only.
    • Horsemanship: General or Exotic Only.
    • Labour: Any
    • Magical/Religious: Any (+10%)
    • Medical: Any (+15%)
    • Military: Heraldry and Interrogation only (both are +5%).
    • Naval: Any
    • Performing Arts: Any (+10%)
    • Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics & Wrestling.
    • Rogue: Any
    • Science: Any (+10%)
    • Scholar/Noble/Technical: Any (+15%)
    • Weapon Proficiencies: Any, except Large Axes, Pole Arms and Lance.
    • Wilderness: Any (+5%)

    Secondary Skills: Choose 4 at level 1, plus 1 per level starting at level 2. All new skills start at Lvl. one proficiency. These are additional areas of knowledge that don't get the O.C.C. bonus.

    Starting Equipment:

    Two sets of clothing, a cape or cloak with or without a hood, boots, belt, bedroll, backpack, a medium-sized to large purse/satchel, five small sacks, two medium sacks, a water skin, six glass vials with cork tops, 1D6 candles, a pound (0.45 kg) of bee's wax, a half pound (0.23 kg) of clear wax, 4D4 ounces of gold dust, 4D4 ounces of silver dust, 4D4 ounces of sawdust, 4D sheets of parchment paper, a 100 page notebook made of parchment, three crow quill pens, eight paint brushes (various sizes), three small mixing bowls, a small kettle or brazier, two bottles of ink (each may be a different color), 1D4 sticks of graphite, 1D4 sticks of calk, two whittling knives, a set of wood carving tools, grinding tools, a small mirror, and a tinder box.


    Starts with soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).


    Two weapons of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. Magic weapons and additional items must be acquired later. Favorite weapons among Diabolists include the knife, throwing knives and small axes/hatchets, swords (large and small), staves, and the cross bow.


    The character starts with 130 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered and/or the acquisition of booty. Diabolists are often sought to provide magic alarms, protec- tion and defenses of places, vaults, secret chambers, and items of value. Royalty, merchants, and guild houses are among their most common employers. Pay can be excellent, varying from 50-300 gold per ward, more for high level wards. Diabolists are also sought for written and spoken, common and arcane, and thus often find employment as translators and scribes.

    Diabolist Experiance Table

    34,361 -8,720
    48,721 - 17,100
    626,201 - 36,300
    1098,601 - 137,700
    11137,701- 184,800
    12184,801 -233,000
    13233,001 -284,200
    14284,201 - 336,300
    15336,301 - 396,400

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